65 research outputs found

    Depressió i família: factors socials i ideològics en la vivència personal i familiar de la malaltia depressiva

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    La depressió constitueix el grup de trastorns psicopatològics de major prevalença en els països desenvolupats. La malaltia depressiva te una influencia amb la persona que la pateix i amb les persones que conviuen amb ell/ella. L’objectiu de la tesi és descriure les representacions i practiques personals i familiars de la malaltia depressiva. Estudi qualitatiu, prospectiu i observacional des d’una perspectiva socioantropòlogica. S’utilitzen les tècniques d’entrevistes amb profunditat i visita domiciliaria. La mostra esta constituïda per un total de 40 malalts diagnosticats de depressió major i distímia en un Centre de Salut Mental de Tarragona (Espanya) i 45 familiars de edats compreses entre els 26 i els 68 anys. Els resultats s’han organitzat en dos apartats: 1) aspectes vivencials dels pacients i professionals en relació a la depressió, expressió del patiment i organització del procés assistencial 2) Identificació dels processos d’adaptació familiar a la malaltia des de una perspectiva evolutiva

    ‘Living together with dementia’ – Conceptual validation of training programme for family caregivers: Innovative practice

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    This article presents results from a conceptual validation of the programme ‘Living Together with Dementia’, through an e-Delphi study carried out during April/May, 2015 with 26 Portuguese and Spanish experts. The programme consists of seven individual weekly sessions and two group sessions over a seven-week period. It covers dementia, communication and behaviour; demands and expectations of the caregiver role; basic activities of daily living; coping and problem solving strategies; physical and mental health of the caregiver and community support. The programme methods mainly consist of discussion sessions, practical examples/simulations and skill training.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Primeira ajuda em saúde mental para cuidadores familiares de pessoas idosas com perturbação neurocognitiva

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    A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of metacognitive training for people with schizophrenia applied by mental health nurses: Study protocol

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    Aim To evaluate the efficacy of the Portuguese version of the metacognitive training (MCT) programme for schizophrenia and its effects on psychotic symptoms, insight into the disorder and functionality. Design This is a randomized controlled trial that will be undertaken in six psychiatric institutions in Portugal. Methods This study was approved in March 2019. The sample will consist of people with schizophrenia. The evaluation instruments will include sociodemographic and clinical questionnaires, the Psychotic Symptom Rating Scales, the Beck Cognitive Insight Scale, the World Health Disability Assessment Schedule, and the Personal and Social Performance Scale, applied to both groups at three different times. In the experimental group, the eight MCT modules will be applied over 4 weeks. Discussion It is expected that at the end of the programme, the experimental group will have reduced severity of psychotic symptoms and improved insight into the disease and functionality. Impact Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that, in most cases, leads to the deterioration of cognitive and social functioning as a result of psychotic symptoms. Metacognitive training for schizophrenia has been used in several countries, but its efficacy remains unclear. It is a type of programme that consists of changing the cognitive infrastructure of delusions

    Features of family caregivers of people with dementia attended at a neurology consultation

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    Providing care to someone with dementia is a complex task, that requires a set of speci*c skills and knowledge that family caregivers often lack. Training family caregivers of people with dementia is paramount, and the *rst step towards such purpose should be the identi*cation of their features and the evaluation of their needs. The main aim of this study is to identify the major characteristics of family caregivers of people with dementia in early or moderate stage living at home, who attend the dementia consultation at a hospital in the north of Portugal, through a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. This study is a section from a previous randomized controlled trial, performed to assess the short-term e+cacy of a training programme for family caregivers of people with dementia (the programme “Living together with Dementia”). Regarding the *ndings, we realized that the average age of family caregivers is 52, and these are mostly women, married, with basic education levels and employed. They display intense overload and di+- culties levels, but also high degrees of satisfaction. They mostly resort to mixed coping/ problem resolution strategies and their main needs are expressed as follows: managing emotions and feelings associated with the caring process; developing strategies to preserve physical and mental health; developing knowledge about dementia and its stages and *nally, seeking support from formal institutionsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    COVID‐19 infection: Positive mental health, psychological vulnerability and sex: Cross‐sectional study

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    Since mid-March 2020, a state of emergency was decreed in Portugal due to the COVID-19 pandemic and, consequently, measures were implemented to protect public health, such as social isolation, which will certainly have a notable impact on the mental health of the population, especially in the most vulnerable groups. Positive Mental Health (PMH) is essential to deal with adversity, in this case with the pandemic, and to live better and with greater satisfaction. We consider it relevant to investigate how PMH was used as a resource to deal with the pandemic, depending on the level of vulnerability and sex. A, cross-sectional study was carried out whose the aim was to evaluate the levels of PMH and psychological vulnerability in people with COVOD-19 infection and analyze the association between PMH and psychological vulnerability among men and women. Methods The instruments used were a sociodemographic characterization questionnaire, the Positive Mental Health Questionnaire, and the Psychological Vulnerability Scale (PVS), that were sent and filled out online. A quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive, and correlational study was carried out. Results After analyzing the results, it was found that approximately 50.4% of the respondents (n = 387) had global PMH values that place them in quartile 50. There was also a statistically significant difference between female and male PMH, with women showing greater psychological vulnerability and lower overall PMH. Conclusions We conclude that the women present a greater psychological vulnerability and a lower level of PMH when compared to men. Relevance to clinical practice Considering the study's statistically significant results, when we talk about mental health, we should always consider the sex variable as a vulnerability factor, in a pandemic or non-pandemic phase.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    COVID-19 - Evidence of the impact of literacy and salutogenic behaviours in positive mental health: a cross-sectional study

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    Positive mental health is defined as the ability to perceive and interpret the context of a situation and to adapt to it whenever necessary. Considering the pandemic situation, identifying the factors that may have the greatest impact on quality of life and consequently, on positive mental health is paramount. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of health literacy on the adoption of behaviours that promote positive mental health during COVID-19. A descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study was conducted on a sample of 770 patients using a questionnaire for sociodemographic characterization, the Positive Mental Health Questionnaire and the Mental Health Knowledge Questionnaire. Concerning health-promoting behaviours, those who sleep enough hours, exercise regularly, eat healthy and are more aware of mental health promotion activities, or have greater mental health literacy, have higher positive mental health scores. Thus, having more knowledge of mental health and adopting health-promoting behaviours improve positive mental health.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cognitive insight in psychotic patients institutionalized and living in the community: an examination using the Beck Cognitive Insight Scale

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    Improving cognitive insight can reduce delusions in patients with psychotic disorders. Although institutionalized patients usually have more severe delusions than outpatients, little is known about the differences in cognitive insight between these two groups. In this study, we evaluated the psychometric properties of the Beck Cognitive Insight Scale (BCIS) for a sample of Portuguese patients with psychotic disorders and compared the cognitive insight of institutionalized patients with patients living in the community. Participants in this study were 150 patients diagnosed with psychotic disorder (78 institutionalized patients and 72 outpatients). The tested model of the BCIS was a very good fit. Our study shows that patients living in the community showed higher levels of cognitive insight (total BCIS and self-reflectiveness) than institutionalized patients. Future studies assessing cognitive insight should take into account differences between the cognitive insights of institutionalized psychotic patients and psychotic patients living in the community.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Literacia e saúde mental nos adolescentes

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    Nursing homes in Portugal during the COVID-19 outbreak: Challenges for the future

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    Objetivo: Este estudio pretende explorar la percepción de los especialistas sobre el desempe˜no de las residencias de ancianos durante la COVID-19. Método: Este es un estudio desarrollado en 2 fases: 1) un grupo focal, con el que se trabajó en mayo 2020, con 5 especialistas y 2) un Delphi modificado, implementado en septiembre 2020 con 22 especialistas, ambos en el área de asistencia en residencias de ancianos del norte y centro de Portugal. Resultados: Los resultados permitieron identificar 3 áreas principales que influenciaron el desempe˜no de las residencias de ancianos desde el inicio del brote de la COVID-19: modelos de organización y recursos; salud física y mental de los residentes y; la familia como apoyo. Conclusiones: Las personas mayores que residen en residencias para ancianos quedan particularmente vulnerables a la COVID-19, pues esta enfermedad puede tener para ellos consecuencias muy graves o incluso conducirle a la muerte. Es importante que las residencias prevengan la fragilidad física y mental de los ancianos, así como la soledad que muy probablemente les asola debido a las circunstancias pandémicas. Los responsables por las residencias de ancianos deben percibir que las personas mayores que viven en ellas tienen. por lo general. problemas de salud, lo que debería determinar la implementación de nuevas estrategias, entre ellas el aumento del número de profesionales debidamente capacitados.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio