129 research outputs found

    La difícil curació de la Síndrome de Cushing

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    Els pacients amb la síndrome de Cushing (SC) tenen un excés de cortisol a la sang, fet que comporta tota una sèrie d'alteracions tant físiques (obesitat de predomini troncular) com metabòliques (hipertensió, diabetis, dislipèmia), condicionant un increment del risc cardiovascular (CV). Era d'esperar que al normalitzar les xifres de cortisol gràcies al tractament, també donaria lloc a una regulació de totes aquestes alteracions. Un estudi recent, però, ha demostrat la persistència d'algunes alteracions metabòliques després de 5 anys de la curació de la malaltia. No obstant, poc sabem respecte la composició corporal en pacients amb SC curats des de fa molts anys.Los pacientes con el sídrome de Cushing (SC) tienen un exceso de cortisol en la sangre, hecho que conlleva toda una serie de alteraciones tanto físicas (obesidad de predominio troncular) como metabólicas (hipertensión, diabetes, dislipemia), condicionando un incremento del riesgo cardiovascular (CV). Era de esperar que, al normalizar las cifras de cortisol gracias al tratamiento, también daría lugar a una regulación de todas estas alteraciones. Un estudio reciente ha demostrado la persistencia de alguans alteraciones metabólicas después de 5 años de la curación de la enfermedad. No obstante, poco sabemos respecto la composición corporal en pacientes con SC curados desde hace muchos años

    Study of impairment in collaboration between ceruloplasmin and transferrin in development of complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Hyperglycemia in diabetic patients can increase the levels of free radicals through various metabolic alterations. One of the most reactive pro-oxidants in peroxidation reactions is free, redox-active iron and generates highly reactive hydroxyl radicals that initiate lipid peroxidation. The purpose of the study was to elucidate the role of CP and TRF in type 2 DM and analyse the effect of disturbance in collaboration between these parameters in pathogenesis of type 2 diabetic complications.Methods: We included 100 Type 2 DM subjects (with and without complications) and 100 healthy controls. The duration of type 2 DM in study subjects ranged from 5 to 16 years.  Blood samples in fasting condition were collected for analysis of serum malondialdehyde (MDA), CP and TRF.Results: In the study serum CP levels were higher in Type 2 diabetic subjects with complications compared to diabetic subjects without complications (P=0.01). However, significantly low transferrin values were obtained in diabetic subjects with complications compared to diabetic subjects without complications (P=0.007). Significantly high MDA levels were observed (P=0.002) in type 2 diabetic subjects with complications compared to type 2 diabetic subjects without complications.Conclusions: The results of the present study indicate oxidative stress plays a role in precipitating complications in Type 2 DM reflecting in disturbance of CP and TRF collaboration.

    Construction of Twice Differentiable Functions with Continuous Laplacian and Bounded Hessian

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    We construct examples of twice differentiable functions in Rn\mathbb{R}^n with continuous Laplacian and bounded Hessian. The same construction is also applicable to higher order differentiability, the Monge-Amp\`ere equation, and mean curvature equation for hypersurfaces

    Rolul familiei în creşterea şi dezvoltarea armonioasă a copilului

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    The family has a fundamental role for the harmonious development child. According Convention ONU considering the children rights and the legislation of the Republic of Moldova looking child right to family is some primordial. The child separation of the family is an awkward situation, generated of affective frustration, which has negative consequences about psychosocial child maturation. The residential institutions can’t offer to the children the quality of interpersonal relations from the natural family environment. In last years the central authorities of the Republic of Moldova grant a large attention to the child and family protection. The support of the families in increasing and education of their children is the main objective for all the countries

    Pcos Forum: Research in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Today and Tomorrow

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    P>Objective To summarize promising areas of investigation into polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and to stimulate further research in this area. Design Summary of a conference held by international researchers in the field of polycystic ovary syndrome. Results Potential areas of further research activity include the analysis of predisposing conditions that increase the risk of PCOS, particularly genetic background and environmental factors, such as endocrine disruptors and lifestyle. The concept that androgen excess may contribute to insulin resistance needs to be re-examined from a developmental perspective, since animal studies have supported the hypothesis that early exposure to modest androgen excess is associated with insulin resistance. Defining alterations of steroidogenesis in PCOS should quantify ovarian, adrenal and extraglandular contribution, as well as clearly define blood reference levels by some universal standard. Intraovarian regulation of follicle development and mechanisms of follicle arrest should be further elucidated. Finally, PCOS status is expected to have long-term consequences in women, specifically the development of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and hormone dependent cancers. Identifying susceptible individuals through genomic and proteomic approaches would help to individualize therapy and prevention. Conclusions There are several intriguing areas for future research in PCOS. A potential limitation of our review is that we focused selectively on areas we viewed as the most controversial.Wo