1,814 research outputs found

    Facility manager perspectives on building condition assessment for Portuguese higher education institutions

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    This study aims to provide an overview of the building condition assessment at the facility management stage in higher education buildings in Portugal. A questionnaire survey containing 188 questions was developed and was responded to by experts in the facility management departments of 19 higher education institutions (HEIs) in Portugal. The data analysis, using analytic hierarchy process, showed the difficulties related to the process of facility management and building condition assessment and the experts’ preferences in building condition assessment and facility management in Portuguese HEIs. Four building condition assessment parameters were also evaluated. Although not representative of all HEIs in Portugal, the findings indicate that there needs to be a significant change in the management of the HEI building stock with the support of new digital technologies and the prioritization of preventive actions. This unique view of facility management in Portugal provides useful pointers for facility managers working in HEI in other (European) countries and has relevance to other building typologies.publishe

    Strengths and weaknesses of the environmental management course from Brasilia University (UnB)

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Planaltina, 2016.Com a aplicação dos recursos do Programa de Apoio a Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais (REUNI) a UnB ampliou e democratizou o seu número de vagas, priorizando a criação de cursos noturnos em regiões periféricas de Brasília. Nesse contexto criou-se o curso de Gestão Ambiental na faculdade da UnB em Planaltina (FUP) em 2008. Em sua primeira avaliação pelo Ministério da Educação (MEC) o curso de GAM da FUP alcançou nota 4, aproximando da nota máxima que é 5; porém, resultados de Neres (2015) constataram uma alta taxa de evasão e baixa empregabilidade do curso, levantando dúvidas sobre a sua qualidade. Assim, o objetivo do estudo é avaliar a qualidade do curso de GAM da FUP, identificando os seus pontos fortes e fracos. Para tanto, analisou-se 43 questionários respondidos por egressos do curso por meio da análise de cluster. Os pontos fortes estiveram relacionados com a alta qualidade dos professores, servidores e infraestrutura geral da UnB. Os pontos fracos referem-se a dificuldades inerentes ao curso ser novo e ainda não reconhecido por um conselho de classe. Questões referentes a grade curricular do curso, a qualidade dos laboratórios e da biblioteca, a inclusão dos alunos em projetos de iniciação cientifica, extensão e em estágios na área de formação se encontraram com uma qualidade intermediária.With the application of the resources of the Support Programme for the Restructuring and Expansion of Federal Universities (REUNI) the Brasilia University (UnB) has broadened and democratized the number of vacancies, prioritizing the creation of night courses in peripheral regions of Brasilia. In this context it was created the Environmental Management course on the campus of UnB in Planaltina (FUP) in 2008. In its first assessment by the Ministry of Education (MEC) the course of the GAM from FUP reached note 4, approaching the maximum score 5; however, results of the Neres (2015) found a high rate of dropout and low employability of the course, raising doubts about its quality. The objective of the study is to evaluate the quality of the course of the GAM from FUP, identifying their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it was analyzed 43 questionnaires filled by graduates of the course through cluster analysis. The strengths were related to the high quality of teachers, servers and general infrastructure of UnB. The weaknesses refer to difficulties inherent to the course being new and not yet recognized by a class council. Questions regarding the curriculum of the course, the quality of laboratories and library, the inclusion of students in scientific initiation projects, extension and professional stages in the training area met with an intermediate quality

    American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis in the Brazilian Amazon from 2010 to 2014

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    American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) is one of the most important but neglected infectious diseases, and can cause severe deformities. ATL incidence remains high in forest regions, such as in the Amazonas State, Brazil. However, differences within the State and over time have been observed, since infection patterns are not homogeneous, and these aspects need to be clarified. This study aimed to identify the epidemiological profile of ATL and its spatial and temporal distribution in the Brazilian Amazon, from 2010 to 2014. Data were extracted from the Information System for Notifiable Diseases, which descriptively evaluates the incidence rate, as well as the temporal and spatial distribution of the disease. The highest prevalence of ATL was found in men and in the age group of 20-40 years. Approximately 95% of the cases were of cutaneous ATL and they were identified through direct examination. The spatial analysis has shown that ATL was widely distributed, both in rural and urban areas, and more concentrated in the Southern part of the State. Moreover, although there was an expansion in the spatial distribution and an increasing incidence of ATL in Amazonas, the epidemiological profile remained unchanged, suggesting that other factors must be responsible for its widespread distribution and increasing incidence


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    Objective: to understand the challenges perceived by nurses in the process of receptionwith risk classification.Method: this is a qualitative, analytical research, conducted with nurses working in the reception with risk classification in four Emergency Care Units in the North-Central region of Goiás, Brazil, in the period from October 2019 to February 2020.Results: the following thematic categories emerged, characterized as difficulties faced inthe emergency service in view of the perception of the nurse classifier: “Demand issues”;“Informational issues”; “Care issues” and “Organizational issues”.Conclusion: we found demand challenges that contribute to overcrowding as an outcome, and informational, care, and organizational challenges understood as basic challenges. This study helps the intervention in a timely manner to modify the reality of the health service.Objective: to understand the challenges perceived by nurses in the process of receptionwith risk classification.Method: this is a qualitative, analytical research, conducted with nurses working in the reception with risk classification in four Emergency Care Units in the North-Central region of Goiás, Brazil, in the period from October 2019 to February 2020.Results: the following thematic categories emerged, characterized as difficulties faced inthe emergency service in view of the perception of the nurse classifier: “Demand issues”;“Informational issues”; “Care issues” and “Organizational issues”. Conclusion: we found demand challenges that contribute to overcrowding as an outcome, and informational, care, and organizational challenges understood as basic challenges. This study helps the intervention in a timely manner to modify the reality of the health service

    Sistemas de Identificação Modular: Uma Aplicação no Ensino Fundamental

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    O trabalho descreve três exemplos de sistemas de identificação modular analisando-os em relação a capacidade de detecção de erros. Também propõe uma aplicação direta em sala de aula, utilizando o recurso dos blocos lógicos

    Gênero no contexto dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos de mulheres privadas de liberdade

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    Introduction: The National Policy for Integral Attention to Women's Health, implemented by the Ministry of Health in 2005, deals with the comprehensive care in different contexts, such as the situation of women in prison. Objective: To describe the profile of women deprived of liberty of a prison and discuss the situation of sexual and reproductive health of these women. Methods: This was a descriptive, exploratory study, a qualitative-quantitative approach, which worked with 34 women in the prison system in Montes Claros and Pirapora, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Results: Among the 34 women we found that 27 (79.4%) had some sort of profession before the arrest. The main activities were "maid" and "saleswoman" which configure jobs requiring low skill development and offer low wages. Among them, 22 participants (64.7%) said they were brown, 5 (14.7%) black and 7 (20.6%) white. In an age ranging from 30 to 35 years old, suggesting that women are in productive and reproductive age with low levels of education and hold jobs / professions of low pay. The narratives collected in the focus group show that these women maintain stereotypical representations of the feminine figure defined by emotion, passivity and devotion to family. Conclusions: The results show that gender alters the exercise of sexuality and the fact that women get pregnant, put barriers to both, the realization of conjugal visits and the care of the children in the first six months postpartum.Introducción: La Política Nacional de Atención Integral a Salud de la Mujer, ejecutada por el Ministerio de Salud en 2005, se ocupa de la atención integral en diferentes contextos, como la situación de  mujeres en prisión. Objetivo: Describir el perfil de las mujeres privadas de libertad de una prisión y discutir la situación salud sexual y reproductiva de estas mujeres. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio exploratorio descriptivo, un enfoque cualitativo-cuantitativo, que trabajó con 34 mujeres en el sistema penitenciario y Montes Claros, Minas Gerais Pirapora, Brasil.Resultados: Entre las 34 mujeres se encontró que 27 (79,4%) tenían algún tipo de profesión antes de la detención. Las principales actividades fueron la "limpieza" y "vendedor", que configuran los trabajos que requieren el desarrollo de baja habilidad y prercibir bajos salarios. Entre los 22 participantes (64,7%) dijeron que eran marrones, 5 (14,7%) negro y 7 (20,6%) de color blanco. En un rango de edad de 30-35 años, lo que sugiere es que las mujeres están en edad productiva y reproductiva, con bajos niveles de educación y tener empleos / profesiones de bajos salarios. Los relatos recogidos en el grupo focal estas mujeres mantienen representaciones estereotipadas de la mujer definida por la emotividad,  pasividad y  dedicación a la familia. Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran que las diferencias de género en el ejercicio de la sexualidad y el hecho de que las mujeres quedan embarazadas, ponen barreras tanto a la realización de las visitas íntimas, como para el cuidado de los niños en los primeros seis meses después del parto.Introdução: A Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher, implementada pelo Ministério da Saúde em 2005, trata da integralidade do cuidado em contextos diferenciados, como o das mulheres em situação de prisão. Objetivo: Descrever o perfil das mulheres privadas da liberdade de um presídio e discutir a situação da saúde sexual e reprodutiva dessas mulheres. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, exploratório, de abordagem quali-quantitativa, que trabalhou com 34 mulheres do Sistema prisional de Montes Claros e Pirapora-Minas Gerais, Brasil. Resultados: Dentre as 34 mulheres verificou-se que 27(79,4%) exerciam alguma profissão antes da detenção. As principais atividades eram de “empregada doméstica” e “vendedora”, que configuram empregos que exigem baixa capacitação profissional e ofertam baixa remuneração. Entre as participantes 22(64,7%) se declararam pardas, 5(14,7%) pretas e 7(20,6%) brancas. Em uma faixa etária de 30 a 35 anos, sugerindo que são mulheres em idade produtiva e reprodutiva, com baixos níveis de escolaridade e detentoras de empregos/ profissões de baixa remuneração. Nas narrativas coletadas no grupo focal essas mulheres mantêm representações da figura feminina estereotipada definida pela emotividade, passividade e dedicação à família. Conclusões: Os resultados demonstram que as diferenças de gênero no exercício da sexualidade e o fato de que as mulheres engravidam, colocam barreiras tanto para a realização das visitas íntimas, como para o cuidado com os filhos nos seis primeiros meses pós-parto