755 research outputs found

    Sistema de fabrico rápido de implantes ortopédicos

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    Este estudo teve como objectivo o desenvolvimento uma metodologia de fabrico rápido de implantes ortopédicos, em simultaneidade com a intervenção cirúrgica, considerando duas potenciais aplicações na área ortopédica: o fabrico de implantes anatomicamente adaptados e o fabrico de implantes para substituição de perdas ósseas. A inovação do trabalho desenvolvido consiste na obtenção in situ da geometria do implante, através da impressão directa de um material elastomérico (polivinilsiloxano) que permite obter com grande exactidão a geometria pretendida. Após digitalização do modelo obtido em material elastomérico, o implante final é fabricado por maquinagem recorrendo a um sistema de CAD/CAM dedicado. O implante após esterilização, pode ser colocado no paciente. O conceito foi desenvolvido com recurso a tecnologias disponíveis comercialmente e de baixo custo. O mesmo foi testado sob a forma de uma artroplastia da anca realizada in vivo numa ovelha. O acréscimo de tempo de cirurgia foi de 80 minutos sendo 40 directamente resultantes do processo de fabrico do implante. O sistema desenvolvido revelou-se eficiente no alcance dos objectivos propostos, possibilitando o fabrico de um implante durante um período de tempo perfeitamente compatível com o tempo de cirurgia.This study, aimed the development of a methodology for rapid manufacture of orthopedic implants simultaneously with the surgical intervention, considering two potential applications in the fields of orthopedics: the manufacture of anatomically adapted implants and implants for bone loss replacement. This work innovation consists on the capitation of the in situ geometry of the implant by direct capture of the shape using an elastomeric material (polyvinylsiloxane) which allows fine detail and great accuracy of the geometry. After scanning the elastomeric specimen, the implant is obtained by machining using a CNC milling machine programmed with a dedicated CAD/CAM system. After sterilization, the implant is able to be placed on the patient. The concept was developed using low cost technology and commercially available. The system has been tested in an in vivo hip arthroplasty performed on a sheep. The time increase of surgery was 80 minutes being 40 minutes the time of implant manufacturing. The system developed has been tested and the goals defined of the study achieved enabling the rapid manufacture of an implant in a time period compatible with the surgery time

    Parceria público-privada para ordenamento urbano e geração de renda: caso do Circuito das Compras

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    Bibliografia: p. 322-324Melhorando a qualidade da estrutura à disposição de comerciantes de rua e clientes, de modo a organizar essa atividade de alto apelo popular, e observando as restrições urbanísticas e o direito dos moradores à circulação, limpeza e segurança, o Circuito das Compras de São Paulo dará oportunidade de aumento de arrecadação – e, consequentemente, de evolução social – a pequenos empreendedores. Ao mesmo tempo, requalificará e devolverá à população área hoje degradada da cidade. O interesse demonstrado pelo grupo privado que ganhou a disputa pela concessão do negócio caracterizou-se pelo pagamento de outorga bastante superior ao valor mínimo previsto. Trata-se também de um exemplo de como chegar-se a soluções através da colaboração interfederativa, nesse caso entre prefeitura e Governo Federal. A cessão do uso de um terreno desativado viabilizou o projeto.Improving the quality of the structure available to traders and customers, in order to organize this activity of high popular appeal, and observing the urban constraints and residents’ right to movement, cleaning and safety, the Shopping Circuit of São Paulo will provide the opportunity to increase the revenue collection – and, consequently, to increase the social evolution – of small entrepreneurs. At the same time, the Circuit will re-qualify and return to the city’s population a currently degraded area. The interest shown by the private group that won the competition for the business concession was characterized by the payment of grants well above the foreseen minimum amount. The Circuit is also an example of how to get to solutions through inter-federative collaboration, in this case, between the City Hall and the Federal Government. The cession of the use of a deactivated land made the project feasible

    Carbon Nanotubes – Interactions with Biological Systems

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    his book chapter discusses the prospective biomedical applications of carbon nanotubes based materials, the impact of carbon nanotubes properties in the interaction with biological systems. Protein adsorption, impact on cell viability and cytokine production are explored. Potential respiratory and dermal toxicity are reviewed, as the difficulties on studying the biological response. In face of recent studies, special attention is drawn upon promising orthopaedic use


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    Copper-based fungicides have been used in vineyards throughout the world, for many decades to protect against downy mildew. However, their use results in an accumulation of Cu in surface soils which can potentially impact on the biological health of the soil and could be transported and stored in the sediments deposited close to valley bottoms. In Douro region, northern of Portugal, vineyards are located on steep slopes and are susceptible to accelerated soil erosion. In this study, 50 soils samples were collected in 3 vineyards of different ages, one with more of 50 years, other with more 15 years and one recently planted. Two rivers converge into a water reservoir located close to vineyards. Five samples of stream sediment, pore water and superficial water were collected in the rivers and reservoir. The total Cu (CuT) content in the soils varies between 17.8 and 211 mg/Kg (mean = 79.4 mg/Kg). However in the old vineyard the Cu concentration is higher than in the others (mean value of 144.8 mg/kg). The total Cu content in stream sediments ranges from 19.4 to 35 mg/Kg (mean = 26.1). The average Cu concentration in soils is 3 times higher than in sediments. The solid phase distribution of copper in stream sediments shows that the metal is associated with Fe-Oxyhydroxides and silicates, indicating that most Cu in the sediment has a geogenic source. In sediment pore water the Cu content is always below 2µg/L, with the exception of the sample collected in the reservoir. For superficial waters no Cu was detected. These results suggest that the rate of erosion is low and the contribution of soils Cu in stream sediments is irrelevant. The sediment core was divided in 31 sub-samples and a pore-water sample was extracted when possible. The distribution of CuTalong the profile seems shows a slight increase with depth, with values ranging from 55.3 (surface) to 73.8 mg/Kg. In the pore water, Cu distribution shows an antipathetic patter


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    This study presents preliminary results of a research project that aims assessing the environmental impact of intensive grapevine cultivation in the Alto Douro wine region, a World Heritage Site. A total of 50 soil samples were collected from three nearby vineyards of different ages. Surface drainage of these vineyards discharges into an important water reservoir, the Varosa Dam. The dam collects water from two rivers, the Varosa and the Balsemão Rivers. At the dam, 5 sites were selected to collect water, sediment and sediment pore-water. One sediment core was collected in the middle of the dam as representative of the entire reservoir. The depth of the water column is 80 m and the sediment core has a length of 50 cm. The core was divided and sampled in 31 sections. Core sediment pore-water was extracted at several depths. Anthropogenic zinc is introduced in the vineyard soils through the use of a fungicidal spray. Near total concentrations of zinc in the soils range from 73 to 195 mg kg-1 and the highest values occur in the oldest vineyard. In the sediment samples the concentrations of zinc range from 91 to 120 mg kg-1 and the highest value occurs in the sample collected at the confluence with the Balsemão River. The correspondent pore-water sample has a zinc concentration that is 10 times higher (2210 µg l-1) than that of the other pore water samples. This result indicates that the sediment is probably supplying zinc to the water. The solid-phase distribution study shows that four of the sediment samples have most of the zinc bounded to Fe-oxyhydroxides phases and to the residue. However, the sediment collected in the confluence with the Balsemão River has an important fraction of zinc associated to more labile phases, which may explain why the pore water has such an elevated concentration. Zinc concentration increases with depth in the core sediments but is highly erratic in the correspondent pore-water samples


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    Com a valorização do corpo e o desenvolvimento de novos produtos e tecnologias, a busca pela beleza ganhou mais adeptos e isso gerou o crescimento de serviços especializados neste setor. Um salão de beleza pode oferecer diversos serviços, tais como: corte, lavagem, pintura, secagem, pintura de unhas, depilação, tratamentos químicos, dentre outros. A beleza se tornou um fator discriminatório, comparada a discriminação por sexo e raça, que pode apresentar diferenciações nos salários. O poder aquisitivo das mulheres brasileiras, principalmente das classes mais baixas, e a forte presença das mulheres no mercado de trabalho aumentaram consideravelmente nos últimos anos. Este trabalho é referente a uma análise do perfil dos clientes que frequentam salões de beleza na Região Sul Fluminense

    Long-term application of the organic and inorganic pesticides in vineyards: Environmental record of past use

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    Areas such as Douro Demarcated Region (Portugal), where vineyards are frequently located on steep slopes of narrow valleys, can be particularly sensitive to runoff and erosion processes. These particular conditions are expected to enhance the transport of pollutants, acting as a potential source of contamination to freshwater systems. The intense vine cultivation in this region includes decades of pesticides application, that have resulted in the accumulation of these chemicals and its degradation products in the vineyards soils and sediments. Residues of several pesticides related to agricultural activities were found in soils, with older vineyards showing higher levels of Cu and banned insecticides (such as DDT). The metabolite 4,4-DDE was the compound found at higher levels in soils and in sediments. The relatively high levels in more recent sediments suggest that soils are still a source of contamination. Levels of currently used pesticides were low, which is related with their physicochemical properties, the application period, and climacteric conditions

    Análise da secagem de café em secador solar passivo direto / Analysis of coffee drying in direct passive solar dryer

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     O café é um dos principais produtos agrícolas do Brasil e seu preço está diretamente ligado à qualidade da bebida, sendo esta influenciada fortemente pelos processos pós-colheita do grão, especialmente o processo de secagem. Usualmente a secagem é realizada em terreiros a céu aberto onde o produto está sujeito a intempéries e às variações do clima, além de demandar longos períodos de tempo, entre 15 a 20 dias. É necessário, então, buscar alternativas que tornem o processo mais eficiente, atentando para a qualidade e a consequente competitividade do grão no mercado. O presente trabalho busca analisar a eficiência e aplicabilidade de um secador solar passivo direto no processo de secagem do café.  Para tal, foram dispostas amostras de grãos de café em dois secadores solares passivos e também ao ar livre a fim de comparar os dois processos e, ainda, levantar as curvas características de secagem por meio de secadores solares.  Nos secadores, a temperatura alcançou valores médios na faixa de 50 °C, com aumento de 19,6 °C em relação à temperatura ambiente média, de 30,4 °C. A radiação solar média nos quatro dias de experimento foi de 598 W/m2. A umidade inicial média dos grãos era de 67,6% e a umidade final recomendada, de 12%, foi atingida após 965 min nos secadores solares. Considerando esse mesmo período de tempo, na secagem natural, a umidade atingida foi de 38%. Na análise qualitativa dos grãos, feitos pela Cooperativa Agropecuária de Boa Esperança, situada em Cristais-MG, o café tratado no secador apresentou defeitos nos grãos, sendo que alguns chegaram a fermentar. Porém, a análise de bebida do mesmo foi classificada como do tipo dura, uma boa análise, indicando que apesar dos problemas apresentados, os secadores solares podem vir a ser uma alternativa ao atual método de secagem natural convencional do café.