105 research outputs found

    Características clínicas y epidemiológicas de pacientes hospitalizados por fractura de radio distal en el Hospital III Yanahuara - EsSalud durante la emergencia sanitaria COVID 19 en el periodo marzo 2020 a marzo 2021

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    Objetivo: Determinar las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de pacientes hospitalizados por fractura de radio distal en el Hospital III Yanahuara- ESSALUD durante la emergencia sanitaria Covid 19 en el periodo marzo 2020 a marzo 2021. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, retrospectivo y transversal, para la recolección de información se revisaron las historias clínicas electrónicas que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se utilizaron estadísticas descriptivas. Resultados: Se evaluaron 105 historias clínicas electrónicas, predominaron los mayores de 60 años (41%), de sexo femenino (61%), de procedencia urbana (95.2%), y económicamente activos (70.5%). El 95.12% de pacientes presentaron dolor, causado por traumatismo de baja energía (75.2%), afectando la extremidad superior izquierda (59%), presentando fractura de Tipo 23A (45.7%), fracturas asociadas el 13.3%, y complicadas el 15.2%. La atención al paciente fue menor de 24 horas (81.9%), el tiempo de espera para la cirugía fue menor de 7 días (66.7%) y el tiempo de hospitalización fue en el rango de 4 - 7 días (44.8%). Los pacientes no presentaron sintomatología Covid, pero para la hospitalización, se les realizaron pruebas Covid, siendo positivos el 16.2%, a ellos también se les realizaron exámenes como radiografía y TEM. Conclusiones: De los resultados obtenidos, la lateralidad afectada, el sexo y la edad no concuerdan con los antecedentes bibliográficos, estas diferencias pueden deberse al contexto actual de emergencia sanitaria, cuarentena, el teletrabajo y la disminución marcada de la realización de ejercicio físico y deporte

    Short-range hunters: exploring the function and constraints of water shooting in dwarf gouramis

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    Ballistic predation is a rare foraging adaptation: in fishes, most attention has focused on a single genus, the archerfish, known to manipulate water to shoot down prey above the water surface. However, several gourami species also exhibit apparently similar ‘shooting’ behaviour, spitting water up to 5 cm above the surface. In a series of experiments, we explored the shooting behaviour and aspects of its significance as a foraging ability in the dwarf gourami (Trichogaster lalius). We investigated sex differences in shooting abilities to determine whether gourami shooting is related to the sex-specific bubble nest manufacture where males mix air and water at the surface to form bubbles. We found that, actually, both sexes were equally able to shoot and could learn to shoot a novel target. In a second experiment, we presented untrained gouramis with opportunities to shoot at live prey and found they successfully shot down both fruit flies and crickets. Finally, we explored the effect of target height on shooting performance to establish potential constraints of shooting as a foraging ability. The frequency of attempted shots and success of hitting targets decreased with height, whereas latency to shoot increased. We also observed that repeatable individual differences account for variation in these measures of shooting performance. Together, our results provide evidence that gourami shooting has a foraging function analogous to that of archerfish. Gourami shooting may serve as an example of convergent evolution and provide opportunities for comparative studies into the, as yet unexplored, ecology and evolution of shooting in fishes.Peer reviewe

    Acute social isolation alters neurogenomic state in songbird forebrain

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    Prolonged social isolation has negative effects on brain and behavior in humans and other social organisms, but neural mechanisms leading to these effects are not understood. Here we tested the hypothesis that even brief periods of social isolation can alter gene expression and DNA methylation in higher cognitive centers of the brain, focusing on the auditory/associative forebrain of the highly social zebra finch. Using RNA sequencing, we first identified genes that individually increase or decrease expression after isolation and observed general repression of gene sets annotated for neurotrophin pathways and axonal guidance functions. We then pursued 4 genes of large effect size: EGR1 and BDNF (decreased by isolation) and FKBP5 and UTS2B (increased). By in situ hybridization, each gene responded in different cell subsets, arguing against a single cellular mechanism. To test whether effects were specific to the social component of the isolation experience, we compared gene expression in birds isolated either alone or with a single familiar partner. Partner inclusion ameliorated the effect of solo isolation on EGR1 and BDNF, but not on FKBP5 and UTS2B nor on circulating corticosterone. By bisulfite sequencing analysis of auditory forebrain DNA, isolation caused changes in methylation of a subset of differentially expressed genes, including BDNF. Thus, social isolation has rapid consequences on gene activity in a higher integrative center of the brain, triggering epigenetic mechanisms that may influence processing of ongoing experience.Peer reviewe

    Patrones de distribución espacio temporal de las especies de macrúridos en el Mediterráneo norte

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    The present study describes for the first time the spatial distribution of five macrourid species throughout the Mediterranean Sea and analyses depth, geographical and time-related trends regarding their abundance, biomass and mean fish weight. The data were collected as part of the MEDITS annual bottom trawl survey carried out by several European Mediterranean countries from 1994 to 2015, using the same standardized gear and sampling protocol. The most represented species in terms of abundance and biomass was Coelorinchus caelorhincus. The bathymetric trend was different for each species. The shallowest occurring species was C. caelorhincus, followed by Hymenocephalus italicus and Nezumia sclerorhynchus, while Nezumia aequalis and Trachyrincus scabrus were the deepest. Overall, the mean weight of all the species increased with depth. C. caelorhincus and H. italicus occurred in the entire study area: the first species showed relatively high catches in most areas, while the second was more abundant in the central and easternmost areas. N. aequalis and T. scabrus were mainly reported in the western basin, and N. sclerorhynchus in the central-eastern areas of the Mediterranean. An increasing inter-annual trend in abundance was only detected for C. caelorhincus and N. sclerorhynchus, while variable fluctuations were observed in the other species.El presente estudio describe por primera vez la distribución espacial de cinco especies de macrúridos a lo largo del Mediterráneo en su vertiente europea, analizando las tendencias batimétricas, geográficas y temporales de la abundancia, la biomasa y el peso medio de las especies. Los datos utilizados provienen de las campañas de arrastre de fondo anuales, MEDITS, desde 1994 a 2015, llevadas a cabo por los países mediterráneos europeos utilizando un arte de arrastre y un protocolo de muestreo estandarizado. La especie más representativa en términos de abundancia y biomasa fue Coelorinchus caelorhincus. Las tendencias batimétricas fueron variables según la especie. La más costera fue C. caelorhincus seguida de Hymenocephalus italicus y Nezumia sclerorhynchus mientras que Nezumia aequalis y Trachyrincus scabrus son las que se localizaron a mayor profundidad. En general, el peso medio de las especies se incrementó con la profundidad. Geográficamente, C. caelorhincus e H. italicus se encontraron distribuidas a lo largo de toda el área de estudio: la primera mostró capturas relativamente elevadas en la mayoría de las áreas mientras que la segunda fue más abundante en las zonas central y oriental. N. aequalis y T. scabrus se capturaron fundamentalmente en la cuenca occidental mientras que N. sclerorhychus en las áreas centro-este del Mediterráneo. Únicamente se detectó incremento interanual en C. caelorhincus y N. sclerorhynchus, mientras que en el resto de las especies no se registó incremento ni descenso sino fluctuaciones interanuales

    Submarine canyons in the Catalan Sea (NW Mediterranean): Megafaunal biodiversity patterns and anthropogenic threats

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    12 pages, 13 figuresThe continental margin of the Catalonia is crossed by several submarine canyons of different evolutionary history (Fig. 1) (Canals et al., 2004a). The main characteristic of the circulation pattern on the Catalan coast is a slope current referred to as the Northern current, which is associated with a shelf–slope density front that in this area flows mainly towards the southwest (Font et al., 1988). This baroclinic current separates the low-salinity shelf waters from the denser open-sea saline watersPeer reviewe

    Identifikation wirksamer Interventionsmaßnahmen zur Stillförderung Eine differenzierende Betrachtung unter Berücksichtigung des sozioökonomischen Status

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    Breastfeeding is of great relevance for public health on account of the health advantages for mother and child. Nonetheless, the length of breastfeeding in Germany and other countries is significantly shorter than what the WHO recommends. Data on the determinants for the initialisation of breastfeeding as well as the length of breastfeeding was collected, with consideration given to socio-economic status. The goal of this paper is to generate a database that makes it possible to identify effective and target-group specific measures for promoting breastfeeding. For this, three cross-sectional surveys were conducted by computer-assisted-telephone-interviewing. The results confirm the social gradients: Breastfeeding behaviour is formed in the context of living conditions. Breastfeeding complications limit, especially for socially disadvantaged women, the length of breastfeeding significantly and reduce their willingness to breastfeed another child substantially. The target group specificity of the BFHI is not sufficiently pronounced. The results confirm the need for a target-group specific focus for the promotion of breastfeeding

    Population structure, reproduction and exploitation of the greater forkbeard Phycis blennoides (Brünnich, 1768) from the Algerian basin★

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    The objective of this study was to determine the population distribution and some biological aspects for fish stock assessment of the greater forkbeard Phycis blennoides along the Algerian basin. The distribution of P. blennoides (3418 individuals) was studied using data collected between 170–779 m depth during two bottom trawl surveys developed on 2003 and 2004. Additionally, some biological parameters were obtained from 1050 individuals sampled from commercial fisheries in Algerian ports (i.e. Annaba, Azeffoun, Dellys, Cap Djinet, Zemmouri, Bouharoun, Algiers, La Madrague, Cherchell, Tenes and Mostaganem) during the period 2013–2017. P. blennoides sampled from bottom trawl surveys showed a depth related distribution with the largest individuals being found at 600–800 m depth and the smallest at shallower depths. Density and biomass varied with depth and density also with longitude, while biomass showed no pattern with longitude. Recruitment was recorded in the eastern sector of Algeria during winter, for individuals sampled by bottom trawl surveys. Young P. blennoides entered commercial fisheries in summer, with an overall sex ratio skewed towards males (1F:2.18M). The size at first maturity (L 50) was 24.30 cm and 30.39 cm for males and females, respectively. The age at 50% maturity was 2–3 years for specimens collected by a bottom trawl survey in 2003 and commercial fisheries, but 3–4 years for the bottom trawl survey in 2004