455 research outputs found

    Propuesta de método de resolución de problemas matemáticos en educación primaria

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017Con el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se pretende proponer una alternativa de resolución de problemas matemáticos con el fin de conseguir beneficios en dichas tareas. Para ello se muestra un estudio sobre los diferentes autores y métodos más significativos en este asunto a lo largo de la historia de las matemáticas. A partir de esta investigación, se han seleccionado los puntos más destacados de cada modelo y se ha elaborado una nueva propuesta de método de resolución de problemas matemáticos. Cabe señalar que podemos observar dos ejemplificaciones de esta propuesta por medio de dos situaciones problemáticas orientadas a quinto curso de Educación Primaria. Dicha propuesta no ha sido llevada a la práctica, por tanto solamente es una sugerencia de actuación sin saber su valor real

    Spanish research groups on Economy and Management: a network analysis approach

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    The aim of this article is to study the evolution of the Spanish research groups on Economy and Management. Due to subject headings lists are considered to be insufficient and inflexible to describe relationship between sciences, the authors develop a method to link journals from the SSCI depending on their subjects on this thematic area. The application of social network analysis to retrieval information in a multidisciplinary database has been demonstrate as very helpful to represent interdisciplinarity in a knowledge area, in particular the Social Science Citation Index. Secondly, a network is created based on co-authorship from the Spanish articles provided on this database and represented for three periods: 1992-1996, 1997-2001 and 2002-2006. The use bibliometric indicators as main attributes of nodes in the network analysis have been helpful to identify equivalent positions, actors who show the same role within each graph

    The use of media in the Spanish classroom and the effect it has on learning motivation : the example of music

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    Este trabajo Fin de Máster es una revisión bibliográfica en la rama de estudio de la didáctica de ELE que busca determinar si se considera o no la presentación de input a través de la cultura en las clases de español y el trabajo a partir de esta misma, además, busca analizar si existe una relación entre este elemento cultural y el aumento de la motivación de los aprendientes. Para ello se exhibe, a través de la bibliografía seleccionada, la consideración general de las producciones culturales en el aula de ELE y, específicamente, de la música; al mismo tiempo que se atiende a la relación de estos elementos con la motivación y el efecto en la misma. También se contemplan múltiples posibles vías de desarrollo o de investigación que podrían generarse a partir de este trabajo.Máster Universitario en Formación de Profesores de Español (M057). Especialidad en Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjer


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    [ES] El diseño de packaging de una marca influye de manera significativa en la experiencia del consumidor ya sea por su color, forma o textura. No obstante, las pequeñas empresas desconocen esta información y no tienen elaborado un packaging asociado a su actividad o lo tienen diseñado de manera deficiente. El objetivo de este TFG es mejorar la relación cliente/producto de la marca "La Folie", a partir de un diseño de packaging y la creación de su propia experiencia unboxing. El trabajo cuenta con una parte de análisis e investigación, y otra parte de desarrollo práctico en el que se lleva a cabo una propuesta de diseño para la empresa.[EN] The packaging design of a brand exerts a significant influence on consumer¿s experience, whether due to its color, shape or texture. However, small businesses are unaware of this information and have not developed packaging associated with their activity, or have it poorly designed. The objective of this TFG is to improve the customer-product relationship of the ¿La Folie¿ shop, based not only on packaging design but also on the creation of its own unboxing experience. This work presents both a part of analysis and research and another part of practical development in which a design proposal for the business is executed.Peris Ferrer, J. (2020). DISEÑO DE PACKAGING Y EXPERIENCIA UNBOXING PARA LA MARCA LA FOLIE. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/148502TFG

    An exploration and collective creation experience on liminal poetry in secondary school.

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    El artículo expone una experiencia didáctica en torno a la poesía liminar, llevada a cabo con alumnado de secundaria, que engloba su recepción y la creación colectiva sobre temas relacionados con los retos de la sociedad actual. Aparte de la descripción de la secuencia didáctica, el trabajo incluye los resultados de la aplicación de un cuestionario previo y otro posterior a la actividad que permiten comprobar cuál era el punto de partida y qué les han aportado las actividades realizadas. La experiencia quiere mostrar cómo, a pesar de que suele haber inicialmente cierta prevención sobre las formas menos clásicas de la poesía, el contacto con las producciones de los artistas, la búsqueda y la selección de poemas, la lectura jugando con las voces y, muy especialmente, la creación colectiva favorecen en la gran mayoría de los y las estudiantes un cambio de actitud que les lleva a una visión más abierta de la poesía y, en especial, de sus formas más contemporáneas. Al mismo tiempo, les permite reflexionar de manera crítica sobre temas de fondo que afectan a la sociedad.This article presents a didactic experience on liminal poetry, carried out with secondary school students, which encompasses its reception and collective creation on topics related to current societal challenges. In addition to a description of the didactic sequence, this study includes the results of surveys completed by the students before and after the activity that show what their baseline was and what they learned from the activities in which they participated. This experience aims to demonstrate how, even though there is usually an initial scepticism around non-traditional poetry forms, exposure to the artists' pieces, the process of researching and selecting texts, reading them out loud playing with various voices, and more importantly, collective creation favour in the vast majority of the students a change in their attitude which leads them to hold a more open-minded view on poetry, especially its most contemporary forms, as well as allowing them to critically reflect on deeper societal issues.Pedagogí

    Capacity for seeding and spreading of argyrophilic grain disease in a wild-type murine model; comparisons with primary age-related tauopathy

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    Argyrophilic grain disease (AGD) is a common 4R-tauopathy, causing or contributing to cognitive impairment in the elderly. AGD is characterized neuropathologically by pre-tangles in neurons, dendritic swellings called grains, threads, thorn-shaped astrocytes, and coiled bodies in oligodendrocytes in the limbic system. AGD has a characteristic pattern progressively involving the entorhinal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, dentate gyrus, presubiculum, subiculum, hypothalamic nuclei, temporal cortex, and neocortex and brainstem, thus suggesting that argyrophilic grain pathology is a natural model of tau propagation. One series of WT mice was unilaterally inoculated in the hippocampus with sarkosyl-insoluble and sarkosyl-soluble fractions from 'pure' AGD at the age of 3 or 7/12 months and killed 3 or 7 months later. Abnormal hyper-phosphorylated tau deposits were found in ipsilateral hippocampal neurons, grains (dots) in the hippocampus, and threads, dots and coiled bodies in the fimbria, as well as the ipsilateral and contralateral corpus callosum. The extension of lesions was wider in animals surviving 7 months compared with those surviving 3 months. Astrocytic inclusions were not observed at any time. Tau deposits were mainly composed of 4Rtau, but also 3Rtau. For comparative purposes, another series of WT mice was inoculated with sarkosyl-insoluble fractions from primary age-related tauopathy (PART), a pure neuronal neurofibrillary tangle 3Rtau + 4Rtau tauopathy involving the deep temporal cortex and limbic system. Abnormal hyper-phosphorylated tau deposits were found in neurons in the ipsilateral hippocampus, coiled bodies and threads in the fimbria, and the ipsilateral and contralateral corpus callosum, which extended with time along the anterior-posterior axis and distant regions such as hypothalamic nuclei and nuclei of the septum when comparing mice surviving 7 months with mice surviving 3 months. Astrocytic inclusions were not observed. Tau deposits were mainly composed of 4Rtau and 3Rtau. These results show the capacity for seeding and spreading of AGD tau and PART tau in the brain of WT mouse, and suggest that characteristics of host tau, in addition to those of inoculated tau, are key to identifying commonalities and differences between human tauopathies and corresponding murine models

    Towards a Mechanistic Model of Tau-Mediated Pathology in Tauopathies: What Can We Learn from Cell-Based In Vitro Assays?

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    Tauopathies are a group of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by the hyperphosphorylation and deposition of tau proteins in the brain. In Alzheimer's disease, and other related tauopathies, the pattern of tau deposition follows a stereotypical progression between anatomically connected brain regions. Increasing evidence suggests that tau behaves in a prion-like manner, and that seeding and spreading of pathological tau drive progressive neurodegeneration. Although several advances have been made in recent years, the exact cellular and molecular mechanisms involved remain largely unknown. Since there are no effective therapies for any tauopathy, there is a growing need for reliable experimental models that would provide us with better knowledge and understanding of their etiology and identify novel molecular targets. In this review, we will summarize the development of cellular models for modeling tau pathology. We will discuss their different applications and contributions to our current understanding of the prion-like nature of pathological tau

    Las atarazanas de Sevilla: entre la construcción y la arquitectura

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    The architect Louis Kahn frequently said that a room, understood as an inhabitable shape, was the basic element of architecture, and the latter consisted of an «association of rooms». It is possible to state that in the Atarazanas, or shipyards, the room takes the shape of a nave and its architecture is basically the result of the juxtaposition of seventeen large naves, 100 meters long by 10 meters wide and 10 meters in height, the roof of which presumably was a wooden structure similar to that of a mosque.Our participation in the Atarazanas was limited to the area made up of the first seven naves.First we proceeded to uncover the space totally by eliminating the different layers and structures that little by little had concealed it, in order to obtain a complete manifestation of the structural space.The building process meant a determined initial step towards restoring the unusual spaciousness of this construction of a sculptural nature, with our suggestion to in the future recover the genuine magnitude of one of the naves by removing all the filler.Our second step was directed towards opening the building to the public. This allowed us to try processes and materials to equip the structure with the necessary elements to prepare it for a generic habitability whatever its future use might be. The third step we proposed and undertook focused on turning the former artillery foundry into a new hall, called the «Artillery Foundry Hall». The aim was to condition the room equipping it with a new roof adapted to acoustic, lighting and comfort requirements, and closing the arches without losing their identity nor the perceptual continuity of the entire building.Seville is a place with hot summers and damp winters. It was necessary to ventilate and equip the hall with air conditioning as well as heating. The air conditioning was laid out on the spine of the roof and flows back beneath the seating connected to and reutilizing the old chimney.These new forms and present-day materials, which allow for both the spoken word and silence, isolation and continuity, contemplation and activity, are acceptable in the Atarazanas and were proposed with the intention of unveiling the lesson the building itself has transmitted day by day since its origin. Our fourth step was to repair the Attic in the Head Section of the building.Solving essential problems, understanding the significance of the Atarazanas, amid building and architecture, and affording the use of the rooms, has been the constant guiding force of our work, and by opening the building to the public contribution is made towards the total restoration, which is perhaps the principal reason behind our project.Con frecuencia el arquitecto L. Kahn refería que la sala, entendida como forma habitable, era el elemento esencial de la arquitectura y que ésta consistía en “una asociación de salas”. Se podría afirmar que en las Atarazanas la sala toma forma de nave y que su arquitectura es básicamente el resultado de la yuxtaposición de diecisiete grandes naves de 100 m de longitud, 10 m de latitud y 10 m de altura, cuyas cubiertas fueron presumiblemente estructuras de madera análoga a las de las mezquitas.Nuestra intervención se ha ceñido al conjunto formado por las siete primeras naves.La primera se encaminó al descubrimiento integral del espacio, suprimiendo las diversas capas y texturas que lo fueron ocultando hasta conseguir la manifestación del espacio estructural.La obra supuso un decidido primer paso para devolver la insólita espacialidad a esta construcción arquitectónica, de carácter escultórico, proponiendo que en una intervención futura se recupera una de las naves en toda su verdadera magnitud, retirando todo el relleno de la misma.Una segunda intervención se orientó para su apertura a la visita pública. Esta obra nos permitió ensayar intervenciones y materiales que deben dotar al espacio estructural de los necesarios soportes para acondicionarlo a la habitabilidad genérica sea cual fuese su futuro destino.La tercera intervención que propusimos y llevamos a cabo, se centró en la transformación de la antigua Fundición de Artillería en una nueva sala que denominamos “Sala Fundición Atarazanas”. El objeto del proyecto consistió en aclimatar el espacio, dotándolo, mediante una nueva cubierta adaptada, a las exigencias de confort climático, acústico y lumínico; y de unos cerramientos de los arcos que no mermaran la identidad de los mismos ni la continuidad perceptiva del conjunto.Sevilla es un lugar de calor en verano y de humedad en invierno. Era necesario airear, ventilar y acondicionar con frío y calor la sala. El aire acondicionado de la sala se distribuye por la espina dorsal de la cubierta. El retorno bajo las gradas se conecta y hace funcionar de nuevo la vieja chimenea.Estas nuevas formas, estos materiales de hoy que permiten la palabra y el silencio, el aislamiento y la continuidad, la contemplación y la actividad, deben ser aceptados por las Atarazanas de modo natural, y están propuestos desde la enseñanza que el propio edificio nos ha transmitido día a día desde su origen.La cuarta intervención fue la reparación de la Buhardilla del Cuerpo de Cabecera.Solucionar problemas esenciales, entender la verdadera entidad de las Atarazanas -entre la construcción y la arquitectura- y disponer el espacio para su uso, ha sido la constante guía de nuestras obras, y al abrirla al uso público se contribuye a su rehabilitación integral. Quizás sea ésta la razón principal de nuestro proyecto

    Monitoring sedimentary areas from mine waste products with Sentinel‐2 satellite images: A case study in the SE of Spain

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    [EN] Torrential rainfall regimes, among others, are the origin of accelerated soil erosion. The Spanish southeastern Mediterranean region is characterised by an arid climate regime affected by extreme erosion episodes with an important loss of sediments. Soil erosion effects are even more noticeable in areas where soil has been anthropically degraded, as in the mining district of Sierra Minera de Cartagena. The present research focuses on monitoring and mapping the changes in the sediment distribution of iron oxides and hydroxyl (OH−) bearing minerals caused by a cold drop known in Spanish as 'DANA' in September 2019 on the Rambla del Beal. This short rambla is fed by sediments from its drainage basin and by mining residues, irrigating a wide agricultural area. When discharges overflow the rambla channel, residues spread over its floodplain and reach the ecological protected coastal lagoon Mar Menor. The objective of the study was mapping the mineral distribution of the mining materials eroded from the source areas and sedimented in Rambla del Beal during a DANA. The study was carried out using a pre- and a post-DANA image from the Sentinel-2 satellite. After masking vegetation, urban areas and water bodies, different band ratios (B4/B3, B11/B12, B8A/B6) and a Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) classification were applied. Sediment deposits were identified in wider areas after the DANA. Iron oxides increased their extension by 11.08% in the central area (B3/B4 with R2 of 0.84) and hydroxyl-bearing minerals increased by 8.95% in the Rambla del Beal's headwaters (B11/B12 with R2 of 0.71). The SAM classification (with a 0.1 rad threshold and an overall accuracy of 87.33%) allowed the differentiation and classification of two ferric iron oxides (haematite and goethite) and one iron hydrous sulphate mineral (jarosite). Additionally, band ratio images were spatially overlaid with the soil land uses map layer of the cadastre in order to plot the land uses most affected by the transported sediments during the DANA. These results highlighted agricultural land as the areas (land uses) most affected by iron oxides deposition, as oxidation processes occur more rapidly in these areas. However, grassland and scrubland were the areas with the highest content of hydroxyl-bearing minerals, as water is accumulated in these places, which favours hydrolysis reactions.S