3,353 research outputs found

    Legal Language in the Age of Globalization: Prospects and Dilemmas

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    To appreciate the significance of the preceding articles, it is necessary to consider their implications in a broad context. As territorial borders become more and more permeable to the movements of capital, and as advanced technology joins even the most remote geographical areas, people throughout the world face new provocations and opportunities. Fears of cultural obliteration are being met with revitalized expressions of resistance. In the new global landscape, language plays a paramount role. The putative universality of English, for example, parallels the multiplication of vernacular idioms evolving as part of attempts to preserve cultural integrity. Yet, the counterpoint between cultural homogenization and differentiation also heightens the need for impartial systems of communication. It is in this respect that the language of law and legal scholarship becomes an indispensable resource. As the contributions in this Symposium make resoundingly clear, legal language, with its pauses, sounds, elisions, and pronouncements, is critical to the maintenance of social divisions. Its reconstitution should be equally central to the building of connections between disparate cultures

    El proceso de generalización a partir de pliegues de papel

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    La siguiente experiencia de aula busca mostrar las maneras en que razonan los estudiantes de un grado once cuando se enfrentan a un problema de generalización. Como primera medida se establece un marco teórico con base a ideas expuestas por Radford (2006), Radford (2008), Radford (2013), Rojas y Vergel (2013) y Vergel (2015) todas estas relacionadas con la generalización y el pensamiento algebraico, para resaltar los aspectos que se tendrán en cuenta en el posterior análisis que se realiza a dos de las producciones que hicieron los alumnos, que son presentadas como conclusiones del documento

    The weak theory of monads

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    We construct a `weak' version EM^w(K) of Lack & Street's 2-category of monads in a 2-category K, by replacing their compatibility constraint of 1-cells with the units of monads by an additional condition on the 2-cells. A relation between monads in EM^w(K) and composite pre-monads in K is discussed. If K admits Eilenberg-Moore constructions for monads, we define two symmetrical notions of `weak liftings' for monads in K. If moreover idempotent 2-cells in K split, we describe both kinds of a weak lifting via an appropriate pseudo-functor EM^w(K) --> K. Weak entwining structures and partial entwining structures are shown to realize weak liftings of a comonad for a monad in these respective senses. Weak bialgebras are characterized as algebras and coalgebras, such that the corresponding monads weakly lift for the corresponding comonads and also the comonads weakly lift for the monads.Comment: 30 page

    Example-based generation of graphical modelling environments

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-42061-5_7Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) present numerous benefits like powerful domain-specific primitives, an intuitive syntax for domain experts, and the possibility of advanced code generation for narrow domains. While a graphical syntax is sometimes desired for a DSL, constructing graphical modelling environments is a costly and highly technical task. This relegates domain experts to play a passive role in their development and hinders a wider adoption of graphical DSLs. Targeting a simpler DSL construction process, we propose an example based technique for the automatic generation of modelling environments for graphical DSLs. This way, starting from examples of the DSL likely provided by domain experts using drawing tools like yED, our system is able to synthesize a graphical modelling environment that mimics the syntax of the provided examples. This includes a meta-model for the abstract syntax of the DSL, and a graphical concrete syntax supporting spatial relationships like containment or attachment. The system is implemented as an Eclipse plugin, and we demonstrate its usage on a running example in the home networking domain.Work supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (TIN2014-52129-R), the Madrid Region (S2013/ICE-3006), and the EU Commission (FP7-ICT-2013-10, #611125)

    Análisis, diseño e implementación de un sistema de registro y seguimiento de solicitudes a concesionarios de cafeterías a través de una intranet

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    La presente tesis expone el trabajo de análisis, diseño e implementación llevado a cabo en la construcción de un sistema de información que permite el registro y seguimiento de solicitudes de servicios de cafetería de una organización que trabaja con concesionarios de cafeterías; cuyo producto ha sido exitosamente implantado en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. El uso de este sistema apoyará y simplificará las labores administrativas y las de los concesionarios de cafeterías en el registro de los pedidos de servicios de cafetería, atención de dichos pedidos y pago de éstos. El sistema ha sido construido usando metodología y herramientas orientadas a objetos y estará conformado por distintas funcionalidades distribuidas en cinco módulos principales: registro de la solicitud de cafetería, registro de cotizaciones, aprobación de cotización, atención de solicitud de cafetería y generación de resumen de pago. En todo momento, todos los usuarios podrán consultar el flujo de estados por el que pasa cada solicitud durante el proceso de atención; asimismo, podrán hacer uso de búsquedas de solicitudes que permitirán acceder a solicitudes que cumplan con los criterios de búsqueda ingresados. El desarrollo de la presente tesis está basado en RUP, utilizando UML como lenguaje de modelamiento y Java como lenguaje de programación. La organización del proyecto de tesis está compuesta por cinco partes principales, seguida de las conclusiones y una serie de anexos, con el fin de que el lector tenga una visión completa del sistema a modelar. Así, en la primera parte se describe la situación actual del proceso de registro y atención de los servicios de cafetería solicitados; descripción que permitirá establecer los alcances y objetivos de la aplicación práctica. Luego, se detalla la metodología a utilizar para el planteamiento de la alternativa de solución. En la segunda parte, se presentan los requerimientos identificados, que guían el desarrollo del sistema y se analiza la viabilidad del proyecto. En la tercera parte, se diseña la alternativa de solución. En la cuarta parte, se explica las decisiones relacionadas a la construcción de la solución. Finalmente en la quinta parte, se incluyen las observaciones, conclusiones y recomendaciones.Tesi

    Percepción de la gestión de recursos humanos y la satisfacción laboral docente en II. EE. privadas de la Red 27 - UGEL 04 Comas-2015

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    La investigación pretende determinar la relación entre la percepción de la gestión de los recursos humanos y la satisfacción laboral docente en II. EE. privadas de la Red 27 - UGEL 04 Comas, 2015; es decir, cómo están asociadas estas variables tan importantes para el desarrollo de una mejor gestión de recursos humanos y la satisfacción laboral de los docentes en las instituciones educativas, tiene su fundamento teórico en los postulados de Werther y Davis quienes enfatizan en la importancia de la gestión planificada de la gestión administrativa. La investigación obedece a un tipo básico, de nivel descriptivo – correlacional y de diseño no experimental, transversal. Los instrumentos fueron dos cuestionarios diseñados en la escala de Likert para medir las variables en una población de 120 docentes; la muestra lo conformaron todos los sujetos de la población. Luego del procesamiento de los datos, y habiendo realizado la contrastación de la hipótesis, se llegó a la siguiente conclusión: Existe relación directa entre la percepción de la gestión de los recursos humanos y la satisfacción laboral docente en II. EE. privadas de la Red 27 - UGEL 04 Comas, 2015. Lo que se demuestra con la prueba de Spearman (sig. bilateral= .000 < .05; Rho = 0.572

    Example-based Validation of Domain-Specific Visual Languages

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    This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in SLE 2015: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/10.1145/2814251.2814256The definition of Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) is a recurrent activity in Model-Driven Engineering. However, their construction is many times an ad-hoc process, partly due to the lack of tools enabling a proper engineering of DSLs and promoting domain experts to play an active role. The focus of this paper is on the validation of meta- models for visual DSLs. For this purpose, we propose a language and tool support for describing properties that in- stances of meta-models should (or should not) meet. Then, our system uses a model finder to produce example models, enriched with a graphical concrete syntax, that confirm or refute the assumptions of the meta-model developer. Our language complements metaBest, a framework for the validation and verification of meta-models that includes two other languages for unit testing and specification-based test- ing of meta-models. A salient feature of our approach is that it fosters interaction with domain experts by the use, process- ing and creation of informal drawings constructed in editors liked yED or Dia. We assess the usefulness of the approach in the validation of a DSL for house blueprints, with the par- ticipation of 26 4th year computer science students.Work supported by the Spanish MINECO (TIN2011-24139 and TIN2014-52129-R), the R&D programme of the Madrid Region (S2013/ICE-3006), and the EU commission (FP7-ICT-2013-10, #611125)

    Evidence of validity and measurement invariance by gender of the Vaccination Attitudes Examination (VAX) scale in Colombian university students

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    Background: Having a valid tool to assess attitudes toward vaccination and identify the concerns that drive vaccine refusal can facilitate population studies and help guide public health interventions. The objective of this study has been to adapt the Vaccination Attitudes Examination (VAX) scale in Colombian university students and to study its psychometric properties in a non-probabilistic sample of 1074 Colombian university students. Methods: A confirmatory factor analysis was used to study the factorial structure. A structural equation model was tested to study concurrent validity and to check whether the factors predicted having received the coronavirus vaccine. Gender-based measurement invariance was also studied for the best model. Results: The results support the structure of four related factors. The composite reliability index was good for all the factors, but the average variance extracted was not as good for the second factor. There was strong measurement invariance by gender, and two factors are good predictors of being vaccinated or not. Conclusions: The VAX has shown construct and concurrent validity and is a reliable tool for evaluating attitudes towards vaccines in university students in Colombia. It may help guide the implementation of actions for the National Vaccination Plan and institutional policies