1,717 research outputs found

    Design proposal for ridge waveguide and comparison with other technologies in Ka to W bands

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    A design procedure of Ridge Gap Waveguide technology is proposed. The simulated results for Ka-band and above are compared with other technologies like Substrate Integrated Waveguide, microstrip or classical waveguide in terms of transmission losses

    High performance and small footprint spot size converters based on SWG metamaterial lenses

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    Spot size converters with high expansion ratio are required in a variety of situations. This is the case of non-focusing Silicon on Insulator (SOI) fiber-to-chip grating couplers, which typically require long adiabatic tapers (Ltaper >100μm) from the narrow single-mode waveguides (WSi-wire ~ 500nm) to the wide grating region (Wgrating ~ 15μm). Here, we explore the potential of subwavelength grating (SWG) dielectric metamaterials to implement integrated GRaded INdex (GRIN) lenses to expand the mode field. Our designs achieve the desired Beam Expansion (BE) with insertion losses below 1dB over a distance of only LBE ~ 17μm.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad (cofinanciado FEDER), (TEC2016-80718-R); Universidad de Málaga. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (MECD) (FPU16/06121); Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Changes in bioaccessibility, polyphenol profile and antioxidant potential of flours obtained from persimmon fruit (Diospyros kaki) co-products during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion

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    The aim was to evaluate (i) the phenol and flavonoid recovery and bioaccessibility indexes, (ii) the stability of individual polyphenolic compounds and (iii) the antioxidant activity of persimmon flours (cultivars ‘Rojo Brillante’ and ‘Triumph’) during the in vitro digestion. The recovery index for phenolic and flavonoid content was dependent on flour type and digestion phase. After the dialysis phase, the bioaccessibility for phenolic compounds from both flours was similar; for flavonoids it was higher in ‘Triumph’ than ‘Rojo Brillante’ flour. After in vitro digestion, 13 polyphenolic compounds were detected in both flours, of which only six were detected in the intestinal phase. Their antioxidant activity (ABTS%+, FRAP and DPPH) decreased after intestinal phase, while their chelating activity (FIC assay) increased in both flours. So, persimmon flours could be included in the formulation of foods to improve either their scarcity of bioactive compounds or an unbalanced nutritional composition

    Systemic comparison of dielectric and plasmonic biosensors on a silicon photonics platform

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    Plasmonic and dielectric based waveguides are widely used for biosensing applications. However, the use of different sensing architectures and platforms hinders the fair comparison of their respective figures of merit. In this paper, plasmonic and dielectric-based photonic waveguide biosensors are compared in terms of attainable limit of detection, using in both cases a coherent-readout interferometric architectureUniversidad de Málaga; Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (MECD) (FPU16/06762); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) (PRE2020-096438, PID2019-106747RB-I00); Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad (CECEU) (UMA18-FEDERJA-219, PY18-793); Consejería de Salud y Familia (CSF) (PIN-0113-2020), Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Designing anisotropy with waveguide subwavelength structures

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    Silicon sub-wavelength structures have become a versatile design tool for practical, high-performance integrated optical devices, ranging from highly efficient grating couplers to ultra-broadband beam-splitters. Recently, some of the basic anisotropic properties of these structures have been proposed for advance device design. Here we explore these properties in detail, from the underlying physics to emerging applications in on-chip polarization management.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad (cofinanciado FEDER), Proyectos TEC2016-80718-R, TEC2015-71127-C2-1-R (FPI scholarship BES-2016-077798), and IJCI-2016-30484, the Community of Madrid (S2013/MIT-2790), the Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech, the EMPIR program (JRP-i22 14IND13 Photind), co-financed by the participating countries and the European Union’s 2020 research and innovation program, and the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant No. 734331

    Designing polarization management devices by tilting subwavelength grating structures

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    Subwavelength gratings (SWG) are periodic structures which behave as controllable homogeneous metamaterials. SWGs are extremely interesting when they are used in platforms with a limited choice of material refractive indices, enabling the design of a myriad of high-performance devices. Here we present a novel technique to gain control over the intrinsic anisotropy of the synthesized metamaterial. We show that tilting the silicon segments in a SWG structure mainly affects the in-plane (TE) modes, with little impact on the out-of-plane (TM) modes. Moreover, we present a methodology to quickly but accurately calculate the modes of a tilted periodic structure modeling the structure as a rotated uniaxial crystal which can be solved with an anisotropic mode solver. Measurements on a set of fabricated tilted SWG waveguides validate our simulation results. By using the presented technique, we design a polarization beam splitter based on a 2x2 multimode interferometer. The design is based on the optimization of the tilting angle to tone the beat length of the TE modes to be a half of the beat length of the TM modes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) (IJCI-2016-30484, TEC2015-71127-C2-R, TEC2016-80718-R); Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (MECD) (FPU16/06762); European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); Comunidad de Madrid (SINFOTON-CM S2013/MIT-2790); European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET) (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015:SENSIBLE, JRP-i22 14IND13 Photind)

    Transcriptomic analysis reveals sex-specific differences in the expression of Dcl1 and Fis1 genes in the radio-adaptive response of thymocytes to TRP53-mediated apoptosis

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    BACKGROUND: Radio-Adaptive Response (RAR) is a biological defense mechanism whereby exposure to low dose ionizing radiation (IR) mitigates the detrimental effects of high dose irradiation. RAR has been widely observed in vivo using as endpoint less induction of apoptosis. However, sex differences associated with RAR and variations between males and females on global gene expression influenced by RAR have not been still investigated. In addition, the response to radiation-induced apoptosis is associated with phosphorylation of TRP53 at both the serine 15 (ser-18 in the mouse) and serine 392 (ser-389 in mice) residues, but the role of these two phosphorylated forms in male and female RAR remains to be elucidated. RESULTS: We analyzed the effect of administering priming low dose radiation (0.075 Gy of X-rays) prior to high dose radiation (1.75 Gy of γ-rays) on the level of caspase-3-mediated apoptosis and on global transcriptional expression in thymocytes of male and female mice. Here, we provide the first evidence of a differential sex effect of RAR on the reduction of thymocyte apoptosis with males showing lesser levels of caspase-3-mediated apoptosis than females. Analysis of transcriptomic profiles of 1944 genes involved in apoptosis signaling in radio-adapted thymocytes identified 17 transcripts exhibiting differential expression between both sexes. Among them, Dlc1 and Fis1 are closely related to the apoptosis mediated by the TRP53 protein. Our data demonstrate that overexpression of Dlc1 and Fis1 occur concomitantly with a highest accumulation of phosphoserine-18-TRP53 and caspase-3 in radio-adapted thymocytes of female mice. In an opposite way, both down-modulation of Fis1 and phosphoserine-389-TRP53 accumulation appear to be associated with protection from thymocyte apoptosis mediated by caspase-3 in males. CONCLUSIONS: Transcriptomic analysis performed in this work reveals for the first time sex-specific differences in gene expression influenced by RAR. Our results also suggest a sex-dependent dual role for phosphoserine-18-TRP53 and phosphoserine-389-TRP53 in the regulation of the radio-adaptive response in mouse thymocytes.This work was supported in part by grants from Spanish Nuclear Security Council (CSN-UAM 29072011) to JS, two grants funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF 2012-36566; SAF2015-70561-R (MINECO/FEDER, EU)), and one funded by Carlos III Health Institute (CIBERER 3-749/172.03) to JFD.S

    Chia Oil Extraction Coproduct as a Potential New Ingredient for the Food Industry: Chemical, Physicochemical, Techno-Functional and Antioxidant Properties

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    The aim of this work was to characterize the coproduct obtained from chia oil production (cold-pressing) with a view to its possible application in new food product development. For this characterization, the following determinations were made: proximate composition, physicochemical analysis, techno-functional properties, total phenolic and flavonoid content, polyphenolic profile and antioxidant capacity (using four different methods). Chia coproduct showed significantly higher levels of proteins and total dietary fiber and lower levels of fats than chia seeds, pointing to the promising nature of this coproduct as an ingredient of food formulations since it remains a source of high biological value proteins and total dietary fiber (as chia seeds themselves) but with a lower energy value. This chia coproduct presents similar techno-functional properties to the original chia seeds and significantly higher levels of polyphenolic compounds and, consequently, higher antioxidant activit

    Design of arbitrary optical filters in silicon-on-insulator using evanescently-coupled Bragg gratings

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    Spectral filters are experiencing an increasing demand in several applications of the silicon- on-insulator (SOI) platform. Many works have demonstrated that arbitrary frequency responses can be synthesized by apodizing the coupling coefficient profile of an integrated Bragg grating. However, the high index contrast of the SOI platform hinders their practical implementation, due to the difficulty of achieving the precise control required in the Bragg strength. In this paper, we propose the implementation of spectral filters using an architecture based on placing loading segments within the evanescent field region of a photonic wire waveguide. The Bragg coupling coefficient can be accurately controlled by simply moving the segments away from, or closer to, the waveguide core. The layerpeeling algorithm, in conjunction with a Floquet-Bloch modal analysis, allows to determine the spatial distribution of the segments that synthesizes the desired spectrum. The proposed topology is verified by designing a filter with five arbitrary passbands.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Contribution of the single photon emission computed tomography with 99mTc red blood cells in splenosis

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    The term splenosis refers to the presence of auto-transplanted splenic tissue in a heterotopic location. These foci can be localized to the liver simulating a malignant lesion. Sometimes these lesions are difficult to identify using conventional imaging techniques (ultrasound, CT and MR). Then, a scan with denatured erythrocytes marked with 99mTc has proven to be an effective technique to confirm the diagnosis of splenosis and to establish its extension. The incorporation of hybrid imaging techniques (SPECT-CT) into usual clinical practice has increased the precision of the localization of these foci of splenosis. We hereby report the cases of two patients diagnosed with splenosis, the first by laparotomy and the second after performing scintigraphy with red blood cells labeled with 99mTc. In the first case, the laparotomy revealed numerous reticulated nodules on the diaphragmatic peritoneal surface, the transverse colon and the right kidney. Finally, the anatomopathological diagnosis confirmed a case of splenosis. In the second case, the results of the 99mTc marked red blood cell gammagraphy and SPECT-CT were consistent with the diagnosis of splenosis in the patient. To obtain correct information in cases of lesions highly suspicious of splenosis, 99mTc marked red blood cell gammagraphy should be performed due to the high sensitivity and specificity of the test. Combined diagnostic imaging (SPECT-CT), have increased the specificity of this test due to improvements in the characterization of lesions. We believe that the use of this technique will help avoid unnecessary surgical procedures
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