187 research outputs found

    Potencial técnico de SFCR : Determinação da densidade de potencia especifica para a região urbana de Recife

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    El trabajo presenta la determinación de la densidad de potencia específica de áreas para la instación de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos Conectado a Red (SFCR). La evaluación de la producción de la energía útil tiene como base fundamental resultados del procedimiento de operación de un SFCR-Prueba de (p-Si) instalado en el Campus de la Universidad Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Noroeste del Brasil. Los datos obtenidos durante el monitoreo anual de este sistema permiten calcular la eficacia del mismo y la de sus componentes en condiciones reales de operación (radiación, temperaturas ambiente y de la operación). Se obtienen valores más realistas del coeficiente global del funcionamiento (PR-Performance Ratio). Los resultados acusan un valor medio anual de 0.7 para el PR y de 156 kW/m2 como energía específica. Teniendo en cuenta estos resultados, SCFR pueden ser proyectados a partir de la demanda que deberá ser provista y/o del área disponible. Por ejemplo, en un techo de fotovoltaicos de 100m2 se podrá producir unos 15.6 MWh/año, energía útil apta para abastecer la demanda de unas 4 residencias con consumo de entre 300 al 430 kWh/mes.The methodological proposal is based on the experience acquired in the development of research projects (R&D) focused on technical aspects involved in the global performance of PV systems. It shows the monitoring schedule and the evaluation of the experimental data obtained during one year of system monitoring. The data acquisition system monitored the meteorological and electric parameters, from the captation of available solar radiation by the generator up to the production of useful electric energy and total electrical energy consumption for the demand. The results obtained are expressed in daily, monthly and annual average: solar energy generated and produced, electrical consummation and the solar energy injected into network and they result in promising annual operation indices, as the performance Ratio (PR) of 0.7. The specific energy, 156 kWh/m2, was determinated with thesis experimental dates. This value can subsidize simulation studies and new system projects giving results under real operational conditions. For exemple, about 15,6 MWh/year can be produced for 100m2 of photovoltaic area, Electrical energy production equivalent to current electrical consumption of 4 familar houses in Brazil.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Potencial técnico de SFCR : Determinação da densidade de potencia especifica para a região urbana de Recife

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    El trabajo presenta la determinación de la densidad de potencia específica de áreas para la instación de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos Conectado a Red (SFCR). La evaluación de la producción de la energía útil tiene como base fundamental resultados del procedimiento de operación de un SFCR-Prueba de (p-Si) instalado en el Campus de la Universidad Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Noroeste del Brasil. Los datos obtenidos durante el monitoreo anual de este sistema permiten calcular la eficacia del mismo y la de sus componentes en condiciones reales de operación (radiación, temperaturas ambiente y de la operación). Se obtienen valores más realistas del coeficiente global del funcionamiento (PR-Performance Ratio). Los resultados acusan un valor medio anual de 0.7 para el PR y de 156 kW/m2 como energía específica. Teniendo en cuenta estos resultados, SCFR pueden ser proyectados a partir de la demanda que deberá ser provista y/o del área disponible. Por ejemplo, en un techo de fotovoltaicos de 100m2 se podrá producir unos 15.6 MWh/año, energía útil apta para abastecer la demanda de unas 4 residencias con consumo de entre 300 al 430 kWh/mes.The methodological proposal is based on the experience acquired in the development of research projects (R&D) focused on technical aspects involved in the global performance of PV systems. It shows the monitoring schedule and the evaluation of the experimental data obtained during one year of system monitoring. The data acquisition system monitored the meteorological and electric parameters, from the captation of available solar radiation by the generator up to the production of useful electric energy and total electrical energy consumption for the demand. The results obtained are expressed in daily, monthly and annual average: solar energy generated and produced, electrical consummation and the solar energy injected into network and they result in promising annual operation indices, as the performance Ratio (PR) of 0.7. The specific energy, 156 kWh/m2, was determinated with thesis experimental dates. This value can subsidize simulation studies and new system projects giving results under real operational conditions. For exemple, about 15,6 MWh/year can be produced for 100m2 of photovoltaic area, Electrical energy production equivalent to current electrical consumption of 4 familar houses in Brazil.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Artificial neural network used in the study of sensitives in iris reactor pressurizer

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    In general, the technique of sensibility analysis studies the behavior of the ratio between the variation of output results and the variation of input parameters. This study performed in the reactor pressurizer, which is a component responsible for control of the pressure inside the vessel, has fundamental importance in designing the security of any concept of advanced reactor. Above all, for its feature of passive action of the pressurizer (there is no spray), this analysis becomes a necessary step for safety and performance of the plant. The direct method through code MODPRESS, which represents the pressurizer model of the International Reactor Innovative and Secure (IRIS), has required large computational effort. Unlike this method, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), beyond faster, do not require a typical linear behavior of the system. Moreover, they can also use experimental data for their training and learning. If the ANN are satisfactory in this theoretical case may be used for future mapping and forecasting of the behavior of various phenomena in both plant operation and small-scale experiment to be installed in CRCN-NE. Based on the results obtained in this study, one can conclude that the artificial neural networks are presented as an alternative to MODPRESS code, as well as a great tool to calculate the sensitivity coefficient

    3D modeling of bolus for producing by prototyping and use in radiation therapy

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    Due to its vast number of occurrences, cancer has caused an economic impact on the public and supplementary health care sectors. It is estimated that more than 50% of patients diagnosed with malignant neoplasms need radiotherapy at some stage of their treatment, most of them treated with photon and/or electron beams. Due to the build-up effect (increase in dose in the matter from deposition on the surface to a point of maximum dose) caused by the interaction of photon beams with the irradiated tissue, bolus is often used in routine radiotherapy sectors to superficialize the point of maximum dose in the treatment region. The human body has complex surfaces that are often treatment regions in radiotherapy, but commercial bolus with a standard shape and length do not adapt perfectly to these surfaces. When this happens, air gaps may appear in the region, causing differences between the dose defined in radiotherapy planning and the dose delivered during treatment. In order to eliminate these air gaps and possible dose distribution errors, two methodologies for individualized bolus construction were proposed. In both cases, computed tomography images of the Alderson Rando male anthropomorphic phantom were used as a reference of the anatomy of a human body. From these images, one bolus model was constructed in the 3D modeling software 3ds Max by creating a polygonal mesh, while the other bolus model was constructed in the image computing software 3D Slicer, using segmentation tools. The software Creality Slicer 1.2.3. prepared the files for 3D printing. The prints of the files were made on polylactic acid filament on the Tevo Tarantula Pro printer. The bolus construction methodology using the software 3ds Max showed better results, as a greater contact area between the bolus and the phantom was observed when testing the fit of the printed bolus to the physical phantom. The 3D files of the virtual bolus will be available for future computer simulations. The printed bolus could be used in dosimetry with linear accelerators

    Fitting the incidence data from the city of Campinas, Brazil, based on dengue transmission modellings considering time-dependent entomological parameters

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFour time-dependent dengue transmission models are considered in order to fit the incidence data from the City of Campinas, Brazil, recorded from October 1st 1995 to September 30th 2012. The entomological parameters are allowed to depend on temperature and precipitation, while the carrying capacity and the hatching of eggs depend only on precipitation. The whole period of incidence of dengue is split into four periods, due to the fact that the model is formulated considering the circulation of only one serotype. Dengue transmission parameters from human to mosquito and mosquito to human are fitted for each one of the periods. The time varying partial and overall effective reproduction numbers are obtained to explain the incidence of dengue provided by the models.Four time-dependent dengue transmission models are considered in order to fit the incidence data from the City of Campinas, Brazil, recorded from October 1st 1995 to September 30th 2012. The entomological parameters are allowed to depend on temperature and precipitation, while the carrying capacity and the hatching of eggs depend only on precipitation. The whole period of incidence of dengue is split into four periods, due to the fact that the model is formulated considering the circulation of only one serotype. Dengue transmission parameters from human to mosquito and mosquito to human are fitted for each one of the periods. The time varying partial and overall effective reproduction numbers are obtained to explain the incidence of dengue provided by the models113FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO2009/15098-

    Novos caminhos da Linguística textual: reflexões teóricas sobre o conceito de tradições discursivas e os estudos diacrônicos no português paulista a partir de alguns gêneros impressos do século XIX

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir o conceito de tradições discursivas e apresentar parte das pesquisas que vêm sendo desenvolvidas pelos integrantes do PHPP dentro do subprojeto “Tradições discursivas: constituição e mudança dos gêneros numa perspectivadiacrônica”.This paper aims to discuss the concept of discourse traditions and to show some of the research being developed by members of the subproject within PHPP entitled “Discourse traditions: constitution and change of genre from a diachronic perspective"

    Cisto dentígero associado a quarto molar supranumerário em ramo mandibular: relato de caso / A dentigerous cyst associated with a supernumerary fourth molar in the mandibular ramus: a case report

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    Objetivo:Relatar um caso clínico apresentando achados clínicos, radiográficos e histológicos de um cisto dentígero associado a um quarto molar inferior e os relevantes procedimentos pré e pós tratamento. Detalhamentos de Caso: Paciente G.E.S.F, 30  anos,  sexo masculino, encaminhado para atendimento na Clinica Escola de Odontologia do Centro Universitário do Norte (UNINORTE) em Manaus, queixando-se de dor intense. Ao exame clínico intrabucal observou-se lesão cariosa no elemento 38. Ao exame ortopantográfico foi observada presença de supranumerário 39, quarto molar, com espeçamento do folículo pericoronário. Em tomografia computadorizada foi observada imagem hipodensa sugestiva de cisto dentígero medindo 11,3x10,4x15,2mm (AxLxP), em comunicação com o meio bucal. Os cistos dentígeros são os segundos cistos odontogênicos mais comuns da mandíbula e geralmente estão associados às coroas de elementos impactados ou não erupcionados. Tendem a ocorrer em torno de terceiros molares inferiores não irrompidos e mesiodens superiores, e quando relacionados ao quarto molar, são incomuns, ocorrendo em 0,04–0,175% das populações investigadas. O tratamento proposto foi a enucleação do cisto e exodontia de terceiro e quarto molares. Considerações Finais: O cisto dentígero,  está associado a elementos impactados ou irrompidos, na maioria dos casos não apresenta sintomas de desconforto ou dor,  dai a importância de uma avaliação criteriosa e investigativa tendo em vista as condições e riscos que a permanência destes podem ocasionar

    Palinofácies de uma seção aflorante de folhelhos da Formação Barreirinha (Devoniano), borda sul da Bacia do Amazonas, Brasil: implicações paleoambientais

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    The present work aimed to investigate the palynofacies and paleoenvironment of the Barreirinha Formation in the southern part of the Amazon Basin and to examine their relationships with the organic geochemistry of previous studies. To this end, palynofacies analysis techniques and organic geochemistry results (total organic carbon and Rock-Eval pyrolysis) were applied to 23 shale samples from an outcrop section of the Barreirinha Formation (Devonian) in the southern part of the Amazon Basin, Brazil. Palynofacies analysis revealed the predominance of organic material of marine origin: amorphous organicmatter (AOM) and acritarchs. The palynological associations indicate that the sedimentation of the Barreirinha Formation initially occurred in an oxic-anoxic distal marine environment, which then transitioned to an anoxic distal marine depositional environment. Integration of the results of palynofacies analysis in conjunction with data from previous studies allowed the identification of two levels of kerogen dominance: type II, in the middle to the upper part of the section, and types III and II /III in the lower part of the section. Based on the results of the organic-geochemical analyses, the material was found to have good potential for hydrocarbon production, based on TOC values that reached percentages up to 6.29%, S2 reached 23.1 (mg HC/grock), and hydrogen index (HI) with values ranging from 69 to 377 (mg HC/g rock). Tmax values ranged from 425 to 435°C, and the spore color index (SCI) ranged from 3.5 to 4.5, indicating thermal immaturity for hydrocarbon formation.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar as palinofácies e o paleoambiente deposicional da Formação Barreirinha e sua relação com a geoquímica orgânica de estudos prévios, na porção sul da Bacia do Amazonas, Brasil. Para isso, aplicaram-se técnicas de análises de palinofácies e os resultados da geoquímica orgânica (carbono orgânico total e pirólise Rock-Eval) em 23 amostras de folhelhos de uma seção aflorante da Formação Barreirinha (Devoniano), borda sul da Bacia do Amazonas. Com a análise da palinofácies, verificou-se que há uma predominância de matéria orgânica de origem marinha: matéria orgânica amorfa (MOA) e acritarcas. As associações palinológicas indicaram que a sedimentação da Formação Barreirinha ocorreu, inicialmente, em ambiente marinho distal óxico-anóxico, gradando para ambiente deposicional marinho distal anóxico. A integração dos resultados daanálise de palinofácies, associada com os dados de estudos prévios, possibilitou a identificação de dois níveis de predominância do querogênio: tipo II, na porção média a superior da seção; e tipos III e II/III, na porção inferior da seção. Com os resultados das análises de geoquímica orgânica, verificou-se que o material apresenta bom potencial para geração de hidrocarbonetos, com base nos valores de COT que alcançaram percentuais de até 6,29%, S2 atingindo 23,1 (mg HC/g rocha), e o índice de hidrogênio (IH) com valores entre 69 e 377 (mg HC/g rocha). Os valores de Tmáx variaram de 425 a 435°C, e os valores de índice de coloração de esporos (ICE) entre 3,5 e 4,5, indicando imaturidade térmica para a geração de hidrocarbonetos.&nbsp

    Exposure computational models with voxel phantoms coupled to EGSnrc Monte Carlo code

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    In computational dosimetry of ionizing radiation, the energy deposited in radiosensitive organs and tissues is evaluated when an anthropomorphic simulator (phantom) is irradiated using Exposure Computational Models (ECMs). An ECM is a virtual scene with a phantom positioned mathematically relative to a radioactive source. The initial state includes information like the type of primary particle, its energy, starting point coordinates, and direction. Subsequently, robust Monte Carlo (MC) codes are used to simulate the particle's mean free path, interaction with the medium's atoms, and energy deposition. These are common steps for simulations involving photons and/or primary electrons. The GDN (Research Group on Numerical Dosimetry and the Research Group on Computational Dosimetry and Embedded Systems) has published ECMs with voxel phantoms irradiated by photons using the MC code EGSnrc. This work has led to specific computational tools development for various numerical dosimetry stages, including input file preparation, ECM execution, and result analysis. Since 2004, the GDN developed in-house applications like FANTOMAS, CALDose_X, DIP, and MonteCarlo. Certain previously used phantoms are reintroduced to provide historical context in the ECMs' production timeline, emphasizing additive modifications inherent in systematic theme studies. The dosimetric evaluations used the binary version of the MASH (Male Adult mesh) phantom, converted to the SID (Dosimetric Information System) text file type. This format has been used by the group since 2021 to couple a voxel phantom to the EGSnrc user code. The ECM included an environmental dosimetry problem simulation. Most of these tools are accessible on the GDN page (http://dosimetrianumerica.org)