361 research outputs found

    Análisis de la producción científica en WOS sobre realidad aumentada y educación infantil

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    En los últimos años, la realidad aumentada ha ganado terreno en el ámbito educativo. En particular, en educación infantil ofrece grandes oportunidades para enriquecer los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, sin embargo, las investigaciones sobre su uso didáctico se encuentran en estado incipiente. Ante esta situación, cobra relevancia conocer el estado actual de la producción científica sobre realidad aumentada en educación infantil. Con este fin surge el presente estudio, en el que se realiza una revisión sistemática exploratoria de la producción científica sobre la temática en Web Of Science (WOS). Los resultados obtenidos muestran una evolución favorable de la producción científica en los últimos años, la relevancia que desde España se está dando al tema de estudio y la necesidad de seguir investigando para favorecer una aplicación adecuada de esta tecnología en educación. Tras el estudio, se concluye que es importante formar a los docentes para aplicar la realidad aumentada en contextos formativos y promover la producción científica sobre el tema. En concreto, se destaca la necesidad de concretar elementos de diseño que se tienen que tener presente, pasos a seguir para lograr resultados óptimos y herramientas útiles para desarrollar experiencias educativas utilizando esta tecnología

    Análisis de la producción científica en WOS sobre realidad aumentada y educación infantil

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    In recent years, augmented reality has gained ground in the educational field. In particular, in early childhood education it offers great opportunities to enrich the teaching-learning processes, however, research on its didactic use is in its infancy. Given this situation, it is important to know the current state of scientific production on augmented reality in early childhood education. To this end, the present study arises, in which a systematic review of the scientific production on the subject in Web Of Science (WOS) is carried out. The results obtained show a favorable evolution of scientific production in recent years, the relevance that Spain is giving to the subject of study and the need to continue researching to favor an adequate application of this technology in education. After the study, it is concluded that it is important to train teachers to apply augmented reality in training contexts and promote scientific production on the subject. Specifically, the need to specify design elements that must be taken into account, steps to follow to achieve optimal results and useful tools to develop educational experiences using this technology is highlighted.En los últimos años, la realidad aumentada ha ganado terreno en el ámbito educativo. En particular, en educación infantil ofrece grandes oportunidades para enriquecer los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, sin embargo, las investigaciones sobre su uso didáctico se encuentran en estado incipiente. Ante esta situación, cobra relevancia conocer el estado actual de la producción científica sobre realidad aumentada en educación infantil. Con este fin surge el presente estudio, en el que se realiza una revisión sistemática exploratoria de la producción científica sobre la temática en Web Of Science (WOS). Los resultados obtenidos muestran una evolución favorable de la producción científica en los últimos años, la relevancia que desde España se está dando al tema de estudio y la necesidad de seguir investigando para favorecer una aplicación adecuada de esta tecnología en educación. Tras el estudio, se concluye que es importante formar a los docentes para aplicar la realidad aumentada en contextos formativos y promover la producción científica sobre el tema. En concreto, se destaca la necesidad de concretar elementos de diseño que se tienen que tener presente, pasos a seguir para lograr resultados óptimos y herramientas útiles para desarrollar experiencias educativas utilizando esta tecnología

    Creamos Cine, un juego educativo para el tratamiento globalizado de las ciencias experimentales en Educación Infantil

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    Se resume el desarrollo de un juego educativo original cuya idea central son los principios científicos en los que se basa el cine. Este recurso didáctico, exploratorio y reflexivo, está creado con la intención de que el jugador se plantee preguntas, formule hipótesis, razone y pueda comprobar sus hipótesis manipulando el material. El juego está formado por seis fases con sus materiales correspondientes, que se asocian a hitos en el origen del cine y aparecen en orden cronológico. El proceso de desarrollo del juego es iterativo e incluye el diseño y la elaboración de los materiales, su puesta en práctica, evaluación y propuestas de mejora. Se realizaron tres implementaciones con alumnado de 5 años, comprobándose que el juego desarrollado es un recurso apropiado para abordar el tratamiento globalizado de las ciencias experimentales en Educación Infantil, con un enfoque lúdico

    Influence of Post-Processing on the Properties of Multi-Material Parts Obtained by Material Projection AM

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    [EN] The great geometric complexity that additive manufacturing allows in parts, together with the possibility of combining several materials in the same part, establishes a new design and manufacturing paradigm. Despite the interest of many leading sectors, the lack of standardization still makes it necessary to carry out characterization work to enjoy these advantages in functional parts. In many of these techniques, the process does not end with the end of the machine cycle, but different post-processing must be carried out to consider the part finished. It has been found that the type of post process applied can have a similar effect on part quality as other further studied process parameters. In this work, the material projection technique was used to manufacture multi-material parts combining resins with different mechanical properties. The influence of different post-processing on the tensile behavior of these parts was analyzed. The results show the detrimental effect of ultrasonic treatment with isopropyl alcohol in the case of the more flexible resin mixtures, being advisable to use ultrasonic with mineral oil or furnace treatment. For more rigid mixtures, the furnace is the best option, although the other post-processing techniques do not significantly deteriorate their performance.S

    Feasibility of Calcium Sulfate Moulds Made by Inkjet 3D Printing for Rapid Casting of Aluminium Alloys

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    [EN] In this research, a comparative analysis has been carried out between a traditional sand casting process and a modern mould obtained by additive manufacturing (AM), in the context of aluminium parts production. In this case of AM, an inkjet 3D printing (3DP) process allowed us to create a ceramic mould. A numerical simulation was carried out to study the filling and cooling rates of both parts. The design freedom typical of the 3DP technique allowed us to optimize the f illing system. The results showed that in sand moulding, the speed in the gate suddenly increased when the liquid metal entered the part cavity, leading to severe turbulence due to the fountain e ect. The input of air is related to the speed in the gate. Nevertheless, the results showed that when using the 3DP mould, the speed in the gate remained constant and the filling process was homogenous. With regard to the dimensional precision, while the staircase e ect in the surface of the 3DP mould is the most critical aspect to control, in the sand casting mould the critical aspect is the dimensional precision of the pattern. Microstructures of the cross-section of the moulded parts showed folded shapes and air input in sand casting, which could be produced by the severe turbulence and the oxide f ilm present in the melt during the filling process. On the other hand, the porosity found in parts produced with the 3DP mould corresponds to shrinkage; during the filling process, the remaining binder is vaporized, creating nucleation points. In this way, pores are formed by shrinkage and a mixture of shrinkage and gas entrapment. With these considerations, it can be concluded that AM shows feasibility and advantages as an alternative to the sand casting method for aluminium alloysSIAgencia Estatal de Investigació

    Application of Vacuum Techniques in Shell Moulds Produced by Additive Manufacturing

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    [EN] This research shows the feasibility of the additive manufacturing technique (AM), Binder Jetting (BJ), for the production of shell moulds, which are filled by vacuum suction in the field of aluminium parts production. In addition, this study compares the gravity pouring technique and highlights the advantages of using vacuum techniques in AM moulds. A numerical simulation was carried out to study the behaviour of the liquid metal inside the moulds and the cooling rate of parts was analysed. The results show that in the gravity-pouring mould, the velocity in the gate causes moderate turbulence with small waves. However, vacuum suction keeps the velocity constant by eliminating waves and the filling process is homogeneous. Regarding dimensional accuracy, the staircase e ect on the surface of the 3D moulds was the most critical aspect. The vacuum provides very homogeneous values of roughness across the entire surface of the part. Similarly, 3D scanning of castings revealed more accurate dimensions thanks to the help of vacuum forces. Finally, the microstructure of the cross section of the moulded parts shows that the porosity decreases with the vacuum filled. In both cases, the origin of the pores corresponds to gas entrapment and shrinkage during the filling process, the binder vaporization and nucleation points creation, leading to pores by shrinkage, gas entrapment or a mixture of both. This is the first study that uses vacuum f illing techniques in moulds created by BJ, demonstrating the feasibility and advantages of AM using vacuum techniques, as an alternative to traditional casting.SIAgencia Estatal de Investigació

    Acidification and solar drying of manure-based digestate to produce improved fertilizing products

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    The increase in energy and fertilizer consumption makes it necessary to develop sustainable alternatives for agriculture. Anaerobic digestion and digestates appeared to be suitable options. However, untreated digestates still have high water content and can increase greenhouse gas emissions during storage and land application. In this study, manure-derived digestate and solid fraction of digestate after separation were treated with a novel solar drying technology to reduce their water content, combined with acidification to reduce the gaseous emissions. The acidified digestate and acidified solid fraction of digestate recovered more nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen than their respective non-acidified products (1.5–1.3 times for TN; 14 times for TAN). Ammonia and methane emissions were reduced up to 94% and 72% respectively, compared to the non-acidified ones, while N2O increased more than 3 times. Dried digestate and dried acidified digestate can be labeled as NPK organic fertilizer regarding the European regulation, and the dried solid fraction and the improved dried acidified solid fraction can be labeled as N or P organic fertilizer. Moreover, plant tests showed that N concentrations in fresh lettuce leaves were within the EU limit with all products in all the cases. However, zinc concentration appeared to be a limitation in some of the products as their concentration exceeded the European legal limitsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Digital Activism Masked. The Fridays for Future movement and the "Global day of climate action": testing social function and framing typologies of claims on Twitter

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    This article analyses the Fridays for Future (FFF) movement and their online mobilization around the Global Day of Climate Action on September 25th, 2020. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic this event is a unique opportunity to study digital activism as marchers were considered not appropriate. Using the Twitter’s API with keywords “#climateStrike”, “#FridaysForFuture”, we collected 111,844 unique tweets and retweets from 47,892 unique users. We use two typologies based on social media activism and framing literature to understand the main function of tweets —information, opinion, mobilization and blame— and frames —diagnosis, prognosis, motivational. We also analyze its relationship and test its automated-classification potential. To do so we manually coded a randomly selected sample of 950 tweets that are used as input for the automated-classification process (SVMs algorithm with balancing classification techniques). We find that the Covid-19 pandemic appears not to have increased the mobilization function of tweets, as the frequencies of mobilization tweets were low. We also find a balanced diversity of framing tasks, with an important number of tweets that envisaged solution on legislation and policy changes. We find that both typologies are not independent. The automated data classification model performed well, especially across social function typology and the “other” category. This indicates that these tools could help researchers working with social media data to process the information across categories that are currently mainly processed manually, enlarging their final sample size