1,189 research outputs found

    Analise musical de "Estudo para instrumentos de percussão", 1953, M. Camargo Guarnieri; primeira peça escrita somente para instrumentos de percussão no Brasil

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    Orientador: Claudiney Rodrigues CarrascoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ArtesResumo: o texto pretende realizar a análise musical da peça intitulada "Estudo para Instrumentos de Percussão", composta em 1953 por M. Camargo Guarnieri, sendo esta a primeira peça escrita somente para instrumentos de percussão no Brasil, baseando a pesquisa na abordagem das estruturas gerais da análise musical. A obra musical serve de pano de fundo para a realização do levantamento da história da percussão sinfônica no Brasil, bem como investiga a importância, as influências e as repercussões causadas pela peça dentro do cenário musical brasileiro perante os percussionistas e compositores da épocaMestradoArtesMestre em Arte

    The typical brazilian percussion in variações ritmicas Opus 15 By Marlos Nobre

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    This article discusses the typical Brazilian percussion instruments used by the Brazilian composer Marlos Nobre in his composition Variacoes Ritmicas for piano and six percussionists, written in 1963. This can be considered the first piece of repercussion in the Brazilian musical scenario for this kind of chamber music. The composer Marlos Nobre merges the popular percussion instruments such as Small Brazilian 'cuica', metal shaker, cabasa, rasper, agogo bells, Brazilian tambourine, Brazilian 'tamborim' and three ` atabaques', with a composition which has classical, twelve-tone and serial features.Este artigo aborda os instrumentos de percussão tipicamente brasileiros utilizados por Marlos Nobre em sua obra Variações Rítmicas para piano e seis percussionistas, composta em 1963. Essa pode ser considerada a primeira peça de repercussão no cenário bra162104115sem informaçãosem informaçãoThis article discusses the typical Brazilian percussion instruments used by the Brazilian composer Marlos Nobre in his composition Variacoes Ritmicas for piano and six percussionists, written in 1963. This can be considered the first piece of repercussio


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    O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o poema de cordel “O Padre Henrique e o Dragão da Maldade”, escrito por Patativa do Assaré sobre o assassinato de um padre pernambucano que integrou a resistência no pior período da repressão da ditadura civil-militar, logo após a publicação do AI-5. Buscamos traçar uma relação entre o texto e os aspectos históricos que fazem parte da reflexão trazida pelo autor. Para além de identificar os elementos literários, observamos como esses recursos são usados para que o poema consiga denunciar crimes praticados durante o regime ditatorial.

    Diffusion Pattern and Hotspot Detection of Dengue in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    This study considers the dengue occurrence in the city of Belo Horizonte over the last fifteen years. Approximately 186,000 cases registered from 1996 to 2011 were analyzed. The home address of individuals whose dengue case was notified was used as a proxy for exposure location. For determining possible outbreaks of disease and the specific patterns of dengue cases, spatial statistics used included Kernel's estimation. The occurrence of waves of dengue outbreaks was correlated with climatic and vector presence data. Outbreaks had different durations and intensities: case clustering, thinned out both spatially and temporally. These findings may be useful for public health professionals responsible for fighting the disease providing some tools for improving evaluation of interventions such as vector control and patient care, minimizing the collective and individual burden of the disease

    Direct Determination of Malachite Green and Leucomalachite Green in Natural Waters by Exploiting Solid-phase Sorption and Digital Image

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    Although malachite green (MG), a triphenylmethane dye, is banned for use in aquaculture in several countries, it is still widely employed to treat infections in fish and fish eggs. In living organisms, it is reduced to leucomalachite green (LMG) during physiological processes and can accumulate in adipose tissue. This work describes the development and verification of a simple and portable method, using preconcentration on an adsorbent surface and digital image analysis, for the determination of malachite green and leucomalachite green in natural waters. The optimum conditions of production and extraction in the film were evaluated univariate and the images were analyzed with the aid of Image J. The analytical curves were obtained from each color channel, using multiple linear regression (MLR) models for all parameters of the RGB system. Malachite green was adsorbed on a Florisil surface, followed by quantification using a calibration curve obtained with RGB image parameters, with the preconcentration factor was close to 10.  Accuracy was assessed using recovery tests on river natural waters samples, showing no significant matrix effect or additive error. The technique is suitable for environmental monitoring purposes. Simple method, practical and versatile. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v12i4.149

    Impact of a radiological protection campaign in emergency paediatric radiology: a multicentric observational study in Brazil

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    Purpose: To evaluate the impact of a paediatric radiological protection campaign, implemented in the emergency units of a healthcare provider network in Brazil. This campaign aimed to promote awareness among emergency department physicians, regarding justifcation of paediatric X-ray referrals for paranasal sinus, chest and CT exams, as a strategy to reduce exposure to ionising radiation. Method: Frequency analysis of common paediatric imaging referrals from 19 emergency departments was performed for a 3-year period (2015–2018) to coincide with before, during and after the implementation of the radiation protection campaign. The campaign was multifaceted and involved dissemination of educational materials and imaging referral guidelines along with quarterly meetings with participating centres’ leaderships. Additionally, patient dose cards were distributed to patients/carers. The Chi-Square test was used to examine the association between the type of examination and the patient’s age group. Exact-Fisher test was performed to check for an association between participant engagement and the existence of the radiation protection committee. Results: Referrals reduced by 25% following the campaign with no reports of misdiagnosis. Many referrals in the youngest age groups. In 15 units, a radiological protection committee was created to raise awareness and to create a multi professional team to communicate the risks and benefits of radiological procedure in children. Conclusion: The campaign resulted in a substantial reduction in radiological referrals while promoting a radiation protection culture. Simple education initiatives can contribute to savings in both finances and radiation doses, particularly important in radiosensitive cohorts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fatal outcome in classic Kaposi's sarcoma

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    First described in 1872, Kaposi's sarcoma is defined as a rare multifocal tumor that originates in the endothelial cells and presents with cutaneous and extracutaneous manifestations. The classic form is most common in elderly men and progression is slow. This tumor responds well to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This report describes a classic case of Kaposi's sarcoma in a woman with skin and visceral manifestations in whom the disease rapidly progressed to a fatal outcome.Descrito em 1872, o sarcoma de Kaposi é neoplasia multicêntrica rara originária de células endoteliais com manifestação cutânea e extracutânea. A forma clássica é muito mais frequente em homens idosos, com evolução prolongada e boa resposta a quimioterapia e radioterapia. Apresentaremos um caso de sarcoma de Kaposi clássico com comprometimento cutâneo e visceral em paciente do sexo feminino com rápida evolução fatal.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL


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    A large number of accidents and injuries caused by the presence of fatigue on people has caused a concern about this, more attention has been taken in recent years. Studying and developing techniques capable of detecting fatigue in a user has become possible thanks to the continuous evolution of technology and computer vision. Image processing has become a strong tool because does not interfere the driving of the vehicle, however, there are interferences that make difficult the analysis of the driver through the computer vision, these interferences are difficult to control because they involve the luminosity of the environment, cost of computational power of the tool and unnecessary objects in the environment. computer vision techniques were used:    Template Matching, Hough Transfor and Landmarks, Python language with the help of the OpenCV library and use of low cost hardware such as Raspberry. The results were satisfactory and show that the combination of techniques and controlled light makes it possible to detect fatigue and alert the driver with great accuracy.Grande número de acidentes e prejuízos causados pela presença da fadiga em pessoas fez com que a preocupação em relação a esse tema apresentasse uma atenção maior nesses últimos anos. Estudar e desenvolver técnicas capazes de detectar a fadiga em um usuário se tornou possível graças a evolução contínua da tecnologia e da visão computacional.      O processamento de imagem se tornou uma forte ferramenta, pois seu uso não interfere na condução do veículo, contudo, existem interferências que dificultam a análise do condutor por meio da visão computacional, essas interferências são difíceis de controlar pois envolvem a luminosidade do ambiente, custo do poder computacional da ferramenta e objetos desnecessários no ambiente.      Foram utilizadas as técnicas de visão computacional: Template Matching, Transformada de Hough e Landmarks, linguagem Python com auxílio da biblioteca OpenCV e uso do hardware de baixo custo Raspberry. Os resultados foram satisfatórios e mostram que a junção de técnicas adequadas e luminosidade controlada torna possível detectar fadigas e alertar o condutor com grande acurácia

    Assessment of social and economic influences on blood pressure of adolescents in public and private schools: an epidemiological study

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    INTRODUCTION: The high prevalence of hypertension in high school students in Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil, has already been described. In this study, within a new sample of high school students from public and private schools, we evaluated if socioeconomic and lifestyle influence on blood pressure values. METHODS: This is an epidemiological study, which is part of the activities of a community-based work conducted by medical students. They give speeches to high school students aiming at stimulating a healthy lifestyle and primary prevention of hypertension. In a random sample of 410 students in junior high school (209 from public schools and 201 from private schools), we determined the weight, height, and blood pressure, furthermore, a questionnaire identifying epidemiological and socioeconomic status was applied. RESULTS: No statistical differences were found among students from public and private schools regarding the distribution of gender, body mass index (BMI), systolic and diastolic blood pressure, prevalence of hypertension (16.3%), percentage of smokers (5.9%), regular physical activity, and family history of hypertension. In public schools, there is a higher percentage of African descendents students and a higher percentage of students who also work due to low family income. Men from public and private schools have higher prevalence of hypertension, and their mean blood pressure is higher than in women. BMI has a positive correlation with systolic and diastolic blood pressure. CONCLUSIONS: Hypertension and other cardiovascular risk factors have an early beginning and require educational interventions for primary prevention. Socioeconomic factors do not affect blood pressure in adolescence.INTRODUÇÃO: Anteriormente, a alta prevalência de hipertensão arterial em alunos do Ensino Médio de Sorocaba, em São Paulo, foi descrita. Neste estudo, em nova amostra de alunos da mesma faixa etária, oriundos de escolas públicas e privadas, foi avaliado se as diferenças socioeconômicas e o modo de vida podem influenciar os valores da pressão arterial. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, inserido entre as atividades de um trabalho comunitário, em que estudantes de Medicina fazem palestras para alunos do Ensino Médio, objetivando estimular hábitos de vida saudáveis e a prevenção primária da hipertensão arterial. Em amostra aleatória de 410 alunos do segundo ano do Ensino Médio (209 de escolas públicas e 201 de escolas privadas), foram determinados o peso, a altura e a pressão arterial, e foi aplicado um questionário epidemiológico e socioeconômico. RESULTADOS: Não há diferenças estatísticas entre os alunos das escolas públicas e privadas quanto à distribuição de sexo, ao índice de massa corporal (IMC), à pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica, à prevalência de hipertensão arterial (16,3%), à porcentagem de fumantes (5,9%), à atividade física regular e aos antecedentes familiares de hipertensão arterial. Nas escolas públicas há maior porcentagem de afro-descendentes, os alunos trabalham fora de casa com maior frequência e têm menor renda familiar. Nas escolas públicas e privadas, os homens têm maior prevalência de hipertensão arterial e a média da pressão arterial é maior que nas mulheres. O IMC tem correlação positiva com a pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica. CONCLUSÕES: A hipertensão arterial e outros fatores de risco cardiovasculares têm início precoce e necessitam de intervenções educativas para a prevenção primária. Fatores socioeconômicos não influenciam a pressão arterial na adolescência.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Cornell University Medical CollegePontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo Faculdade de Ciências Médicas e da SaúdeUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL