108 research outputs found

    Prática de ensino supervisionada em Educação Pré-Escolar e do Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico

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    Um dos objectivos deste trabalho é reunir e dar a conhecer todas as informações do espaço de Intervenção/Acção, das observações efectuadas e recolhidas durante o estágio. Pretende-se apresentar uma estrutura de auto-análise reflexiva e avaliativa. Com a realização deste trabalho, pretende-se afirmar que todos podemos ser autores e actores dos nossos projectos, conferindo-nos autonomia, valoração, assim como, simultaneamente, mudança e inovação. Outro dos objectivos é investigar um tema que nos ajudará na nossa prática profissional futura. Esta investigação baseia-se numa análise que foca, entre outras, as vantagens do trabalho colaborativo entre docentes e em que medida é que esse mesmo trabalho poderá melhorar não só o desempenho dos docentes, assim como os resultados escolares dos alunos. Deste modo, procurou-se compreender por que motivo é que o trabalho docente continua a ser desempenhado individualmente, quando as suas vantagens são reconhecidas por inúmeros profissionais da área. Para tal, será feita uma breve referência às concepções que existem relativamente às metodologias de educação. Torna-se também importante fazer o enquadramento teórico da mesma para que se entenda como a visão sobre ela tem vindo a sofrer alterações com o passar do tempo, assim como analisar vários contextos de colaboração. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, baseado numa metodologia de carácter qualitativo, através do qual se procurou compreender alguns dos aspectos que, de forma directa ou indirecta, interagem e condicionam o trabalho colaborativo entre docentes. Para esse efeito foi realizado um pequeno estudo empírico que contou com a colaboração de docentes do Ensino Básico e Educadores de Infância da cidade de Bragança, confrontando a opinião dos inquiridos com os dados da fundamentação teórica, procurando assim, conhecer as suas ideias e experiências acerca do trabalho colaborativo entre docentes.One of the objectives from this work is get together and show all the information and observations collected in the time of intervention/Action. It is intended to provide a structure for self-reflective analysis and evaluation. With the elaboration of this work, it is intended to say that we can all be authors and actors in our own projects, giving us autonomy, assessment and simultaneously, change and innovation. Another objective is to investigate a theme which will help us in our professional future practice. This research is based on an analysis that focuses, among others, the benefits of collaborative work between teachers and in what aspects that work can, not only improve the performance of teachers but also students’ school outcomes. Thus, we tried to understand why teaching continues to be carried out individually, when the advantages oh teacher’s collaborative work are recognize by many experts. For this purpose it will be made a brief reference to the perspective that exists concerning education methodologies. It is also important do to the theoretical framework, which will allow us to understand how the vision of it has been changed over the time, as well as an analysis of different contexts of collaboration. This is a study with an exploratory nature, based on a qualitative methodology, which aim to understand some aspects that, directly or indirectly, interact and influence the collaboration work among teachers. To this purpose I performed a small empirical study with the collaboration of teachers from kindergarten and Primary Schools from the city of Bragança, comparing the respondents’ opinions with the theoretical research, seeking to understand their ideas and experiences about collaborative work among teachers

    Housing policy in Brazil : an advocacy coalition analysis of the National Social Interest Housing System versus Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program

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    Este artigo analisa mudanças institucionais ocorridas na política de habitação no Brasil entre 1992 a 2014, a partir da análise de Advocacy Coalition Framework , que fornece subsídios para compreender quais são os valores e as ideias presentes na formulação e na alteração do Sistema Nacional de Habitação de Interesse Social (SNHIS) e do Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida (PMCMV). A pesquisa utiliza dados coletados de leis, normas, atas do Conselho e das Conferências Nacionais das Cidades, notas de audiência pública e entrevistas. Por meio desses documentos, foi realizada análise da Lei nº 11.124/2005, que tramitou durante 13 anos no Congresso Nacional até ser aprovada. Essa Lei criou o SNHIS, estabeleceu o processo participativo de elaboração do Plano Nacional de Habitação e constituição de fundos articulados nos diferentes níveis da federação. Entretanto, o governo federal, em 2009, por Medida Provisória, adotou uma alternativa ao SNHIS com a criação do PMCMV, que tramitou em caráter de urgência e foi aprovada em menos de quatro meses, sendo convertida na Lei nº 11.977/2009. O estudo possibilitou entendimento crítico do processo de discussão e elaboração das leis, concluindo que as mudanças institucionais realizadas priorizaram mais os objetivos de mercado do que os objetivos de desenvolvimento urbano integrado.This article analyzes the institutional changes in the housing policy in Brazil from 1992 to 2014, based on the Advocacy Coalition Framework, which provides insights to understand the values and ideas present in the formulation and modification of the National Social Interest Housing System (SNHIS) and Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program (MCMVP). The methods included data from laws, rules and minutes from National Council and Conference of Cities, public hearings, and interviews. Through these documents, we analyzed the Law nº 11124/2005, which remained in debate in the National Congress for 13 years before it became law. This law created the SNHIS, established the participatory approach for housing plan formulation, and for the establishment of funds at the three levels of government, which are controlled by popular councils. However, in 2009 the federal government adopted an alternative to SNHIS and created, through a provisional act, the MCMVP. The bill was certified as urgent by the National Congress and approved in less than four months before becoming Law nº 11977/2009. The present study suggests a critical understanding of policy-making processes and concludes that the institutional changes made tended to protect the market interests, with little regard for integrated urban planning

    Prospective study of 2151 patients with chronic kidney disease under conservative treatment with multidisciplinary care in the Vale do Paraíba, SP

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    INTRODUCTION: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is common, severe and treatable. Its detection involves low cost tests. AIM: To evaluate the effect of a multidisciplinary (nephrologist, social worker, nurse, nutritionist, and psychologist) intervention comparing clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with CKD. METHODS: A prospective study with 2,151 patients attended at the State Center for Kidney Diseases of the Vale do Paraiba, São Paulo, from February 2008 to March 2011. The kidney function was measured using albuminuria and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGRF) using the MDRD formula The clinical outcomes were the occurrence of cardiovascular disease (CAD), hospitalization episodes, need of renal replacement therapy (RRT) and death. RESULTS: Participants had a mean (range) age of 62 years (14-101), a mean follow-up of 546 days (90-1540) and the majority was in the stage 3 of CKD (59%). The most common primary diagnoses were hypertension (41.2%) and diabetes (32.4%). Mean blood pressure values at the beginning and at the end of treatment were 143 ± 26 mmHg x 87 ± 14 mmHg and 123 ± 16 mmHg x 79 ± 9 mmHg, respectively (p < 0.001); the eGRF decreased from 58.5 ± 31 ml/min. to 56.3 ± 23 ml/min (p < 0.01). Mean value of proteinuria decreased from 1.04 ± 1.44 g/day to 0.61 ± 1.12 g/day, p < 0.001, and the fasting glicemia decreased from 137 ± 73 mg/dl to 116 ± 42 mg/dl. One hundred and twenty-two patients (5.7%) had a CAD episode, the hospitalization rate was 6.6% (n = 143 patients), 7.3% patients died (n = 156), and 1.1% (n = 23) patients needed to start RRT. The risk of cardiovascular events, hospitalization, or death was inversely related to eGRF, and the rates of these events were low compared with the international literature. CONCLUSION: The multidisciplinary care with well defined targets is effective for the preservation of renal function and reduction in morbidity and mortality of CKD patients.INTRODUÇÃO: A doença renal crônica (DRC) é uma enfermidade grave, comum e tratável, cuja detecção envolve exames de baixo custo. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito de uma intervenção multidisciplinar (nefrologista, assistente social, enfermeira, nutricionista e psicóloga) em parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais de pacientes com DRC. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de 2.151 pacientes atendidos no Centro Estadual de Doenças Renais do Vale do Paraíba, SP, de fevereiro de 2008 a março de 2011. A função renal foi avaliada no início e ao final do seguimento por testes de albuminúria e taxa de filtração glomerular estimada (TFGe) pela fórmula do MDRD. Os desfechos clínicos foram: ocorrência de eventos cardiovasculares (ECV), episódios de hospitalização, necessidade de terapia renal substitutiva (TRS) e óbito. RESULTADOS: A idade média foi 62 anos (variação: 14 a 101), com acompanhamento médio de 546 dias (variação: 90 a 1540), havendo predomínio do estagio três da DRC (59%). Os diagnósticos de base mais comuns foram: hipertensão arterial (41,2%) e diabetes (32,4%). A média da pressão arterial antes e ao final do seguimento foi de 143 ± 26 mmHg x 87 ± 14 mmHg e 123 ± 16 mmHg x 79 ± 9 mmHg, respectivamente (p < 0,001); a TFGe reduziu de 58,5 ± 31 ml/min para 56,3 ± 23 ml/min (p < 0,01). A proteinúria caiu de 1,04 ± 1,44 g/dia para 0,61 ± 1,12 g/dia (p < 0,001); e a glicemia de jejum de 137 ± 73 mg/dl para 116 ± 42 mg/dl. Cento e vinte e dois pacientes (5,7%) apresentaram eventos cardiovasculares, a taxa geral de hospitalizações foi de 6,6% (n = 143 pacientes), foram observados 156 (7,3%) óbitos e 23 (1,1%) pacientes evoluíram para TRS. O risco de ECV, hospitalização e óbito aumentou de forma inversa à TFGe, mas são considerados baixos quando comparados à literatura internacional. CONCLUSÕES: A intervenção multidisciplinar com metas bem definidas é efetiva para preservação da função renal e redução da morbidade e mortalidade de pacientes com DRC.Centro Estadual para Tratamento de Doenças Renais do Vale do ParaíbaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de MedicinaUniversidade de TaubatéUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de MedicinaSciEL

    A perceção do cuidador informal sobre a hospitalização de familiares com cancro

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    Resumo: Introdução: Os doentes oncológicos com necessidade de cuidados paliativos continuam a ser internados em serviços cirúrgicos, onde os enfermeiros estão preparados para cuidar do doente cirúrgico e não para atender as suas necessidades paliativas e as da sua família. Emerge a necessidade de mudança, em que a família deve ser envolvida nos cuidados. Objetivos: Compreender a perceção dos cuidadores familiares sobre as intervenções do enfermeiro no cuidar do doente oncológico com necessidades de cuidados paliativos; descrever as perceções dos familiares relativamente ao apoio e à disponibilidade dos enfermeiros. Metodologia: Estudo qualitativo, com recurso a uma entrevista semiestruturada, aplicada a 10 familiares de doentes oncológicos com necessidade de cuidados paliativos, internados num serviço cirúrgico, cujos resultados foram analisados através da análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Os familiares entrevistados consideram que a dinâmica hospitalar é centrada no curar e que não foram cuidados pelos enfermeiros, não existindo, assim, interesse pelo seu processo experiencial e vivencial. Conclusão: Identificámos fatores facilitadores e dificultadores percecionados pelos familiares aquando do internamento do seu familiar. Pensamos que os resultados deste estudo indicam ser necessária uma mudança na prática de enfermagem, quer em termos de relação de ajuda, quer no próprio cuidar em enfermagem, tendo sempre presente que a família também deve ser cuidada

    Time-series forecasting of pollutant concentration levels using particle swarm optimization and artificial neural networks

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    This study evaluates the application of an intelligent hybrid system for time-series forecasting of atmospheric pollutant concentration levels. The proposed method consists of an artificial neural network combined with a particle swarm optimization algorithm. The method not only searches relevant time lags for the correct characterization of the time series, but also determines the best neural network architecture. An experimental analysis is performed using four real time series and the results are shown in terms of six performance measures. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed methodology achieves a fair prediction of the presented pollutant time series by using compact networks

    Epigenetic reprogramming by TET enzymes impacts co-transcriptional R-loops

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    PTDC/BIA-MOL/30438/2017 PTDC/MED-OUT/4301/2020 RiboMed 857119 PD/BD/128292/2017 LCF/PR/HP21/52310016 PTDC/BIA-MOL/6624/2020 PTDC/MED-ONC/7864/2020DNA oxidation by ten-eleven translocation (TET) family enzymes is essential for epigenetic reprogramming. The conversion of 5-methylcytosine (5mC) into 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) initiates developmental and cell-type-specific transcriptional programs through mechanisms that include changes in the chromatin structure. Here, we show that the presence of 5hmC in the transcribed gene promotes the annealing of the nascent RNA to the template DNA strand, leading to the formation of an R-loop. Depletion of TET enzymes reduced global R-loops in the absence of gene expression changes, whereas CRISPR-mediated tethering of TET to an active gene promoted the formation of R-loops. The genome-wide distribution of 5hmC and R-loops shows a positive correlation in mouse and human stem cells and overlap in half of all active genes. Moreover, R-loop resolution leads to differential expression of a subset of genes that are involved in crucial events during stem cell proliferation. Altogether, our data reveal that epigenetic reprogramming via TET activity promotes co-transcriptional R-loop formation, disclosing new mechanisms of gene expression regulation.publishersversionpublishe

    Subserous lymphangioma of the sigmoid colon: an uncommon cause of acute abdomen in pediatric patients

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    Lymphangioma is a rare, benign lesion derived from a malformation of the lymphatic system, which is more frequently found in the head, neck, and axilla. However, it may be present anywhere in the body, and the diagnosis involves adults as children with some distinct clinical features among them. In pediatric patients, abdominal cystic lymphangioma occurs mostly in the mesentery presenting abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction, or, more rarely, hemorrhage. The authors report the case of a child with a short-course history of fever, abdominal pain, and constipation. The physical examination disclosed the presence of an abdominal mass and signs of peritoneal irritation. Imaging was consistent with a cystic lesion compressing the sigmoid colon and laterally displacing the remaining loops. Exploratory laparotomy was undertaken, and a sigmoidectomy, followed by Hartman’s colostomy, was performed. Histological examination revealed the nature of the lesion as a cystic lymphangioma. The authors highlight the clinical features of this entity and call attention to this disease in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen or abdominal pain, mainly in pediatric patient

    Fractal and Polar Microstrip Antennas and Arrays for Wireless Communications

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    This chapter presents the research done by authors in recent years on microstrip antennas and their applications in wireless sensors network. The subject is delimited to the study of conventional microstrip antennas, from which antennas with fractal and polar shapes are proposed. A detailed description of the antenna design methodology is presented for some prototypes of microstrip antennas manufactured with different dielectric substrates. Analysis of the proposed antennas has been done through computational simulation of full-wave methods. Experimental characterization of antennas and dielectric materials has been performed with the use of a vector network analyzer. The results obtained for the resonant and radiation parameters of the antennas are presented. Computer-aided design (CAD) of microstrip antennas and arrays using fractal and polar geometrical transformations results in a wide class of antenna elements with desirable and unique characteristics, such as compact, exclusive, and esthetic antenna design for multiband or broadband frequency operation with stable radiation pattern

    Subserous lymphangioma of the sigmoid colon: an uncommon cause of acute abdomen in pediatric patients

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    Lymphangioma is a rare, benign lesion derived from a malformation of the lymphatic system, which is more frequently found in the head, neck, and axilla. However, it may be present anywhere in the body, and the diagnosis involves adults as children with some distinct clinical features among them. In pediatric patients, abdominal cystic lymphangioma occurs mostly in the mesentery presenting abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction, or, more rarely, hemorrhage. The authors report the case of a child with a short-course history of fever, abdominal pain, and constipation. The physical examination disclosed the presence of an abdominal mass and signs of peritoneal irritation. Imaging was consistent with a cystic lesion compressing the sigmoid colon and laterally displacing the remaining loops. Exploratory laparotomy was undertaken, and a sigmoidectomy, followed by Hartman’s colostomy, was performed. Histological examination revealed the nature of the lesion as a cystic lymphangioma. The authors highlight the clinical features of this entity and call attention to this disease in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen or abdominal pain, mainly in pediatric patient