14 research outputs found

    Raman analysis of a shocked planetary surface analogue: Implications for habitability on Mars

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    The scientific aims of the ExoMars Raman laser spectrometer (RLS) include identifying biological signatures and evidence of mineralogical processes associated with life. The RLS instrument was optimised to identify carbonaceous material, including reduced carbon. Previous studies suggest that reduced carbon on the Martian surface (perhaps originating from past meteoric bombardment) could provide a feedstock for microbial life. Therefore, its origin, form, and thermal history could greatly inform our understanding of Mars' past habitability. Here, we report on the Raman analysis of a Nakhla meteorite analogue (containing carbonaceous material) that was subjected to shock through projectile impact to simulate the effect of meteorite impact. The characterisation was performed using the RLS Simulator, in an equivalent manner to that planned for ExoMars operations. The spectra obtained verify that the flight-representative system can detect reduced carbon in the basaltic sample, discerning between materials that have experienced different levels of thermal processing due to impact shock levels. Furthermore, carbon signatures acquired from the cratered material show an increase in molecular disorder (and we note that this effect will be more evident at higher levels of thermal maturity). This is likely to result from intense shearing forces, suggesting that shock forces within basaltic material may produce more reactive carbon. This result has implications for potential (past) Martian habitability because impacted, reduced carbon may become more biologically accessible. The data presented suggest the RLS instrument will be able to characterise the contribution of impact shock within the landing site region, enhancing our ability to assess habitability

    The Raman Laser Spectrometer for the ExoMars Rover Mission to Mars

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    The Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) on board the ESA/Roscosmos ExoMars 2020 mission will provide precise identification of the mineral phases and the possibility to detect organics on the Red Planet. The RLS will work on the powdered samples prepared inside the Pasteur analytical suite and collected on the surface and subsurface by a drill system. Raman spectroscopy is a well-known analytical technique based on the inelastic scattering by matter of incident monochromatic light (the Raman effect) that has many applications in laboratory and industry, yet to be used in space applications. Raman spectrometers will be included in two Mars rovers scheduled to be launched in 2020. The Raman instrument for ExoMars 2020 consists of three main units: (1) a transmission spectrograph coupled to a CCD detector; (2) an electronics box, including the excitation laser that controls the instrument functions; and (3) an optical head with an autofocus mechanism illuminating and collecting the scattered light from the spot under investigation. The optical head is connected to the excitation laser and the spectrometer by optical fibers. The instrument also has two targets positioned inside the rover analytical laboratory for onboard Raman spectral calibration. The aim of this article was to present a detailed description of the RLS instrument, including its operation on Mars. To verify RLS operation before launch and to prepare science scenarios for the mission, a simulator of the sample analysis chain has been developed by the team. The results obtained are also discussed. Finally, the potential of the Raman instrument for use in field conditions is addressed. By using a ruggedized prototype, also developed by our team, a wide range of terrestrial analog sites across the world have been studied. These investigations allowed preparing a large collection of real, in situ spectra of samples from different geological processes and periods of Earth evolution. On this basis, we are working to develop models for interpreting analog processes on Mars during the mission. Key Words: Raman spectroscopy—ExoMars mission—Instruments and techniques—Planetary sciences—Mars mineralogy and geochemistry—Search for life on Mars. Astrobiology 17, 627–65

    In situ science on Phobos with the Raman spectrometer for MMX (RAX): preliminary design and feasibility of Raman meausrements

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    Mineralogy is the key to understanding the origin of Phobos and its position in the evolution of the Solar System. In situ Raman spectroscopy on Phobos is an important tool to achieve the scientifc objectives of the Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) mission, and maximize the scientifc merit of the sample return by characterizing the mineral composition and heterogeneity of the surface of Phobos. Conducting in situ Raman spectroscopy in the harsh environment of Phobos requires a very sensitive, compact, lightweight, and robust instrument that can be carried by the compact MMX rover. In this context, the Raman spectrometer for MMX (i.e., RAX) is currently under development via international collaboration between teams from Japan, Germany, and Spain. To demonstrate the capability of a compact Raman system such as RAX, we built an instrument that reproduces the optical performance of the fight model using commercial of-the-shelf parts. Using this performance model, we measured mineral samples relevant to Phobos and Mars, such as anhydrous silicates, carbonates, and hydrous minerals. Our measurements indicate that such minerals can be accurately identifed using a RAX-like Raman spectrometer. We demonstrated a spectral resolution of approximately 10 cm−1, high enough to resolve the strongest olivine Raman bands at ~820 and ~850 cm−1, with highly sensitive Raman peak measurements (e.g., signal-to-noise ratios up to 100). These results strongly suggest that the RAX instrument will be capable of determining the minerals expected on the surface of Phobos, adding valuable information to address the question of the moon’s origin, heterogeneity, and circum-Mars material transport

    Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Largest HIV-1 CRF02_AG Outbreak in Spain: Evidence for Onward Transmissions

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    Background and Aim: The circulating recombinant form 02_AG (CRF02_AG) is the predominant clade among the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) non-Bs with a prevalence of 5.97% (95% Confidence Interval-CI: 5.41–6.57%) across Spain. Our aim was to estimate the levels of regional clustering for CRF02_AG and the spatiotemporal characteristics of the largest CRF02_AG subepidemic in Spain.Methods: We studied 396 CRF02_AG sequences obtained from HIV-1 diagnosed patients during 2000–2014 from 10 autonomous communities of Spain. Phylogenetic analysis was performed on the 391 CRF02_AG sequences along with all globally sampled CRF02_AG sequences (N = 3,302) as references. Phylodynamic and phylogeographic analysis was performed to the largest CRF02_AG monophyletic cluster by a Bayesian method in BEAST v1.8.0 and by reconstructing ancestral states using the criterion of parsimony in Mesquite v3.4, respectively.Results: The HIV-1 CRF02_AG prevalence differed across Spanish autonomous communities we sampled from (p < 0.001). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that 52.7% of the CRF02_AG sequences formed 56 monophyletic clusters, with a range of 2–79 sequences. The CRF02_AG regional dispersal differed across Spain (p = 0.003), as suggested by monophyletic clustering. For the largest monophyletic cluster (subepidemic) (N = 79), 49.4% of the clustered sequences originated from Madrid, while most sequences (51.9%) had been obtained from men having sex with men (MSM). Molecular clock analysis suggested that the origin (tMRCA) of the CRF02_AG subepidemic was in 2002 (median estimate; 95% Highest Posterior Density-HPD interval: 1999–2004). Additionally, we found significant clustering within the CRF02_AG subepidemic according to the ethnic origin.Conclusion: CRF02_AG has been introduced as a result of multiple introductions in Spain, following regional dispersal in several cases. We showed that CRF02_AG transmissions were mostly due to regional dispersal in Spain. The hot-spot for the largest CRF02_AG regional subepidemic in Spain was in Madrid associated with MSM transmission risk group. The existence of subepidemics suggest that several spillovers occurred from Madrid to other areas. CRF02_AG sequences from Hispanics were clustered in a separate subclade suggesting no linkage between the local and Hispanic subepidemics

    Studies of basalt through laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for the manufacturing of lapilli blocks

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    Se analizaron mediante espectroscopía de plasma inducido por láser (LIBS), espectroscopía Raman y difracción de rayos x (XRD) muestras seleccionadas de diversas zonas de Tenerife con el objetivo de identificar su composición química elemental y mineralógica. Los resultados mostraron los elementos mayoritarios siguientes: O, F, Na, K, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti y Fe. La identificación de las muestras mediante espectroscopía Raman y XRD mostró una mineralogía de tipo basáltica coincidente con los resultados de composición elemental LIBS. Los resultados de los análisis con instrumentación portátil han demostrado la aplicabilidad de la espectroscopía LIBS y, en especial, en combinación con la espectroscopía Raman, para su utilización en la detección mineralógica-química en las zonas de extracción de basaltos y picón para la construcción en Tenerife.Basaltic samples selected from different areas of Tenerife were analyzed by applying laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), Raman spectroscopy and X Ray Diffraction (XRD) in order to identify the basic chemical composition and mineralogy. The basic composition obtained from the analysis was: O, F, Na, K, Mg, Al Si, Ca, Ti and Fe. Raman spectroscopic and XRD analyses indicated a basaltic mineralogy which is consistent with the basic composition results obtained from LIBS. The results of the analyses carried out using portable instrumentation proved the suitability of the LIBS, specially combined with the Raman spectroscopy for their application in the mineralogical-chemical identification in the areas where basalts and lapilli are extracted for construction works in Tenerife.Fil: De La Viuda Perez, Ismael. Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial; EspañaFil: Navarro Azor, Rafael. Centro de Astrobiología; España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Lalla, Emmanuel. Centro de Astrobiología; España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Rodriguez Losada, Jose. Universidad de La Laguna; EspañaFil: Aquilano, Roberto Oscar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Medina, Jesus. Centro de Astrobiología; España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Rull Perez, Fernando. Centro de Astrobiología; España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Españ

    The Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) for 2020 Exomars (ESA) Mission: Instrument development and operation on Mars

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    International audienceRaman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) is part of the Exomars 2020 key instruments devoted to the analysis of samples collected below the Martian surface. This paper aims to describe the instrument technical characteristics, the scientific performances and the operation it will perform on Mars in the context of Exomars 2020 rover mission

    Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) calibration target design to allow onboard combined science between the RLS and MicrOmega instruments on the ExoMars rover

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    The ExoMars rover, scheduled to be launched in 2020, will be equipped with a novel and diverse payload. It will also include a drill to collect subsurface samples (from 0- to 2-m depth) and deliver them to the rover analytical laboratory, where it will be possible to perform combined science between instruments. For the first time, the exact same sample target areas will be investigated using complementary analytical methods—infrared spectrometry, Raman spectrometry, and laser desorption mass spectrometry—to establish mineralogical and organic chemistry composition. Fundamental for implementing this cooperative science strategy is the Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) calibration target (CT). The RLS CT features a polyethylene terephthalate disk used for RLS calibration and verification of the instrument during the mission. In addition, special patterns have been recorded on the RLS CT disk that the other instruments can detect and employ to determine their relative position. In this manner, the RLS CT ensures the spatial correlation between the three analytical laboratory instruments: MicrOmega, RLS, and MOMA. The RLS CT has been subjected to a series of tests to qualify it for space utilization and to characterize its behavior during the mission. The results from the joint work performed by the RLS and MicrOmega instrument teams confirm the feasibility of the “combined science” approach envisioned for ExoMars rover operations, whose science return is optimized when complementing the RLS and MicrOmega joint analysis with the autonomous RLS operation.With funding from the Spanish government through the "María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence" accreditation (MDM-2017-0737); Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) under references ESP2014‐56138‐C3‐2‐R and ESP2107‐87690‐C3‐1‐R

    Raman Analysis of a Shocked Planetary Surface Analogue: Implications for Habitability on Mars

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    The scientific aims of the ExoMars Raman laser spectrometer (RLS) include identifying biological signatures and evidence of mineralogical processes associated with life. The RLS instrument was optimised to identify carbonaceous material, including reduced carbon. Previous studies suggest that reduced carbon on the Martian surface (perhaps originating from past meteoric bombardment) could provide a feedstock for microbial life. Therefore, its origin, form, and thermal history could greatly inform our understanding of Mars' past habitability. Here, we report on the Raman analysis of a Nakhla meteorite analogue (containing carbonaceous material) that was subjected to shock through projectile impact to simulate the effect of meteorite impact. The characterisation was performed using the RLS Simulator, in an equivalent manner to that planned for ExoMars operations. The spectra obtained verify that the flight-representative system can detect reduced carbon in the basaltic sample, discerning between materials that have experienced different levels of thermal processing due to impact shock levels. Furthermore, carbon signatures acquired from the cratered material show an increase in molecular disorder (and we note that this effect will be more evident at higher levels of thermal maturity). This is likely to result from intense shearing forces, suggesting that shock forces within basaltic material may produce more reactive carbon. This result has implications for potential (past) Martian habitability because impacted, reduced carbon may become more biologically accessible. The data presented suggest the RLS instrument will be able to characterise the contribution of impact shock within the landing site region, enhancing our ability to assess habitability