1,382 research outputs found

    Patterns and characteristics of university-industry relationships: evidences from a college of engineering in Brazil

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    The university-industry interactions have been perceived by academics and governments as one of the key drivers for social and economic development of nations. In Brazil, these interactions are still a recent phenomenon, with no conclusive results on its effectiveness and with no clear guidelines on how to tackle the main problems faced by the professionals, researchers and institutions involved on such interactions. In order to provide an accurate diagnosis of the characteristics, challenges and peculiarities of these phenomena, the present study investigates the university-industry relations in the School of Engineering of Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), located in the municipality of Niterói/RJ. In order to contribute to the analysis of the problem, interviews were conducted with professors and researchers affiliated with the School. The results shows, from the perspective of the respondents, the main motivations of the parties involved in these relationships, as well as the main limitations and difficulties in its establishment

    Management of stakeholders in high complexity projects: applications and empiric evidences in ctr Nova Iguaçu

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    This article presents the case of implementation of the licensed landfill CTR Nova Iguaçu (the first initiative all around the world certified by the Clean Development Mechanism – CDM, from Kyoto Treaty), providing an analysis of the practices of management of stakeholders adopted with the neighboring communities surrounding the enterprise. Besides the local investigation at the enterprise concerned, the study is supported by technical-scientific literature, highlighting the themes of stakeholders management, change management, and processes of project management, based on the PMI’s 5th Ed PMBoK view. As conclusions, it is seen, in the situation displayed, that actions of identification, planning and monitoring of the stakeholders were crucial to the initiative success, under the economical perspective and concerning corporative image


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    The methodologies used in the market regarding pricing practices related to software testing activity are strongly based on empiricism, without the parameters and criteria that are widely accepted, what does not confer the due credibility in terms of time and cost for businesses. Despite the highlighted theoretical and empiric importance assigned to the field of software testing, in Brazil, investigations on the theme software testing estimation are still scarce. This article provides a literature review of the main academic publications in national and international circulation which focus on the study of how to estimate software testing, aiming at fomenting and guiding further national researches specifically dedicated to this thematic. The review has provided both the characterization of how to estimate software testing and survey of the main existing techniques


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    O caso narra a trajetória da startup de educação Descomplica desde a idealização da empresa até o seu crescimento, evidenciando os dilemas organizacionais relacionados às decisões de fazer ou comprar (the make-buy decision) em seus processos-chave, com vistas a tentar conciliar um crescimento exponencial de clientes com atenção especial na qualidade dos serviços prestados. A situação narrada acontece entre os anos de 2010 e 2012, tendo o fundador da empresa Marco Fisbhen como o principal personagem deste caso. O referido empreendedor, com a experiência acumulada de 17 anos ministrando aulas em cursinhos pré-vestibulares presenciais, resolveu gravar suas aulas e disponibiliza-las online com foco no Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM), visando dar escala ao serviço prestado, utilizando a internet como principal mecanismo de distribuição. Os desafios enfrentados por Fisbhen e sua organização nascente na obtenção de investimentos também são tratados no caso, analisando os fatores positivos e negativos das opções de aportes financeiros disponíveis para a empresa. Como instrumento de ensino, o caso foi concebido para apoiar reflexões sobre empreendedorismo, gestão de negócios e de inovação em cursos de graduação e pós-graduação, proporcionando a discussão e o julgamento de estudantes sobre as vantagens e desvantagens de cada uma das situações narradas no documento. Como objetivo secundário, o caso oferece aos leitores uma abordagem sobre ferramentas para formatação do negócio, desenvolvimento e validação de ideias, inspiradas nos ensinamentos de Eric Ries e outros autores sobre startups e startups enxutas (lean startups). O caso ainda contempla uma série de informações sobre a educação no cenário brasileiro, destacando a tendência e aumento do crescimento do público-alvo da referida empresa com a unificação do ENEM em 2009

    A Diagnosis of Brazilian Shipbuilding Industry on the Basis of Methodology for an Analysis of Sectorial Systems of Innovation

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    A recent resumption of Brazilian shipbuilding industry, driven by the purchasing power of the state, has presented controversial opinions concerning its effective contribution to, in the first instance, the innovation and competitiveness in the sector and secondly, for Brazilian development. The present study, conducted between November 2009 and May 2011, analyses the said industry from a methodology based on an approach of system sectors of innovation, seeking to highlight the existence and intensity of relationships between the main organizations and institutions, which are members of the industry, in addition to verifying the individual contributions of each of the stakeholders to the industrial competitiveness. As a result of the study, an accurate diagnosis is presented concerning the main aspects to be prioritized through the Brazilian shipbuilding industry, in addition to reviews of proposals of scientific and industrial policies directed towards the said industry, specifically as regards the granting of public funds for research and development demands be revised, as should be aligned to the real needs of the country and the productive sector

    Percepção da qualidade do projeto entregue no setor de pneumáticos segundo os departamentos de manutenção e projetos / Perception of the quality of the project delivered in the tire sector according to the maintenance and project departments

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    O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar e confrontar as percepções dos agentes de projetos e da manutenção no que tange a qualidade em projetos, identificando atributos que possam contribuir na qualidade da entrega de novos empreendimentos. Preliminarmente foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura acerca de atributos de qualidade em projetos com objetivo de fundamentar o presente trabalho. Já na vertente empírica do estudo, amparada pela teoria, foram realizadas entrevistas e aplicados questionários junto aos profissionais de manutenção e projetos. Através da pesquisa em campo foi possível verificar a que os atributos “funcionalidade” e a “entrega do acordado” em um projeto foram os fatores convergentes entre as áreas objeto deste estudo


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    The tough competitiveness seen in the beverage industry, especially in emerging segments like isotonic drinks and iced teas, requires companies to seek competitive advantages to stay or increase their participation in the consumer market. In this sense reducing wastes and assuring compliance in production process are identified as key variables in this industry. This work presents the application of the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) methodology in the production line of a company which fills beverage in PET bottles, in order to assess the plant operational performance. In this direction primary data were collected and the line downtimes were stratified, and the indicators used by the plant were confronted with the dimensions that make up the OEE indicator (Availability, Performance and Quality) in order to assess the possible behaviors and correlations. As a result, it was noted that the longest downtimes were caused by downtimes of the inkjet printer and the filler, and there was a strong correlation between the indices of the OEE and the existing indicators in the plant despite the bias (ε)


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    The specific domain of a product and the perception of innovation are topics that aroused interest in research in the last twenty years, especially after the development of the domain-specific innovativeness (DSI) construct. This paper conducted a meta-analysis to assess the consequents of the DSI. To this end, a total of 276 works were identified in nine databases, of which 78 were included in the study work, generating 98 observations for a sample set of 40,641. The results showed significant relationships between the consequents: adoption of innovation, attitude, behavioral intention, product usage, opinion leader and risk perception. Furthermore, it was noted that the research method (survey vs. experimental) and the country of application (Western vs. Eastern) were moderating factors of the relationships between DSI, opinion leader and behavioral intention