17 research outputs found

    Processo de trabalho, tecnologia e controle de mão de obra

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    Os estudos sobre o processo de trabalho se situam em um espaço de investigação formado pela intersecção das áreas temáticas de disciplinas diversas (...

    O processo de produção e relações de trabalho na formação da siderurgia brasileira: o caso CSBM

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    Este artigo examina o processo de constituição das normas técnicas de produção e das relações de trabalho e emprego durante a fase histórica de formação da grande indústria do aço no Brasil (que corresponde às décadas de 1920 e 1930). Durante esta fase foram superados os obstáculos que impediam, no ínicio do século, a deflagração do processo de edificação da indústria siderurgica no país. Privilegiou-se aqui o estudo de um aspecto crucial deste processo: os dispositivos colocados em prática pelas empresas no intuito de mobilizar a mão-de-obra necessária para o empreendimento e assegurar de um modo geral o controle das condições técnicas e sociais de produção. Ressalta-se, neste sentido, a tentativa de caracterização do sislema de controle do trabalho implantado nas usinas siderúrgicas durante este período, mostrando de que forma tal sistema logrou viabilizar o ínicio e o desenvolvimento das atividades produtivas.This paper deals with the settling of technical norms of production as well as labor and employment relations during the historical phase of the implantation of the great steel industry in Brazil in the 1920's and igSO's. Some of the constraints impeding the establishment of this industry in the beginning of this century were overcome during thisperiod. The analysis of the critical aspect of such a process was highlighted here, i.e., the mechanisms which were put into practice by the companies in order to mobilize the needed labor as well as to guarantee a general control on technological and social conditions of production. In this sense, anattempt is made here to characterize a system of labor control carried out in the steel mills during the period, by showing how such a system made it possible for the productive activities to start and develo

    A economia popular solidária em Belo Horizonte: um estudo exploratório

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    The aim of the present article is to initiate an explanatory study on the alternative experiences that are developed in Belo Horizonte within the Solidarity Economics context. First, the current crisis of capitalism and the recent changes on the structure of work are discussed, revealing how these conditions stimulate the sprouting of alternative experiences and elucidate the necessity of a new model of development and social inclusion. After that, support programs to this kind of enterprise (developed by the agencies of the Municipal City hall of Belo Horizonte and local organizations) are presented. In the conclusion, proposals and suggestions of politics for empowering the solidarity economics are presented.capitalism; solidarity economics; popular economics; Belo Horizonte

    Telemedicine-Based Management of Oral Anticoagulation Therapy:Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Oral anticoagulation is the cornerstone treatment of several diseases. Its management is often challenging, and different telemedicine strategies have been implemented to support it. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is to systematically review the evidence on the impact of telemedicine-based oral anticoagulation management compared to usual care on thromboembolic and bleeding events. METHODS: Randomized controlled trials were searched in 5 databases from inception to September 2021. Two independent reviewers performed study selection and data extraction. Total thromboembolic events, major bleeding, mortality, and time in therapeutic range were assessed. Results were pooled using random effect models. RESULTS: In total, 25 randomized controlled trials were included (n=25,746 patients) and classified as moderate to high risk of bias by the Cochrane tool. Telemedicine resulted in lower rates of thromboembolic events, though not statistically significant (n=13 studies, relative risk [RR] 0.75, 95% CI 0.53-1.07; I2=42%), comparable rates of major bleeding (n=11 studies, RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.82-1.07; I2=0%) and mortality (n=12 studies, RR 0.96, 95% CI 0.78-1.20; I2=11%), and an improved time in therapeutic range (n=16 studies, mean difference 3.38, 95% CI 1.12-5.65; I2=90%). In the subgroup of the multitasking intervention, telemedicine resulted in an important reduction of thromboembolic events (RR 0.20, 95% CI 0.08-0.48). CONCLUSIONS: Telemedicine-based oral anticoagulation management resulted in similar rates of major bleeding and mortality, a trend for fewer thromboembolic events, and better anticoagulation quality compared to standard care. Given the potential benefits of telemedicine-based care, such as greater access to remote populations or people with ambulatory restrictions, these findings may encourage further implementation of eHealth strategies for anticoagulation management, particularly as part of multifaceted interventions for integrated care of chronic diseases. Meanwhile, researchers should develop higher-quality evidence focusing on hard clinical outcomes, cost-effectiveness, and quality of life. TRIAL REGISTRATION: PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews CRD42020159208; https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=159208.</p

    Primary metabolism is distinctly modulated by plant resistance inducers in Coffea arabica leaves infected by Hemileia vastattrix

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    Original ResearchEpidemics of coffee leaf rust (CLR) leads to great yield losses and huge depreciation of coffee marketing values, if no control measures are applied. Societal expectations of a more sustainable coffee production are increasingly imposing the replacement of fungicide treatments by alternative solutions. A protection strategy is to take advantage of the plant immune system by eliciting constitutive defenses. Based on such concept, plant resistance inducers (PRIs) have been developed. The Greenforce CuCa formulation, similarly to acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), shows promising results in the control of CLR (Hemileia vastatrix) in Coffea arabica cv. Mundo Novo. The molecular mechanisms of PRIs action are poorly understood. In order to contribute to its elucidation a proteomic, physiological (leaf gas-exchange) and biochemical (enzymatic) analyses were performed. Coffee leaves treated with Greenforce CuCa and ASM and inoculation with H. vastatrix were considered. Proteomics revealed that both PRIs lead to metabolic adjustments but, inducing distinct proteins. These proteins were related with photosynthesis, protein metabolism and stress responses. Greenforce CuCa increased photosynthesis and stomatal conductance, while ASM caused a decrease in these parameters. It was further observed that Greenforce CuCa reinforces the redox homeostasis of the leaf, while ASM seems to affect preferentially the secondary metabolism and the stress-related proteins. So, the PRIs prepare the plant to resist CLR but, inducing different defense mechanisms upon pathogen infection. The existence of a link between the primary metabolism and defense responses was evidenced. The identification of components of the plant primary metabolism, essential for plant growth and development that, simultaneously, participate in the plant defense responses can open new perspectives for plant breeding programsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validación de la versión portuguesa del Cuestionario de Eficacia Clínica y Práctica Basada en Evidencias

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    OBJETIVOS: descrever o processo de tradução e validação linguística e cultural para o contexto português do Questionário de Eficácia Clínica e Prática Baseada em Evidências (QECPBE). MÉTODO: desenvolveu-se um estudo metodológico e transversal. Foi efetuada tradução e retroversão, de acordo com os padrões usuais. Na determinação das características psicométricas do QECPBE utilizou-se a Análise de Componentes Principais com rotação ortogonal, segundo o método Varimax, seguida de análise fatorial confirmatória. A consistência interna foi determinada pelo valor alfa de Cronbach. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre dezembro de 2013 e fevereiro de 2014. RESULTADOS: participaram 358 enfermeiros que exercem a prática clínica num centro hospitalar do norte de Portugal. O QECPBE apresenta 20 itens e três subescalas: Práticas (α=0,74); Atitudes (α=0,75); Conhecimentos/Habilidades e Competências (α=0,95), apresentando consistência interna global de α=0,74. No modelo testado obteve-se variância explicada de 55,86%. O modelo demonstrou um bom ajuste: χ2(167)=520,009; p=0,0001; χ2df=3,114; CFI=0,908; GFI=0,865; PCFI=0,798; PGFI=0,678; RMSEA=0,077 (IC90%=0,07-0,08). CONCLUSÃO: através da análise fatorial confirmatória realizada demonstrou-se que o questionário é válido e adequado para utilização no contexto estudado.OBJETIVOS: describir el proceso de traducción y validación lingüística y cultural para el contexto portugués del Cuestionario de Eficacia Clínica y Práctica Basada en Evidencias (CECPBE). MÉTODO: se desarrolló un estudio metodológico y transversal. Fue efectuada traducción y retroversión de acuerdo con los estándares usuales. En la determinación de las características psicométricas del CECPBE se utilizó el Análisis de Componentes Principales con rotación ortogonal, según el método Varimax, seguido por análisis factorial confirmatorio. La consistencia interna fue determinada por el valor alfa de Cronbach. La recolección de datos ocurrió entre diciembre de 2013 y febrero de 2014. RESULTADOS: participaron 358 enfermeros que ejercían la práctica clínica en un centro hospitalario en el norte de Portugal. El CECPBE presenta 20 ítems y tres subescalas: Prácticas (α=0,74); Actitudes (α=0,75); Conocimientos/Habilidades y Competencias (α=0,95), presentando consistencia interna global de α=0,74. En el modelo probado se obtuvo variancia explicada de 55,86%. El modelo demostró un buen ajuste: χ2(167)=520,009; p=0,0001; χ2df=3,114; CFI=0,908; GFI=0,865; PCFI=0,798; PGFI = 0,678; RMSEA = 0,077 (IC90%=0,07-0,08). CONCLUSIÓN: a través del análisis factorial confirmatorio se demostró que el cuestionario es válido y adecuado para utilización en el contexto estudiado.OBJECTIVES: to describe the process of translation and linguistic and cultural validation of the Evidence Based Practice Questionnaire for the Portuguese context: Questionário de Eficácia Clínica e Prática Baseada em Evidências (QECPBE). METHOD: a methodological and cross-sectional study was developed. The translation and back translation was performed according to traditional standards. Principal Components Analysis with orthogonal rotation according to the Varimax method was used to verify the QECPBE's psychometric characteristics, followed by confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency was determined by Cronbach's alpha. Data were collected between December 2013 and February 2014. RESULTS: 358 nurses delivering care in a hospital facility in North of Portugal participated in the study. QECPBE contains 20 items and three subscales: Practice (α=0.74); Attitudes (α=0.75); Knowledge/Skills and Competencies (α=0.95), presenting an overall internal consistency of α=0.74. The tested model explained 55.86% of the variance and presented good fit: χ2(167)=520.009; p = 0.0001; χ2df=3.114; CFI=0.908; GFI=0.865; PCFI=0.798; PGFI=0.678; RMSEA=0.077 (CI90%=0.07-0.08). CONCLUSION: confirmatory factor analysis revealed the questionnaire is valid and appropriate to be used in the studied context


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    In view of the coronavirus pandemic that has hit the world and caused drastic changes in the social and economic life of the general population, this article aims to gather and analyze information about the means of transmission, pathophysiology, epidemiology and psychosocial effects. In addition, it was possible to determine the importance of technology in communication between patients and health professionals, avoiding possible overloads to the health system, such as the elimination of frequent doubts and assisting in community prevention with the availability of information online, warning that users should be cautious when consuming news due to the emergence of fake news on social networks.En vista de la pandemia de coronavirus que ha golpeado al mundo y causado cambios drásticos en la vida social y económica de la población en general, este artículo tiene como objetivo recopilar y analizar información sobre los medios de transmisión, la fisiopatología, la epidemiología y los efectos psicosociales. Además, se pudo determinar la importancia de la tecnología en la comunicación entre pacientes y profesionales de la salud, evitando posibles sobrecargas al sistema de salud, como la eliminación de dudas frecuentes y ayudando en la prevención comunitaria con la disponibilidad de información en línea, advirtiendo que los usuarios deben ser cautelosos al consumir noticias debido a la aparición de noticias falsas en las redes sociales.Tendo em vista a pandemia do coronavírus, que atingiu o mundo e causou mudanças drásticas na vida social e econômica da população em geral, este artigo tem como objetivo reunir e analisar informações sobre os meios de transmissão, fisiopatologia, epidemiologia e efeitos psicossociais. Além disso, foi possível determinar a importância da tecnologia na comunicação entre pacientes e profissionais de saúde, evitando possíveis sobrecargas ao sistema de saúde, como a eliminação de dúvidas frequentes e auxiliando na prevenção comunitária com a disponibilização de informações online, alertando que os usuários tenham cautela ao consumir notícias devido ao surgimento de fake news nas redes sociais.Tendo em vista a pandemia do coronavírus, que atingiu o mundo e causou mudanças drásticas na vida social e econômica da população em geral, este artigo tem como objetivo reunir e analisar informações sobre os meios de transmissão, fisiopatologia, epidemiologia e efeitos psicossociais. Além disso, foi possível determinar a importância da tecnologia na comunicação entre pacientes e profissionais de saúde, evitando possíveis sobrecargas ao sistema de saúde, como a eliminação de dúvidas frequentes e auxiliando na prevenção comunitária com a disponibilização de informações online, alertando que os usuários tenham cautela ao consumir notícias devido ao surgimento de fake news nas redes sociais

    O "fordismo", sua crise e algumas considerações sobre o caso brasileiro

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    O "fordismo", sua crise e algumas considerações sobre o caso brasileir