946 research outputs found

    On the origins of scaling corrections in ballistic growth models

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    We study the ballistic deposition and the grain deposition models on two-dimensional substrates. Using the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) ansatz for height fluctuations, we show that the main contribution to the intrinsic width, which causes strong corrections to the scaling, comes from the fluctuations in the height increments along deposition events. Accounting for this correction in the scaling analysis, we obtained scaling exponents in excellent agreement with the KPZ class. We also propose a method to suppress these corrections, which consists in divide the surface in bins of size ε\varepsilon and use only the maximal height inside each bin to do the statistics. Again, scaling exponents in remarkable agreement with the KPZ class were found. The binning method allowed the accurate determination of the height distributions of the ballistic models in both growth and steady state regimes, providing the universal underlying fluctuations foreseen for KPZ class in 2+1 dimensions. Our results provide complete and conclusive evidences that the ballistic model belongs to the KPZ universality class in 2+12+1 dimensions. Potential applications of the methods developed here, in both numerics and experiments, are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    The role of environmental awareness

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    Ferreira, L., Oliveira, T., & Neves, C. (2023). Consumer's intention to use and recommend smart home technologies: The role of environmental awareness. Energy, 263(Part C), 1-11. [125814]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2022.125814 --- Funding: This work was supported by national funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) under the project - UIDB/04152/2020 - Centro de Investigação em Gestão de Informação (MagIC).Environmental sustainability is gathering further importance in various fields, including our homes. Smart home technologies are increasingly contributing to more efficient energy consumption, but their adoption rate remains lower than expected. This study proposes a theoretical model based on the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) to explore the effects of environmental awareness on individual intentions and behaviour toward smart home technologies. Data collected from 255 individuals were used to test the research model. The findings provide meaningful insights for researchers, marketers, and policymakers, by highlighting newer environmental approaches to these technologies.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    Intervenção não-farmacológica para controlo da dor durante procedimentos dolorosos, em unidades de cuidados intensivos pediátricos neonatais : scoping review

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    Introdução: O percurso de formação avançada realizado, permitiu o desenvolvimento de conhecimentos a um nível de excelência e de perito, viabilizando a aquisição de competências técnico-científicas, humanas e éticas, essenciais ao desempenho de intervenções autónomas de qualidade, no âmbito da Enfermagem especializada em Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica, baseadas na mais recente evidência científica. O controlo da dor, sobretudo durante procedimentos invasivos, dada a sua importância no bem-estar da criança, foi o tema central deste percurso, devido à sua pertinência nos cuidados autónomos de enfermagem. Objetivo: Refletir sobre o percurso de aprendizagem, tendo por base os referenciais teóricos que norteiam a prática do enfermeiro e a mais recente evidência científica; sintetizar as atividades realizadas e as competências desenvolvidas; mapear as estratégias e intervenções não-farmacológicas e a sua eficácia em procedimentos invasivos/dolorosos em unidade de cuidados intensivos pediátricos/Neonatais. Metodologia: Foi utilizada uma metodologia critico-reflexiva sobre as ações desenvolvidas nos diferentes estágios. Para concretização do tema central, foi realizada uma scoping review, com base no protocolo do Instituto Joanna Briggs®, através de pesquisa nas bases de dados: PubMed, CINAHL Complete e B-On em junho de 2023, de artigos publicados nos últimos 5 anos (2018 a junho de 2023), disponibilizados em texto integral e nos idiomas português, inglês, espanhol e francês. Dos 1050 estudos iniciais, foram incluídos 7 que cumpriam os critérios pré-definidos. Resultados: O percurso de aprendizagem resultou num desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, e obtenção de conhecimentos baseados em evidência científica, de desenvolvimento e aprimoramento de competências, com impacto na melhoria da assistência ao recém-nascido/criança/adolescente e sua família. Na investigação realizada, a amostra final incluiu 6 estudos que analisaram a implementação de intervenções não farmacológicas (INF) em Recém-nascidos internados em UCIN, aplicadas de forma independente ou em conjunto, cujos resultados atestam redução dos scores de dor e redução do tempo de recuperação em procedimentos como picada do calcanhar, entubação orogástrica, colheita de sangue e aspiração de secreções. Quando aplicadas duas ou mais intervenções em simultâneo, os resultados evidenciam valores superiores de eficácia. Não foram incluídos estudos que analisassem INF noutras faixas etárias pediátricas Conclusão: No controlo da dor durante procedimentos, verificou-se que o uso de várias estratégias não farmacológicas, têm efeito sinérgico na diminuição dos scores de dor e na redução do tempo de recuperação. Em contexto de UCIP/UCIN é indispensável incentivar e promover a diversificação das técnicas não-farmacológicas, tendo o EESIP um papel fulcral na equipa. O domínio destas estratégias requer formação e treino, daí que, na criança, o controlo da dor com medidas não farmacológicas, requer experiência por parte da equipa de enfermagem. Palavras-chave: Enfermagem Pediátrica; Recém-Nascido; Dor Aguda; Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal; Utilização de Procedimentos e Técnicas; Intervenções Não- Farmacológicas.Abstract Introduction: The advanced training course carried out allowed the development of knowledge at a level of excellence and of an expert, enabling the acquisition of technical-scientific, human and ethical skills, essential to the performance of quality autonomous interventions, within the scope of Nursing specialized in Child and Pediatric Health, based on the latest scientific evidence. Pain control, especially during invasive procedures, given its importance for the child's well-being, was the central theme of this course, due to its relevance in autonomous nursing care. Objective: Reflect on the learning path, based on the theoretical references that guide nursing practice and the most recent scientific evidence; summarize the activities carried out and the skills developed; map non-pharmacological strategies and interventions and their effectiveness in invasive/painful procedures in pediatric/neonatal intensive care units. Methodology: A critical-reflexive methodology was used on the actions developed in the different stages. To implement the central theme, a scoping review was carried out, based on the Joanna Briggs® Institute protocol, through a search in the databases: PubMed, CINAHL Complete and B-On in June 2023, of articles published in the last 5 years (2018 to June 2023), available in full text and in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French. Of the 1050 initial studies, 6 that met the predefined criteria were included. Results: The learning path resulted in personal and professional development, and the acquisition of knowledge based on scientific evidence, development and improvement of skills, with an impact on improving care for newborns/children/adolescents and their families.In the investigation carried out, the final sample included 7 studies that analyzed the implementation of non-pharmacological interventions (INF) in newborns admitted to the NICU, applied independently or together, whose results attest to a reduction in pain scores and a reduction in the time of recovery in procedures such as heel stick, orogastric intubation, blood collection and secretion aspiration. When two or more interventions are applied simultaneously, the results show higher efficacy values. Studies that analyzed INF in other pediatric age groups were not included. Conclusion: In controlling pain during procedures, it was found that the use of several nonpharmacological strategies has a synergistic effect in reducing pain scores and reducing recovery time. In the PICU/UCIN context, it is essential to encourage and promote the diversification of non-pharmacological techniques, with the EESIP playing a central role in the team. Mastering these strategies requires education and training, which is why, in children, controlling pain with non-pharmacological measures requires experience on the part of the nursing team. Keywords: Pediatric Nursing; Newborn; Acute pain; Neonatal Intensive Care Units; Use of Procedures and Techniques; Non-Pharmacological Interventions

    Avaliação de Riscos para a Segurança da Informação no ISEP Aplicação ao Processo de Notas

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    Desde que existe informação, há necessidade de criar um sistema que permita gerir e garantir que a informação está segura e que cumpre os requisitos básicos de segurança. Como tal, é necessário desenvolver técnicas e mecanismos para que os requisitos sejam testados e melhorados continuamente. Com esta necessidade em vista, apareceram padrões que dão resposta a um conjunto vasto de problemas, em diferentes sistemas e aplicações diversas. Estes tornaram-se guias de reflexão para quem os analisava, de arquitetura para quem os implementava e modelos para quem os geria. O padrão ISO 27001 dá resposta aos cuidados a ter para se conseguir um sistema de gestão da segurança da informação eficaz e eficiente. Esta norma preocupa-se com os detalhes de aplicação até à forma como é implementado e arquitetado o sistema. Os processos, atividades, fluxos de trabalho são essenciais para que esta norma seja cumprida. É necessário um bom escrutínio dos processos e suas atividades, assim como um fluxo de trabalho bem definido com papéis e responsabilidades de cada ator. É necessário também assegurar a forma como é gerido, a sua verificação e melhoria contínua. Foi aplicado no ISEP um exercício com o qual se pretendeu verificar se os processos e outros aspetos seguiam estes cuidados e se estavam de acordo com a norma. Durante o exercício foram verificados processos dentro de um certo âmbito, todas as suas atividades, papéis e responsabilidades, verificação de recursos, aplicação de controlos e aplicação de uma análise de risco. Esta análise tem como objetivo verificar o nível de segurança dos recursos, algo que a norma ISO 27001 propõe mas não especifica em que moldes. No final deste exercício pretendeu-se melhorar o sistema de gestão de informação do ISEP em vertentes tais como a documentação, a qual especifica quais os passos realizados no decorrer do mesmo.Since there is information, a need exists to create a system that allows managing and ensuring the information is safe and meets the basic security requirements. As such, there was a need to develop techniques and mechanisms for requirements to be tested and continuously improved. With this need in mind, patterns appeared that gave answer to a wide range of problems, different systems and applications. These became guides to those who analyzed the problem, the architecture and who was implementing the models. The ISO 27001 standard addresses the precautions to ensure that a security management system deals with effective and efficient information. This standard is concerned with every detail of how it is implemented and how a system is architected. Processes, activities, workflows become essential for the application of this standard. A good scrutiny of processes and activities, as well as a workflow with well-defined roles and responsibilities for each actor, are required. It is also necessary to ensure the way it is managed, as well as its verification and continuous improvement. In ISEP a process aiming to verify if these and other procedures were followed was run, and if security was in accordance with the standard. During this process it was observed the framework, activities, roles and responsibilities, actions, implementation controls, and a risk analysis was undertaken. Risk analysis intends to verify the security level of resources, as ISO 27001 describes, but without specifying the way to do it. This exercise intended to improve the management system of ISEP, producing documentation describing what steps were performed during the exercise and results obtained

    Nonlinear dynamic analysis for safety assessment of heritage buildings: Church of Santa Maria de Bélem

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    Despite the remarkable longevity of heritage constructions, they typically present several structural fragilities inherent to their own material and constructive features. This fact is particularly relevant when seismic loads are concerned, because a very significant portion of such constructions lack adequate seismic resistance and require retrofitting interventions in order to mitigate their vulnerability. However, to guarantee the success of the interventions, the interventions should be carefully selected based on a full understanding of the dynamic response of the building and, particularly, its most vulnerable structural elements. Due to many reasons, the issues associated with this kind of analysis are still difficult to address; therefore, research on this subject should be encouraged. Taking this into account, the church of Santa Maria de Belem, one of the most emblematic buildings of the monastery of Jeronimos complex in Lisbon, is used in this work as a case study to discuss the nonlinear dynamic response of cultural heritage buildings. The nonlinear dynamic behavior of the church was numerically simulated with a three-dimensional (3D) model using artificially generated seismic acceleration time histories, in agreement with seismic hazard scenarios for return periods of 475, 975, and 5,000 years. The dynamic response of the church is discussed and a comparison against results derived from a pushover analysis is also presented. Finally, a modal analysis is presented, estimating the damage level that would be present in the church after the occurrence of such seismic scenarios.This work was partly financed by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funds through the Operational Programme Competitiveness Factors (COMPETE) and by national funds through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) within the scope of project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007633. The authors are also grateful to three anonymous reviewers whose comments significantly improved the clarity of the paper

    TiO2 ceramics prepared using Pechini synthesis and laser sintering

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    Nowadays, the laser sintering process has attracted the attention of researchers owing to advantages such as the possibility of using very high heating and cooling rates and the possibility of sintering materials with high melting point. TiO2 ceramics was produced from powders synthesized using the polymer precursor method. The purpose of this paper was the sintering of TiO2 samples using an unconventional method with CO2 laser as the heating source. Techniques such as differential thermal analysis, thermogravimetry, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and impedance spectroscopy were used for the sample characterizations. The sintering time was extremely fast, around 3 minutes. Moreover, the samples showed lower resistivity when compared to those sintered conventionally