430 research outputs found

    Obtenção de amônia a partir de rotas termoquímicas utilizando biomassa animal: conversão, disponibilidade e modelagem do processo

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    The investigation was developed to study the conversion of nitrogen into its byproducts, particularly focusing on NH3 formation. The study involved pyrolysis and gasification experiments using nitrogen-rich animal residues as biomass, along with an assessment of integrating this process into the Brazilian scenario to evaluate the potential increase in ammonia production. Additionally, a preliminary Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model was developed to analyze the inert bed's characteristics under both cold and hot conditions, comparing the resulting gas with experimental data. The experimental methodology involved segmenting the thermochemical gasification process into sequential subprocesses of pyrolysis and gasification. Pyrolysis was conducted in fixed and fluidized bed reactors using raw biomass, while gasification experiments used the char originated from the pyrolysis experiment and only the fluidized bed reactor was used with different gasification agent mixtures, including steam. The results showed distinct nitrogen-to-NH3 conversion rates in the different stages of gasification, with the pyrolysis stage contributing approximately 49.3% to the direct NH3 conversion, while gasification of nitrogenated char accounted for 4.5% of the total conversion. The study's applicability to the Brazilian context involved two analyses: the country's fertilizer consumption demand, heavily reliant on imports, and the potential use of animal carcasses (26 million tons annually) to produce meat and bone meal (MBM) for NH3 production. Utilizing approximately 2,2 million tons of nitrogen from MBM could generate around 1,5 million tons of ammonia annually, representing a substantial reduction in costs (7 to 7,5 billion reais) and meeting nearly 80% of the National Fertilizer Plan's nitrogen fertilizer production goal. The CFD model's development occurred in three stages: adapting the fluidized bed reactor's geometry, configuring the hydrodynamics model (cold bed), and implementing the reactive model (hot bed) with species transport and chemical reactions. The model demonstrated good performance in predicting NH3 production, but improvements are necessary to consider additional chemical reactions and reactive models for species transport. Experimental validation showed promising results for NH3 prediction, but discrepancies were observed for CO, mainly attributed to gasification agent dilution. Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the conversion of nitrogen-rich biomass into NH3 and the potential implications for ammonia production in the Brazilian context. The CFD model shows promise but requires further refinement for accurate prediction of gas composition.A pesquisa foi desenvolvida para estudar a conversão de nitrogênio em seus subprodutos, com foco especial na formação de Amônia (NH3). O estudo envolveu experimentos de pirólise e gaseificação usando resíduos animais ricos em nitrogênio como biomassa, juntamente com uma avaliação da integração desse processo no cenário brasileiro para avaliar o aumento potencial na produção de amônia. Além disso, foi desenvolvido um modelo preliminar de Dinâmica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD) para analisar as características do leito inerte em condições frias e quentes, comparando o gás resultante com dados experimentais. A metodologia experimental envolveu a segmentação do processo de gaseificação em subprocessos sequenciais de pirólise e gaseificação. A pirólise foi realizada em reatores de leito fixo e fluidizado usando biomassa crua, enquanto os experimentos de gaseificação usaram o carvão originado do experimento de pirólise e somente o reator de leito fluidizado foi usado com diferentes misturas de agentes de gaseificação, incluindo vapor. Os resultados mostraram taxas de conversão de nitrogênio em NH3 distintas nos diferentes estágios de gaseificação, com o estágio de pirólise contribuindo com aproximadamente 49,3% para a conversão direta de NH3, enquanto a gaseificação do carvão nitrogenado foi responsável por 4,5% da conversão total. A aplicabilidade do estudo no contexto brasileiro considerou-se duas análises: a demanda de consumo de fertilizantes no país, que depende muito de importações, e o uso potencial de carcaças de animais (26 milhões de toneladas por ano) para produzir farinha de carne e ossos (FCO) para a produção de NH3. A utilização de aproximadamente 2,2 milhões de toneladas de nitrogênio da farinha de carne e ossos poderia gerar cerca de 1,5 milhões de toneladas de amônia por ano, o que representaria uma redução substancial de custos (7 a 7,5 bilhões de reais) e atenderia a quase 80% da meta de produção de fertilizantes nitrogenados do Plano Nacional de Fertilizantes. O desenvolvimento do modelo CFD ocorreu em três etapas: adaptação da geometria do reator de leito fluidizado, configuração do modelo hidrodinâmico (leito frio) e implementação do modelo reativo (leito quente) com transporte de espécies e reações químicas. O modelo demonstrou bom desempenho na previsão da produção de NH3, mas são necessários aprimoramentos para considerar reações químicas adicionais e modelos reativos para o transporte de espécies. A validação experimental mostrou resultados promissores para a previsão de NH3, mas foram observadas discrepâncias para o CO, atribuídas principalmente à diluição do agente de gaseificação. Em geral, o estudo fornece informações valiosas sobre a conversão de biomassa rica em nitrogênio em NH3 e as possíveis implicações para a produção de amônia no contexto brasileiro. O modelo CFD mostra-se promissor, mas requer mais refinamento para uma previsão precisa da composição do gás


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    Resumo: este ensaio objetiva delinear estudos sobre os quilombolas de Goiás que remetem aos séculos XVIII ao XXI, com enfoque à população Kalunga. As produções acadêmicas sobre os quilombos goianos nos oferecem diferentes possibilidades para a apreensão da dinâmica quilombola nos períodos escravista e pós-escravista: são abordagens que servem de base para outras produções acadêmicas; que questionam a ideia do isolamento; que trabalham a questão do medo; que apreendem a realidade vivida de um grupo num sentido sociológico; e, que se utilizam de categorias geográficas para a compreensão da identidade de uma comunidade. Palavras-chave: Quilombos. Produções. Kalunga. Goiás

    Desenvolvimento do Sistema de Inovação: O Estabelecimento da Indústria Aeronáutica na Região Administrativa Central (SP)

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    The article intends to show the establishment of the aircraft industry in the Central Administrative Region (SP), in the last seven years, which introduced a new element in the economical structure of the region. Based on the innovation systemic approach , the objective is to identify and characterize the investments related to the aircraft industry segment carried out in the region and to identify the potentialities of the new production geographical axle and aircraft's maintenance for a dynamic setorial insertion, given by the capacity of integration to innovation system related to the aircraft industry. Some qualitative information was obtained from primary (questionnaires) and secondary sources. For the analysis, all the information was organized taking into consideration the most important aspects of the innovation activities according to the Oslo Manual. Technology and efficient staff are the strategic factors to this type of industry. Based on these requirements, they have potentialities in the Central Administrative Region (CAR) for a possible insertion in the innovation system: (i) the favorable institutional environment concerning the education system, availability and training of human qualified resources, which demonstrated fast structuring capacity seeking to attend a new demand that appeared in the region; (ii) Technology & Science infrastructure.O artigo enfoca o estabelecimento, nos últimos sete anos, da indústria aeronáutica na Região Administrativa Central (SP), o que introduziu um elemento novo na estrutura econômica da região. Com base na abordagem sistêmica da inovação, o objetivo é identificar e caracterizar os investimentos relacionados ao setor aeronáutico efetuados na região e identificar as potencialidades do novo eixo geográfico de produção e manutenção de aeronaves para uma inserção setorial dinâmica, dada pela capacidade de integração ao sistema de inovação relacionado à indústria aeronáutica. Foram levantadas informações qualitativas de fontes primárias (aplicação de questionário) e secundárias. Para a análise, as informações foram organizadas segundo aspectos relevantes em atividades de inovação apontados no Manual de Oslo. Tecnologia e pessoal qualificado são fatores estratégicos na indústria em questão. A partir de tais requerimentos, constituem potencialidades presentes na RAC para uma possível inserção no sistema de inovação: (i) o ambiente institucional favorável no quesito sistema educacional, disponibilidade e treinamento de recursos humanos qualificados, que demonstrou capacidade de rápida estruturação para buscar atender a uma nova demanda que se materializou na região; (ii) existência de infra-estrutura de C&T

    "PERCEP" software for experiment control of temporal judgment research with humans

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    Um programa de computador, o "PERCEP", foi desenvolvido para a realização dos procedimentos experimentais de estimativa verbal, produção e reprodução temporal em seres humanos. Além da coleta de dados, o programa permite ao experimentador manipular diferentes parâmetros das tarefas e avaliar o impacto dessas manipulações sobre sua aquisição e desempenho. Uma vez que a configuração do programa "PERCEP" é definida pelo próprio experimentador, pode-se realizar uma ampla gama de experimentos acerca dos processos subjacentes ao julgamento temporal. O objetivo do presente trabalho é descrever este programa.A computer program - "PERCEP" - was developed for accomplishing the experimental procedures of verbal estimation, time production and reproduction in human beings. Besides the collection of data, the program allows the researcher to manipulate different parameters of tasks and to evaluate the impact of those manipulations on acquisition and performance. Once the configuration of the "PERCEP" program is defined by the researcher, a wide range of experiments concerning time judgment processing can take place. The aim of the present work is to describe this program

    Ensaio sobre os quilombos de Goiás

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    Diferentes termos e significados fazem referências aos quilombos brasileiros, aos seus locais de “fixação”, bem como à vitalidade de membros de comunidades negras rurais e urbanas que desenvolveram maneiras de resistência ao longo de sua existência. As comunidades quilombolas rurais presenciam descompassos nos procedimentos de posse efetiva de seus territórios: as titulações ocorrem lentamente, principalmente, por conta da burocracia de órgãos responsáveis pela expedição das titulações. Já as comunidades quilombolas urbanas, geralmente, estão situadas em áreas periféricas e/ou de aglomerados subnormais, sendo carentes de uma infraestrutura básica que atenda integralmente as necessidades de seus moradores. Com base na historiografia goiana, podemos dizer que Goiás não esteve de fora do cenário de formação de quilombos. De acordo com ela, o seu histórico está preenchido de situações que culminaram na formação de quilombos em suas terras. Além dos conhecidos povos Kalunga, outras 25 comunidades quilombolas, tanto rurais quanto urbanas, já foram identificadas em território goiano, cada qual com sua trajetória socioespacial

    Impact of COVID-19 infection among heart transplant recipients : a southern brazilian experience

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    Purpose: The coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) infection is associated with a high risk of complications and death among heart transplant recipients. However, most cohorts are from high-income countries, while data from Latin America are sparse. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort of heart transplant recipients followed at a hospital in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, between March 1st 2020 and October 1st 2021. Results: Of the 62 heart transplant recipients on follow-up, 21 (34%) were infected by COVID-19, 58 (36-63) years of age, 67% male, body mass index of 26 (23-29) kg/m2, 48% with hypertension, 43% with chronic kidney disease, 5% with diabetes, within 2 (1-4) years of post-transplant follow-up. At presentation, the main symptoms were fever (62%), myalgia (33%), cough (33%), headache (33%), and dyspnea (19%). Hospitalization was required for 13 (62%) patients, with a time from first symptoms to the admission of 5 (1-12) days. In 38%, supplementary oxygen was needed, 19% required intensive care, and 10% mechanical ventilation. Three (14%) were infected after at least a first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. The main complications were bacterial pneumonia (38%), renal replacement therapy (19%), sepsis (10%) and venous thromboembolism (10%). Immunosuppression therapy was modified in 48%, with a reduction in the majority (89%). Two (10%) patients died in the hospital due to refractory hypoxemia and multiple organ dysfunction. The incidence of COVID-19 among transplant patients was comparable to the general population in the State of Rio Grande do Sul with a peak in December 2020. Conclusion: Heart transplant recipients shown a high rate of COVID-19 infection in Southern Brazil, with typical symptom presentation in most cases. There was an elevated rate of hospitalization, supplementary oxygen support, and complications. In-hospital lethality among infected heart transplanted recipients was similar to previously reported data worldwide despite the high rates of infection in Latin America


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    ABSTRACTObjective: Evaluate the results from the Latarjet procedure in patients with anterior recurrent dislocation of the shoulder who present bone loss of the glenoid cavity greater than 25%. Methods: Twenty six male patients underwent the Latarjet procedure, The bone loss was evaluated by means of radiography using the Bernageau view and by means of CAT scan. The patients were evaluated with regard to range of motion, using the Rowe and UCLA scales, before and after the operation, and by radiographs to assess the presence of arthrosis, position and consolidation of the graft and positioning of the screws. Statistical analysis was used to assess whether there was any relationship between the number of episodes of dislocation and the presence of arthrosis, , and any relationship between arthrosis and limitations on lateral rotation. Differences in range of motion between the operated and unaffected sides and in the UCLA and Rowe scale. Results: The means for elevation and lateral rotation were statistically poorer on the operated side. The UCLA and Rowe scale showed that there was a statistically significant improvement in the clinical-functional results (P < 0.001 for both). There was a relationship between the number of episodes of dislocation and the presence of arthrosis, We also did not observe any correlation between limitations on lateral rotation and arthrosis. Conclusion: The Latarjet procedure is an efficient method for cases of severe erosion of the glenoid margin

    Programa "DRL" para controle experimental de pesquisa em julgamento temporal

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    Um programa de computador, o "DRL", foi desenvolvido para controle e coleta de dados em experimentos envolvendo processos temporais associados à atenção e memória. Apresenta-se um breve relato do programa, como configurá-lo para diferentes tipos de experimentos e como acessar os resultados gravados em arquivos."DRL" is a software that was developed for controlling and collecting data for experiments involving temporal judgment related to attention and memory. This paper presents its applications, how to configure it for different experiments and how to access the recorded data

    Nutritional composition and aerobic stability of wheat and corn silages stored under different environmental conditions

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    We aimed to evaluate nutritional quality, fermentation profile, aerobic stability, and dry matter losses in corn (Zea mays) and wheat (Triticum aestivum 'BRS Umbu') silages. Treatments included uninoculated and inoculated (Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus acidilactici, 1.0 × 105 UFC g-1) wheat silage, corn silage from a conventional hybrid and a transgenic hybrid. Nutritional quality and fermentation profile variables were tested in a completely randomized design. Means were compared using Tukey’s test at 5% significance. An aerobic stability trial was conducted in a factorial design with two silages (wheat × inoculated wheat; conventional hybrid corn × transgenic hybrid corn) and two temperatures (ambient temperature × controlled temperature at 24°C). Data were submitted to ANOVA and means were analyzed by the F test at 5% probability. Inoculation of wheat silage increased dry matter, organic matter, and total carbohydrates, but reduced crude protein by a dilution effect. Regarding the fermentation profile, inoculation reduced acetic acid and butyric acid content, whereas it increased propionic acid in wheat silage. Bt corn hybrid silage showed higher dry matter and lower neutral detergent fiber, whereas transgenic corn silage showed lower content of acetic acid, propionic acid, alcohol, and ammonia. Conversely, Bt hybrid silage showed higher butyric acid. Transgenic corn silage showed higher temperature than the conventional hybrid silage during aerobic exposure. Inoculated wheat silage experienced larger deterioration and dry matter losses during the aerobic stability trial. Temperature control worsened aerobic stability in all treatments, increasing dry matter losses and heating

    Military rehabilitation programs and Paralympic Movement

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    The objective of this systematic review was to identify the rehabilitation programs used by armed conflict veterans and their approach to the Paralympic movement. The PRISMA protocol was followed by searching the following databases: ISI Web of Science ™, Scopus, SPORTDiscus and Periodical Capes. Of the 666 initial results found, 8 were selected from 2004 to 2018. Only 7% of the studies identified programs that had women. The average age of veterans attended ranged from 18 to 59 years. The main activities carried out by the rehabilitation programs involved sports and recreation programs, competitive sport programs and programs with outdoor activities. Other initiatives were also identified, reinforcing the need to combat the social isolation imposed by the acquired injury, to promote well-being and the development of an active and healthy life, whether in the social field or even in the sports field (athletic identity). In the case of veterans of armed conflict, the feeling that service to the country is not over is present, instead of defending the country in war, now represent the nation on the tracks, courts and fields of international sport, a different battlefield