1,242 research outputs found

    Job Insecurity and Youth Emancipation: A Theoretical Approach

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    In this paper, we propose a theoretical model to study the effect of income insecurity of parents and offspring on the child's residential choice. Parents are partially altruistic toward their children and will provide financial help to an independent child when her income is low relative to the parents'. We show that first-order stochastic dominance (FOSD) shifts in the distribution of the child's future income (or her parents') will have ambiguous effects on the child's residential choice. The analysis identifies altruism as the source of ambiguity in the results. If parents are selfish or the joint income distribution of parents and child places no mass on the region where transfers are provided, a FOSD shift in the distribution of the child's (parents') future income will reduce (raise) the child's current income threshold for independenceAltruism; Emancipation; Job security; Option value

    Job Insecurity and Children's Emancipation

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    The age at which children leave the parental home differs considerably across countries. We present a theoretical model predicting that higher job security of parents and lower job security of children may delay emancipation. We then provide aggregate evidence which supports this hypothesis for 12 European countries. We also give microeconometric evidence for Italy, the single country for which we have access to household-specific information on job security and coresidence. It is a very interesting case to study since, in the late 1990s, approximately 75 per cent of young Italians aged 18 to 35 were living at home and they had only a 4 per cent probability of emancipation in the subsequent 3 years. We show that this probability would have increased by 4 to 10 percentage points if their fathers had gone from having a fully secure job to becoming unemployed for sure.emancipation, job security, option value

    Sistema de medição e controlo de qualidade do ar interior

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    A crise do petróleo na década de 70 levou o homem a construir edifícios com melhor isolamento térmico e energeticamente mais eficientes. Apesar destas mudanças construtivas terem reflexos positivos em termos consumo de energia e de conforto térmico, reduziram substancialmente as taxas de ventilação natural e, consequentemente, agravaram a qualidade do ar interior (QAI) dos edifícios. O presente estudo teve como objetivo a construção de um monitor de qualidade do ar interior, usando a plataforma Arduíno. O sistema de monitorização permite avaliar quantitativamente as componentes CO2, CO, humidade relativa e temperatura do ar. O sistema pode integrar ainda um ventilador que é acionado em função das concentrações de CO2 e/ou CO, possibilitando a regulação dos níveis de QAI. O sistema de monitorização foi testado, com e sem regulação automática das taxas de ventilação, em 4 espaços (gabinetes) distintos, durante um período global de 12 dias. Os resultados mostraram que, na ausência de controlo automático da ventilação, os níveis de CO2 prevalecentes nos diferentes espaços estudados excederam frequentemente o limiar de proteção da saúde humana estabelecidos na lei (1250 ppm). Com a inclusão do mecanismo de controlo automático de ventilação (15 Watts, 93 m3/h), foi possível manter os níveis de dióxido de carbono abaixo dos níveis máximos recomendados, sendo, portanto, um bom indicador de prevalência de boas condições de QAI.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Física e filosofia antiga em Werner Heisenberg: apropriações do legado clássico por um físico do século XX

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    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar os usos que Werner Heisenberg fez da filosofia grega em sua obra. Pretende-se relacionar tais usos não apenas com a argumentação interna presente nos textos do físico alemão, mas também com o contexto histórico, conflitos e debates entre as diversas interpretações da teoria dos quanta durante a primeira metade do século XX. Faremos, inicialmente, uma apresentação geral da teoria quântica e da presença da filosofia na obra de Heisenberg e, em seguida, um estudo de caso da apropriação que Heisenberg fez do pensamento de Leucipo, Demócrito, Heráclito, Platão e Aristóteles. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe aim of this article is to analyze the uses Werner Heisenberg made of Greek philosophy in his works, and to relate such uses not only to the internal argumentation present in the texts of the German physicist, but also to the historical context, conflicts and debates between diverse interpretations of quantum theory during the first half of the 20th century. We shall first make a general presentation of the quantum theory and the presence of philosophy in the works of Heisenberg, followed by a case study of Heisenberg’s appropriation of the thought of Leucippus, Democritus, Heraclitus, Plato and Aristotle

    GRFT – Genetic Records Family Tree Web Applet

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    Current software for storing and displaying records of genetic crosses does not provide an easy way to determine the lineage of an individual. The genetic records family tree (GRFT) applet processes records of genetic crosses and allows researchers to quickly visualize lineages using a family tree construct and to access other information from these records using any Internet browser. Users select from three display features: (1) a family tree view which displays a color-coded family tree for an individual, (2) a sequential list of crosses, and (3) a list of crosses matching user-defined search criteria. Each feature contains options to specify the number of records shown and the latter two contain an option to filter results by the owner of the cross. The family tree feature is interactive, displaying a popup box with genetic information when the user mouses over an individual and allowing the user to draw a new tree by clicking on any individual in the current tree. The applet is written in JavaScript and reads genetic records from a tab-delimited text file on the server, so it is cross-platform, can be accessed by anyone with an Internet connection, and supports almost instantaneous generation of new trees and table lists. Researchers can use the tool with their own genetic cross records for any sexually reproducing organism. No additional software is required and with only minor modifications to the script, researchers can add their own custom columns. GRFT’s speed, versatility, and low overhead make it an effective and innovative visualization method for genetic records. A sample tool is available at http://stanford.edu/walbot/grft-sample.html

    Young Users and the Swipe Logic in Smartphones

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    In a society of quick technological development, coupled with the growing use of smartphones, new habits of interaction and consumption of contents arise, namely, through gestures based on touch. One of these new habits of interaction is the swipe - quick movement done with the thumb. This gesture allows users to make decisions quickly, spontaneously and decisively, which may not only refer to the swipe logic as a technical aspect of interaction, but also to associate it with possible behavioral changes in the interaction with contents. The aim of this study was to understand if this interaction logic is implicit in the young, if they use it regularly, and if it has implications in the way they interact with them. In order to reach this goal, 34 students from the Department of Communication and Art of the University of Aveiro were asked to take a test using the eye tracker, where they had to complete the proposed tasks, which could be solved with or without the swipe logic. The results obtained lead to the conclusion that participants with android operating system are not familiar with the swipe logic. On the other hand, the participants with the iOS operating system showed to be familiar with this logic and have used it to complete the tasks that have been proposed. Finally, the results also showed that participants were able to perform tasks more efficiently using this interaction logic