594 research outputs found

    PANoptosis: new insights in regulated cell death in ischemia/reperfusion models

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    Resumen extraído del párrafo final del artículo[EN] The different subroutines of cell death elicited by PANoptosis seems to be addressed to assure the RCD following infections by virus (HVI or IAV) or bacteria (F. novicida), however, a role for PANoptosis beyond the context of infections has been suggested indicating the contribution of PANoptosis in development and immune responses (Samir et al, 2020). In addition, the excessive production of cytokines mediated by inflammatory cell death (cytokine storm) can also induce PANoptosis (Wang and Kanneganti, 2021). Thus, future studies characterizing the PANoptosis in processes other than infections will contribute to gaining insight into the homeostasis control mechanismsSIThis work was supported by Neural Therapies SL (NT-Dev-01) and University of Leó

    Biodiesel production from olive-pomace oil of steam-treated alperujo

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    Recently interest has been revived in the use of plant-derived waste oils as renewable replacements for fossil diesel fuel. Olive–pomace oil (OPO) extracted from alperujo (by-product of processed olives for olive oil extraction), and produced it in considerable quantities throughout the Mediterranean countries, can be used for biodiesel production. A steam treatment of alperujo is being implemented in OPO extraction industry. This steam treatment improves the solid–liquid separation by centrifugation and facilitates the drying for further extraction of OPO. It has been verified that the steam treatment of this by-product also increases the concentration of OPO in the resulting treated solid, a key factor from an economic point of view. In the present work, crude OPO from steam-treated alperujo was found to be good source for producing biodiesel. Oil enrichment, acidity, biodiesel yield and fatty acid methyl ester composition were evaluated and compared with the results of the untreated samples. Yields and some general physicochemical properties of the quality of biodiesel were also compared to those obtained with other oils commonly used in biodiesel production. As for biodiesel yield no differences were observed. A transesterification process which included two steps was used (acid esterification followed by alkali transesterification). The maximum biodiesel yield was obtained using molar ratio methanol/triglycerides 6:1 in presence of sodium hydroxide at a concentration of 1% (w/w), reaction temperature 60 °C and reaction time 80 min. Under these conditions the process gave yields of about 95%, of the same order as other feedstock using similar production conditions.Junta de Andalucía (P06-AGR- 01906)Dr. Guillermo Rodríguez is grateful to the JAE-Doc Programme (CSIC) co-funded by European Social Fund (Operational Programme ESF 2007-2013

    Metacognitive Knowledge and Skills in Students with Deep Approach to Learning. Evidence from Mathematical Problem Solving

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    Student approaches to learning and metacognitive strategies are two important conditioning factors in solving mathematical problems. The evidence suggests that it is the deep approach to learning which leads to student success in such tasks. The present study focused on analyzing the differences in metacognitive knowledge and skills in a sample of 524 fifth and sixth grade students divided into three groups based on their different levels of use of a deep a pproach (241 = low; 152 = medium; and 131 = high). Metacognitive knowledge was assessed using the Learning Strategies Knowledge Questionnaire, while evidence about metacognitive skills was gathered by means of process measures (Triple Tasks Procedure) during students’ solving of two mathematical word problems. Statistically significant differences in metacognitive knowledge were found among groups while differences in metacognitive skills were only found in the second task, with a low effect size.; El enfoque de aprendizaje y las estrategias metacognitivas son importantes condicionantes en la resolución de problemas matemáticos. La investigación ha puesto de relevancia que el enfoque profundo de aprendizaje dirige al estudiante al éxito en la ejecución de estas tareas. Este trabajo ha pretendido analizar las diferencias en el conocimiento y habilidades metacognitivas de 524 estudiantes de quinto y sexto de primaria clasificados en tres grupos en función del nivel de uso del enfoque profundo (241 = bajo; 152 = medio; 131 = alto). El conocimiento metacognitivo fue evaluado con el cuestionario de conocimiento de estrategias de aprendizaje, y las habilidades metacog nitivas con medidas del proceso (Triple Tarea) durante la resolución de dos problemas matemáticos. Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el conocimiento metacognitivo y, en las habilidades metacognitivas en la segunda tarea con un bajo tamaño del efecto

    El desarrollo de las competencias transversales en segundo curso de los Grados de Educación Infantil y Primaria

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    Para dar respuesta al desarrollo de las competencias transversales desde los Grados de Educación de la Escuela de Magisterio de Vitoria-Gasteiz (EMVG) se han implementado trabajos interdisciplinares de módulo innovadores basados en metodologías activas. En este trabajo se presenta una experiencia de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas y Análisis de Caso relativa al 2º semestre del 2º curso. En total 171 estudiantes cumplimentaron el cuestionario de satisfacción con la nueva metodología. Los resultados indican que el alumnado está satisfecho con el trabajo interdisciplinar y que han conseguido desarrollar dichas competencias. No obastante, se perciben algunas áreas sobre las que incidi

    Writing in the university: the trajectory of research and teaching of academic writing in a hispanic-speaking context

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    La presente comunicación expone la trayectoria de investigación y enseñanza de la escritura académica abordando su surgimiento en el ámbito universitario anglosajón, sus líneas temáticas fundamentales y las contribuciones específicas que han realizado los especialistas en el tema en contexto hispanohablante desde distintas perspectivas disciplinares. Asimismo, las autoras revisan las propuestas formativas más destacadas que se han desarrollado y difundido en la universidad española con el objetivo fundamental de perfilar el papel que la didáctica de la lengua desempeña en este campo de estudio. En este sentido, sus conclusiones apuntan a la necesidad de una intervención explícita a distintos niveles (diseño curricular de asignaturas, investigación y acción docente) para poder dotar al alumnado de herramientas y estrategias que le ayuden a mejorar su competencia en escritura académica.This paper summarizes the development of academic writing teaching and research since its emergence in North American and British universities. It also outlines its main research topics and the specific contributions that experts in this field have made in a Spanish-speaking context from different cross-curricular perspectives. Finally, the authors review the most outstanding training proposals about academic literacy that have been developed and become well known in Spanish universities. The main purpose of this paper is to enhance and define the role that language didactics play in this field of study. Conclusions point to the need for an explicit intervention at different levels (curricular design of university subjects, research and teaching action) in order to provide students with tools and strategies to help them improve their academic writing competence

    An orthogonal synthetic approach to nonsymmetrical bisazolyl 2,4,6-trisubstituted pyridines

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    A three-step synthetic route giving access to nonsymmetrical bisazolyl 2,4,6-trisubstituted pyridines with different substituents on the pyrazole, indazole, and pyridine heterocycles is described. From the readily available 4-bromo-2,6-difluoropyridine, both fluorine atoms allow for easy selective stepwise substitution, and the bromine atom provides easy access to additional functionalities through both Suzuki and Sonogashira Pd(0) cross-coupling reactions. These synthons represent optimal structures as building blocks in complexation and metalloorganic structures for the tuning of their chelating and photophysical propertie

    Immunohistochemical comparative study of the odontogenic keratocysts and other odontogenic lesions

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    Objectives: The present study was undertaken to compare the pattern of expression of EGFR, cyclin D1, Ki-67, p-53 and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in the epithelial lining of odontogenic keratocysts, dentigerous cysts, radicular cysts and ameloblastomas. Methods: four micrometers, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections from 11 odontogenic keratocysts, 10 dentigerous cysts, 10 radicular cysts and 10 ameloblastomas were immunohistochemically studied. Results: There were statistically significant differences between cyclin D1 expression in odontogenic keratocysts and radicular cysts (p= 0.001) and ameloblastomas (p= 0.04). The differences in CEA expression between the four studied lesions were statistically significant (p< 0.0005). Proliferating cells were significantly more prevalent in odontogenic keratocysts (p< 0.0005) with a mean percentage of Ki-67 positively stained nuclei of 40%. In dentigerous cysts this mean was of 17%, of 15.5% in RC and of 7.8 in ameloblastomas. Conclusion: Some of these findings could support the theory that odontogenic keratocysts are neoplastic in origin, but other results clearly support that these lesions are developmental cysts with some neoplastic properties because of the high intrinsic growth potential

    Plan estratégico de comunicación Coco Peruano 2019

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    La tendencia de estilo saludable está creciendo de manera exponencial en los últimos años, aún más en la generación millennial (21-35 años). Esta tendencia ha sido impulsada por el crecimiento del mercado saludable a nivel mundial, el cual promueve la producción de alimentos de la más alta calidad, haciendo un énfasis en su componente natural. Bajo este contexto, dentro del rubro de aceites naturales, el aceite de coco es un producto que destaca ante sus sustitutos por la cantidad y calidad de beneficios que brinda, desde cuidado personal, hasta cocina y belleza. Actualmente, Perú es un mercado de alto potencial y crecimiento, siendo San Martín, el departamento con mayor producción del país; sin embargo, siendo uno de los más afectados en cuanto a deforestación por plantaciones de palma. El siguiente trabajo analiza el estado actual de la empresa “Coco Peruano”, especialista del rubro y con proyección a seguir creciendo frente a sus competidores, con el objetivo de desplegar una estrategia integral de comunicación que acompañe y facilite el crecimiento del negocio mediante un proyecto de cultura; y el cambio externo a través de una estrategia de posicionamiento y diferenciación

    Diseño de multiplexores hibridos para sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas mediante la concatenación de dispositivos selectivos en longitud de onda

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    La creciente demandada de información por parte del abonado hace necesaria la inclusión de nuevos servicios como la transmisión da datos de alta y baja velocidad, señales de vídeo, etc. La única solución que promete viabilidad es la que puede desarrollarse con Fibra Óptica

    Continuous Packed Bed Reactor with Immobilized β-Galactosidase for Production of Galactooligosaccharides (GOS)

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    The β-galactosidase from Bacillus circulans was covalently attached to aldehyde-activated (glyoxal) agarose beads and assayed for the continuous production of galactooligosaccharides (GOS) in a packed-bed reactor (PBR). The immobilization was fast (1 h) and the activity of the resulting biocatalyst was 97.4 U/g measured with o-nitrophenyl-β-d-galactopyranoside (ONPG). The biocatalyst showed excellent operational stability in 14 successive 20 min reaction cycles at 45 °C in a batch reactor. A continuous process for GOS synthesis was operated for 213 h at 0.2 mL/min and 45 °C using 100 g/L of lactose as a feed solution. The efficiency of the PBR slightly decreased with time; however, the maximum GOS concentration (24.2 g/L) was obtained after 48 h of operation, which corresponded to 48.6% lactose conversion and thus to maximum transgalactosylation activity. HPAEC-PAD analysis showed that the two major GOS were the trisaccharide Gal-β(1→4)-Gal-β(1→4)-Glc and the tetrasaccharide Gal-β(1→4)-Gal-β(1→4)-Gal-β(1→4)-Glc. The PBR was also assessed in the production of GOS from milk as a feed solution. The stability of the bioreactor was satisfactory during the first 8 h of operation; after that, a decrease in the flow rate was observed, probably due to partial clogging of the column. This work represents a step forward in the continuous production of GOS employing fixed-bed reactors with immobilized β-galactosidases.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BIO2013-48779-C4-1-R and BIO2016-76601-C3-1-R). We thank the support of COST-Action CM1303 on Systems Biocatalysis. P.S.-M. thanks the Spanish Ministry of Education for FPU Grant (FPU13/01185). We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)