259 research outputs found

    VeSV- Value at the end of the Sanitation Value Chain: Final Report

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    Bangladesh is no stranger to composting projects using both green waste and faecal sludge (FS). There have been many initiatives over the years with varying degrees of success. Similarly there have been hundreds, if not thousands of projects to improve access to latrines, latrine use and latrine management. Again there has been a great deal of success, especially in increasing the number of latrines being built. However, a key gap regarding the safe collection and processing of the waste from the pit still remains. In cases where projects have attempted addressing this, the solution has rarely been viable on a large scale. That is where this project—VeSV—is different. The aim of this project is to provide scientific evidence to support the commercial viability of collecting and composting faecal sludge for use in agriculture and horticulture. The gap between a good idea and commercial success is bridged on this project by producing primary scientific data based on qualitative and quantitative research methods and by engaging a number of stakeholders across sectors. A rigorous research was conducted to characterize raw faecal sludge material from single pit latrines in rural Bangladesh, as the starting point to develop value across the sanitation chain from processing FS material, through adding value by recovering nutrient and finally by assessing the potential commercialization of the final product in the fertilizer market. Crucially academics, NGOs, business groups and existing fertilizer, composting and latrine management companies were involved as part of our Reference Group, which helped to develop practical engineering solutions in harmony with the right and relevant context in rural Bangladesh. Our research outcomes include the development of safe methodologies for pit emptying; the assessment of people's intentions to change current operation and maintenance practices of pit latrines at household level and their willingness to participate in commercially viable and sustainable methods for FS management; the assessment of optimised engineering process for FS stabilisation and the production of a safe, high quality fertilizer that is desirable to farmers; and the identification of potential hurdles that may obstruct the widespread adoption of business models for FS fertiliser

    Low Maternal Capital Predicts Life History Trade-Offs in Daughters: Why Adverse Outcomes Cluster in Individuals.

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    Background: Some individuals appear prone to multiple adverse outcomes, including poor health, school dropout, risky behavior and early reproduction. This clustering remains poorly understood. Drawing on evolutionary life history theory, we hypothesized that maternal investment in early life would predict the developmental trajectory and adult phenotype of female offspring. Specifically, we predicted that daughters receiving low investment would prioritize the life history functions of "reproduction" and "defense" over "growth" and "maintenance," increasing the risk of several adverse outcomes. Methods: We investigated 2,091 mother-daughter dyads from a birth cohort in Pelotas, Brazil. We combined data on maternal height, body mass index, income, and education into a composite index of "maternal capital." Daughter outcomes included reproductive status at 18 years, growth, adult anthropometry, body composition, cardio-metabolic risk, educational attainment, work status, and risky behavior. We tested whether daughters' early reproduction (<18 years) and exposure to low maternal capital were associated with adverse outcomes, and whether this accounted for the clustering of adverse outcomes within individuals. Results: Daughters reproducing early were shorter, more centrally adipose, had less education and demonstrated more risky behavior compared to those not reproducing. Low maternal capital was associated with greater likelihood of the daughter reproducing early, smoking and having committed violent crime. High maternal capital was positively associated with the daughter's birth weight and adult size, and the likelihood of being in school. Associations of maternal capital with cardio-metabolic risk were inconsistent. Daughters reproducing early comprised 14.8% of the population, but accounted for 18% of obesity; 20% of violent crime, low birth weight and short stature; 32% of current smoking; and 52% of school dropout. Exposure to low maternal capital contributed similarly to the clustering of adverse outcomes among daughters. Outcomes were worst among daughters characterized by both low maternal capital and early reproduction. Conclusion: Consistent with life history theory, daughters exposed to low maternal capital demonstrate "future discounting" in behavior and physiology, prioritizing early reproduction over growth, education, and health. Trade-offs associated with low maternal capital and early reproduction contribute to clustering of adverse outcomes. Our approach provides new insight into inter-generational cycles of disadvantage

    Effect of preterm birth on growth and blood pressure in adulthood in the Pelotas 1993 cohort

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    BACKGROUND: Preterm birth has been associated with increased risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease later in adulthood, attributed to cardiovascular and metabolic alterations in early life. However, there is paucity of evidence from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). METHODS: We investigated the differences between preterm (<37 weeks gestational age) and term-born individuals in birth length and weight as well as adult (18 and 20 years) height, weight and blood pressure in the Brazilian 1993 Pelotas birth cohort using linear regressions. Analyses were adjusted for the maternal weight at the beginning of pregnancy and maternal education and family income at childbirth. Additional models were adjusted for body mass index (BMI) and birthweight. Separate analyses were run for males and females. The complete sample was analysed with an interaction term for sex. RESULTS: Of the 3585 babies included at birth, 3010 were followed up in adulthood at 22 years. Preterm participants had lower length and weight at birth. This difference remained for male participants in adulthood, but female participants were no shorter than their term counterparts by 18 years of age. At 22 years, females born preterm had lower blood pressures (systolic blood pressure -1.00 mmHg, 95%CI -2.7, 0.7 mmHg; diastolic blood pressure -1.1 mmHg, 95%CI -2.4, 0.3 mmHg) than females born at term. These differences were not found in male participants. CONCLUSIONS: In this Brazilian cohort we found contrasting results regarding the association of preterm birth with blood pressure in young adulthood, which may be unique to an LMIC

    Effect of preterm birth on growth and blood pressure in adulthood in the Pelotas 1993 cohort

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    Background Preterm birth has been associated with increased risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease later in adulthood, attributed to cardiovascular and metabolic alterations in early life. However, there is paucity of evidence from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Methods We investigated the differences between preterm (<37 weeks gestational age) and term-born individuals in birth length and weight as well as adult (18 and 20 years) height, weight and blood pressure in the Brazilian 1993 Pelotas birth cohort using linear regressions. Analyses were adjusted for the maternal weight at the beginning of pregnancy and maternal education and family income at childbirth. Additional models were adjusted for body mass index (BMI) and birthweight. Separate analyses were run for males and females. The complete sample was analysed with an interaction term for sex. Results Of the 3585 babies included at birth, 3010 were followed up in adulthood at 22 years. Preterm participants had lower length and weight at birth. This difference remained for male participants in adulthood, but female participants were no shorter than their term counterparts by 18 years of age. At 22 years, females born preterm had lower blood pressures (systolic blood pressure −1.00 mmHg, 95%CI −2.7, 0.7 mmHg; diastolic blood pressure −1.1 mmHg, 95%CI −2.4, 0.3 mmHg) than females born at term. These differences were not found in male participants. Conclusions In this Brazilian cohort we found contrasting results regarding the association of preterm birth with blood pressure in young adulthood, which may be unique to an LMIC

    Resistance to acid attack, abrasion and leaching behavior of alkali-activated mine waste binders

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    This paper report results of a research project on the development of alkali-activated binders using mine wastes. Abrasion and acid resistance of two ordinary Portland cement (OPC) strength class concrete mixtures (C20/25 and C30/37) and several mine waste (MW) mixtures were compared. This study indicates that MW binders possess higher acid and abrasion resistance than OPC based concrete mixtures.The leaching assessment of the MW binders shows it can be considered an inert material which indicates that it could be used as a building material

    The effect of aneurysm geometry on the intra-aneurysmal flow condition

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    Various anatomical parameters affect on intra-aneurysmal hemodynamics. Nevertheless, how the shapes of real patient aneurysms affect on their intra-aneurysmal hemodynamics remains unanswered. Quantitative computational fluid dynamics simulation was conducted using eight patients’ angiograms of internal carotid artery–ophthalmic artery aneurysms. The mean size of the intracranial aneurysms was 11.5 mm (range 5.8 to 19.9 mm). Intra-aneurysmal blood flow velocity and wall shear stress (WSS) were collected from three measurement planes in each aneurysm dome. The correlation coefficients (r) were obtained between hemodynamic values (flow velocity and WSS) and the following anatomical parameters: averaged dimension of aneurysm dome, the largest aneurysm dome dimension, aspect ratio, and dome–neck ratio. Negative linear correlations were observed between the averaged dimension of aneurysm dome and intra-aneurysmal flow velocity (r = −0.735) and also WSS (r = −0.736). The largest dome diameter showed a negative correlation with intra-aneurysmal flow velocity (r = −0.731) and WSS (r = −0.496). The aspect ratio demonstrated a weak negative correlation with the intra-aneurysmal flow velocity (r = −0.381) and WSS (r = −0.501). A clear negative correlation was seen between the intra-aneurysmal flow velocity and the dome–neck ratio (r = −0.708). A weak negative correlation is observed between the intra-aneurysmal WSS and the dome–neck ratio (r = −0.392). The aneurysm dome size showed a negative linear correlation with intra-aneurysmal flow velocity and WSS. Wide-necked aneurysm geometry was associated with faster intra-aneurysmal flow velocity

    Survivability Is More Fundamental Than Evolvability

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    For a lineage to survive over long time periods, it must sometimes change. This has given rise to the term evolvability, meaning the tendency to produce adaptive variation. One lineage may be superior to another in terms of its current standing variation, or it may tend to produce more adaptive variation. However, evolutionary outcomes depend on more than standing variation and produced adaptive variation: deleterious variation also matters. Evolvability, as most commonly interpreted, is not predictive of evolutionary outcomes. Here, we define a predictive measure of the evolutionary success of a lineage that we call the k-survivability, defined as the probability that the lineage avoids extinction for k generations. We estimate the k-survivability using multiple experimental replicates. Because we measure evolutionary outcomes, the initial standing variation, the full spectrum of generated variation, and the heritability of that variation are all incorporated. Survivability also accounts for the decreased joint likelihood of extinction of sub-lineages when they 1) disperse in space, or 2) diversify in lifestyle. We illustrate measurement of survivability with in silico models, and suggest that it may also be measured in vivo using multiple longitudinal replicates. The k-survivability is a metric that enables the quantitative study of, for example, the evolution of 1) mutation rates, 2) dispersal mechanisms, 3) the genotype-phenotype map, and 4) sexual reproduction, in temporally and spatially fluctuating environments. Although these disparate phenomena evolve by well-understood microevolutionary rules, they are also subject to the macroevolutionary constraint of long-term survivability

    Enhanced recovery in colorectal surgery: a multicentre study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Major colorectal surgery usually requires a hospital stay of more than 12 days. Inadequate pain management, intestinal dysfunction and immobilisation are the main factors associated with delay in recovery. The present work assesses the short and medium term results achieved by an enhanced recovery program based on previously published protocols.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This prospective study, performed at 12 Spanish hospitals in 2008 and 2009, involved 300 patients. All patients underwent elective colorectal resection for cancer following an enhanced recovery program. The main elements of this program were: preoperative advice, no colon preparation, provision of carbohydrate-rich drinks one day prior and on the morning of surgery, goal directed fluid administration, body temperature control during surgery, avoiding drainages and nasogastric tubes, early mobilisation, and the taking of oral fluids in the early postoperative period. Perioperative morbidity and mortality data were collected and the length of hospital stay and protocol compliance recorded.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The median age of the patients was 68 years. Fifty-two % of the patients were women. The distribution of patients by ASA class was: I 10%, II 50% and III 40%. Sixty-four % of interventions were laparoscopic; 15% required conversion to laparotomy. The majority of patients underwent sigmoidectomy or right hemicolectomy. The overall compliance to protocol was approximately 65%, but varied widely in its different components. The median length of postoperative hospital stay was 6 days. Some 3% of patients were readmitted to hospital after discharge; some 7% required repeat surgery during their initial hospitalisation or after readmission. The most common complications were surgical (24%), followed by septic (11%) or other medical complications (10%). Three patients (1%) died during follow-up. Some 31% of patients suffered symptoms that delayed their discharge, the most common being vomiting or nausea (12%), dyspnoea (7%) and fever (5%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The following of this enhanced recovery program posed no risk to patients in terms of morbidity, mortality and shortened the length of their hospital stay. Overall compliance to protocol was 65%. The following of this program was of benefit to patients and reduces costs by shortening the length of hospital stay. The implantation of such programmes is therefore highly recommended.</p