2,399 research outputs found

    Speech Recognition by Composition of Weighted Finite Automata

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    We present a general framework based on weighted finite automata and weighted finite-state transducers for describing and implementing speech recognizers. The framework allows us to represent uniformly the information sources and data structures used in recognition, including context-dependent units, pronunciation dictionaries, language models and lattices. Furthermore, general but efficient algorithms can used for combining information sources in actual recognizers and for optimizing their application. In particular, a single composition algorithm is used both to combine in advance information sources such as language models and dictionaries, and to combine acoustic observations and information sources dynamically during recognition.Comment: 24 pages, uses psfig.st

    Uma inscrição romana de Veneza na Quinta da Cardiga (Golegã – Conventus Scallabitanus)

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    A revista Ficheiro Epigráfico é um suplemento da revista Conimbriga e destina-se a dar a conhecer inscrições romanas inéditas da Hispânia. Não tem periodicidade estipulada e é coordenada pelo Professor José d’Encarnação.Durante a desmontagem e intervenção de conservação e restauro de uma fonte na Quinta da Cardiga (freguesia e concelho da Golegã, distrito de Santarém), possivelmente adquirida em Veneza no princípio do século XX, verificou-se que um dos elementos apresentava parte de uma inscrição romana. Trata-se, na verdade, de uma epígrafe funerária que, pela fórmula final que nos pareceu poder reconstituir – libertis libertabusq(ue) posterisq(ue) eorum –, se enquadra, de facto, no teor das epígrafes conhecidas da Regio X, datável da 1ª metade do século I d. C

    Uma inscrição romana de Veneza na Quinta da Cardiga (Golegã – Conventus Scallabitanus)

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    A revista Ficheiro Epigráfico é um suplemento da revista Conimbriga e destina-se a dar a conhecer inscrições romanas inéditas da Hispânia. Não tem periodicidade estipulada e é coordenada pelo Professor José d’Encarnação.Durante a desmontagem e intervenção de conservação e restauro de uma fonte na Quinta da Cardiga (freguesia e concelho da Golegã, distrito de Santarém), possivelmente adquirida em Veneza no princípio do século XX, verificou-se que um dos elementos apresentava parte de uma inscrição romana. Trata-se, na verdade, de uma epígrafe funerária que, pela fórmula final que nos pareceu poder reconstituir – libertis libertabusq(ue) posterisq(ue) eorum –, se enquadra, de facto, no teor das epígrafes conhecidas da Regio X, datável da 1ª metade do século I d. C

    Speciation of organoarsenicals in aqueous solutions by Raman spectrometry and quantum chemical calculations

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    .Knowledge about the existence and stability of different species of organoarsenicals in solution is of the most significant interest for fields so different as chemical, environmental, biological, toxicological and forensic. This work provides a comparative evaluation of the Raman spectra of four organoarsenicals (o-arsanilic acid, p-arsanilic acid, roxarsone and cacodylic acid) in aqueous solutions under acidic, neutral and alkaline conditions. Speciation of some of these organoarsenicals is possible by Raman spectrometry at different selected pHs. Further, we examine the proficiency of computational chemistry to obtain the theoretical Raman spectra of the four organoarsenicals compounds. To this end, we employ a computational protocol that includes explicit water molecules and conformational sampling, finding that the calculated organoarsenicals spectra agree reasonably well with those experimentally obtained in an aqueous solution in the whole pH range covered. Finally, we highlight the effectiveness of quantum chemical calculations to identify organoarsenicals in an aqueous solution.S

    Acoustics reflex abnormalities in auditory processing disorder

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    Introduction: The acoustic reflex threshold is defined as the lowest sound intensity capable of starting the middle ear protection mechanism due to intense sounds (Metz, 1952; Jerger, 1970), being necessary the structural and functional integrity of the periferic and central auditory system. These structures are also responsable for the central processing of auditory information. Aim: We intend to verify whether acoustic reflex abnormalities can also appear in auditory processing (AP) disorders, resulting in symptoms related to speech and language disorders. Study design: Prospective randomized. Material and method: Data were analyzed from one hundred AP assessments, using Pereira (1997) method. Patients, male and female, with ages ranging from 07 to 18 years, had normal hearing thresholds and normal tympanograms patterns. The difference between the acoustic reflex and hearing thresholds defined the acoustic reflex level (ARL), considered normal between 70-90dB and altered when above of this range or when absent in one or more frequencies (Carvallo, 1996; 1997; Metz, 1952). Results: Disorders of AP were found in 97% of the patients. In this group, 62% showed ARL abnormalities, being statistically significant. Furthermore, patients with AP disorders showed ARL alterations, more frequently on severe degree disorders, on patients with combined auditory gnosis impairments and on patients with more than one auditory ability altered. Conclusion: Patients with acoustic reflex alterations and normal audiometry should perform the AP assessment, as these symptoms could unmask pathologies of the central nervous system.Introdução: O limiar do reflexo acústico corresponde à menor intensidade de um som capaz de desencadear o mecanismo de proteção da orelha média frente a sons intensos (Metz, 1952; Jerger, 1970), sendo necessária a integridade estrutural e funcional do sistema auditivo periférico e central em nível de tronco encefálico. Algumas dessas estruturas são também responsáveis pelo processamento central da informação auditiva. Objetivo: Procuramos verificar se alterações do reflexo acústico também estariam presentes na Desordem do Processamento Auditivo Central (DPA), levando a queixas relacionadas aos distúrbios da comunicação. Forma de estudo: Prospectivo randomizado. Material e método: Foram analisados cem protocolos de avaliações do Processamento Auditivo Central (PAC), realizadas segundo Pereira (1997), de indivíduos dos sexos masculino e feminino, de 7 a 18 anos, com limiares de audibilidade normais e timpanograma tipo A. A diferença entre os limiares do reflexo acústico e os de audibilidade forneceu os níveis de reflexos acústicos (NRA), considerados normais entre 70-90dB e alterados quando acima deste intervalo ou quando ocorreu ausência em uma ou mais freqüências (Carvallo, 1996; 1997; Metz, 1952). Resultados: Das crianças avaliadas 97% apresentaram algum tipo de DPA. Destas, 62% tiveram NRA alterados, numa relação estatisticamente significante. Além disso, pacientes com DPA mostraram NRA alterados, mais freqüentemente, nas desordens de grau severo, naquelas com prejuízos gnósicos auditivos combinados e naquelas com mais de uma habilidade auditiva alterada. Conclusão: Assim, indivíduos com alterações no reflexo acústico e sem alterações audiométricas devem submeter-se a provas de PAC, já que esses sintomas podem ser manifestações patológicas do sistema nervoso central.UNIFESP-EPM OtorrinolaringologiaUNIFESP-EPMUNIFESP, EPM, OtorrinolaringologiaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Development and method validation for determination of 128 pesticides in bananas by modified QuEChERS and UHPLC–MS/MS analysis

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    AbstractA multiresidue method for the quantification of 128 pesticides in banana is described. It involves the application of a modified QuEChERS procedure followed by UHPLC–MS/MS (Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to Tandem Mass Spectrometry) analysis. The method was validated according to the European Union SANCO/12495/2011 guidelines and Brazilian Manual of Analytical Quality Assurance. The validation levels were 10.0; 25.0; 50.0 and 100 μg kg−1. Acceptable values were obtained for the following parameters: linearity, limit of detection – LOD (5.00 μg kg−1) and limit of quantification – LOQ (10.0 μg kg−1), except for fenamiphos and mevinphos (LOD = 7.5 μg kg−1 and LOQ = 25 μg kg−1), trueness (for the levels: 10.0, 25.0, 50.0 and 100 μg kg−1 the recovery assays values were between 70 and 120%) except for methamidophos at 10 μg kg−1 level (67.5%), intermediate precision (<20.0%) and measurement uncertainty tests (<50.0%). These results demonstrate the applicability of this method in the routine practice by the laboratories of Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply of Brazil that attend the National Control Plan for Residues and Contaminants (PNCRC)

    Coupling of Cyclic Voltammetry and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy for Probing the Thermodynamics of Facilitated Ion Transfer Reactions Exhibiting Chemical Kinetic Hindrances

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    Mathematical models under conditions of cyclic staircase voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), which consider the kinetic effects due to the complexation reaction by the facilitated transfer of metal ions at polarized interfaces, are presented. Criteria for qualitative recognition of these kinetic effects from the features of simulated cyclic voltammograms are given. In case of the existence of these effects, only the EIS can bring access to the thermodynamics and kinetics of the complexation chemical reaction. Analytical equations for estimating the thermodynamic parameters by such systems under EIS conditions are evaluated. The theoretical results are compared with the experimental results of the facilitated Cu2+ transfer at the polarized water-1,2-dichlorethane interface, assisted by two phenanthroline-containing macrocycles. In the experimental case where kinetic effects due to the complexation step exist, we show how elegantly EIS can be used as a tool for estimation of the complexation constant of Cu2+ and 5-oxo-2,8-dithia [9],(2,9)-1,10-phenanthrolinophane (PhenOS2)

    New models involving quantum chemical parameters for assessing the chromatographic retention process

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    .Knowledge about the theoretical relationship between the analyte properties and the critical chromatographic parameters is mandatory for a better interpretation of the separation mechanism and a more leisurely development of quantitative studies. In a preliminary stage of this work, we introduce the Gumbel distribution, the extreme value distribution type-I widely used in other fields, as a novel tool for modelling the chromatographic peak shape. Further, we develop mathematical models to evaluate the effect of the experimental variables and various quantum parameters on the chromatographic indices, such as the retention time, capacity factor, asymmetry factor, tailing factor and number of theoretical plates. Finally, we propose a mechanistic behaviour for the chromatographic separation process based on the structure-retention relationship of fifteen selected drugs involving several molecular quantum parametersS


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    Objective: Biological agents are among the medicines with the highest revenue in the world market. Biosimilars are copies of biological products introduced into the market to offer clinical efficacy like the originator or reference product at lower prices. This study aimed to verify the characteristics and price differences between biological medicines registered and marketed in Brazil until the end of 2019. Methods: All records were collected by November 2019 on the website of the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa). The list of the Chamber of Regulation of the Medicines Market (CMED) consulted for the price analysis, has an economic classificatory criterion with eight ranges. Categorization, according to the date/period of authorization for marketing, was also made. Results: At Anvisa site, there are 144 drugs present in 277 products distributed in three regulatory categories: new, biological, and similar. Approximately 73% of drugs have been approved in the past five years. Three classes represent 77.9% of all drugs-antineoplastics and immunomodulatory agents (38.6%), blood and blood organ forming (20.7%), and alimentary tract and metabolism (18.6%). Of the 178 products listed in the CMED, 26 (14.6%) have prices above 10,000 reais. Conclusion: The prices of original products, for most of the inputs, are lower than those of biosimilars, reversing the international logic

    Sexual dimorphism in the osmopressor response following water ingestion

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    Synopsis There is conflicting evidence as to whether water drinking elicits a pressor response in healthy young adults. The inclusion of a variable number of women may have contributed to the discrepancies found in past research. Thus, we aimed at exploring whether the osmopressor response follows a sexually dimorphic pattern. In a randomized fashion, 31 healthy adults (16 men; 15 women, aged 18-40 years) ingested 50 and 500 ml of water before completing a resting protocol on two separate days. Arterial blood pressure, heart rate and spectral heart rate variability were measured in the seated position at pre-and post-25 min of water ingestion. Women responded to 500 ml of water with a greater proportion of change in diastolic and mean arterial pressure (MAP) (P &lt; 0.05). Conversely, the percent change in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and heart rate was not different between sexes after 500 ml of water. Overall, women demonstrated lower blood pressure, but higher resting heart rate compared with men (P &lt; 0.05). In contrast, heart rate variability was similar between sexes before and after ingesting either volume of water. There was a bradycardic effect of water and, irrespectively of sex; this was accompanied by increased high frequency power (HF) (P &lt; 0.05). We conclude that women display a greater magnitude of pressor response than men post-water ingestion. Accordingly, we provide direct evidence of sexual dimorphism in the haemodynamic response to water intake in young healthy adults