1,173 research outputs found

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Geografis Badan Usaha di LPJK Provinsi Banten

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    LPJK Provinsi Banten merupakan organisasi yang mengimplementasikan peranmasyarakat jasa konstruksi dalam melaksanakan pengembangan jasa konstruksi. Prosespengembangan layanan jasa konstruksi di LPJK Provinsi Banten banyak dilakukan olehperusahaan konstruksi di seluruh Indonesia. Banyaknya perusahaan jasa konstruksi yangtersebar di berbagai daerah di Propinsi Banten harus diketahui dan mudah ditemukan.Permasalahan yang terjadi saat ini adalah sulitnya membuat pemetaan data Perusahaan JasaKonstruksi. Pemetaan tersebut meliputi data perusahaan jasa konstruksi, aset yang dimiliki danlokasi atau tempat dimana perusahaan jasa konstruksi beroperasi. Untuk mengatasipermasalahan tersebut dibangunlah sistem informasi geografis Perusahaan Jasa Konstruksi.Agar dapat diakses secara online, sistem ini dibangun pada sistem berbasis web dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan My SQL sebagai databasenya. Pemodelan sistem yang digunakan dalam pembangunan sistem ini adalah Data Flow Diagram (DAD). Metodeyang digunakan dalam mengembangkan sistem ini adalah metode waterfall. Sistem yang dibangun menyediakan fasilitas pencarian identitas atau profil perusahaan dan lokasinya pada sistem. Dengan adanya sistem informasi geografis ini dapat membantu pihak pemerintah maupun swasta yang membutuhkan jasa konstruksi untuk mencari, menemukan dan melihat identitas perusahaan jasa konstruksi dengan mudah

    Síntese de cristais líquidos quirais contendo a unidade tolano

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    Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em QuímicaA síntese e a completa caracterização de duas séries de cristais líquidos quirais derivados do (S)-2-metilbutanol contendo a unidade tolano (difenilacetileno) é descrita. Uma das séries contém um grupo nitro como substituinte lateral e o seu efeito deste no comportamento térmico da fases liquido-cristalinas foi avaliado por microscopia óptica de luz polarizada e por DSC (calorimetria diferencial de varredura). A série nitro-substituída possuiu pontos de fusão e clareamento inferiores ao da série sem o grupo lateral. Como segundo objetivo, a (-)-mentona foi submetida a uma série racional de reações para torná-la um precursor quiral adequado para novos cristais líquidos. Um tolano quiral derivado da (-)-mentona contendo um grupo nitro na posição 4' foi sintetizado, mas este não apresentou comportamento liquido-cristalino. Fatores animétricos são utilizados para explicar a ausência de mesofases

    Surface evaluation of carbon steel doped with nitrogen ions

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    This study proposes by means of analytical characterization techniques, a structural evaluation of the surface modification of a ferrous material by three-dimensional ion implantation plasma technology. Carbon steel substrates immerse in a gaseous atmosphere, were surface-implanted with nitrogen ions via high voltage pulse discharges activated at a low-pressure range (“high vacuum”). The effect of the surface treatment on the structure, composition, and morphology of the substrates was verified by microscopy and spectroscopy techniques. From the micrographs obtained by scanning electronic microscopy and the analysis elemental by energy dispersive spectroscopy the morphology and nitrogen concentration of the treated and non-treated samples were analyzed and compared. As for the elemental analysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy, nitrogen concentration in the implanted substrates were detected and determined at a relatively low amount. In regard to the x-ray diffraction results, a decrease in the intensity of the (110), (200) and (211) planes of the treated substrate compared with the reference substrate, was observed. The analysis of phases-formation on the surface material performed by Raman spectroscopy, identified mainly ferric oxy-hydroxides typical uniform corrosion products.El presente trabajo de investigación propone mediante técnicas analíticas de caracterización, evaluar la estructura de materiales ferrosos modificados superficialmente mediante la tecnología plasma de implantación iónica tridimensional. Substratos de acero al carbono, inmersos en una atmosfera gaseosa, fueron implantados sobre la superficie con iones de nitrógeno por medio de la activación de una descarga pulsada de alto voltaje a bajas presiones. Se verificó el efecto del tratamiento superficial sobre la morfología, estructura y composición de las superficies implantadas con nitrógeno mediante técnicas microscópicas y espectroscópicas. Los resultados obtenidos por microscopia electrónica de barrido y espectroscopia de rayos X de energía dispersa muestran las morfologías y concentraciones de las especies presentes en la superficie de los substratos implantados y no implantados con iones de nitrógeno. Los espectros de difracción de rayos X muestran una disminución en la intensidad de los planos (110), (200), (211) del sustrato implantado con nitrógeno respecto al sustrato no implantado. Los espectros Raman muestran la formación de compuestos sobre los sustratos implantados con iones de nitrógeno, encontrándose principalmente fases de óxidos e hidróxidos de hierro, típicos productos de corrosión uniforme

    Use of Si-Phytoliths in depollution of mining areas in the Cerrado-Caatinga region, MG, Brazil

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    International audienceTreating of metal contaminated areas became a very important problem with increasing industrial and agricultural activities. Many of the used methods are very expensive, need intensive human interaction or have a very negative influence on the cleaned regions. The use of Si-Phytolites is a simple, low cost and a very effective way to obtain good results in low contaminated or as the final process in highly contaminated places. The method is based on the fact that a lot of plants produce Si-Phytolits and trap significant quantities of heavy metals in these amorphous to microcrystalline structures. The solubility of the Si-Phytolits under Brazilian soil conditions is lower than that of the heavy elements brought directly in the soil by the wash or fall out, or by degrading of organic parts of the plants at the upper part of surface. In this way, it is possible to retain liberation to the environment from short to longer periods and attend environmental laws and norms.Initial tests with different plants like Ricinus comunis L., Andropogon arundinaceus Willd., Zea Mays L., Brachiaria sp. L. and Saccharum officinarum L. planted on substrates with metal concentrations (Al, Fe, Mn, Ti, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ba, Hg, S) have shown that the plants absorbed elements and quantities in the different parts like leaves, roots, stems, flowers and fruits. This allows a selective use due to contamination varieties and a possible economic use of parts of the plants and an effective planning of the decontamination conditions

    The use of hydroelectric lakes by giant otters Pteronura brasiliensis: Balbina lake in central Amazonia, Brazil

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    Data on the occurrence and habitat use of giant otters Pteronura brasiliensis in the 4,437 km2 of Balbina hydroelectric lake in central Amazonia, Brazil, were collected from September 2001 to December 2005. Twenty-nine groups of giant otters were recorded in an area corresponding to 10% of the total reservoir. Despite the fact that it is a hydroelectric lake, the water level can vary annually by up to 3.5 m with the Amazonian seasonal flood pulse. A total of 210 dens, communal latrines and campsites of giant otters were located. An average of 37% of the dens observed were classified as in use, and the species was recorded in the lake throughout the year. Giant otters started their daily activities between 05.23 and 08.05. The average height of den openings was 28.77 ± SD 10.00 cm, with an average width of 56.11 ± SD 19.17 cm. Births in Balbina occur mainly during the period of high and receding water level, as reported for giant otters in other Amazonian areas. There are at least two conditions that enable the species to inhabit hydroelectric reservoirs: (1) presence of the species in the area before dam construction and (2) absence or low numbers of human communities around the reservoir. The potential use of hydroelectric lakes for the conservation of the giant otter in the Amazon is discussed. © 2007 Fauna and Flora International

    Physical-spatial and configurational attributes of street segments and occurrences of pedestrian mugging

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    Este artigo trata das relações entre as ocorrências de roubos a pedestres em diferentes turnos e atributos físico-espaciais e configuracionais de segmentos de ruas nos 22 bairros na região central de Porto Alegre, incluindo comprimento do segmento, conectividade, integração e escolha, conexões físicas e visuais, barreiras físicas e visuais, postes de luz, número de portas de garagem, tipos de uso das edificações e os usos no pavimento térreo durante cada um dos quatro turnos. Ainda, são considerados o dia da semana, mês e ano no qual o roubo a pedestre ocorreu. As ocorrências de roubos a pedestres foram coletadas na plataforma digital “Onde fui roubado” no período de 1º de janeiro de 2012 a 31 de março de 2016. Os dados obtidos foram registrados no programa QGIS sobre uma imagem de satélite da região associada a um mapa de segmentos gerado pelo programa Depthmap. Adicionalmente, foram realizadas análises estatísticas com o programa SPSS/PC. Os resultados mostram a tendência de o roubo a pedestre ocorrer nos turnos da noite e da tarde e em segmentos de ruas pouco iluminados, com baixos níveis de conexão física e visual entre as edificações e os espaços abertos públicos, com pouca quantidade de edificações de uso misto, residencial e comercial/serviços, e com pequena quantidade de usos residenciais e de atividades de serviços e comerciais nos pavimentos térreos.This paper deals with the relationship between occurrences of pedestrian mugging in different periods of the day and the physical-spatial and configurational attributes of street segments in the 22 neighbourhoods in the central region of Porto Alegre, including: segment length, connectivity, integration and choice, physical and visual connections, physical and visual barriers, lampposts, number of garage doors, types of building use, and uses at ground floor during each of the four periods of the day. In addition, the day of the week, month and year in which the pedestrian mugging occurred is considered. The occurrences of pedestrian mugging were collected through the digital platform “Where I was mugged” and cover the period from 01/01/12 to 31/03/16. The data obtained were recorded in the QGIS program, based on a satellite image of the region and associated to a segment map generated by the Depthmap program. In addition, statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS/PC program. The results show a tendency of pedestrian muggings to occur during the night and afternoon periods and in poorly lit street segments with low levels of physical and visual connections between buildings and open public spaces, with few buildings for residential, commercial/services and mixed uses, and with a small amount of residential uses and services and commercial activities on the ground floors

    Apoptosis induction by Pleurotus sajor-caju (Fr.) Singer extracts on colorectal cancer cell lines

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    Pleurotus sajor-caju (PSC) is an edible mushroom used in food supplements, presenting antitumor properties through induction of cell death pathways. The PSC potential against colorectal cancer was analyzed by exposing HCT116wt cells to different PSC extracts. The PSC n-hexane extract (PSC-hex) showed the highest cytotoxicity effect (IC50 value 0.05 mg/mL). The observed cytotoxicity was then associated to apoptosis-promoting and cell cycle-arrest pathways. PSC-hex was able to induce apoptosis related to breakdown of mitochondrial membrane potential and ROS generation. The absence of cytotoxicity in HTC116-p53 and HTC116-Bax cells, alongside with an increase in p53, Bax and Caspase-3 expression, and decrease in Bcl-2 expression, supports that the proapoptotic effect is probably induced through a p53 associated pathway. PSC-hex induced cell cycle arrest at G2/ M in HCT116wt without cytotoxicity in HTC116-p21 cells. These findings suggest that a p21/p53 cell cycle regulation pathway is probably disrupted by compounds present on PSC-hex. Identification of the major components was then performed with ergosta-5,7,22-trien-3β-ol representing 30.6% of total weight. In silico docking studies of ergosta-5,7,22-trien-3β against Bcl-2 were performed and results show a credible interaction with the Bcl-2 hydrophobic cleft. The results show that PSC-hex can be used as supplementary food for adjuvant therapy in colorectal carcinoma.The authors thank Dr. Larsen (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale) for the gift of HCT116-Bax, HCT116-p21 and HCT116-p53 cells. The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and FEDER under Programme PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2013) and L. Barros contract. T.C. Finimundy thanks CAPES Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil (CAPES fellow, process number 88881.134581/ 2016–01). This work is supported by a grant from Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) and Fundaçãoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio