10 research outputs found

    Investigación de mercados I

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    La investigación de mercados es un método que ayuda a las compañías a conocer sus clientes actuales y potenciales. De manera que al saber cuáles son los gustos y preferencias de los clientes, así como su ubicación, clase social, educación y ocupación, entre otros aspectos, podrá ofrecer los productos que ellos desean a un precio adecuado. Lo anterior lo lleva a aumentar sus ventas y a mantener la satisfacción de los clientes para lograr su preferencia. Podemos encontrar los beneficios que ofrece una investigación de mercados, en la obtención de datos específicos que le son de gran utilidad a la empresa para lograr el éxito, algunos instrumentos que se utilizan para llevar a cabo la investigación de mercados son encuestas, estudios estadísticos, observación, entrevista y grupos focales. Todos estos instrumentos se aplicarán en un momento en particular, con la finalidad de buscar información que será útil a una investigación de mercados. Los instrumentos permiten registrar la información recolectada y facilitan la toma de decisiones y cálculos estadísticos. Hoy en día, cualquier tipo de institución sea pública o privada, pequeña, mediana o grande requiere de información relevante acerca del mercado y de sus competidores que le permita tomar decisiones más acertadas ante los diferentes ambientes económicos, políticos y sociales que cambian cada vez con mayor velocidad.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    Professional Mosque Management Model Based on Religious and Academic Activities in the Community

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    This study aims to analyze how the Al Bariyah Mosque is managed as a professional mosque model in the community of Hajimena Natar village, South Lampung, Lampung Province, Indonesia. The research was carried out using a qualitative method with a case study approach (single-case study). Sources of data were taken to several informants through in-depth interviews. The writer also took data by observation and document analysis to strengthen the interview data. All data were then analyzed using the Miles and Huberman technique with the stages of collecting, reducing and analyzing data and drawing conclusions. Overall, the research findings found three forms of the Al Bariyah Mosque management process so that it becomes a professional mosque; the three approaches are i) direct supervision starting from planning to an evaluation of activities by mosque administrators, ii) involving the community activities in every planned mosque activity. , iii) establishing a transparent, professional and accountable mosque management. The findings in the study can be used as an example for other mosque administrators to manage mosques professionally in the community

    Crime of the Personal Closeness: Characteristics Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse

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    The characteristics of perpetrators of sexual abuse against children appear in complex patterns of relationships. Studies that had discussed this phenomenon have only focused on the existence of victims, so they have not comprehensively explained the characteristics of the perpetrators. This study focuses on the question "How are the characteristics of perpetrators of sexual abuse against children?" To answer this question, this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach in exploring cases of sexual abuse against children through online media coverage. The reading of the news is focused on news headlines that contain cases, victims, and perpetrators of sexual abuse against children. Important findings in this study show that the perpetrators of sexual abuse against children are not least carried out by those closest to the child biologically, socially, and structurally, such as parents, neighbors, and teachers at school. Based on these findings, it is possible to formulate a concept of the crime of personal closeness as a contribution to this study. This study also recommends the importance of comparing cases, victims, and perpetrators of sexual abuse by interviewing groups of girls and boys on a more macro and more empirical basis

    Pengaruh Laju Sedimentasi Terhadap Kerapatan Lamun di Perairan Beloreng Kelurahan Tembeling Tanjung Kabupaten Bintan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kerapatan lamun, laju sedimentasi dan pengaruh laju sedimentasi terhadap kerapatan lamun di Perairan Beloreng Kelurahan Tembeling Tanjung Kabupaten Bintan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei sebanyak 30 titik menggunakan plot berukuran 1 x 1 meter dan sediment trap. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 5 jenis lamun yaitu, Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Cymodocea rontundata, Halodule uninervis, dan Halophila decipiens dengan kerapatan berkategori rapat. Laju sedimentasi dengan nilai total sebesar 0,3668 (g/cm2/hari) dengan nilai rata-rata selama sebulan yang mengalami kenaikan setiap minggunya, serta laju volume sedimentasi dengan nilai total 0,1778 (ml/cm2/hari) dan memiliki nilai rata-rata perbulan yang sama. Hasil analisis pengaruh laju sedimentasi terhadap kerapatan lamun di Perairan Beloreng Kelurahan Tembeling Tanjung Kabupaten Bintan dengan hasil 87% kerapatan lamun dipengaruhi oleh laju sedimentasi, dengan hubungan antar variabel bersifat sangat kuat.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kerapatan lamun, laju sedimentasi dan pengaruh laju sedimentasi terhadap kerapatan lamun di Perairan Beloreng Kelurahan Tembeling Tanjung Kabupaten Bintan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei sebanyak 30 titik menggunakan plot berukuran 1 x 1 meter dan sediment trap. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 5 jenis lamun yaitu, Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Cymodocea rontundata, Halodule uninervis, dan Halophila decipiens dengan kerapatan berkategori rapat. Laju sedimentasi dengan nilai total sebesar 0,3668 (g/cm2/hari) dengan nilai rata-rata selama sebulan yang mengalami kenaikan setiap minggunya, serta laju volume sedimentasi dengan nilai total 0,1778 (ml/cm2/hari) dan memiliki nilai rata-rata perbulan yang sama. Hasil analisis pengaruh laju sedimentasi terhadap kerapatan lamun di Perairan Beloreng Kelurahan Tembeling Tanjung Kabupaten Bintan dengan hasil 87% kerapatan lamun dipengaruhi oleh laju sedimentasi, dengan hubungan antar variabel bersifat sangat kuat


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    The treatments of children after experiencing sexual violence from their social structure does little to make children become victims again in the process of resilience. Studies that have discussed this context have only focused on handling the victim's condition, so they have not comprehensively explained the treatment received by the victim. This study focuses on the question "How is the treatment received by children after experiencing sexual violence by their social structure?" To answer this question, this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach in exploring cases of sexual violence against minors through online media coverage. The process of reading the news is focused on news titles that contain cases, victims, and the treatment received by children after experiencing sexual violence. Important findings in this study show that children after experiencing sexual violence often experience intimidation, discrimination, and decisions that are counterproductive to their social structure, such as the family, community, and school authorities. Based on these findings it is possible to formulate a concept of Latent of the victims as a contribution to this study. This study also recommends the importance of comparing cases, victims, and treatment received by children after experiencing sexual violence by interviewing groups of girls and boys who are macro and more empirical

    Crime of the Personal Closeness: Characteristics Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse

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    The characteristics of perpetrators of sexual abuse against children appear in complex patterns of relationships. Studies that had discussed this phenomenon have only focused on the existence of victims, so they have not comprehensively explained the characteristics of the perpetrators. This study focuses on the question "How are the characteristics of perpetrators of sexual abuse against children?" To answer this question, this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach in exploring cases of sexual abuse against children through online media coverage. The reading of the news is focused on news headlines that contain cases, victims, and perpetrators of sexual abuse against children. Important findings in this study show that the perpetrators of sexual abuse against children are not least carried out by those closest to the child biologically, socially, and structurally, such as parents, neighbors, and teachers at school. Based on these findings, it is possible to formulate a concept of the crime of personal closeness as a contribution to this study. This study also recommends the importance of comparing cases, victims, and perpetrators of sexual abuse by interviewing groups of girls and boys on a more macro and more empirical basis

    Analisis kinerja guru pembimbing dalam penyesuaian program bimbingan dan konseling pada SMA Negeri se - Kotabumi tahun pelajaran 2011 / 2012 [Skripsi]

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    bibl. : 65 - 66rnada CDiii, 66 hlm. : ill. ; 30 cm. -- lamp. ( 85 lemba

    Degradasi Sistem Pendidikan Kontemporer di Indonesia

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    Berbicara mengenai masalah pendidikan di Indonesia adalah membahas hal yang sangat luas, fluktuatif, relatif, dan dinamis. Pendidikan adalah sebuah aset atau rangkaian proses pendewasaan manusia melalui pemberdayaan, baik secara akal, mental, maupun moral, untuk menjalankan fungsi kemanusian yang diamanahkan sebagai seorang hamba dihadapan Khaliq-Nya dan sebagai “pemelihara (khalifah) di muka bumi iniâ€. Pendidikan bukanlah sekedar proses nilai moral untuk menjadi benteng pada diri dari akses negatif arus globalisasi ataupun modernisasi. Melainkan, bagaimana nilai moral yang telah ditanamkan didalam pendidikan mampu menjubahi sebagai pembebas dari parameter kebodohan dan keterbelakangan. Kondisi kotemporer ditengah-tengah gairah reformasi pendidikan nasional, tentunya perlu melihat arti dari sebuah makna pendidikan dalam kehidupan berbangsa ini. Degradasi sistem pendidikan ini dijadikan tolak ukur bagaimana situasi pendidikan di Indonesia. Kemorosotan moral dan nilai akan menentukan kualitas pendidikan kotemporer disaat ini. Degradasi pendidikan ini di awali dari eksistensi pendidikan dalam sejarah kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Pendidikan yang mempunyai mutu disaat ini mengalami kemunduran dalam pelaksanaan maupun timbal balik dari hasil yang telah dilaksanakan, perlu memperhatikan. Pertama, degradasi pendidikan harus diiringi dengan penanaman moral dalam sistem pendidikan di Indonesia, sebagaimana telah dilaksanakan pendidikan karakter. Kedua, pendidikan harus ditingkatkan kualitasnya dari segi sumberdaya manusia (output of education) serta komponen yang ada di dunia pendidikan

    Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Adaptif pada Sekolah Luar Biasa Selama Masa Pandemi: Studi Analisis

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    After explaining why analytical research studies in adaptive physical education learning during a pandemic are urgently needed, we briefly place the rapidly evolving phenomenon of adaptive physical education learning within the broader aspects of the learning process where content and language have been considered and compare research results with those of other people. people from other educational phases. An in-depth analytical study in an extraordinary school depicting adaptive physical education learning in a time of pandemic. We describe an analytical study that has estimated teacher and student beliefs before attempting to synthesize evidence on whether adaptive physical education learning during a pandemic is beneficial for developing abilities of students with special needs in special schools. We conclude that key stakeholders have serious concerns regarding adaptive physical education learning. The role of teachers and parents is very decisive in the growth and development of children with special needs. In this pandemic period, physical education teachers have higher challenges related to learning in special schools, because the learning of students with special needs is very different from normal students in general