3,310 research outputs found

    REDI 4.0 - Robot for Demonstrations with Behaviour Defined on Paper

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    This project proposes to create a robot whose behaviour is defined on paper, focusing on making its programming as independent and self-sufficient as possible so it can be brought to schools for the younger generations to learn how to program in a new and fun way. Its first rendition was developed in 2008 as a standalone robot programmed by connecting pegs with electrical wires representing different commands. As that solution was both expensive and limiting in its use as each student had to wait their turn, this new iteration has the intention of replacing those connections with drawn-on paper instructions. This way, the associated costs are reduced and more users can define their programming strategy without having to wait for the robot to become available

    Development of new analytical methods for Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry-based applications. Focus on proteins, polymers and small molecules

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    During the early life of Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI), it took the (bio)scientific community a while to realize the great potential of the technique over a wide range of analytical problems, from the discovery or identification of (mostly) organic (macro)molecules through to structure analysis and function. Since then, the practical use of MALDI-MS has grown almost exponentially and it is today an indispensable laboratory tool, particularly in the life sciences. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) is a “soft” ionization technique, which allows for the sensitive detection of large, non-volatile and labile molecules by mass spectrometry. It is fast, allowing the analysis of hundreds of samples per day. It is expensive, as almost all mass spectrometry techniques, yet it is costeffective. Currently the tandem MS and ion different fragmentation capabilities of most MALDI systems add an extra value to this technique as it allows for structural characterization of (bio)molecules. In addition to molecular identification and characterization, MALDI is an invaluable tool to profile and classify complex samples. In spite of its many advantages, MALDI has one achilles tendon. If the sample is not conveniently prepared, the ionization is hampered and then the analysis is not possible. This is the reason why sample treatment for MALDI analysis is a never-ending hot topic in analytical chemistry. Thus, the methods used to identify proteins do not work with polymers and vice versa. In other words, for each new molecule a sample treatment optimization is needed so an adequate, well-defined, method of analysis is obtained. For this reason this thesis focused in the development of new sample treatments for MALDIbased applications. To this end and when possible, ultrasonic energy is used as a tool to simplify the sample handling by matching the analytical minimalism concept as defined by Halls1. The molecules for which the new sample treatments were developed were proteins, polymers and small inorganic molecules. MALDI is the technique of preference for the analysis of polymers as with one single analysis the polymer´s typical values of number-average molecular weight, Mn, (...

    Shapping the future of mobility

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    In the course of 2018, automotive players had to tackle a variety of challenges within its business environment. BMW was no exception. Given such circumstances, the purpose of this report is to assess BMW’s intrinsic valuation. Likewise, both a quantitative and qualitative analysis were performed whilst regarding the shape of the future of mobility. Upon our considerations, a BUY recommendation is reached on top of three major pillars: unstoppable mobility electrification, the growth of China and the increased shared mobility

    Lifecycle investment strategies: an analysis based on european data

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    Classificação: G11, O16Focando-se na França, Alemanha, Itália, Espanha e Reino Unido, este estudo investiga se o seguimento de estratégias de investimento lifecycle proporciona uma maior acumulação de riqueza até à idade da reforma, comparativamente a outras estratégias de investimento. De acordo com as estratégias lifecycle, a exposição dos portfolios a activos com risco diminui e a exposição a activos sem risco aumenta, à medida que a idade dos investidores avança. Verificamos também se os nossos resultados suportam dois argumentos por detrás destas estratégias. O primeiro defende que o desempenho das ações supera o das obrigações no longo prazo e o segundo afirma que o risco das ações diminui no longo prazo. Os nossos resultados demonstram que entre 1993 e 2012, um portfólio investido nos índices acionistas de referência das 5 maiores economias europeias proporcionou um maior retorno anualizado do que um portfólio investido em obrigações a 5 e 10 anos dos mesmos países. Analisando o desvio-padrão dos retornos de um portfólio investido nos índices de referência das 5 maiores economias europeias, concluímos que o risco do investimento em ações aumentou com o horizonte temporal. Finalmente, simulamos a acumulação de riqueza de cinco portfolios independentes da idade e de dois portfolios lifecycle, assumindo poupanças anuais de 1,000 euros entre 1993 e 2012. Entre os portfolios independentes da idade, aqueles que detinham mais obrigações foram aqueles que produziram retornos mais elevados. Por seu lado, à excepção do portfólio que apenas detinha obrigações, os portfolios lifecycle superaram todos os portfolios independentes da idade, até mesmo aqueles que detinham uma maior percentagem média de obrigações.Focusing on France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, this study investigates if by following lifecycle strategies, investors accumulate more wealth by retirement age when comparing to other strategies. According to lifecycle strategies, portfolio’s exposure to risky assets should decline and investors should allocate more capital to riskless assets as they get older. We check if our results support two arguments behind lifecycle strategies. The first says that stocks outperform bonds in the long term and the second says that the risk of equity decreases in the long term. According to our results, between 1993 and 2012, a portfolio invested in benchmark equity indices of the 5 biggest European economies corresponded to a higher annualized return than a portfolio invested in 5 and 10 years government bonds of the same countries. Considering the standard deviation of returns of a portfolio invested in benchmark equity indices of the 5 biggest European economies in the same period, we find that the risk of stocks increased with the time horizon. We finally simulate the wealth accumulation of five age-invariant and two lifecycle portfolios, assuming savings of 1,000 Euros per year between 1993 and 2012. Among the various age-invariant portfolios, those which have a higher share invested in bonds produced the highest returns. Furthermore, with the exception of portfolio entirely composed of bonds, lifecycle portfolios outperformed all age-invariant portfolios, surpassing even the others portfolios with higher average shares held in bonds

    Epidemiologia de fraturas osteoporóticas no serviço de urgência dos CHUC

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    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina, apresentado à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra.Introdução: As fracturas osteoporóticas ocorrem com maior frequência ao nível do fémur proximal, coluna toraco-lombar, úmero proximal e rádio distal. Como apenas alguns dos doentes com fracturas vertebrais, da tíbia, do úmero ou do antebraço, são sujeitos a tratamento médico em ambiente hospitalar, torna-se extremamente difícil determinar com rigor a real incidência e prevalência destas fracturas. Objetivos: Caracterizar a epidemiologia das fraturas osteoporóticas observadas no SU do CHUC – polo HUC, caracterizar o estado funcional, tempo de recuperação e recursos médicos utilizados após a fratura e avaliar a prescrição de fármacos anti-osteoporóticos. Materiais e métodos: Procedeu-se a um estudo transversal, no qual foram identificados todos os doentes com mais de 50 anos que tiveram um diagnóstico/ avaliação por parte da ortopedia no serviço de urgência dos HUC no período entre 1 de Abril e 30 de Junho de 2013. Por verificação manual recorrendo-se ao Alert, verificaram-se todos os registos desses doentes para identificação de fraturas que poderiam estar descritas como diagnóstico final ou nas notas clínicas. Procedeu-se de seguida a um inquérito telefónico previamente validado a uma sub amostra selecionada aleatoriamente de cada tipo de fratura (rádio, úmero, coluna vertebral e tíbia) para colheita de dados sócio demográficos e clínicos aplicação do .EuroQol-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) e fatores clínicos incluídos no algoritmo FRAX. O tratamento estatístico dos dados foi realizado com recurso ao software SPSS® 19.0 e ao Excel. Resultados: Foram incluídos 435 doentes com fracturas confirmadas. Destas 129 eram fraturas da anca que não foram posteriormente estudados. A amostra consiste em 306 fraturas agrupadas em 5 grupos: 26 fraturas vertebrais , 26 fraturas úmero, 100 fraturas rádio, 49 fraturas tíbia/perónio, 105 outras fraturas. Foram contactados aleatoriamente e tendo por base o número inicial de fraturas, 50 doentes com fraturas (20 rádio,10 úmero, 10 tíbia e 10 fraturas vertebrais) Nos quatro grupos houve um predomínio de doentes do sexo feminino com média de idades a variar entre 68,5 anos (rádio), 68,7 anos (úmero), 63 anos (tíbia) e 71,2 anos (fraturas vertebrais) . A fratura do rádio é aquela onde se observa um maior número de doentes sem fatores de risco (35%), as fraturas vertebrais são aquelas que apresentam maior proporção de doentes com mais de 4 fatores de risco (10%). Dos 50 doentes em estudo 98% referiram que a fratura decorreu de uma queda. Mais de metade (60%) dos doentes apresentavam indicação clara para tratamento antes da fratura utilizando o algoritmo FRAX. Contudo após a fratura apenas 5 doentes (10%) estavam a fazer tratamento antiosteoporotico, sendo que só 2 doentes estavam a ser tratado com bifosfonatos e os restantes apenas com cálcio e Vitamina D. Após o episódio de fratura 94% dos doentes foram acompanhados em consulta de Medicina Geral e Familiar ou de Ortopedia. Observa-se um declínio em todas as dimensões do EQ-D5 um ano após a ocorrência da fratura, tendo por base o estado funcional do doente antes do episódio traumático. Conclusão: A maioria das fraturas osteoporóticas ocorreu em indivíduos com fatores de risco conhecidos, sendo portanto passíveis de prevenção. Contudo a maioria dos doentes deste estudo não recebeu qualquer tipo de tratamento preventivo da osteoporose após a alta do CHUC.Introduction: The osteoporotic fractures occur with greater frequency at the level of the proximal femur, thoraco-lumbar column, proximal humerus and distal radius. As only some of the patients with vertebral fractures, the tibia, humerus or forearm, are subject to medical treatment in a hospital environment, it is extremely difficult to determine with accuracy the actual incidence and prevalence of these fractures. Aim: Characterize the epidemiology of osteoporotic fractures observed in SU of the CHUC - polo HUC, characterize the functional status, recovery time and medical resources used after fracture and assess the prescription of anti-osteoporotic drugs. Patients and methods: There was a cross-sectional study, in which they were raised all patients with more than 50 years of age who have had a diagnosis/evaluation by the orthopedics in emergency service of HUC in the period between 1 April and June 30, 2013. By manually checking using the Alert, there were checked all the records of these patients for identification of fractures. There was then a telephone interview, previously validated in a sub sample selected at random from each type of fracture (radius, humerus, vertebral and tibia), for data collection regarding demographic and clinical application of EuroQol-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D). Clinical factors were included in FRAX algorithm. The statistical treatment of the data was performed using the software SPSS® 19.0 and Excel. Results: Were included 435 patients with fractures confirmed. Of these, 129 were fractures of the hip that were not subsequently studied. The sample consists of 306 fractures grouped into 5 groups: 26 vertebral fractures, 26 humerus fractures, 100 radius fractures, 49 fractures tibia/fibula fractures and 105 other fractures. Were contacted 50 patients with fractures (20 radius,10 humerus, 10 tibia and 10 vertebral fractures). In the four groups there was a predominance of female patients, with mean ages ranging from 68.5 years (radio), 68.7 years (humerus), 63 years (tibia) and 71.2 years (vertebral fractures). The fracture of the radius is the one where there is a greater number of patients with no risk factors (35 %) while the vertebral fractures are those that have a higher proportion of patients with more than 4 risk factors (10 % ). Of the 50 patients, 98% reported that the fracture was due to a fall. More than half (60 %) patients had clear indication for treatment before the fracture used the FRAX algorithm. However after the fracture only 5 patients (10 %) were doing anti-osteoporosis drugs, 2 of them were being treated with bisphosphonates while the others were treated only with calcium and vitamin D. After the fracture’s episode, 94% of patients were followed up in consultation of General Practitioner or Orthopedics. There is a decline in all the dimensions of EQ-D5 one year after the occurrence of fracture, based on the functional status of the patient before the traumatic episode. Conclusions; The majority of osteoporotic fractures occurred in individuals with known risk factors, and therefore are preventable. However the majority of patients in this study did not receive any type of preventive treatment for osteoporosis after the medical high of the CHU