996 research outputs found

    Exploring the conceptual structure of the research on innovation in hotels through co-word analysis

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    This paper presents the results of a bibliometric analysis of published academic research on innovation in hotels. In particular, it aims to analyze the conceptual structure of the field, covering the period until October 2020, and predict emerging trends. This approach provides an exhaustive analysis of 334 papers collected from the Scopus database. Co-word analysis used to identify the conceptual structure reveals four clusters: (1) technological innovation, (2) innovativeness and innovation strategy, (3) knowledge and employee innovative behavior, and (4) performance as an outcome of organizational capability to innovate. The present study contributes to the literature by increasing the accumulation of knowledge on research topics, providing an up-to-date review on hotel innovation literature, and setting forth an agenda for future research.This research has been financed by Portuguese public funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the framework of the project with reference UIDB/04105/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Unpacking the “black box” of innovativeness and innovation: focus on tourism research

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    The main purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis of innovativeness and innovation, differences and relationship, with particular focus on tourism research. The terms innovativeness and innovation are frequently used as synonyms, although they substantially differ, which leads studies to provide inconsistent and sometimes contradictory results. Innovation is an outcome of a firm´s permanent endeavor to explore and exploit new ideas. Therefore, innovativeness is a precondition for innovation. None of the previous studies, to the best of our knowledge, has provided a clear examination of them. Also, we go further and extend the analysis to the tourism industry and propose an integrative conceptual model for the study of innovativeness and innovation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The usefulness of accounting information and management accounting practices under environmental uncertainty

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    The purpose of this paper is twofold. Firstly, we aim to investigate the relationships among environmental uncertainty, broad-scope and timely management accounting information usefulness, and (traditional and contemporary) management accounting practices (MAPs) usage. Secondly, we intend to explore how these relationships influence decision-makers’ satisfaction with management accounting information. Survey data were obtained through an online questionnaire from 114 large manufacturing companies operating in Portugal. The findings indicate a positive relationship between environmental uncertainty and timely management accounting information usefulness and between (broad-scope and timely) management accounting information usefulness and (traditional and contemporary) MAPs usage. The findings also show that decision-makers’ satisfaction with management accounting information improves when there is a good fit between environmental uncertainty, broad-scope and timely management accounting information usefulness, and MAPs usage. In this way, organisations need to adjust the implementation and usage of MAPs to contextual factors, using both contemporary and traditional MAPs, to achieve greater decision-makers’ satisfaction with management accounting information. Thus, the results achieved in this study are useful for both theory and practice and have several implications for professionals engaged in MAPs implementation and decision-making activities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Normalização contabilística em Portugal: situação actual e futura

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    En Portugal la Comisión de Normalización Contable, como consecuencia de la estrategia relativa a la Armonización de la Contabilidad Internacional de la Unión Europea y a la publicación del Reglamento (CE) nº 1606/2002 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, elaboró un proyecto de normalización que considera dos niveles de adaptación de las NIC/NIRF: - Uno más exigente destinado a sociedades de mayor dimensión. - Otro menos exigente dirigido a sociedades de menor dimensión. Por medio de la realización de un cuestionario realizado a profesionales de contabilidad, se verificó insuficiente el conocimiento que estos tienen todavía del proceso de normalización y que sería conveniente una mayor implicación de las organizaciones profesionales y entidades de enseñanza superior en la discusión de las diferentes opciones

    Digital entrepreneurship and sustainability: the state of the art and research agenda

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    Digital technologies have changed and disrupted the dynamics of the economy and society as a whole, offering new opportunities for entrepreneurs with potential impact on economic, environmental, and social value creation. This paper examines the scientific research on digital entrepreneurship (DE) and sustainability based on data from Scopus database. The main purpose is to identify both the predominant themes and further research opportunities to this topic. This study uses a bibliometric analysis, analyzing and synthesizing research on DE and sustainability, based on a total of 58 publications. Co-word analysis used to identify the conceptual structure reveals three thematic clusters: (1) innovation and entrepreneurship, (2) digital transformation: strategy and business models, and (3) sustainability and sustainable development goals. For each thematic cluster, the most significant contributions are presented. Further, this paper offers a future research agenda and holds significant implications for the theory and practice of the different subtopics of DE and sustainability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Paradox-responding in humanitarian temporary supply networks: exploring strategies and enabling mechanisms

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    Purpose – This study investigates paradox-responding strategies and enabling mechanisms in humanitarian temporary supply networks (TSNs). Given the high stakes involved in life-saving supply networks, understanding how diverse, often under-resourced, organisations jointly tackle paradoxical tensions under time pressure is crucial. Design/methodology/approach – A qualitative single case study approach is adopted and a TSN deployed to meet shelter needs following the 2015 Nepal earthquake is selected as the case. The authors use diverse secondary data sources to establish how the TSN responded to paradoxical tensions. Findings – Results show that paradox-responding in humanitarian TSNs is ongoing, dynamic and a collective effort. Most strategies entail tackling the paradoxical tensions at the same time, using the same TSN structure, but there are differences in the treatment of the paradoxical elements. Additionally, the authors find that the execution of the responding strategies is enabled by the appropriate types of network-level mechanisms which can vary in novelty, complexity, depth and reach. Research limitations/implications – This study provides rich explanations of paradox-responding and develops insights into collective action within TSNs. However, further research is needed to extend and refine insights given the single-case setting design. Practical implications – This study develops a framework of paradox-responding strategies and a corresponding mix of enabling mechanisms that can guide decision-makers in the humanitarian sector when deploying TSNs. Originality/value – To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study that investigates paradox-responding strategies in humanitarian TSNs in particular and enabling mechanisms in general

    Assessing the potential for multi-functional “hybrid” porous Al-phase change material structures

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    This study reports the potential for porous aluminium structures, containing porosity in the region of 50–80%, to provide enhancement of the rate of energy capture in phase change materials, whilst being capable of providing a basic mechanical function. The energy stored and the time for thermal exchange between warm water (at 65 °C) and porous aluminium, pure PCM and an Al-PCM hybrid structure was measured. It was observed that the melting of the PCM within the hybrid structure can be greatly accelerated by the continuous, porous aluminium structure. The energy uptake per second was found to follow an approximately linear dependence on the thermal effusivity for the material. This knowledge was used to predict the potential for enhancement of the rate of energy capture, by varying the porosity in the structure, whilst also estimating the detriment to the energy storage density and the mechanical strength. Appreciating this trade off in performance and properties is vital to the design of multi-functional porous structures

    Adsorption Of Cadmium And Copper In Representative Soils Of Eastern Amazonia, Brazil

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    Studies of heavy metals adsorption in soil play a key role in predicting environmental susceptibility to contamination by toxic elements. The objective of this study was to evaluate cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu) adsorption in surface and subsurface soil. Samples of six soils: Xanthic Hapludox (XH1 and XH2), Typic Hapludox (TH), Typic Rhodudalf (TR), Typic Fluvaquent (TF), and Amazonian dark earths (ADE) from Eastern Amazonian, Brazil. The soils were selected for chemical, physical and mineralogical characterization and to determine the adsorption by Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. All soils characterized as kaolinitic, and among them, XH1 and XH2 showed the lowest fertility. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms revealed a higher Cu (H curve) than Cd (L curve) adsorption. Parameters of Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms indicate that soils TR, TF and ADE has the greatest capacity and affinity for metal adsorption. Correlation between the curve adsorption parameters and the soil attributes indicates that the pH, CEC, OM and MnO variables had the best influence on metal retention. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms satisfactorily described Cu and Cd soil adsorption, where TR, TF and ADE has a lower vulnerability to metal input to the environment. Besides the pH, CEC and OM the MnO had a significant effect on Cu and Cd adsorption in Amazon soils.3753005301

    Nutrição mineral de hortaliças: XXIV - carência de macronutrientes em berinjela (Solanum melongena L.)

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    Plantas de berinjela (Solanum melongena L. var. Híbrida F1, Piracicaba nº 100) foram cultivadas em vasos contendo sílica lavada. As plantas foram irrigadas com solução nutritiva purificada e submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: completo, omissão de B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo e Zn. Os sintomas de carência desses elementos foram identificados e descritos. Aquilatou-se a possibilidade de recuperação de plantas deficientes fornecendo-se o elemento. Finalmente, as plantas foram separadas em: raiz, caule superior e inferior, folhas velhas e novas, frutos, e analisadas para B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn. A análise química das folhas afetadas pelas carências apresentou os seguintes valores (ppm): B- 48-71; Cu- 1-2; Fe- 169-204; Mn- .42-80; Zn- 37-38. Nas folhas sadias os valores foram (ppm): B- 70-82; Cu- 8; Fe- 192-283; Mn- 54-118; Zn- 52-54.Eggplants were grown in pots containing 7 kg of pure quartz sand. Twice a day they were irrigated by percolation with nutrient solutions. The treatments were: complete, -B, -Cu, -Fe, -Mn, -Zn. The deficiencies symptoms are described. The deficiencies were comproved by chemical analysis of the different parts of the plants. The following concentration, expressed in ppm in dry matter are