218 research outputs found

    Termite Foraging on Plants of a Brazilian Savanna: the Effects of Tree Height

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    Termites play an important role as ecosystem engineers in many tropical environments, acting as herbivore-detritivore organisms and strongly influencing vegetation structure and composition by modifying soil properties, providing nutrients by recycling the organic matter, and direct feeding on plants, notably in the Cerrado (Savanna) of Brazil. To evaluate the intensity of termite foraging on Cerrado plants, we recorded plants higher than 25 cm, which exhibited termite activity along nine transects (2 x 50m), at the Estação Ecológica de Pirapitinga (EEP), in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. We recorded the height, basal area, and identified the species of each plant. Simultaneously, we used cellulose baits disposed at each 10 m along six transects of 100 m to sample termites in this area, which was protected from fire for at least 40 years. Twelve species of termites were recorded. Termite foraging on Cerrado plant species varied considerably and it was influenced by several factors including plant height and host species. Taller plants presented more termites than smaller plants, probably due to the amount of available resources (for nesting and feeding) for the termites

    Vacant rooms? The secondary use of stem-galls by ants in Eremanthus erythropappus (Asteraceae)

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    Galls are atypical proliferations of plant tissue induced by highly specialized herbivores, such as some insect groups. Although gall inducers create these structures for their own purpose (food, habitat, protection against natural enemies, and harsh weather), many other organisms can use galls as secondary inhabitants. The creation of new and better habitats with ameliorated micro-environmental conditions allows for the use of many other organisms, and as such, some galling insects are considered "micro" ecosystem engineers. This study characterized the occurrence of ants in microhabitats created by a gall-inducing cecidomyiidae associated with Eremanthus erythropappus (DC.) Mac. Leish (Asteraceae). It was 153 individuals of ants belonging to three species in 19 galls (9.5%) from the 200 galls sampled. The most common ant species found was Myrmelachista gallicola Mayr (Formicinae), including a single queen and larvae individuals. Galls occupied by these ants were 11.5% larger compared to unoccupied galls (gall diameter: occupied galls - 10.00 ± 2.09 mm; unoccupied galls - 8.97 ± 1.90 mm). Abandoned galls might promote the diversity of other organisms, especially for opportunistic dwellers such as ants

    Distribution of the assemblage of phlebotomine sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) along an environmental gradient.

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    The geographical distribution of leishmaniasis has undoubtedly expanded, and is now being reported to be in areas that were previously non-endemic. This study therefore aimed to investigate whether there is any variation in the structure and in the composition of phlebotomine communities along an environmental gradient - from a mesic to a xeric environment, across different climatic periods (rainy and dry seasons). Furthermore, we test whether there were differences in sex ratio of sand flies between wet and dry environments. A total of 535 specimens of sand flies belonging to 18 species were recorded. Richness, abundance, and composition of species were significatively higher in the xeric environment (semidecidual Forest) compared to the mesic environment (Riparina Forest). We unveiled site specific differences in sand fly collections since the community composition changes with the geographic distance among the sampling points. These results led to the conclusion that for sand flies species, the environmental conditions available for each species could be different within the habitat taking into account the degree of humidity in the forest as well as the climatic season (dry or wet). The present study gives a valuable contribution to the knowledge of sand flies, as a group of insects, from the Atlantic Forest biome

    Modelando a distribuição espacial da endêmica e ameaçada palmeira Syagrus glaucescens (Arecaceae)

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    This study tests the use of accessible geoprocessing techniques to identify and describe the distribution of Syagrus glaucescens, a threatened palm shrub endemic to rupestrian fields (high-altitude grasslands) of the southern Espinhaço Range, in Minas Gerais, Brazil. A hundred and ninety five occurrence points and 24 absence points of S. glaucescens were recorded on a GPS device during field trips. Free databases of eight abiotic variables for the surveyed area were also used. Ninety-eight of the occurrence points were used to generate a spectral signature in ArcView to identify variables best characterizing S. glaucescens’ distribution area and produce a probability map. The species’ distribution was strongly associated to rocky outcrops whose geological composition is Quartzite Filite and Conglomerates, above 1.000 m of altitude, with declivities of 5-30%. When the accuracy of the probability map was tested, 87.63% of the 97 occurrence points used fitted areas of very high occurrence probability on the map, while 100% of the 24 non-occurrence points matched areas of null probability; therefore confirming the high accuracy of the model in predicting the occurrence of S. glaucescens. Although the altitudinal grasslands of Espinhaço are areas of great biodiversity and high degree of plant species endemism, they remain poorly studied. Thus, this model can be a helpful tool in designing management and conservation strategies not only for S. glaucescens but also for other species associated to rocky outcrops of such environment.Key words: rupestrian fields, rocky outcrops, habitat modeling.O presente estudo testou a utilização de ferramentas acessíveis de geoprocessamento na identificação e caracterização das áreas de ocorrência da palmeira Syagrus glaucescens, uma espécie de palmeira ameaçada de extinção e endêmica dos campos rupestres da Cadeia do Espinhaço de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Cento e noventa e cinco pontos de ocorrência e 24 pontos de ausência de S. glaucescens foram registrados com um GPS. Bases gratuitas de oito variáveis abióticas da área estudada também foram usadas. Noventa e oito dos pontos de ocorrência foram utilizados para gerar uma assinatura espectral no ArcView para identificar as variáveis que melhor caracterizassem a área de distribuição de S. glaucescens e produzir um mapa de probabilidades. Observou-se uma maior distribuição da espécie em áreas de afloramentos rochosos com composição geológica Quartzito Filito Metaconglomerados, acima de 1000 m de altitude e com declividade entre 5 e 30%. Quando testado o potencial preditivo do mapa de probabilidades, obteve-se 87,63% dos 97 pontos de ocorrência encontrados em áreas de altíssima probabilidade, enquanto que 100% dos 24 pontos de não ocorrência enquadrou-se em áreas de probabilidade nula, confirmando assim a alta eficácia do modelo em predizer as áreas de ocorrência da espécie. Embora os campos rupestres da Cadeia do Espinhaço sejam áreas de grande biodiversidade e alto grau endemismo de espécies de plantas, permanecem pouco estudados. Este modelo pode ser uma ferramenta útil para o delineamento de estratégias de manejo e conservação não apenas para S. glaucescens como também para outras espécies associadas a afloramentos rochosos de tal ambiente.Palavras-chave: campos rupestres, afloramentos rochosos, modelagem de hábitat

    Efeito do fogo na fenologia de Syagrus glaucescens Glaz. ex Becc. (Arecaceae)

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    Abstract Syagrus glaucescens is an endemic and threatened palm from the rupestrian field of the Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the fire effect on the vegetative and reproductive phenology of S. glaucescens. It was tested the hypothesis that the occurrence of fire can affect the phenological patterns exhibited by this species. The study began after six months of fire occurrence. A total of 40 individuals were marked and observed monthly, 20 in a burned area (Queimado group) and 20 in an unburned adjacent area (Controle group), located in rupestrian fields areas of Serra do Cipó (MG). The analysis of phenophases was performed using the index of activity and the Fournier’s percent index of intensity. Leaf flushing and leaf fall were synchronous among the individuals of the two populations, during the studied period. The production of flowers and fruits on S. glaucescens was asynchronous for the most part of the time. However, in both studied areas most individuals were blooming during the dry season and fruiting in the rainy season. Rainfall seems to be the main factor determining the observed phenological patterns, and was significantly correlated with some phenophases of both burned and control groups. The burned plants flowered and fruited before the control group, and also produced a higher number of flowers and fruits, suggesting that fire may affect the phenology of this palm. Key words: endemic species, fire, rupestrian field, Serra do Cipó.Syagrus glaucescens é uma palmeira de pequeno porte, ameaçada de extinção e endêmica dos campos rupestres da Cadeia do Espinhaço, em Minas Gerais. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do fogo na fenologia vegetativa e reprodutiva de S. glaucescens. Foi testada a hipótese de que a ocorrência do fogo altera os ritmos fenológicos exibidos por esta espécie. O estudo teve início seis meses após a ocorrência do fogo. Foram marcados e observados, mensalmente, 20 indivíduos na área queimada (grupo Queimado) e 20 em uma área de controle adjacente (grupo Controle), localizados em áreas de campo rupestre da Serra do Cipó (MG). A análise das fenofases foi feita pelos métodos de índice de atividade e percentual de intensidade de Fournier. O brotamento e a senescência foliar foram constantes e sincrônicos entre os indivíduos das populações em praticamente todo o período estudado. A produção de flores e frutos em S. glaucescens foi assincrônica na maior parte do tempo. Entretanto, de uma forma geral, nos dois grupos avaliados, pôde-se observar maior percentual de indivíduos florescendo na estação seca e frutificando na estação chuvosa. A precipitação parece ser o principal fator determinante na definição dos padrões fenológicos, pois obteve correlação significativa com várias fenofases em ambos os grupos, Controle e Queimado. O grupo Queimado floresceu e frutificou antes do grupo Controle, além de ter produzido maior número de flores e frutos, sugerindo que o fogo afeta a fenologia desta palmeira. Palavras-chave: Campo rupestre, espécie endêmica, fogo, Serra do Cipó

    Crescimento econômico e a moderna crise ambiental: uma análise crítica

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    We discuss in this essay the importance of overcoming the scientific and epistemological reductionism to achieve a critical understanding of the origins of the environmental crisis experienced by humanity in this new millennium. Through a historical review, we trace the transformation of economic models, their impact on the environment, as well the effectiveness and legitimacy of the main technical and political process historically proposed to overcome the environmental crisis. Given the insignificant results obtained by this technicist way of understanding the environmental issues, we believe that the hegemony of the paradigm of development as economic growth is an important reason for the current social and environmental problems. The neglect of socio-economic dimension in the environment discussions has led to a failure of conservation policies by those who actually seek alternative paths to socio-ecological sustainability of the planet.Key words: conservation of biodiversity, economy, economic growth.Discutimos neste ensaio a importância da superação dos reducionismos científicos e epistemológicos para se alcançar uma compreensão crítica das origens da crise ambiental experimentada pela humanidade neste início de milênio. Por meio de um resgate histórico, traçamos as transformações dos modelos econômicos, seus impactos ao meio ambiente, assim como a eficácia e a legitimidade das principais vias técnico-políticas propostas para superar a crise ambiental. Tendo em conta os irrisórios resultados alcançados pela via tecnicista de entendimento da questão ambiental, acreditamos ser a hegemonia do paradigma do desenvolvimento por meio do crescimento econômico uma importante razão dos atuais problemas socioambientais. O negligenciamento da dimensão socioeconômica nas discussões ambientais tem conduzido a um fracasso das políticas de conservação por parte daqueles que, de fato buscam caminhos alternativos para sustentabilidade socioecológica do planeta.Palavras-chave: conservação da biodiversidade, economia, crescimento econômico

    Proposta de implantação de corredores ecológicos para áreas fragmentadas de ecossistemas tropicais no Brasil

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    The present study aims to analyze the potential of areas for the implementation of ecological corridors. The study area represents a transition between the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado domains and is extensively fragmented. Geographic Information System was used to determine suitable areas for the implementation of ecological corridors based on their ecological and structural potential, while multi-criteria classification was used to generate a final ecological map of the area. Weights and notes were assigned to vegetation class, river width, elevation and declivity in their respective maps, which were overlaid using ArcGis 10.3 software. Structural analysis of the area used the landscape metrics mean area, mean shape and total edge of fragments and mean connectivity among fragments in Fragstats software. The results indicated an ecologically and structurally suitable area for the implementation of ecological corridors in the study area.O presente estudo tem como propósito analisar áreas potenciais para a implantação de Corredores Ecológicos. Atualmente a área encontra-se fragmentada e está sob os domínios de Cerrado e Mata Atlântica. Baseado no Sistema de Informações Geográficas, foram determinadas possíveis áreas, do ponto de vista ecológico e estrutural, para a implantação dos Corredores Ecológicos. Para a geração do mapa final de potencial ecológico da área, utilizou-se a metodologia de classificação por múltiplos critérios. Foram atribuídos pesos e notas às classes de vegetação, largura dos rios, altitude e declividade em seus respectivos mapas. Após a determinação dos pesos e notas, realizou-se a sobreposição dos mapas no software ArcGis 10.3. Para analise estrutural da área utilizou-se às métricas de paisagem área média, formato médio e borda total dos fragmentos e conectividade média entre os fragmentos no software Fragstats. Os resultados apontaram para uma área ecologicamente e estruturalmente viável para a implantação dos Corredores Ecológicos na área de estudo.

    "Lactobacillus paracasei" probiotic properties and survivability under stress-induced by processing and storage of ice cream bar or ice-lolly

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    ABSTRACT: Probiotics are live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. The aim of this study was to identify genotypically lactobacilli strains isolated from newborn stools and selecting strain based on probiotic properties (gastrointestinal tolerance, antibiotic susceptibility, inhibition of pathogen biofilm formation, absence of alfa or gamma-blood hemolysis, and lysozyme sensibility) and technological properties of surviving either in ice cream bar or ice-lolly. Reduction of 1.2log cfu ml-1 of the Lactobacillus paracasei strain was observed after exposure through in vitro gastrointestinal conditions. It inhibited biofilms of Escherichia coli, Salmonella Typhimurium and Candida albicans by mechanisms of competition, exclusion and displacement, and was resistant up to 3000μg ml-1 of egg white lysozyme. It presented neither alfa nor gamma-hemolysis or was antibiotic resistant to usual antibiotics for human use. Microbial survivability in ice cream bar or ice-lolly was assessed up to 21 days of storage at -18°C. Viability was maintained in ice cream bar, but there was a reduction of almost 2.0logs in ice-lolly