96 research outputs found

    Función de biomasa para Acacia caven (Mol.) Mol. distribuida en áreas secas del centro sur de Chile

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    Acacia caven is a key native species in the dry land region of south-central Chile. It is a species of high social and productive interest to landowners. Therefore, this study proposes a biomass function for A. caven, which involves incorporating predictor variables that are easily obtainable in the field and less complex than those used in already existing functions for the species. Due to the multi-purpose nature of the species and its potential for silvopastoral systems, these functions typify important planning tools to improve the management of this plant resource. To generate the biomass function, the methodology of destructive analysis of components was used on a total of 71 trees. These trees were selected, cut and weighed in the field to generate and test different models. Statistical analysis models were used and root collar diameter, diameter at breast height and total height served as predictor variables, resulting in a good adjustment of the models (R2 adjusted the 0.97 for stem-branches, 0.90 for stems and 0.96 for total biomass), with high correlations between estimated and real values. These functions may be used safely in plant formations of A. caven located in the same distribution area and within the range of the used variables. In the future, however, they require validation with new measurements in other sectors than the area considered to increase geographical representativeness.Acacia caven, es una de las principales especies nativas presentes en el secano interior de la zona central de Chile. Es una especie que tiene un alto interés social y productivo para los propietarios de este recurso. En este sentido, el objetivo de este estudio es proponer una función de biomasa validada para A. caven, y que incorpore variables predictoras de fácil obtención en terreno y de menor complejidad que las consideradas en funciones ya conocidas para la especie. Dadas las características de especie multipropósito y su potencial para su uso en sistemas silvopastorales, estas funciones son importantes herramientas de planificación para mejorar la gestión y manejo de este recurso vegetacional. Para la generación de la función de biomasa, se utilizó una metodología de análisis destructivo por componentes de 71 árboles, los cuales fueron seleccionados, volteados y pesados en terreno, para posteriormente generar y probar diferentes modelos. A través de análisis estadísticos se seleccionaron modelos que utilizan como variables predictoras el diámetro a la altura del cuello, diámetro a la altura del pecho y altura total. Los resultados muestran un buen ajuste de los modelos (R2 ajust. de 0,97 para fuste-ramas, 0,90 para ramillas y 0,96 para biomasa total), lo que indica un alto nivel de correlación entre valores estimados y valores reales. Estas funciones se pueden utilizar con seguridad en formaciones vegetacionales de A. caven que se ubiquen en la misma zona distribucional del recurso y dentro de los rangos de las variables utilizadas, siendo conveniente en el futuro validarlas con nuevas mediciones de sectores distintos al área considerada para estos análisis, aumentando su representatividad geográfica.Fil: Lucero Ignamarca, Alejandro. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)Fil: Muñoz Sáez, Fernando. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)Fil: Cancino Cancino, Jorge. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)Fil: Sotomayor Garreton, Alvaro. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)Fil: Dube, Francis. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)Fil: Villarroel Muñoz, Arnoldo. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)Fil: Sáez Carrillo, Katia. Universidad de Concepción (Chile

    Motion-Based Design of Passive Damping Systems to Reduce Wind-Induced Vibrations of Stay Cables under Uncertainty Conditions

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    Stay cables exhibit both great slenderness and low damping, which make them sensitive to resonant phenomena induced by the dynamic character of external actions. Furthermore, for these same reasons, their modal properties may vary significantly while in service due to the modification of the operational and environmental conditions. In order to cope with these two limitations, passive damping devices are usually installed at these structural systems. Robust design methods are thus mandatory in order to ensure the adequate behavior of the stay cables without compromising the budget of the passive control systems. To this end, a motion-based design method under uncertainty conditions is proposed and further implemented in this paper. In particular, the proposal focuses on the robust design of di erent passive damping devices when they are employed to control the response of stay cables under wind-induced vibrations. The proposed method transforms the design problem into a constrained multi-objective optimization problem, where the objective function is defined in terms of the characteristic parameters of the passive damping device, together with an inequality constraint aimed at guaranteeing the serviceability limit state of the structure. The performance of the proposed method was validated via its application to a benchmark structure with vibratory problems: The longest stay cable of the Alamillo bridge (Seville, Spain) was adopted for this purpose. Three di erent passive damping devices are considered herein, namely: (i) viscous; (ii) elastomeric; and (iii) frictions dampers. The results obtained by the proposed approach are analyzed and further compared with those provided by a conventional method adopted in the Standards. This comparison illustrates how the newly proposed method allows reduction of the cost of the three types of passive damping devices considered in this study without compromising the performance of the structure.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RT12018-099639-B-I00Universidad de Sevilla USE-17047-

    Taper model for Eucalyptus nitens, in volcanic ash soils of the region of The Araucanía (Chile)

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    Se presenta un modelo de ahusamiento para Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) Maiden. Este es un modelo no lineal que fue ajustado con datos de 60 árboles con edades entre los 16 y 21 años, diámetros normales entre 11,5 y 52,0 cm, y con alturas totales entre 12,27 y 47,49 m. Cosechados en 6 rodales localizados en 3 comunas de la región de La Araucanía (Chile); en suelos de cenizas volcánicas. El modelo se contrastó con los existentes en la literatura, obteniendo la mejor precisión, el menor sesgo en cada fracción de altura, y la mayor eficiencia predictiva con un comportamiento gráfico flexible y estable en toda la longitud del fuste. La función de volumen obtenida de la integración numérica del modelo de ahusamiento, predice más de 99% del volumen del fuste sin corteza estimado mediante la fórmula de Smalian.Generalized taper model is presented for Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) Maiden. A non-linear model was fitted to data from 60 trees aged between 16 and 21 years, normal diameters between 11.5 and 52.0 cm, and with total heights between 47.49 and 12.27 m. Harvested in 6 stands located in 3 communes of The Araucania region (Chile), in volcanic ash soils. The model contract with existing models in the literature, obtaining better accuracy, the least bias in each fraction high, and the higher predictive efficiency with a flexible graphical behavior and stable over the entire length of the stem. The volume function obtained from the numerical integration of the taper model predicts over 99% of the variation in stem volume without bark estimated by formula Smalian.Fil: Rodriguez Toro, Andrés. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)Fil: Rubilar pons, Rafael. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)Fil: Muñoz Sáez, Fernando. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)Fil: Cártes Rodríguez, Eduardo. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)Fil: Acuña Carmona, Eduardo. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)Fil: Cancino Cancino, Jorge. Universidad de Concepción (Chile

    Co-evaluación y autoevaluación a través de Moodle-UA para asignaturas de lenguas y literaturas extranjeras

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    La implementación de la evaluación formativa en asignaturas del Departamento de Filologías Integradas desde hace ya cinco años, cuando iniciamos nuestra investigación en este campo, nos ha llevado a plantearnos la utilización de nuevos instrumentos y herramientas de evaluación. La plataforma virtual Moodle-UA 2 disponía de utilidades a las que podían adaptarse perfectamente las asignaturas de lenguas y literaturas extranjeras que impartimos desde del departamento de Filologías Integradas. Nuestro principal propósito ha sido el de formarnos en la utilización y conocimiento de las posibilidades que esta plataforma virtual ofrecía en materia de evaluación. Nos hemos centrado sobre todo en la adaptación de los cuestionarios de autoevaluación y coevaluación vinculados a las actividades formativas evaluables de nuestras asignaturas, a las herramientas de la plataforma. En este sentido, hemos trabajado en la manera de vincular todos los aspectos de la evaluación formativa a través de la plataforma Moodle- UA para así optimizar y agilizar el proceso, tanto para el docente como para el discente

    Motion-based design of viscous dampers for cable-stayed bridges under uncertainty conditions

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    Passive damping devices are widely installed to control the vibration level of stay cables of bridges induced by wind action. The design of passive damping devices must ensure the performance for the all the life-cycle of the structure. In this sense, the design should consider the changes of the pre-fixed parameters and environmental conditions. For this purpose, the motion-based design method under uncertainty conditions is used in this study to carry out the design of a viscous damper. Following this approach, the design requirements are established according to the maximum accepted motions of the structure and the damper device is optimized. In order to validate the method, a benchmark structure is considered. The uncertainty conditions are numerically simulated following a probabilistic approach. As simulation method, the Latin Hypercube is employed. The reliability index is used as reference parameter for the probabilistic assessment.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund under project RTI2018-094945-B-C21Universidad de Sevilla Ref: USE-17047-GSpanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities project SEED-SD RTI2018-099639-B-I0

    Modelo de ahusamiento para Eucalyptus nitens, en suelos de cenizas volcánicas de la región de La Araucanía (Chile)

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    Generalized taper model is presented for Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) Maiden. A non-linear model was fitted to data from 60 trees aged between 16 and 21 years, normal diameters between 11.5 and 52.0 cm, and with total heights between 47.49 and 12.27 m. Harvested in 6 stands located in 3 communes of The Araucanía region (Chile), in volcanic ash soils. The model contract with existing models in the literature, obtaining better accuracy, the least bias in each fraction high, and the higher predictive efficiency with a flexible graphical behavior and stable over the entire length of the stem. The volume function obtained from the numerical integration of the taper model predicts over 99% of the variation in stem volume without bark estimated by formula Smalian.Se presenta un modelo de ahusamiento para Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) Maiden. Este es un modelo no lineal que fue ajustado con datos de 60 árboles con edades entre los 16 y 21 años, diámetros normales entre 11,5 y 52,0 cm, y con alturas totales entre 12,27 y 47,49 m. Cosechados en 6 rodales localizados en 3 comunas de la región de La Araucanía (Chile); en suelos de cenizas volcánicas. El modelo se contrastó con los existentes en la literatura, obteniendo la mejor precisión, el menor sesgo en cada fracción de altura, y la mayor eficiencia predictiva con un comportamiento gráfico flexible y estable en toda la longitud del fuste. La función de volumen obtenida de la integración numérica del modelo de ahusamiento, predice más de 99% del volumen del fuste sin corteza estimado mediante la fórmula de Smalian

    Desalination effects on macroalgae (part A): Laboratory-controlled experiments with Dictyota spp. from the Pacific Ocean and Mediterranean Sea

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    Desalination brines from direct seawater intake that get discharged to coastal areas may produce stress responses on benthic marine communities, mostly due to its excess salinity, and especially on sessile organisms; in this context, macroalgae have been understudied in desalination ecotoxicological investigations. In this study, we assessed the short- and long-term cellular tolerance responses in two brown species of the macroalgae genus Dictyota through controlled laboratory conditions. Dictyota kunthii was collected from the eastern Pacific Ocean (average salinity, ~34 psu), whereas Dictyota dichotoma was from the Mediterranean Sea (average salinity, ~37 psu). Each macroalgae species was exposed for up to 7 days to two conditions with increased salinity values: +2 and +7 psu above their natural average salinity. Photosynthetic parameters and oxidative stress measurements were determined. The results showed that, in both Dictyota species, high salinity values induced reduced photoinhibition (Fv/Fm) but increased the primary productivity (ETRmax) and light requirement (EkETR) especially after 7 days. Conversely, the photosynthetic efficiency (αETR) decreased in hypersalinity treatments in D. dichotoma, while there were no changes in D. kunthii. The reactive oxygen species hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was greater at high salinity values at 3 days for D. dichotoma and after 7 days in D. kunthii, while lipid peroxidation decreases under hypersalinity with time in both species. Despite the evident H2O2 accumulation in both species against hypersalinity, it did not produce oxidative damage and important impairment in the photosynthetic apparatus. These results contribute to understanding the tolerance strategies at the cellular level of Dictyota spp., which may be considered as potential candidates for biomonitoring of desalination impacts in the field.We gratefully thank the financial support from ANID FONDECYT Postdoctoral fellowship #3180394, European Commission Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions #888415, and ANID INES I+D # INID210013. Financial support for mobility was granted from SEGIB Scholarship and Fundación Carolina of Spain to PM. We also thank TESPOST 04/19 PhD scholarship granted by Universidad de Playa Ancha to PM. The initiative was also funded by Universidad de Playa Ancha through the Concurso Regular de Investigación 2019 no. CEA 19-20

    Moodle y evaluación formativa en asignaturas de lenguas y literaturas extranjeras

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    La investigación en evaluación formativa como metodología de evaluación, así como la utilización de la plataforma virtual Moodle-UA 2 en asignaturas de lenguas y literaturas extranjeras del departamento de Filologías Integradas de la Universidad de Alicante, nos ha llevado, después de varios años de trabajo y experimentación, a preguntarnos cuál era la opinión y valoración de los estudiantes respecto a este tipo de evaluación que implica, no sólo instrumentos para constatar y medir los conocimientos adquiridos y la puntuación obtenida, sino también otros que posibilitan el desarrollo de las capacidades cognitiva, social y metacognitiva de los estudiantes que alcanzan así, entre otras, la competencia de aprender a aprender y toman conciencia del papel activo que ellos mismos desempeñan en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Nuestro principal objetivo durante este curso académico 2014-2015 ha sido el de recopilar resultados, opiniones y valoraciones de los discentes para así hacer un balance sobre la idoneidad de los mecanismos, criterios e instrumentos de evaluación de las distintas asignaturas de lenguas y literaturas extranjeras

    Desalination effects on macroalgae (part b): Transplantation experiments at brine-impacted sites with Dictyota spp. from the Pacific Ocean and Mediterranean Sea

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    Desalination residual brines are mostly discharged to marine environments, which can produce osmotic stress on sensitive benthic organisms. In this investigation, we performed transplantation experiments nearby desalination plants using two brown macroalgae species from a cosmopolitan genus: Dictyota kunthii (Chile) and Dictyota dichotoma (Spain). Parameters related to photosynthetic activity and oxidative stress were evaluated at 3 and 7 days for D. kunthii, and 3 and 6 days for D. dichotoma; each at 2 different impacted sites and 1 control. We observed that brine exposition at both impacted sites in Chile generated a marked stress response on D. kunthii, reflected in a decrease of primary productivity (ETRmax), light requirement (EkETR), and an excessive thermal dissipation (NPQmax), especially at 7 days. In D. dichotoma, similar impaired photosynthetic activity was recorded but only at the highest brine influence site during day 3. Regarding oxidative stress, both species displayed high levels of H2O2 when exposed to brine-influenced sites. Although in D. kunthii H2O2 content together with lipid peroxidation was higher after 3 days, these returned to baseline values towards day 7; instead, D. dichotoma H2O2 levels increased only at day 6. This easy and practical approach has proven to provide valuable data to address potential impacts of brine discharges at global scale coastal ecosystems.We gratefully thank financial support to ANID FONDECYT Postdoctoral fellowship #3180394, European Commission Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions #888415, and ANID INES I+D # INID210013. Financial support for mobility granted from SEGIB Scholarship and Fundación Carolina of Spain to PM. Also, we thank TESPOST 04/19 PhD scholarship granted by Universidad de Playa Ancha to PM