6,627 research outputs found

    The Interaction Between PDE and Graphs in Multiscale Modeling

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    In this article an upscaled model is presented, for complex networks with highly clustered regions exchanging some abstract quantities in both, microscale and macroscale level. Such an intricate system is approximated by a partitioned open map in R2\mathbb{R}^{2} or R3\mathbb{R}^{3}. The behavior of the quantities is modeled as flowing in the map constructed and thus it is subject to be described by partial differential equations. We follow this approach using the Darcy Porous Media, saturated fluid flow model in mixed variational formulation.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Amancio Williams : l'home que va ser pont = the man who was bridge

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    Microstructural characterization of Ru-doped NiCoCrAlYTa coupons treated by thermal oxidation

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    Isothermal oxidation of sintered Ru-doped and undoped Ni-alloy coupons in the range of 1173–1423 K was investigated. To assess the effect of Ruthenium doping, microstructural characterization was performed to compare the samples before and after oxidation treatment at 1173 K. Furthermore, cyclic oxidation tests on the Ru-doped and undoped coupons were carried out in a thermogravimetry apparatus at 1223 and 1323 K. The addition of 0.8 wt.% of Ru in NiCoCrAlYTa powders sintered coupons does not degrade the material’s resistance to oxidation conditions

    The Berry phase and the pump flux in stochastic chemical kinetics

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    We study a classical two-state stochastic system in a sea of substrates and products (absorbing states), which can be interpreted as a single Michaelis-Menten catalyzing enzyme or as a channel on a cell surface. We introduce a novel general method and use it to derive the expression for the full counting statistics of transitions among the absorbing states. For the evolution of the system under a periodic perturbation of the kinetic rates, the latter contains a term with a purely geometrical (the Berry phase) interpretation. This term gives rise to a pump current between the absorbing states, which is due entirely to the stochastic nature of the system. We calculate the first two cumulants of this current, and we argue that it is observable experimentally

    Mujeres y política. Las políticas de las mujeres en la España de la Segunda República y la Guerra Civil

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    En el primer tercio del siglo xx, y más especialmente en los años treinta, durante la Segunda República y la Guerra Civil española, una serie de mujeres irrumpieron en el espacio público para poner fin a la secular exclusión de las mujeres del campo político. A partir del análisis de textos autobiográficos de Dolores Ibárruri, Federica Montseny, Irene Falcón, Victoria Kent y Clara Campoamor, el principal objetivo de este artículo es poner de relieve el modo diferenciado de acercarse a la acción política por parte del llamado feminismo revolucionario y del feminismo burgués, así como hacer visibles las contribuciones de algunas representantes políticas que sentaron las bases de una nueva cultura de los asuntos públicos.In the early decades of the twentieth century, and particularly the thirties during the Second Spanish Republic and the Spanish Civil War, a number of women burst into the public arena in order to confront their secular exclusion from the political sphere. Drawing on an analysis of autobiographies by Dolores Ibarruri, Federica Montseny, Irene Falcon, Clara Campoamor and Victoria Kent, our main purpose in this paper is to identify the different approaches to politics by the so-called revolutionary feminism and bourgeois feminism. We also aim to render visible the contributions of political representatives of these feminist trends, which, as we shall argue, laid the foundations for a new political culture

    La educación jesuítica en la génesis de la Modernidad: en torno a la tesis de Max Weber

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    [Resumen] Para que surja el capitalismo industrial son necesarios los capitalistas, pero también es indispensable que existan obreros. Max Weber intentó explicar como, sobre la trama de fondo del fundamentalismo religioso, se tejieron las aberrantes personalidades de los capitanes de la industria y de las finanzas, pero ¿en qué medida la lógica escolar ins- tituida en los siglos XVI y XVII (que paradójicamente se ha perpetuado tras el proceso de secu-Iarización y democratización) contribuyó al desarrollo de la disciplina de fábrica? La tesis defendida en este artículo es que la lógica de la institución total, reinante tanto en los colegios de los jesuitas como en las reducciones jesuíticas en tierra de misiones, sirvió de paradigma a la disciplina y al control reinantes bajo el capitalismo industrial.[Abstract] For industrial capitalism to arise, it is necessary to have capitalists, but wor- kers are also indispensable. Max Weber attempted to explain how the deviant personalities of industrial and financialleaders were woven over a backdrop of religious fundamentalism. But, to what extent did the educationallogic taught in the XVlth and XVllth centuries -which paradoxically has been perpetuated through the process of secularization and democrati- zation- contribute to factory discipline? This article argues that all institutionallogic, pre- vailing in both the Jesuit schools and in Jesuit settlements in mission territories, served as a paradigm for the discipline and control tha! predominated under industrial capitalism

    De la enseñanza de la lengua y literatura española

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    Se analiza el lenguaje como medio de comunicación escrito y verbal. Se destaca el valor del aprendizaje correcto del español y se aboga porque esta labor de enseñanza sea compartida por todo el estamento educativo. Propone algunos métodos para estimular el aprendizaje de cualquier lengua.Language is analyzed as a means of written and verbal communication. It emphasizes the value of the correct learning of Spanish and advocates that this teaching work be shared by the whole educational establishment. It proposes some methods to stimulate the learning of any language

    Una aproximación plausible a "El villano en su rincón"

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    Estudio sobre una adaptación de la obra de Lope de Vega: El villano en su rincón. Tal obra fue representada en Badajoz en las fiestas del Corpus Christi de 1615. Se analiza quién hizo la adpatación y se teoriza sobre cuando fue escrita la obra por Lope de Vega.Study on an adaptation of the work of Lope de Vega: The villain in his corner. This work was represented in Badajoz in the celebrations of the Corpus Christi of 1615. It is analyzed who made the adaptation and is theorized on when the work was written by Lope de Vega