1,116 research outputs found

    Oral anticoagulation on patients with atrial fibrillation: are we doing a good job?

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identification of potentially inappropriate medications with risk of major adverse cardio- and cerebrovascular events among elderly patients

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Functionalization of Ruthenium(II) terpyridine complexes with cyclic RGD peptides to target integrin receptors in cancer cells

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    The lack of selectivity for cancer cells and the resulting negative impact on healthy tissue is a severe drawback of actual cancer chemotherapy. Tethering of cytotoxic drugs to targeting vectors such as peptides, which recognize receptors overexpressed on the surface of tumor cells, is one possible strategy to overcome such a problem. The pentapeptide cyc(RGDfK) targets the integrin receptor αvβ3, important for tumor growth and metastasis formation. In this work, two terpyridine based Ru(II) complexes were prepared and for the first time conjugated to cyc(RGDfK) via amide bond formation resulting in a monomeric and a dimeric bioconjugate. Both Ru(II) complexes bind strongly and selectively to integrin αvβ3, with the dimeric molecule displaying a 20-fold higher affinity to the receptor than the monomeric one. However, the cytotoxicity of the complexes and related bioconjugates against human A549 and SKOV-3 cell lines is still not sufficient for application as anticancer agents. Nevertheless, considering the high selectivity for integrin receptor αvβ3, the synthesis of Ru-based bioconjugates with cyc(RGDfK) paves a promising way towards the design of effective targeted anticancer agents

    Synthesis, antiangiogenesis evaluation and molecular docking studies of 1-Aryl-3-[(thieno[3,2-b]pyridin-7-ylthio)phenyl]ureas: Discovery of a new substitution pattern for type II VEGFR-2 Tyr kinase inhibitors

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    The synthesis and biological evaluation of novel 1-aryl-3-[2-, 3- or 4-(thieno[3,2-b]pyridin-7-ylthio)phenyl]ureas 3, 4 and 5 as VEGFR-2 tyrosine kinase inhibitors, are reported. The 1-aryl-3-[3-(thieno[3,2-b]pyridin-7-ylthio)phenyl]ureas 4a-4h, with the arylurea in the meta position to the thioether, showed the lowest IC50 values in enzymatic assays (10-206 nM), the most potent compounds 4d-4h (IC50 10-28 nM) bearing hydrophobic groups (Me, F, CF3 and Cl) in the terminal phenyl ring. A convincing rationalization was achieved for the highest potent compounds 4 as type II VEGFR-2 inhibitors, based on the simultaneous presence of: (1) the thioether linker and (2) the arylurea moiety in the meta position. For compounds 4, significant inhibition of Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs) proliferation (BrdU assay), migration (wound-healing assay) and tube formation were observed at low concentrations. These compounds have also shown to increase apoptosis using the TUNEL assay. Immunostaining for total and phosphorylated (active) VEGFR-2 was performed by Western blotting. The phosphorylation of the receptor was significantly inhibited at 1.0 and 2.5 microM for the most promising compounds. Altogether, these findings point to an antiangiogenic effect in HUVECs.To the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT–Portugal) for financial support through the NMR Portuguese network (Bruker 400 Avance III-Univ Minho). FCT and FEDER (European Fund for Regional Development)-COMPETE/QREN/EU for financial support through the research unities PEst-C/QUI/UI686/2013-2014, PEst-OE/SAU/UI0038/2013 and 2014 and PEst OE/AGR/UI0690/2013 and 2014, the research project PTDC/QUI-QUI/111060/2009, the PhD grant attributed to V.M. (SFRH/BD/77373/2011) and the post-Doctoral grant attributed to R.C.C. (SFRH/BPD/68344/2010), also financed by the POPH and FSE

    Adolescência e anticoncepção: análise do discurso das adolescentes grávidas e puérperas em relação à anticoncepção

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    Neste trabalho buscamos fazer uma análise da condição da adolescente, uma vez que o inicio da vida sexual tem ocorrido, frequentemente, durante o periodo da adolescência; portanto o conhecimento e o uso dos Métodos Anticoncepcionais (MACs) ganham relevancia junto ao grupo. Atualmente, as adolescentes têm tido a iniciação sexual sem o adequado uso de MACs, ocasionando a gravidez na adolescência, o aumento da probabilidade de contrair AIDS e outras Doenças Sexualmente Transmissiveis, além do aborto.Tendo em vista este panorama, o trabalho procurou realizar uma análise das representações sobre MACs presentes no discurso das adolescentes de 15 a 19 anos, residentes na Região Sul do Municipio de São Paulo, em 1992. Levou-se em consideração o uso de MACs no momento da iniciação sexual, além das questões referentes ao pré-natal, exames de prevenção gineco-obstétrica; foram discutidos separadamente os casos de aborto. A análise realizada perrnitiu-nos uma reflexão sobre a importancia e necessidade de implantação real e efetiva das ações voltadas à saúde do adolescente e de sua sexualidade.In this work we tried to analyse lhe condition o^f adolescent women. ^Since the beginning of their sexual life frequently occurs during adolescence, it follows that lhe knowledge andusage of Contraceptive Methods s) are relevant for them. ^Nowadays, adolescents initiate their sexual life without any care about Contraceptive Methods (C^Ms), which causes adolescence pregnancy and an increase in the probability of contracting AIDS and other ^Trasmissible ^Diseases, not to mention abortion. In the light of this panorama, we tried to analyse the representations of ^Contraceptive ^Methods (CMs) present in the discourse o^f adolescent women ^(agesbetween 15 and 19) living in the south of the city of ^São ^Paulo, in 1992. ^The use of ^Contraceptive ^Methods was taken into accoun^t in the moment ^they star^ted their sexual life, as well as those matters referring to prenatal period and ohstetrics-gynecological prevention exams. The abortion cases were discussed separately. ^The analysis allowed us to think about the impor^tance and the need of an effective implementation of actions related to the adolescents’ heal^th and sexuality


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    In this work we tried to analyse lhe condition o^f adolescent women. ^Since the beginning of their sexual life frequently occurs during adolescence, it follows that lhe knowledge andusage of Contraceptive Methods s) are relevant for them. ^Nowadays, adolescents initiate their sexual life without any care about Contraceptive Methods (C^Ms), which causes adolescence pregnancy and an increase in the probability of contracting AIDS and other ^Trasmissible ^Diseases, not to mention abortion. In the light of this panorama, we tried to analyse the representations of ^Contraceptive ^Methods (CMs) present in the discourse o^f adolescent women ^(agesbetween 15 and 19) living in the south of the city of ^São ^Paulo, in 1992. ^The use of ^Contraceptive ^Methods was taken into accoun^t in the moment ^they star^ted their sexual life, as well as those matters referring to prenatal period and ohstetrics-gynecological prevention exams. The abortion cases were discussed separately. ^The analysis allowed us to think about the impor^tance and the need of an effective implementation of actions related to the adolescents’ heal^th and sexuality.Neste trabalho buscamos fazer uma análise da condição da adolescente, uma vez que o inicio da vida sexual tem ocorrido, frequentemente, durante o periodo da adolescência; portanto o conhecimento e o uso dos Métodos Anticoncepcionais (MACs) ganham relevancia junto ao grupo. Atualmente, as adolescentes têm tido a iniciação sexual sem o adequado uso de MACs, ocasionando a gravidez na adolescência, o aumento da probabilidade de contrair AIDS e outras Doenças Sexualmente Transmissiveis, além do aborto.Tendo em vista este panorama, o trabalho procurou realizar uma análise das representações sobre MACs presentes no discurso das adolescentes de 15 a 19 anos, residentes na Região Sul do Municipio de São Paulo, em 1992. Levou-se em consideração o uso de MACs no momento da iniciação sexual, além das questões referentes ao pré-natal, exames de prevenção gineco-obstétrica; foram discutidos separadamente os casos de aborto. A análise realizada perrnitiu-nos uma reflexão sobre a importancia e necessidade de implantação real e efetiva das ações voltadas à saúde do adolescente e de sua sexualidade

    Dopamine up-regulates Th17 phenotype from individuals with generalized anxiety disorder

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    AbstractOur objective was to evaluate the effect of stress-related dose of dopamine (DA) on the in vitro proliferation and cytokine production in polyclonally-activated T cells from healthy individuals or individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Our results demonstrated that cell cultures from GAD group proliferated less following T cell activation, as compared with control group. The addition of DA reduced the proliferative response in cell cultures from healthy but not from GAD individuals. The cytokine profile in GAD individuals revealed Th1 and Th2 deficiencies associated with a dominant Th17 phenotype, which was enhanced by DA. A similar DA-induced immunomodulation was also observed in PPD-activated cell cultures from GAD individuals. Unlike the control, DA-enhanced Th17 cytokine production in GAD individuals was not affected by glucocorticoid. In conclusion, our results show that the T cell functional dysregulation in GAD individuals is significantly amplified by DA. These immune abnormalities can have impact in increasing the susceptibility of individuals with anxiety disorders to infectious diseases and inflammatory/autoimmune disorders

    High-throughput Plasmodium falciparum hrp2 and hrp3 gene deletion typing by digital PCR to monitor malaria rapid diagnostic test efficacy

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    Most rapid diagnostic tests for Plasmodium falciparum malaria target the Histidine-Rich Proteins 2 and 3 (HRP2, HRP3). Deletions of the hrp2 and hrp3 genes result in false negative tests and are a threat for malaria control. A novel assay for molecular surveillance of hrp2/hrp3 deletions was developed based on droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). The assay quantifies hrp2, hrp3, and a control gene with very high accuracy. The theoretical limit of detection was 0.33 parasites/microL. The deletion was reliably detected in mixed infections with wild-type and hrp2-deleted parasites at a density of >100 parasites/reaction. For a side-by-side comparison with the conventional nested PCR (nPCR) assay, 248 samples were screened in triplicate by ddPCR and nPCR. No deletions were observed by ddPCR, while by nPCR hrp2 deletion was observed in 8% of samples. The ddPCR assay was applied to screen 830 samples from Kenya, Zanzibar/Tanzania, Ghana, Ethiopia, Brazil, and Ecuador. Pronounced differences in the prevalence of deletions were observed among sites, with more hrp3 than hrp2 deletions. In conclusion, the novel ddPCR assay minimizes the risk of false-negative results (i.e. hrp2 deletion observed when the sample is wild type), increases sensitivity, and greatly reduces the number of reactions that need to be run

    Dynamics of coral reef benthic assemblages of the Abrolhos Bank, Eastern Brazil: inferences on natural and anthropogenic drivers

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    The Abrolhos Bank (eastern Brazil) encompasses the largest and richest coral reefs of the South Atlantic. Coral reef benthic assemblages of the region were monitored from 2003 to 2008. Two habitats (pinnacles’ tops and walls) were sampled per site with 3–10 sites sampled within different reef areas. Different methodologies were applied in two distinct sampling periods: 2003–2005 and 2006–2008. Spatial coverage and taxonomic resolution were lower in the former than in the latter period. Benthic assemblages differed markedly in the smallest spatial scale, with greater differences recorded between habitats. Management regimes and biomass of fish functional groups (roving and territorial herbivores) had minor influences on benthic assemblages. These results suggest that local environmental factors such as light, depth and substrate inclination exert a stronger influence on the structure of benthic assemblages than protection from fishing. Reef walls of unprotected coastal reefs showed highest coral cover values, with a major contribution of Montastraea cavernosa (a sediment resistant species that may benefit from low light levels). An overall negative relationship between fleshy macroalgae and slow-growing reef-building organisms (i.e. scleractinians and crustose calcareous algae) was recorded, suggesting competition between these organisms. The opposite trend (i.e. positive relationships) was recorded for turf algae and the two reef-building organisms, suggesting beneficial interactions and/or co-occurrence mediated by unexplored factors. Turf algae cover increased across the region between 2006 and 2008, while scleractinian cover showed no change. The need of a continued and standardized monitoring program, aimed at understanding drivers of change in community patterns, as well as to subsidize sound adaptive conservation and management measures, is highlighted.Ronaldo B. Francini-Filho, Ericka O. C. Coni, Pedro M. Meirelles, Gilberto M. Amado-Filho, Fabiano L. Thompson, Guilherme H. Pereira-Filho, Alex C. Bastos, Douglas P. Abrantes, Camilo M. Ferreira, Fernando Z. Gibran, Arthur Z. Gu, th, Paulo Y. G. Sumida, Nara L. Oliveira, Les Kaufman, Carolina V. Minte-Vera, Rodrigo L. Mour
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