17 research outputs found

    Arxiu General de Fira Barcelona

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    Arxiu29 és una proposta d’adequació, rehabilitació i conservació del patrimoni de Fira Barcelona generat durant els més de 100 anys d’història a través de la creació de diversos espais. Un museu amb exposició permanent de diversitat d’elements determinants durant la història de Fira Barcelona, un laboratori de disseny, recerca i creació dins el camp del disseny gràfic i industrial, i una zona de bar / restaurant que arrodoneixi la proposta cobrint el màxim espectre d’usos necessaris en l’actualitat. L’espai escollit, part superior del Palau 8 de Fira Montjuïc entre Av. Rius i Taulet i Av. Maria Cristina es un dels espais públics de la ciutat que en l’actualitat necessita una urgent restauració e integració amb l’entorn.Arxiu29 is a proposal to adapt, rehabilitate and preserve the heritage of Fira Barcelona generated during more than 100 years of history through the creation of different spaces. A museum with a permanent exhibition with a diversity of key elements during the history of Fira Barcelona; a design lab with research and creation in the graphic and industrial design world. And finally; a bar / restaurant that covers all the needs. The space chosen is located at the upper part of Palau 8 of Fira Montjuïc between Av. Rius i Taulet and Av. Maria Cristina. Nowadays, it is one of the public spaces that needs an urgent restoration and integration with the public environment

    Precision gestational diabetes treatment: a systematic review and meta-analyses

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    Genotype-stratified treatment for monogenic insulin resistance: a systematic review

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    Plec : informatiu d'EINA. Núm. 25

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    Núm. 25 (nov. 2003)Sumari: Editorial: Aprenent del tuning. A propòsit de... La barraca com a tema / Anna Gutiérrez, Toni Ferré i Glòria Ribera. Converses del Plec Disseny urbà: qui proposa i qui disposa? 2a Part / Manuel Delgado, Joaquim Español, Francesc Muñoz, Hubertus Pöppinghaus. Novetats: La tipoteca d’Eina / Enric Jardí. Homenatge: Tres aportacions al món del disseny / En record de Francesc Casamajó, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán i Joan Perucho. Fet a Eina: El Vaca Jorge Ferrera. Corresponsal: Combat de robots a Delf / per Gaspar González. Universitat Tècnica de Delf: per Adriana Campi (Relacions Internacionals

    Plec : informatiu d'EINA. Núm. 22

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    Núm. 22 (maig 2003)Sumari: Editorial: El disseny com a ocurrència o com a remei. Museu imaginari: Sobre el símbol de la pau Sebastià Duatis. Fet a Eina: Primer concurs de disseny de punt de venda de “Chocolat Factory”; Habitácola 2003 Glòria Ribera i Naila Vilaseca / Toni Ferré i Anna Gutierrez. Converses del Plec: L’actualitat del disseny gràfic: entre el logotipisme i la comunicació visual Pere Àlvaro, David Espluga, Enric Jardí i Pilar Gorriz. A propòsit de... Living in Motion / Isabel Campi. Corresponsal: Recorregut de tres dies per a dues persones a l’Alt Empordà / Mercè Fernàndez

    Proceedings of the 1st Seminar on Higher Education Rankings and E-learning

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    First International Seminar on Higher Education Rankings and e-Learning. ProceedingsPrimer Seminari Internacional d'Educació Superior. Les classificacions i aprenentatge virtual. ProceedingsPrimer Seminario Internacional de Educación Superior. Las clasificaciones y e-learning. Proceeding

    Proceedings of the 1st Seminar on Higher Education Rankings and E-learning

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    First International Seminar on Higher Education Rankings and e-Learning. ProceedingsPrimer Seminari Internacional d'Educació Superior. Les classificacions i aprenentatge virtual. ProceedingsPrimer Seminario Internacional de Educación Superior. Las clasificaciones y e-learning. Proceeding

    Dynamics of Emergency Cardiovascular Hospital Admissions and In-Hospital Mortality During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Time Series Analysis and Impact of Socioeconomic Factors

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    AimsThis study aimed to evaluate the decline in urgent cardiovascular hospital admissions and in-hospital mortality during the COVID pandemic in two successive waves, and to evaluate differences by sex, age, and deprivation index subgroups. Methods and ResultsWe obtained acute cardiovascular hospital episodes during the years 2019-2020 from region-wide data on public healthcare usage for the population of Catalonia (North-East Spain). We fitted time models to estimate the incidence rate ratios (IRRs) of the acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and acute heart failure (HF) admissions during the first pandemic wave, the between-waves period, and the second wave compared with the corresponding pre-COVID-19 periods and to test for the interaction with sex, age, and area-based socioeconomic level. We evaluated the effect of COVID-19 period on in-hospital mortality. ACS (n = 8,636) and HF (n = 27,566) episodes were defined using primary diagnostic ICD-10 codes. ACS and HF admissions decreased during the first wave (IRR = 0.66, 95%CI: 0.58-0.76 and IRR = 0.61, 95% CI: 0.55-0.68, respectively) and during the second wave (IRR = 0.80, 95%CI: 0.72-0.88 and IRR = 0.76, 95%CI: 0.69-0.84, respectively); acute HF admissions also decreased in the period between waves (IRR: 0.81, 95%CI: 0.74-0.89). The impact was similar in all sex and socioeconomic subgroups and was higher in older patients with ACS. In-hospital mortality was higher than expected only during the first wave. ConclusionDuring the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a marked decline in urgent cardiovascular hospital admissions that were attenuated during the second wave. Both the decline and the attenuation of the effect have been similar in all subgroups regardless of age, sex, or socioeconomic status. In-hospital mortality for ACS and HF episodes increased during the first wave, but not during the second wave