1,460 research outputs found

    Promiscuity and the Evolution of Sexual Transmitted Diseases

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    We study the relation between different social behaviors and the onset of epidemics in a model for the dynamics of sexual transmitted diseases. The model considers the society as a system of individual sexuated agents that can be organized in couples and interact with each other. The different social behaviors are incorporated assigning what we call a promiscuity value to each individual agent. The individual promiscuity is taken from a distributions and represents the daily probability of going out to look for a sexual partner, abandoning its eventual mate. In terms of this parameter we find a threshold for the epidemic which is much lower than the classical fully mixed model prediction, i.e. R0R_0 (basic reproductive number) =1= 1. Different forms for the distribution of the population promiscuity are considered showing that the threshold is weakly sensitive to them. We study the homosexual and the heterosexual case as well.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Kimotopia: The use of a serious game for learning about cancer / Kimotopia: O uso de um jogo sério para aprender sobre o câncer

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    The present work is presents a serious game, called Kimotopia, developed with the intention of teaching about oncological medical treatments for children and adolescents with cancer. The methodology has been determined according to techniques and specifications that make a serious game effective for health. Based on this, the game is presented and contains features that help players in the knowledge about their condition and the necessary medical procedures. With the application of the game, satisfactory results were obtained regarding the immersion and interactivity of the game.

    Informação, memória institucional e produção acadêmica: o legado da Ufes na Web of Science (2009-2018)

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    This text presents the result of the analysis of the path of the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - Ufes - through bibliometric indicators, around scientific articles of the authors associated with the institution and represented in the Web of Science - WoS -, in the period of 2009. 2018. The quantitative approach to measuring institutional scientific production at WoS was used for analysis; the situation of bibliometric guides to compose a diagnosis by sampling 6,650 documentary items deployed in authors, countries and journals. The empirical reference covered 339 of the articles involving the institution and found in the database, being analyzed using NetDraw, Ucinet 6.0 and Vantage Point 5.0 software. Ufes production in the database searched increased from 308 articles in 2009 to 1.078 in 2018, with an average annual growth rate of 15.19%. In general terms it was noticed that in this ten-year course, the entity has strengthened itself; that social relationships expressed the existence of a still very fragmented co-authoring network; whereas most of the institution's associated production is recorded in English and in impact journals; eighteen recent articles were highly cited (> 100), all in English, the same in international collaboration and published in impact journals.Key-words: organizational image; bibliometrics; scientific collaboration networks; Brazilian universities.Neste texto apresenta-se o resultado de análise do percurso da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - Ufes - por meio de indicadores bibliométricos, em torno de artigos científicos dos autores associados a instituição e representados na Web of Science - WoS -, no período de 2009 a 2018. Utilizou-se para a análise a abordagem quantitativa da medição da produção científica institucional na WoS; a situação dos norteadores bibliométricos para compor um diagnóstico por meio da amostragem de 6.650 itens documentais desdobrados em autores, países e revistas. O referencial empírico abrangeu 339 dos artigos envolvendo a instituição e que se encontram na base de dados, sendo analisado por meio dos softwares NetDraw, Ucinet 6.0 e Vantage Point 5.0. Notou-se que a produção da Ufes na base de dados pesquisada aumentou de 308 artigos em 2009, para 1.078 em 2018, com taxa média de crescimento anual de 15,19%. Em termos gerais percebeu-se que, nesse percurso de dez anos, a entidade se fortaleceu; que os relacionamentos sociais expressaram a existência de uma rede de coautoria ainda bastante fragmentada; que a maior parte da produção associada a instituição está registrada em inglês e em periódicos de impacto; que dezoito artigos recentes foram altamente citados (>100), todos em inglês, sendo os mesmo em colaboração internacional e publicado em periódicos de impacto.Palavras-chave: imagem organizacional; bibliometria; redes de colaboração científica; universidades brasileiras

    Volume de pulverização reduzido para controle de Leucoptera coffeella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) em plantas de café

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    The present work evaluated reducing on spray volume for the control of Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville & Perrottet, 1842; Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) in coffee. Were used a conventional sprayer to apply the volumes 400 and 200 L ha-1 and an ultra-low-volume (ULV) sprayer to apply 46, 67 and 92 L ha-1. Sprays utilized 800 mL.ha-1 of the insecticide profenofos+lufenuron. The tracer MnSO4 was mixed to the spraying liquids at 20 g L-1. Leaves were collected from different parts of the coffee tree to evaluate the volume of insecticide spraying liquid deposited. For the L. coffeella control, leaves were collected before and 7, 14, and 21 days after spraying (DAS) to evaluate the number of live and dead L. coffeella larvae. The variables data were subjected to variance analysis and the means compared by Tukey’s test (p<0.05). There was no significant difference for spraying liquid deposit between the volumes of 200 and 400 L ha-1, as well as among the ULVs at 46, 67 and 92 L ha-1, however with lower deposit for the latter. The estimated insecticide volume deposited was significantly higher for the 200 L ha-1. The untreated control had higher number of live L. coffeella larvae compared to the sprays at 7 and 21 DAS, as exception for the 14 DAS. The volume of 200 L ha-1 by the conventional sprayer and 92 L.ha-1 by the ULV sprayer may be adopted for coffee plantations providing insecticide deposit and control of L. coffeella with efficiency above 80%.Avaliou-se, no presente trabalho, a redução do volume de calda no controle de Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville & Perrottet, 1842) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae, no café. Foi utilizado um pulverizador convencional nos volumes de 200 e 400 L ha-1 e um pulverizador de ultrabaixo volume (UBV) a 46, 67 e 92 L ha-1. As pulverizações utilizaram 800 mL ha-1 do inseticida profenofós+lufenuron. O marcador MnSO4 foi adicionado às caldas, na proporção de 20 g L-1. Folhas foram coletadas em diferentes partes da planta para avaliar a quantidade de calda inseticida depositada. Para o controle de L. coffeella, folhas foram coletadas antes e depois de 7, 14 e 21 dias após pulverização (DAP), para a avaliação do número de larvas de L. coffeella vivas e mortas. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância com médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (p<0,05). Não houve diferença significativa na quantidade de calda depositada entre 200 e 400 L ha-1, bem como entre os UBVs 46, 67 e 92 L ha-1, porém estes últimos tiveram depósitos significativamente menores, comparados aos dois  maiores volumes. O volume estimado de inseticida depositado foi significativamente maior para 200 L ha-1. O controle sem pulverização teve maior número de larvas vivas de L. coffeella comparado às pulverizações aos 7 e 21 DAP, com exceção para 14 DAP. O volume de 200 L ha-1, por meio do pulverizador convencional, e 92 L ha-1, com o pulverizador UBV, podem ser adotados em plantações de café, proporcionando depósito de inseticida e controle de L. coffeella com eficiência acima de 80%

    PET-Saúde Interprofissionalidade e a disponibilidade dos estudantes para a aprendizagem interprofissional

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    Interprofessionality was the central theme of the ninth call for proposals of the Education by Working for Health Program. The objective of this study was to describe the readiness of students who participated in the program for interprofessional learning. The research, of a quantitative approach and descriptive-exploratory perspective, collected data by applying the readiness for interprofessional learning scale (RIPLS), adapted for Brazilian Portuguese. The results indicate an important readiness for teamwork and collaboration. Relevant percentages were also found regarding professional identity, indicating good readiness for interprofessional learning, although aspects related to competition appeared in lower percentages of agreement regarding shared learning and interdependence of professional practices. For user-centered care, results were also found indicating good readiness among participants; however, aspects related to the collaboration of the user in the production of health services still express the tendency of a professional-centered logic. In conclusion, there is a positive readiness for interprofessional education, which needs to be increasingly stimulated in policies and strategies of curricular reforms.A interprofissionalidade foi tema central do nono edital do Programa de Educação pelo Trabalho para a Saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a disponibilidade dos estudantes que participaram do programa para a aprendizagem interprofissional. A pesquisa, de abordagem quantitativa e de perspectiva descritivo-exploratória, coletou dados através da readiness for interprofessional learning scale, adaptada para o português do Brasil. Os resultados indicam que há disponibilidade para o trabalho em equipe e a colaboração. Também foram encontrados percentuais significativos relacionados à identidade profissional, o que indica disponibilidade para a aprendizagem interprofissional, embora aspectos relacionados à competição tenham aparecido através de percentuais menores de concordância em relação à aprendizagem compartilhada e interdependência das práticas profissionais. Para a atenção centrada no usuário também foram encontrados resultados que indicam boa disponibilidade entre os participantes; porém, aspectos relacionados à colaboração do usuário na produção dos serviços de saúde ainda expressam a tendência de uma lógica centrada nos profissionais. Conclui-se que há disponibilidade positiva para a educação interprofissional, que precisa ser cada vez mais estimulada nas políticas e estratégias de reformas curriculares

    A Method for Evaluating End-User Development Technologies

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    End-user development (EUD) is a strategy that can reduce a considerable amount of business demand on IT departments. Empowering the end-user in the context of software development is only possible through technologies that allow them to manipulate data and information without the need for deep programming knowledge. The successful selection of appropriate tools and technologies is highly dependent on the context in which the end-user is embedded. End-users should be a central piece in any software package evaluation, being key in the evaluation process in the end-user development context. However, little research has empirically examined software package evaluation criteria and techniques in general, and in the end-user development context in particular. This paper aims to provide a method for technology evaluation in the context of end-user development and to present the evaluation of two platforms. We conclude our study proposing a set of suggestions for future research

    Iatrogenic Biliary Strictures: Surgical Experience with 39 Patients

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    The authors report their experience with surgical treatment of 39 patients with biliary strictures of iatrogenic origin. Patients were grouped according to the level of obstruction as described by Bismuth, and the type of repair was based on this classification. A total of 45 operations were performed, including those for recurrent strictures: 22 hepaticojejunostomies, 10 Hepp and Couinad's operations, 6 choledochojejunostomies, 3 separate right and left hepaticojejunostomies, 1 hepaticojejunostomy with mucosal graft (Smith's technique), 1 intrahepatic cholangiojejunostomy (Longmire's technique), 1 choledochoduodenostomy and 1 choledochoplasty. Results were considered good if the patient was free of symptoms, jaundice or episodes of cholangitis, with serum alkaline phosphatase less than two-times the normal value. Minimum follow-up period of two years (obtained in 35 patients) was required to evaluate the results. Good results were obtained in 26 of those 30 patients (87%) who underwent only one biliary reconstruction, and in 3 of those 5 (60%) with more than one repair. Overall, 29 patients (83% of those 35) presented good results. The complexity of the surgical treatment of biliary strictures imposes the adoption of measures to prevent lesions to the bile duct. Factors related to the prognosis that must be emphasized are surgeonsa' individual experience and skills, location of the stricture and diameter of the anastomosis

    Dietary açai modulates ROS production by neutrophils and gene expression of liver antioxidant enzymes in rats

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    Açai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) has recently emerged as a promising source of natural antioxidants. Because increased oxidative stress and impaired antioxidant defense mechanisms are important factors in the development of diabetic complications and many health claims have been reported for açai, the present study was undertaken to evaluate the possible protective effects of açai on the production of reactive oxygen species by neutrophils and on the liver antioxidant defense system in control and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Diet supplementation with 2% açai was found to increase mRNA levels for gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase and glutathione peroxidase in liver tissue and to decrease reactive oxygen species production by neutrophils. Compared to control animals, diabetic rats exhibited lower levels of mRNA coding for Zn-superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase and higher levels of reactive oxygen species production by neutrophils, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances and carbonyl proteins in hepatic tissues. Although açai supplementation was not effective in restore gene expression of antioxidant enzymes in diabetic rats, it showed a protective effect, decreasing thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances levels and increasing reduced glutathione content in the liver. These findings suggest that açai can modulate reactive oxygen species production by neutrophils and that it has a significant favorable effect on the liver antioxidant defense system under fisiological conditions of oxidative stress and partially revert deleterious effects of diabetes in the liver

    Entrevista sobre licitações na área de infraestrutura com o professor Marcelo Bruto da Costa Correia

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    Na sétima entrevista exclusiva para a Comunidade de Prática de Compras Públicas da Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap), o professor Marcelo Bruto da Costa Correia falou sobre as licitações na área de infraestrutura.As perguntas foram elaboradas pelo também professor da Enap, Gustavo Ferreira Olkowski.3 páginasLogística e Compras Pública