863 research outputs found

    Expression of TIGIT, PD-1 and HLA-DR/CD38 markers on CD8-T cells of children and adolescents infected with HIV and uninfected controls

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    Immune exhaustion and senescence are scarcely studied in HIV-pediatric patients. We studied the circulatory CD8 T cells activation/exhaustion and senescent phenotype of children and adolescents vertically infected with HIV or uninfected controls based on the expression of human leukocyte antigen (HLA-DR), CD38, T cell immunoglobulin and immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM) domain (TIGIT), programmed death 1 (PD-1) and CD57 by flow cytometry, during approximately one year. Eleven HIV-infected (HI) and nine HIV-uninfected (HU) children/adolescents who received two doses or one dose of meningococcal C conjugate vaccine (MenC), respectively, were involved in this study. Blood samples were collected before the immunization (T0), 1–2 months after the first dose (T1), and 1–2 months after the second dose (T2), which was administered approximately one year after the first one. HI patients not receiving combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) showed a higher frequency of CD8 T cells TIGIT+, PD-1+ or CD57+, as well as a higher frequency of CD8 T cells co-expressing CD38/HLA-DR/TIGIT or CD38/HLA-DR/PD-1 when compared to HI treated or HU individuals, at all times that they were assessed. CD8 T cells co-expressing CD38/DR/TIGIT were inversely correlated with the CD4/CD8 ratio but positively associated with viral load. The co-expression of CD38/DR/TIGIT or CD38/DR/PD-1 on CD8 T cells was also inversely associated with the CD4 T cells expressing co-stimulatory molecules CD127/CD28. The results showed a higher expression of exhaustion/senescence markers on CD8 T cells of untreated HI children/adolescents and its correlations with viral load

    DNA Barcoding of Pyrrhulina australis (Characiformes: Lebiasinidae) reveals unexpected cryptic diversity in the group

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    Abstract The family Lebiasinidae includes a number of miniature and medium-sized fish species that are endemic to the Neotropical region. Pyrrhulina is the second most speciose lebiasinid genus and it is also the one with the most taxonomic uncertainties. In this context, the present study focused on the Pyrrhulina morphospecies found in a number of different drainage basins in South America to test the alternative proposals on the arrangement of the taxonomic units found within what is assumed to be a single nominal species, Pyrrhulina australis, based on a DNA Barcoding approach. The results of the analyses indicate that Pyrrhulina australis is a species complex, with intraspecific (within-group) genetic distances of up to 3.74%, well above the Optimal Threshold of 1.79% defined in the present study. The species delimitation analyses revealed a surprising level of diversification among the morphospecies evaluated, in particular, in the clade that encompasses Pyrrhulina australis (from the Paraguay River) + P. cf. rachoviana (Lower Paraná River), P. aff. australis I (Araguaia River)/II (Paraguay River)/III (Upper Paraná River)/IV(Guaporé River),and P. marilynae (Teles Pires River), which were arranged in six distinct evolutionary lineages that align with the geographical distribution of the respective drainage basins

    Postural adjustments and kinematic index finger features in frail older adults under different equilibrium constraints

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    Background: Anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) are significantly affected by age and may represent restrictions on functional independence. Previous studies in young adults have already highlighted that changing postural stability (i.e., seated vs. upright posture) affects the motor planning and APAs. In frail older adults (FOAs), the effect of these different conditions of postural stability have not yet been established, and the present study aimed to disentangle this issue. Methods: Participants executed an arm-pointing task to reach a diode immediately after it turned on, under different conditions of stability (seated with and without foot support and in an upright posture). A kinematic profile of the index finger and postural electromyographic data were registered in their dominant-side leg muscles: Tibialis anterior, soleus, rectus femoris, and semitendinosus. Results: The main finding of this study was that the adopted posture and body stabilization in FOAs did not reflect differences in APAs or kinematic features. In addition, they did not present an optimal APA, since postural muscles are recruited simultaneously with the deltoid. Conclusion: Thus, FOAs seem to use a single non-optimal motor plan to assist with task performance and counterbalance perturbation forces in which they present similar APAs and do not modify their kinematics features under different equilibrium constraints

    Nursing care to adolescent woman in labor in the light of Wanda Horta’s theory

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    Objective: To know the nursing care of the teenager during labor, and thus to identify the factors influencing, and analyze the nursing care of the adolescent woman in labor. Method: It is an exploratory qualitative research through interviews with 08 midwives of the maternity ward of University Hospital Professor Alberto Antunes (UFAL). Data were categorized according to Bardin analysis technique and the theoretical reference the Theory of Basic Human Needs Wanda Horta. Results: It was possible to identify 03 thematic units that show the care of nursing to the adolescent parturient, emphasizing the reception, the approach of the team and formation of the bond and of the nurses, and the care itself. Conclusion: The study made it possible to highlight the care provided, which happens in a generalized way, thus making it possible to identify the factors that determine how care is provided and its difficulties

    Interventions carried out in primary health care to deal with overweight and obesity - a scoping review / Intervenções realizadas na atenção primária à saúde para lidar com o excesso de peso e a obesidade - uma revisão do escopo

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    Introduction and objectives: overweight and obesity are important public health problems which have a negative impact on the quality of life of individuals and on health systems around the world.  Primary Health Care (PHC) becomes a crucial health care model for addressing the problem of overweight and obesity.This study presents the protocol of a scoping review that aims to describe the interventions related to dealing with overweight and obesity in PHC, identifying the obstacles and facilitators for their implementation.Methods and Analysis: the scoping review protocol presented was based on the recommendations of the Prisma Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-SCR), as well as the framework proposed by Arksey and O’Malley.The research questions were elaborated by a multidisciplinary team of researchers, graduate students and professors belonging to a research group working in the area of health policy and program evaluation. In addition, two pilot studies were carried out to refine the questions and to improve the online article research and consequently the protocol.The bibliometric databases that will be used are PUBMED, EBSCO, SCOPUS, WEB OF SCIENCE; using specific keywords for each database to orientate the search for original articles written in English.Every step of the research will be carried out by two researchers working independently. The steps include: searching the selected databases with the keywords; reading the title and summary of the articles found; reading the selected articles in full and transferring the data extracted from the articles to a table; a thematic analysis of the results.Ethics and Dissemination: the results of the scoping review will be published in a scientific journal and presented at conferences and other scientific events.It is hoped that the presentation and discussion of the findings of the scoping review proposed in this protocol can help researchers, health professionals and planners of PHC policies and programs to identify gaps in the literature, to reflect upon the experiments conducted around the world, and to explore possibilities for adapting successful interventions to varied geographical and cultural contexts

    Competências para a formação docente : metodologia de uso de ambientes virtuais para o ensino das competências

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    Os ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem podem ser compreendidos como espaços técnicos e pedagógicos de trabalho educativo. Possuem ferramentas que são utilizadas e substituem as interações do ensino presencial. Além dessa perspectiva nosso objetivo neste artigo é analisar os ambientes de aprendizagem identificando quais os elementos técnicos e pedagógicos de uma metodologia de uso desse espaço virtual, especificamente para facilitar o desenvolvimento de competências e habilidades docentes. A metodologia de pesquisa utilizada sob o enfoque qualitativo foi puramente descritiva e nos possibilitaram chegar a resultados de grande valor para o uso dos ambientes de aprendizagem, delineando uma sequência metodológica e didática de uso.Virtual environments of learning can be understood as pedagogical and technical spaces of educational work. They have tools that are used and substitute the interactions of presential education. Beyond this perspective our aim in this article is to analyze learning environments identifying which are the technical and pedagogical elements of a methodology of use of such virtual space, specifically to make the development of competences and teaching abilities easier. The methodology of research used under the qualitative approach was purely descriptive and made possible to reach valuable results for the use of learning environments, in which was delineated a methodological and didactic sequence of use

    Extensão em Microbiologia: mudas inoculadas com microrganismos benéficos na bacia do rio Doce

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    A extensão universitária, enquanto um dos três pilares de Universidades Públicas, cria oportunidade para a troca de conhecimentos e (re)significação de saberes, contribuindo para diminuir a lacuna pesquisa-aplicação e para ampliar a democratização do conhecimento técnico-científico. O presente relato de experiência objetivou apresentar a importância de projetos de pesquisa (com)partilhados com a extensão universitária, sobretudo diante de desafios complexos, tal como a produção de mudas de espécies florestais nativas inoculadas com microrganismos benéficos para a recuperação da bacia do rio Doce. O projeto “Seleção de microrganismos e produção massal de substrato inoculado para a produção de mudas, visando o repovoamento das áreas afetadas pelo rompimento da barragem de Fundão” surgiu diante do desastre ambiental de Mariana – MG, que ocorreu em novembro de 2015, com o rompimento da barragem de Fundão. Deste modo, o projeto foi construído buscando incluir pequenas empresas e produtos de origem local, juntamente com atividades de extensão. Dentre os princípios que nortearam as atividades de extensão relatadas neste artigo destacam-se o compromisso em estabelecer estratégias para diminuir as lacunas pesquisa-aplicação, a comunicação participativa, a multidisciplinaridade e a necessidade de devolver os resultados de pesquisas para os diversos atores envolvidos com o projeto. As atividades de extensão permitiram ampliar possibilidades e parcerias, bem como selecionar espécies de plantas florestais nativas para inoculação com microrganismos benéficos, de modo participativo, dando maior significado social para a pesquisa. Ressalta-se que são necessários esforços contínuos para estabelecer relações sujeito-sujeito e para ampliar as atividades de extensão a todos os envolvidos, direta ou indiretamente, com o projeto. O alinhamento de pesquisa e extensão em microbiologia, com foco na produção de mudas de espécies florestais nativas inoculadas com microrganismos benéficos para a revegetação da bacia do rio Doce, tem contribuído para (com)partilhar ações que favorecem a participação e o engajamento mútuo dos atores envolvidos: pesquisadores, técnicos e viveiristas


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    Objective: To understand how nurses deal with depression in basic health units.Method: Qualitative research was carried out in 2020 through an open interview with 15 nurses working in basic health units in a municipality in the Brazilian Midwest region. The interviews were subjected to content analysis.Results: It was possible to see that nurses have multifactorial difficulties in dealing with cases of depression. However, they point out strategies that indicate ways to qualify their clinical practice, such as the importance of professional training and strengthening teamwork, so they are prepared and qualified to offer effective and humanized nursing care to people with depression.Conclusion: Even in the face of the challenges that have arisen, the continuity of nursing actions aimed at patients with depression and other mental disorders is fundamental, especially in contexts with a weakened mental health care network

    Cuidados de Enfermagem prestados à parturiente adolescente sob a luz da Teoria de Wanda Horta Nursing care to adolescent woman in labor in the light of Wanda Horta’s theory

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    Objetivo: conhecer os cuidados de Enfermagem prestados à adolescente durante o trabalho de parto, e assim identificar os fatores os influenciam e analisar os cuidados de Enfermagem prestados à parturiente adolescente. Método: é uma pesquisa qualitativa exploratória, realizada através de entrevista com 08 enfermeiras obstétricas da maternidade do Hospital Universitário Professor Alberto Antunes – UFAL. Os dados foram categorizados de acordo com a técnica de análise de Bardin e tendo como referencial teórico a Teoria das Necessidades Humanas Básicas de Wanda Horta. Resultados: foi possível identificar 03 unidades temáticas que evidenciam como o cuidado de Enfermagem à parturiente adolescente, destacando-se o acolhimento, a aproximação da equipe e formação do vínculo e das enfermeiras, e os cuidados em si. Conclusão: o estudo possibilitou evidenciar os cuidados prestados, que acontecem de forma generalizada, possibilitando assim identificar os fatores que determinam como os cuidados são prestados e suas dificuldade