275 research outputs found

    Urban trasformation and peripheralization: The experience of housing complex population relocated

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    In this papers, I analyze the process of segregation and peripheralization that the hydroelectric dam Yacyretá generated by the relocalitión programs of many neighborhoods located on shore of the mighty Paraná River, the city of Posadas, Argentina. The peripheral location of large apartment complexes to rehouse the displace population has not only increased the process of urban segregation, but it has generated profund changes in lifestyle. The lack of employment, isolation, poverty, and lack of services and infrastructure are problems that emerge in these new places to live, as a manifestation of deprivation of urban space. Context in which they arise also various government programs for rehabilitation. Resumen. En este artículo analizo el proceso de periferización y segregación que la presa hidroeléctrica Yacyretá ha generado a partir de los programas de relocalización de numerosas barriadas asentadas en las costas bajas del caudaloso río Paraná, que bordea la ciudad de Posadas, Argentina. La localización periférica de grandes conjuntos  habitacionales para realojar a la población desplazada no solo ha incrementado el proceso de segregación urbana, sino que ha generado profundos cambios en el modo de vida. La  falta de empleo, el aislamiento, la pobreza, y la carencia de servicios e infraestructura son problemas que emergen en estos nuevos lugares de vida, como manifestación de la privación al espacio urbano. Marco en el que además surgen variados programas gubernamentales de rehabilitación.En este artículo analizo el proceso de periferización y segregación que la presa hidroeléctrica Yacyretá ha generado a partir de los programas de relocalización de numerosas barriadas asentadas en las costas bajas del caudaloso río Paraná, que bordea la ciudad de Posadas, Argentina. La localización periférica de grandes conjuntos habitacionales para realojar a la población desplazada no solo ha incrementado el proceso de segregación urbana, sino que ha generado profundos cambios en el modo de vida. La falta de empleo, el aislamiento, la pobreza, y la carencia de servicios e infraestructura son problemas que emergen en estos nuevos lugares de vida, como manifestación de la privación al espacio urbano. Marco en el que además surgen variados programas gubernamentales de rehabilitación.Fil: Brites, Walter Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Secretaría de Investigación y Postgrado. Programa de Postgrado en Antropología Social; Argentin

    New urban processes in Encarnación City, Paraguay: the waterfront development and urban renewal

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the recent transformations experienced by the city of Encarnación (Paraguay), as a result of its new urban development, influenced by the effects of the additional work done on the Yacyreta hydroelectric dam, built by Argentina and Paraguay on the Parana River. Based on an exploratory and descriptive research approach, I argue that there has been a change in the patterns of urban land occupation, not only because of the growth of the reservoir located in the Parana River (new waterfront) and the consequent relocation of the population affected, but also due to the emergence of urban renewal processes, regeneration, and high-quality public works. All these changes have resulted in a new urban configuration of the city and an architectural modernism that is generating new public spaces, sanitation, infrastructure, and new opportunity structures for urban life. Among them are the creation of extensive beaches on the riverfront and new business areas. However, on the other hand, the massive displacement of poor people toward other urban or peripheral areas has rapidly enabled a new fragmentation of the city. Among other conclusions, we will argue that, despite having highlighted the benefits of the urban transformation that the city is undergoing, Encarnación is experiencing a differential change of its urban space characterized by accentuated and discontinuous interventions in different socio-spatial spheres and the creation of an increasingly more segregated city, causing a disconnect between the new, highly qualified central areas and the new urban peripherie

    Great projects and their social effects. Tendencies to social substitution in urban spaces revalued

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    Actualmente muchas ciudades latinoamericanas están experimentando un proceso de trasformación, fragmentando sus espacios urbanos de acuerdo a la composición social de sus habitantes, redefiniendo áreas de centralidad y periferia. En muchos casos, estas transformaciones se están objetivando sobre la base de grandes obras públicas que afectan a barrios pobres y asentamientos informales. Proceso en el que interviene una alianza públicoprivada: el Estado y sus programas de intervención urbana y, el mercado a través de sus instituciones financieras/inmobiliarias que estimulan la inversión en áreas de creciente revalorización urbana. Este artículo retoma el caso de las transformaciones acaecidas en Posadas (Argentina), a partir de las obras de infraestructura complementarias a la represa de Yacyretá. La hidroeléctrica Yacyretá debió proveer de defensas costeras a lo largo del río Paraná, rehabilitando amplios sectores urbanos y recomponiendo urbanísticamente a la ciudad. El conjunto de obras costeras está dando lugar a la emergencia de la especulación inmobiliaria e inversión privada, así como a nuevas formas de desplazamientos sin acción directa del Estado. En el marco de estos acontecimientos, esta investigación parte desde una perspectiva descriptiva trazando un conjunto de preguntas: ¿La especulación inmobiliaria sobre las áreas costeras amenaza la permanencia de los sectores de menores recursos? ¿Los terrenos situados en proximidad a la costa son objeto de conflictos por su ocupación entre diferentes sectores sociales? ¿La revalorización urbana está desarrollando nuevas formas de gentrificación? ¿Son los pobres nuevamente los desplazados? De ser así, ¿qué chances tienen estos actores de permanecer en estos espacios?Today many Latin American cities are experiencing a transformation process, fragmented urban spaces according to the social composition of its population, redefining centrality and periphery areas. In many cases, these changes are being made on the basis of great public works affecting slums and informal settlements. Process involving a public-private partnership: the State and its urban intervention programs and the market through its financial institutions that encourage investment in areas of increasing urban renewal. This article takes up the case of the transformations in Posadas city (Argentina), from the works of complementary infrastructure Yacyretá dam. The Dam hydroelectric had provide coastal defenses along the Paraná River, rehabilitating large urban areas and urban links recomposing the city. The set of coastal structures is leading to the emergence of real estate speculation and private investment, as well as new forms of displacement without direct state action. In the context of these events this research raises a number of questions. Does the new coast margin and vacant land are under dispute between different social sectors?, On what areas of the city is falling property speculation?, The additional works have generated an unprecedented urban renewal?, Are a new pattern emerging of socio-spatial segregation? If so, this pattern has connotations of gentrification? These and other issues are analyzed from a descriptive and exploratory perspective.Fil: Brites, Walter Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Estudios Sociales y Humanos. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Estudios Sociales y Humanos; Argentin

    Relocated, affected and claim demand construction: The experience of a displaced population

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    Este trabajo aborda el caso de un conjunto habitacional de población relocalizada en la periferia urbana segregada de la ciudad de Posadas, Argentina. El análisis gira en torno a cómo el desplazamiento más allá de segregar generó un conjunto de adversidades vinculado a la carencia de servicios y equipamientos básicos, provocando la emergencia de diversas iniciativas colectivas, así como demandas, conflictos y movimientos de pobladores relocalizados. En grandes rasgos, junto con estasacciones emergieron demandas reivindicativas que tomaron formas de protestas y resistencia, pero también huboinstancias más conciliadoras como las mesas de gestión asociada gobierno-vecinos. Las dos formas de acción colectiva ofrecen márgenes para la capacidad de agencia, la participación y alternativas de organización vecinal. En este sentido, adquiere importancia el análisis de hechos y procesos en los que se desenvuelven la participación, los conflictos, las formas de deliberación y las estrategias reivindicativas.This paper analyzed the case about housing complex of population relocated, that has been segregated to urban periphery, in the city of Posadas, Argentina. The analysis focuses on as the segregation, creates problems and adversities, linked to the lack of basic services and infrastructure, causing the emergence of collective initiatives, complaints, conflicts and movements of relocated residents. In general terms, between these actions have emerged forms of protest and resistance, and secondly, conciliatory processes, like instances associated management of government-neighbors. The two forms of collective action give rise to margins of agency, participation and local organizational alternatives. In this sense, is important the analysis of facts and processes in that the participation, conflict, forms of deliberation and claims strategies takes shape.Fil: Brites, Walter Fernando. Universidad Nacional de Misiones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentina. Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata; Argentin

    Transformación urbana y periferización: la experiencia de los conjuntos habitacionales de población relocalizada

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    En este artículo analizo el proceso de periferización y segregación que la presa hidroeléctrica Yacyretá ha generado a partir de los programas de relocalización de numerosas barriadas asentadas en las costas bajas del caudaloso río Paraná, que bordea la ciudad de Posadas, Argentina. La localización periférica de grandes conjuntos habitacionales para realojar a la población desplazada no solo ha incrementado el proceso de segregación urbana, sino que ha generado profundos cambios en el modo de vida. La falta de empleo, el aislamiento, la pobreza, y la carencia de servicios e infraestructura son problemas que emergen en estos nuevos lugares de vida, como manifestación de la privación al espacio urbano. Marco en el que además surgen variados programas gubernamentales de rehabilitación.In this paper, I analyze the process of segregation and peripheralization that the hydroelectric dam Yacyretá generated by the relocalition programs of many neighborhoods located on shore of the mighty Paraná River, the city of Posadas, Argentina. The peripheral location of large apartment complexes to rehouse the displace population has not only increased the process of urban segregation, but it has generated profund changes in lifestyle. The lack of employment, isolation, poverty, and lack of services and infrastructure are problems that emerge in these new places to live, as a manifestation of deprivation of urban space. Context in which they arise also various government programs for rehabilitation

    Housing policies without social components. The case of the Itambé Mini housing complex in the City of Posadas

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    En este artículo realizo un breve análisis del complejo habitacional Itaembé Miní de la ciudad de Posadas, Argentina, tomado como un emblemático caso testigo de nuevas políticas habitacionales sin componentes sociales, implementadas en los últimos tiempos por el Instituto Provincial de Desarrollo Habitacional (Iprodha) de la Provincia de Misiones. En este sentido, analizo los diversos problemas sociales y urbanos registrados en este complejo habitacional, como consecuencias de la implementación de programas habitacionales que inicialmente no incorporaron aquellos "componentes sociales necesarios" para la dimensión del habitar: infraestructura y servicios urbanos. Mi conclusión es que la perspectiva tecnocrática y rigurosamente eficientista desde la que se construyó el complejo ha priorizado la entrega de viviendas individuales a familias en detrimento de la dimensión colectiva del barrio; lo que ha derivado en conflictos y demandas vecinales que debieron resolverse en diferentes niveles del Estado.In this article I make a brief analysis of the complex houses Itaembé Miní of the city Posadas, Argentina, taken as an emblematic case witness of new housing policies implemented without social components in the last time by the Provincial Institute of Housing Development (Iprodha) of the Province of Misiones. In this sense, I analyze the diverse social and urban problems in Itaembé Miní, like consequences of the implementation of programs that initially did not incorporate those "necessary social components" relative to urban life: infrastructure and services. My conclusion is that the technocratic and efficientist perspective, from that it was constructed the complex has prioritized the delivery of houses to individual families, to the detriment of the collective dimension of the district, this has resulted in conflicts and demands local which were resolved at different levels of government.Fil: Brites, Walter Fernando. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Secretaría de Investigación y Postgrado. Programa de Postgrado en Antropología Social; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentin

    Settlements and habitat. The conditioning role of urban space in Posadas, Argentina

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    El caso de la ciudad de Posadas (Argentina) evidencia la relevancia del entorno urbano para las condiciones de vida en los asentamientos. Se analizan aquí las especificidades de los asentamientos, considerando que el entorno urbano de su localización juega un papel importante en términos de oportunidades y restricciones para la calidad de vida de sus habitantes. Metodológicamente, este trabajo se basa en un análisis multimodal y descriptivo, apoyado en entrevistas a vecinos y líderes comunitarios, y complementado a través de información documental. La investigación privilegia la importancia de la espacialidad urbana, explorando cómo se articulan las prácticas y procesos sociales desde el espacio interior del hábitat de los asentamientos con el espacio urbano exterior y circundante. La principal contribución del manuscrito sugiere que, más allá de los problemas multidimensionales del hábitat y de la pobreza de su población, son las características del espacio de la ciudad donde se ubican, las que condicionan más fuertemente la evolución de los asentamientos.The case of Posadas (Argentina) shows the relevance of the urban environment for living conditions in settlements. The particularities of settlements are analyzed here, considering that the urban environment of their location plays an important role in terms of opportunities and restrictions for the quality of life of their inhabitants. Methodologically, this work is based on a multimodal and descriptive analysis, supported by interviews with neighbors and community leaders, and complementing the analysis with documentary information. The research privileges the importance of urban spatiality, exploring how social practices and processes are articulated from the space within the habitat of settlements and the surrounding urban space outside them. The main contribution of the manuscript suggests that, beyond the multidimensional problems of the habitats and the poverty of its population, the characteristics of the city space where they are located are the ones that most strongly condition the evolution of the settlements

    Design and performance of a novel low-density parity-check code for distributed video coding

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    Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are nowadays one of the hottest topics in coding theory, notably due to their advantages in terms of bit error rate performance and low complexity. In order to exploit the potential of the Wyner-Ziv coding paradigm, practical distributed video coding (DVC) schemes should use powerful error correcting codes with near-capacity performance. In this paper, new ways to design LDPC codes for the DVC paradigm are proposed and studied. The new LDPC solutions rely on merging parity-check nodes, which corresponds to reduce the number of rows in the parity-check matrix. This allows to change gracefully the compression ratio of the source (DCT coefficient bitplane) according to the correlation between the original and the side information. The proposed LDPC codes reach a good performance for a wide range of source correlations and achieve a better RD performance when compared to the popular turbo codes

    Side information creation for efficient Wyner-Ziv video coding: Classifying and reviewing

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    Video coding technologies have played a major role in the explosion of large market digital video applications and services. In this context, the very popular MPEG-x and H-26x video coding standards adopted a predictive coding paradigm, where complex encoders exploit the data redundancy and irrelevancy to 'control' much simpler decoders. This codec paradigm fits well applications and services such as digital television and video storage where the decoder complexity is critical, but does not match well the requirements of emerging applications such as visual sensor networks where the encoder complexity is more critical. The Slepian Wolf and Wyner-Ziv theorems brought the possibility to develop the so-called Wyner-Ziv video codecs, following a different coding paradigm where it is the task of the decoder, and not anymore of the encoder, to (fully or partly) exploit the video redundancy. Theoretically, Wyner-Ziv video coding does not incur in any compression performance penalty regarding the more traditional predictive coding paradigm (at least for certain conditions). In the context of Wyner-Ziv video codecs, the so-called side information, which is a decoder estimate of the original frame to code, plays a critical role in the overall compression performance. For this reason, much research effort has been invested in the past decade to develop increasingly more efficient side information creation methods. This paper has the main objective to review and evaluate the available side information methods after proposing a classification taxonomy to guide this review, allowing to achieve more solid conclusions and better identify the next relevant research challenges. After classifying the side information creation methods into four classes, notably guess, try, hint and learn, the review of the most important techniques in each class and the evaluation of some of them leads to the important conclusion that the side information creation methods provide better rate-distortion (RD) performance depending on the amount of temporal correlation in each video sequence. It became also clear that the best available Wyner-Ziv video coding solutions are almost systematically based on the learn approach. The best solutions are already able to systematically outperform the H.264/AVC Intra, and also the H.264/AVC zero-motion standard solutions for specific types of content. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A denoising approach for iterative side information creation in distributed video coding

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    In distributed video coding, motion estimation is typically performed at the decoder to generate the side information, increasing the decoder complexity while providing low complexity encoding in comparison with predictive video coding. Motion estimation can be performed once to create the side information or several times to refine the side information quality along the decoding process. In this paper, motion estimation is performed at the decoder side to generate multiple side information hypotheses which are adaptively and dynamically combined, whenever additional decoded information is available. The proposed iterative side information creation algorithm is inspired in video denoising filters and requires some statistics of the virtual channel between each side information hypothesis and the original data. With the proposed denoising algorithm for side information creation, a RD performance gain up to 1.2 dB is obtained for the same bitrate