2,094 research outputs found

    Musical Auditory Stimulation and Cardiac Autonomic Regulation

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    Previous studies have already demonstrated that auditory stimulation with music influences the cardiovascular system. In this study, we described the relationship between musical auditory stimulation and heart rate variability. Searches were performed with the Medline, SciELO, Lilacs and Cochrane databases using the following keywords: “auditory stimulation”, “autonomic nervous system”, “music” and “heart rate variability”. The selected studies indicated that there is a strong correlation between noise intensity and vagal-sympathetic balance. Additionally, it was reported that music therapy improved heart rate variability in anthracycline-treated breast cancer patients. It was hypothesized that dopamine release in the striatal system induced by pleasurable songs is involved in cardiac autonomic regulation. Musical auditory stimulation influences heart rate variability through a neural mechanism that is not well understood. Further studies are necessary to develop new therapies to treat cardiovascular disorders

    The effects of auditory stimulation with music on heart rate variability in healthy women

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    OBJECTIVES: There are no data in the literature with regard to the acute effects of different styles of music on the geometric indices of heart rate variability. In this study, we evaluated the acute effects of relaxant baroque and excitatory heavy metal music on the geometric indices of heart rate variability in women. METHODS: We conducted this study in 21 healthy women ranging in age from 18 to 35 years. We excluded persons with previous experience with musical instruments and persons who had an affinity for the song styles. We evaluated two groups: Group 1 (n = 21), who were exposed to relaxant classical baroque musical and excitatory heavy metal auditory stimulation; and Group 2 (n = 19), who were exposed to both styles of music and white noise auditory stimulation. Using earphones, the volunteers were exposed to baroque or heavy metal music for five minutes. After the first music exposure to baroque or heavy metal music, they remained at rest for five minutes; subsequently, they were re-exposed to the opposite music (70-80 dB). A different group of women were exposed to the same music styles plus white noise auditory stimulation (90 dB). The sequence of the songs was randomized for each individual. We analyzed the following indices: triangular index, triangular interpolation of RR intervals and Poincaré plot (standard deviation of instantaneous beat-by-beat variability, standard deviation of the long-term RR interval, standard deviation of instantaneous beat-by-beat variability and standard deviation of the long-term RR interval ratio), low frequency, high frequency, low frequency/high frequency ratio, standard deviation of all the normal RR intervals, root-mean square of differences between the adjacent normal RR intervals and the percentage of adjacent RR intervals with a difference of duration greater than 50 ms. Heart rate variability was recorded at rest for 10 minutes. RESULTS: The triangular index and the standard deviation of the long-term RR interval indices were reduced during exposure to both music styles in the first group and tended to decrease in the second group whereas the white noise exposure decreased the high frequency index. We observed no changes regarding the triangular interpolation of RR intervals, standard deviation of instantaneous beat-by-beat variability and standard deviation of instantaneous beat-by-beat variability/standard deviation in the long-term RR interval ratio. CONCLUSION: We suggest that relaxant baroque and excitatory heavy metal music slightly decrease global heart rate variability because of the equivalent sound level

    A honeymoon in Brazil: the spawning behavior of an exotic reef fish in the western south Atlantic

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    The reproductive strategies of surgeonfishes of the genus Acanthurus are well known for all Atlantic species except the Monrovia doctorfish, Acanthurus monroviae, an eastern Atlantic surgeonfish whose biology remains largely unknown. We provide here the first account on the spawning behavior of A. monroviae, an exotic fish on rocky reefs of southeastern Brazilian coast.As estratégias reprodutivas de peixes-cirurgiões do gênero Acanthurus são bem conhecidas para todas as espécies registradas no Atlântico, exceto para Acanthurus monroviae, um cirurgião do Atlântico leste cuja biologia permanece pouco conhecida. Apresentamos aqui o primeiro relato do comportamento reprodutivo de A. monroviae, espécie exótica registrada nos recifes rochosos da costa sudeste do Brasil.36937

    Penalized likelihood and multi-objective spatial scans for the detection and inference of irregular clusters

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    Background: Irregularly shaped spatial clusters are difficult to delineate. A cluster found by an algorithm often spreads through large portions of the map, impacting its geographical meaning. Penalized likelihood methods for Kulldorff's spatial scan statistics have been used to control the excessive freedom of the shape of clusters. Penalty functions based on cluster geometry and non-connectivity have been proposed recently. Another approach involves the use of a multi-objective algorithm to maximize two objectives: the spatial scan statistics and the geometric penalty function. Results & Discussion: We present a novel scan statistic algorithm employing a function based on the graph topology to penalize the presence of under-populated disconnection nodes in candidate clusters, the disconnection nodes cohesion function. A disconnection node is defined as a region within a cluster, such that its removal disconnects the cluster. By applying this function, the most geographically meaningful clusters are sifted through the immense set of possible irregularly shaped candidate cluster solutions. To evaluate the statistical significance of solutions for multi-objective scans, a statistical approach based on the concept of attainment function is used. In this paper we compared different penalized likelihoods employing the geometric and non-connectivity regularity functions and the novel disconnection nodes cohesion function. We also build multi-objective scans using those three functions and compare them with the previous penalized likelihood scans. An application is presented using comprehensive state-wide data for Chagas' disease in puerperal women in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Conclusions: We show that, compared to the other single-objective algorithms, multi-objective scans present better performance, regarding power, sensitivity and positive predicted value. The multi-objective non-connectivity scan is faster and better suited for the detection of moderately irregularly shaped clusters. The multi-objective cohesion scan is most effective for the detection of highly irregularly shaped clusters


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    The literature has already demonstrated that auditory stimulation with music influences thecardiovascular system. In this study, we performed a literature review in order to investigate therelationship between auditory mechanisms and cardiac autonomic regulation. The selected studiesindicated that there is a strong correlation between noise intensity and vagal-sympathetic balance.Also, it was reported that music therapy improved heart rate variability in anthracycline-treatedbreast cancer patients. It was hypothesized that dopamine release in the striatal system induced bypleasure songs are involved in the cardiac autonomic regulation. Further studies are necessary toadd new elements in the literature to improve new therapies to treat cardiovascular disorders.A literatura já demonstrou que a estimulação auditiva por meio de música influencia o sistemacardiovascular. Neste estudo, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura, a fim de investigar a relaçãoentre os mecanismos auditivos e a regulação autonômica cardíaca. Os estudos selecionados indicaramforte correlação entre a intensidade do ruído e o equilíbrio simpatovagal. Além disso, foi relatadoque a terapia com música melhorou a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca em pacientes com câncerde mama tratados com antraciclinas. Postula-se que a dopamina liberada no sistema estriatal,induzida por canções alegres, está envolvida na regulação autonômica. Estudos posteriores sãonecessários para adicionar novos elementos na literatura, para melhorar a novas terapias e para otratar doenças cardiovasculares


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    O estudo foi desenvolvido no fragmento denominado Mata das Galinhas, situado no munic\uedpio de Catende \u2013 PE, na mesorregi\ue3o da mata pernambucana, mais precisamente na microrregi\ue3o da mata \ufamida, a 142 Km da capital, nas coordenadas 8\ub069'06"S e 35\ub069'08" W, com altitude m\ue9dia de 199m. O relevo varia, predominantemente, de ondulado a forte ondulado. Os solos predominantes s\ue3o classificados como latossolo vermelho distr\uf3fico e nitossolo vermelho associado ao latossolo. A vegeta\ue7\ue3o \ue9 de Floresta Ombr\uf3fila Densa. Neste estudo, objetivou-se avaliar a regenera\ue7\ue3o natural de esp\ue9cies arb\uf3reas no fragmento florestal e verificar a diversidade e a estrutura das esp\ue9cies no mesmo. Para a estimativa da regenera\ue7\ue3o natural das esp\ue9cies arb\uf3reas, foram locadas, de forma sistem\ue1tica, 16 subparcelas de 25 m2 (5 x 5 m), no centro de 16 unidades amostrais permanentes de 250 m2 (10,0 x 25,0 m), para o estudo da fitossociologia da comunidade arb\uf3rea adulta, com um distanciamento de 50 m entre si. O n\uedvel de inclus\ue3o foi de CAP 64 15 cm, e a medi\ue7\ue3o de altura (h) foi dividida em classes, em que a classe 1 contemplou indiv\uedduos com 1,0 64 h 64 2,0 m, a classe 2 com indiv\uedduos 2,0 < h 64 3,0 m e a classe, 3 indiv\uedduos com h > 3,0 m. Foram realizados os c\ue1lculos da sufici\ueancia amostral e da diversidade. No fragmento, foram amostrados 194 indiv\uedduos, pertencentes a 31 fam\uedlias bot\ue2nicas e a 60 esp\ue9cies arb\uf3reas. Destas, 42 foram identificadas em n\uedvel de esp\ue9cie; 4,em n\uedvel de g\ueanero; 2, em n\uedvel de fam\uedlia; e 2, indeterminadas. As dez esp\ue9cies com maiores valores para regenera\ue7\ue3o natural Total da Popula\ue7\ue3o Amostrada (RNT) representaram 53,78%, estando assim distribu\ueddas: Brosimum discolor Schott (9,98%), Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) Marchand (9,19%), Eschweilera ovata (Cambess.) Miers (8,01%), Thyrsodium spruceanum Benth. (7,0%), Dialium guianense (Aubl.) Sandwith (5,44%), Erythroxylum squamatum Sw. (3,32%), Cupania revoluta Rolfe (3,16%), Sorocea hilarii Gaudich. (2,66%), Cordia nodosa Lam. (2,52%) e Tapirira guianensis Aubl. (2,50%). Tais esp\ue9cies apresentaram capacidade de regenera\ue7\ue3o no fragmento, sendo que, no futuro, provavelmente, ser\ue3o as principais respons\ue1veis pela manuten\ue7\ue3o da estrutura e fisionomia da floresta. O \uedndice de diversidade encontrado para o fragmento foi de 3,57 nats/ind.The study was developed in the fragment situated in the Catende's \u2013 PE city (Mata das Galinhas \u2013 8\ub069'06" S; 35\ub069'08" W), in mesoregion of the pernambucana forest, more necessarily in the humid forest's microregion, at 142 km of the capital. The area's vegetacion is Humid Forest. The relief varies wavy to very wavy, with 199 m altitude. The soil is classified as red latisols dystrophic and red nitosols associated to latisols. The present work aims to study and evaluated the total natural regeneration of arboreal species in the forest fragment and to verify the diversity and structure of the species in the same one. For estimate the natural regeneration, were made systematically 16 subunits (samples with 5 x 5 m). These subunits were inserted in the middle samples (10 x 25 m) before used to evaluate the community arboreal phytossociology, with 50 meters between the ones. The regeneration study (CAP 64 15 cm) was developed with heights divided in three categories (1 \u2013 individuals with minimum heights 1 64 2 m; 2 - individuals with minimum heights 2 64 3 m; 3 - individuals with heights > 3 m). Besides, the samply sufficient and diversity were calculated. In fragment was observed 31 botanical families and 60 arboreal species inside 194 individuals. 42 had been identified in level of species, 4 in sort level, 2 in family level and 2 are not identify. Ten species obtained bigest values for total natural regeneration of the samples population (RNT) and contribute with 53,78% of the total percentage, how is descript following way: Brosimum discolor Schott (9,98%), Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) Marchand (9,19%), Eschweilera ovata (Cambess.) Miers (8,01%), Thyrsodium spruceanum Benth. (7,0%), Dialium guianense (Aubl.) Sandwith (5,44%), Erythroxylum squamatum Sw. (3,32%), Cupania revoluta Rolfe (3,16%), Sorocea hilarii Gaudich. (2,66%), Cordia nodosa Lam. (2,52%) e Tapirira guianensis Aubl. (2,50%). These species had presented a good capacity of regeneration, probably they will be main responsible for the maintenance of forest's structure and physiognomy. The diversity (H ') was 3,65 nats/ind for the fragment

    Advanced natural regeneration of native arboreal species in the sub-forest of settlements of Eucalyptus saligna Smith., in the area of the south forest of Pernambuco

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    A capacidade de regenera\ue7\ue3o natural de esp\ue9cies nativas em situa\ue7\uf5es de competi\ue7\ue3o com \ue1rvores de plantios florestais pode ser considerado um fator de grande valor para a manuten\ue7\ue3o da diversidade. Diante disso, o presente estudo avaliou a regenera\ue7\ue3o natural de esp\ue9cies nativas no sub-bosque de um povoamento de Eucalyptus saligna Smith., localizado na Reserva Biol\uf3gica de Saltinho, PE. Para a an\ue1lise da estimativa da regenera\ue7\ue3o natural das esp\ue9cies arb\uf3reas foram selecionados tr\ueas talh\uf5es de Eucalyptus saligna Smith. Em cada um deles, foram implantadas parcelas de 1,0 x 50 m, sendo uma na extremidade do talh\ue3o e as outras distanciando 10 m de uma da outra, totalizando dez subunidades. As an\ue1lises foram estabelecidas, com base no n\uedvel de inclus\ue3o das esp\ue9cies arb\uf3reas em regenera\ue7\ue3o natural com Circunfer\ueancia do Caule a Altura de 30 cm do solo - (CAB0,30m) 64 15 cm, e as classes de alturas foram assim distribu\ueddas: Classe 1 com indiv\uedduos arb\uf3reos com altura (H) 1,0 64 H 64 2,0, a Classe 2 com altura (H), 2 < H 64 3 e a Classe 3 com altura (H) >3,0 m. Para avaliar a diversidade flor\uedstica a n\uedvel de esp\ue9cie utilizou-se o \uedndice de Shannon (H\ub4). No total, foram amostrados 302 ind\uedviduos vivos, pertencentes a 23 fam\uedlias bot\ue2nicas, 31 g\ueaneros e 39 esp\ue9cies. Analisando-se os resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que o eucalipto possibilita a regenera\ue7\ue3o de esp\ue9cies nativas no sub-bosque, contudo, a composi\ue7\ue3o flor\uedstica depende tamb\ue9m de caracter\uedsticas ed\ue1ficas e da proximidade de fontes de prop\ue1gulos.The capacity of natural regeneration of native species in situations of competition with forest plantation trees can be considered an important factor in maintaining diversity. Therefore, the present study evaluated the natural regeneration of native species in the sub-forest of a settlement of Eucalyptus saligna Smith., located on the Biological Reservation of Saltinho \u2013 PE. To estimate the natural regeneration of the arboreal species, three stands of Eucalyptus saligna Smith were selected. In each one of them, 10 sub-units of 1.0 x 50 m were implanted, one being on the edge of the stand and the others with a distance of 10 m one from another. The analyses were established based on the level of inclusion of the arboreal species in natural regeneration with circumference from stem to height of 30 cm from the soil - (CAB0.30m) 64 15 cm, and the classes of heights were distributed as follows: Class 1- arboreal individuals with heights (H) 1.0 64 H 64 2.0; Class 2- with heights (H), 2 < H 64 3; and ; Class 3- with heights (H) >3.0 m. To evaluate the floristic diversity at the species level, the Shannon index was used (H\ub4). In total, 302 live individuals were sampled, belonging to 23 botanical families, 31 genera and 39 species. Based upon the results, it is possible to conclude that the Eucalyptus saligna tree does not preclude the natural regeneration of native species in the stand understory, however the floristic structure of the community is also influenced by edaphic factors and vicinity of seed sources

    Phytosociological structure of the arboreous component of Dense Ombrophylous Forest fragment in south bush of Pernambuco state, northeastern Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever a fisionomia e a estrutura de um fragmento de Floresta Ombr\uf3fila Densa localizado no munic\uedpio de Catende, Pernambuco. Foram mensuradas todas as \ue1rvores com de DAP (di\ue2metro a altura do peito) 65 4,77 cm em quarenta parcelas (10 x 25 m), instaladas sistematicamente em cinco transectos. Observou-se 1.049 indiv\uedduos, distribu\ueddos em 91 esp\ue9cies, 64 g\ueaneros e 37 fam\uedlias bot\ue2nicas. Mimosaceae e Lauraceae foram as fam\uedlias com maior n\ufamero de esp\ue9cies enquanto que Anacardiaceae e Moraceae tiveram o maior n\ufamero de indiv\uedduos. O \uedndice do Shannon (H') foi de 3,83 nats/ind. A \ue1rea basal total, a altura e o di\ue2metro (m\ue9dio e m\ue1ximo) foram 23,59 m2/ha, 13,57 m (\ub17,13), 45 m, 13,20 cm (\ub110,60) e 127,32 cm respectivamente. As dez esp\ue9cies de maior valor de import\ue2ncia foram Tapirira guianensis Aubl., Dialium guianense (Aubl.) Sandwith, Helicostylis tomentosa (Poepp. & Endl.) Rusby, Thyrsodium spruceanum Benth., Plathymenia foliolosa Benth., Brosimum discolor Schott, Parkia pendula (Willd.) Benth. ex Walp., Schefflera morototoni (Aubl.) Maguire, Steyerm. & Frodin, Eschweilera ovata (Cambess.) Miers e Cecropia palmata Willd. A distribui\ue7\ue3o diam\ue9trica apresentou curva semelhante \ue0 forma de J-invertido, prevista para uma floresta ineq\ufci\ue2nea em est\ue1gio de sucess\ue3o secund\ue1ria.This work aimed to describe physiognomy and structure of a Dense Ombrophyllous Forest fragment located in Catende, Pernambuco. All trees with DAP (breast height diameter) 65 4.77 cm were measured in 40 10 x 25 m plots, systematically installed in five transects. A total of 1049 individuals were observed, distributed in 91 species, 64 genera and 37 botanical families. Mimosaceae and Lauraceae were the families with higher species number, while Anacardiaceae and Moraceae had the highest individuals numbers. Shannon index (H') was 3.83 nats/ind. Total basal area, height and diameter (average and maximum) were 23.59 m2/ha, 13.57 m (\ub1 7.13), 45 m, 13.20 cm (\ub1 10.60) and 127.32 cm, respectively. The species with higher importance values were Tapirira guianensis Aubl., Dialium guianense (Aubl.) Sandwith, Helicostylis tomentosa (Poepp. & Endl.) Rusby, Thyrsodium spruceanum Benth., Plathymenia foliolosa Benth., Brosimum discolor Schott, Parkia pendula (Willd.) Benth. ex Walp., Schefflera morototoni (Aubl.) Maguire, Steyerm. & Frodin, Eschweilera ovata (Cambess.) Miers and Cecropia palmata Willd. Diametric distribution had an inverted-J-like curve, predicted for a forest unequal in ages in a secondary succession stage

    Acute Auditory Stimulation with Different Styles of Music Influences Cardiac Autonomic Regulation in Men

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    Background: No clear evidence is available in the literature regarding the acute effect of different styles of music on cardiac autonomic control. Objectives: The present study aimed to evaluate the acute effects of classical baroque and heavy metal musical auditory stimulation on Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in healthy men. Patients and Methods: In this study, HRV was analyzed regarding time (SDNN, RMSSD, NN50, and pNN50) and frequency domain (LF, HF, and LF / HF) in 12 healthy men. HRV was recorded at seated rest for 10 minutes. Subsequently, the participants were exposed to classical baroque or heavy metal music for five minutes through an earphone at seated rest. After exposure to the first song, they remained at rest for five minutes and they were again exposed to classical baroque or heavy metal music. The music sequence was random for each individual. Standard statistical methods were used for calculation of means and standard deviations. Besides, ANOVA and Friedman test were used for parametric and non-parametric distributions, respectively. Results: While listening to heavy metal music, SDNN was reduced compared to the baseline (P = 0.023). In addition, the LF index (ms2 and nu) was reduced during exposure to both heavy metal and classical baroque musical auditory stimulation compared to the control condition (P = 0.010 and P = 0.048, respectively). However, the HF index (ms2) was reduced only during auditory stimulation with music heavy metal (P = 0.01). The LF/HF ratio on the other hand decreased during auditory stimulation with classical baroque music (P = 0.019). Conclusions: Acute auditory stimulation with the selected heavy metal musical auditory stimulation decreased the sympathetic and parasympathetic modulation on the heart, while exposure to a selected classical baroque music reduced sympathetic regulation on the heart

    Previous exposure to musical auditory stimulation immediately influences the cardiac autonomic responses to the postural change maneuver in women

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    Background\ud Chronic exposure to musical auditory stimulation has been reported to improve cardiac autonomic regulation. However, it is not clear if music acutely influences it in response to autonomic tests. We evaluated the acute effects of music on heart rate variability (HRV) responses to the postural change maneuver (PCM) in women.\ud \ud Method\ud We evaluated 12 healthy women between 18 and 28 years old and HRV was analyzed in the time (SDNN, RMSSD, NN50 and pNN50) and frequency (LF, HF and LF/HF ratio) domains. In the control protocol, the women remained at seated rest for 10 minutes and quickly stood up within three seconds and remained standing still for 15 minutes. In the music protocol, the women remained at seated rest for 10 minutes, were exposed to music for 10 minutes and quickly stood up within three seconds and remained standing still for 15 minutes. HRV was recorded at the following time: rest, music (music protocol) 0–5, 5–10 and 10–15 min during standing.\ud \ud Results\ud In the control protocol the SDNN, RMSSD and pNN50 indexes were reduced at 10–15 minutes after the volunteers stood up, while the LF (nu) index was increased at the same moment compared to seated rest. In the protocol with music, the indexes were not different from control but the RMSSD, pNN50 and LF (nu) were different from the music period.\ud \ud Conclusion\ud Musical auditory stimulation attenuates the cardiac autonomic responses to the PCM.This study received financial support from Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da UNESP (FUNDUNESP – Process number 9139213)