8,167 research outputs found

    Extended WKB method, resonances and supersymmetric radial barriers

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    Semiclassical approximations are implemented in the calculation of position and width of low energy resonances for radial barriers. The numerical integrations are delimited by t/T<<8, with t the period of a classical particle in the barrier trap and T the resonance lifetime. These energies are used in the construction of `haired' short range potentials as the supersymmetric partners of a given radial barrier. The new potentials could be useful in the study of the transient phenomena which give rise to the Moshinsky's diffraction in time.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Corrección de deformidad postraumática del radio distal secundaria a puente óseo fisario

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    Distal radius fractures in the childhood are frequent and they are usually treated in a conservative fashion, although some cases need percutaneous pinning. A physeal bone bridge is an uncommon complication of K-wires insertion and it may provoke a severe deformity while growth potential remains. A 9-year-old boy with this complication is reported. He was successfully treated by physeal distraction, achieving a satisfactory correction of his deformity

    Análisis del error sistemático en la sustracción

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    En este artículo presentamos resultados de investigación relacionados con la tipología, naturaleza y evolución de los errores en la sustracción. El objetivo principal de la investigación trata de indagar sobre si en nuestro contexto escolar se producen errores sistemáticos y si disminuyen a lo largo de la escolaridad. Asimismo, comparamos los resultados obtenidos con los aportados por autores de referencia en este campo de investigación. Para ello, efectuamos un análisis sobre 7.140 restas realizadas por niños/as escolarizados en 2º, 3º, 4º, 5º y 6º de Educación Primaria. Los resultados demuestran la existencia de errores sistemáticos y tipología concreta de los mismos, hecho de indudable valor a la hora de programar didácticamente el proceso de enseñanza.In this article, we presented results related to the typology, nature and evolution of the errors in subtraction. The main aim, is to examine if in our school context systematic errors take place and if these decrease throughout schooling. Also, we compared our results with the ones contributed by authors of reference in this field of research. To do so, we carried out an analysis on 7140 subtractions made by children in our educational system. The results demonstrate the existence of systematic errors in our scholastic context, a fact of doubtless value when programming the learning process didactically

    Patrones de aprendizaje en estudiantes universitarios del Máster en Educación Secundaria : variables personales y contextuales relacionadas

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    En este trabajo analizamos los patrones de aprendizaje (Vermunt, 1998; 2005) en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios del Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria, y la relación que tienen con ciertas variables personales, contextuales y el rendimiento académico. Participan 101 estudiantes de Formación del Profesorado de una universidad española con una edad media de 27.57, de los cuales 71.30% son mujeres. Los resultados indican que no se reproducen, fielmente, los patrones propuestos por Vermunt, aunque si se aprecia una mayor semejanza con los resultados que otros trabajos han hallado empleando el ILS con muestras de estudiantes de Educación Secundaria. Igualmente, hallamos relaciones significativas entre el género femenino y mayores puntuaciones en creencias y orientaciones de aprendizaje y entre la edad con mayores puntuaciones en los indicadores del patrón reproductivo y la orientación a calificaciones y certificados. Además, hallamos que los estudiantes de orientación educativa tienen menor puntuación en el patrón reproductivo que los estudiantes de ciencias naturales. Estos resultados se discuten en el marco de la formación universitaria del profesorado de Educación Secundaria en una universidad española.In this study we analysis patterns of learning (Vermunt, 1998; 2005) in a sample of Master Teaching Education program, and its relationships with personal and contextual variables, and the academic performance. Participants were 101 teacher education students from a Spanish university with an average ages of 27.57, of which 71.30% were women. The results show that patterns of learning do not reproduce according to Vermunt, though these if it shows to be a certain similarity with the obtained ones in other studies with secondary students. Likewise, we found significance relationships between female and higher scores in beliefs and learning orientations, and between age with higher score in a reproductive pattern and certificate orientation. Moreover, we found that education counseling students have lower score in a reproduction pattern than natural sciences students. These results are discussed in the field of teacher education program in a Spanish university

    Perception of pupils of basic education about zoos: identifying different perspectives

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    Zoos are places often used by teachers, since they allow for both animalsóbservation and biodiversity contact. The Lisbon zoo opened in 1884 and is regularly visited by pupils of Basic Education, and only a few have never been there. In fact, many children only have the opportunity to see wildlife in zoos, where there is an attempt to combine scientific learning with entertainment, arguments that reveal an anthropocentric perspective. However, zoos are controversial places and are subject to strong criticism. Proponents of a biocentric perspective, centred on animals, highlight the following negative aspects: i) the use of animals as means to our ends; ii) the deprivation of freedom and conditioning of their behaviours; iii) the inculcation of the idea that Man is superior to other species. As for the advocates of an ecocentric perspective, centred on the value of ecosystems, they emphasize the fragmented view of nature that zoos transmit. Even so, in this perspective, there is recognition that zoos can play a role in the conservation of species. This study sought to determine how 124 pupils from a state school in Lisbon perceive zoos, in particularly the Lisbon zoo. The children, with an average age of 13, attended the 7th grade of schooling in 2014/15. To this end, a questionnaire with two parts was applied. In the first part, it was asked if the pupils had already visited the Lisbon zoo or other similar space; they also had to identify three positive and three negative aspects associated with this place; In the second part, after collection of the first one, the pupils were asked to express their level of agreement (1, strongly disagree, to 5, strongly agree) concerning 18 statements expressing different ideas about zoos: 6 of them had an anthropocentric content (supporting zoos); 6 others, an ecocentric content (supporting zoos under certain conditions); and the other 6, a biocentric content (opposing to these spaces). An average for each perspective was obtained and the averages were compared with a Multivariate Test (3 factors) within subjects. The results showed that only 4 (3.2%) pupils had never visited a zoo. Concerning the positive aspects of the Lisbon zoo, a large majority emphasized the contact with animals (75%), the offered services and entertainment (56.5%), as the cable car and the fast food restaurants, and the animal shows (35.5%). Only 8.9% of the children reported aspects focused on animals, like the fact that they are well treated or the appropriate spaces where they lived; in relation to the negative aspects, 42.7% of the respondents focused on the general space conditions, especially the smell and dirtiness, in the presence of less beloved animals and in the weak interaction with animals, 22.6%, and 26% even said that zoos have nothing negative. Only 8.1% of the pupils mentioned the inadequacy of the spaces for animals and the absence of freedom. Accordingly, the 6 biocentric statements were those that received less agreement while the others expressing the anthropocentric and ecocentric perspectives emerged with a closer and higher average, with statistically significant differences (p = 0.000). The participants also revealed a full consistency in the responses in both parts of the questionnaire. The results also suggest that children are slightly aware of the negative aspects of zoos, and indicate that the teachers that they had so far didn´t stimulate much a discussion on this subject, if at all.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development and validation of the Spanish hazard perception test

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    Objective: The aim of the current study is to develop and obtain validity evidence for a Hazard Perception test suitable for the Spanish driving population. To obtain validity evidence to support the use of the test, the effect of hazardous and quasi-hazardous situations on the participants’ Hazard Prediction is analysed and the pattern of results of drivers of different driving experience: learner, novice and expert drivers and re-offender vs. non-offender drivers, is compared. Potentially hazardous situations are those that develop without involving any real hazard (i.e., the driver didn’t actually have to decelerate or make any evasive manoeuvre to avoid a potential collision). The current study analysed multiple offender drivers attending compulsory re-education programmes as a result of reaching the maximum number of penalty points on their driving licence, due to repeated violations of traffic laws. Method: A new video-based hazard perception test was developed, using a total of 20 hazardous situation videos plus 8 quasi-hazardous situation videos. They were selected from 167 recordings of natural hazards in real Spanish driving settings

    Introducción de demostraciones prácticas para la enseñanza de la física en las aulas universitarias

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    An analysis about utility, characteristics and structure of the so called «practical demonstrations» is presented in order to introduce a dynamic element in the classroom. Although in apparent contradiction with didactic modern trends that proclaim «what students are able to do by themselves, teachers should not do "practical demonstrations" should be placed in an active methodological approach as a complement in the exposition of the contents, getting some importance concerning student passivity, lack of didactic facilities and high number of students per classroom

    Amyloid beta and diabetic pathology cooperatively stimulate cytokine expression in an Alzheimer's mouse model

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    Background Diabetes is a risk factor for developing Alzheimer's disease (AD); however, the mechanism by which diabetes can promote AD pathology remains unknown. Diabetes results in diverse molecular changes in the brain, including dysregulation of glucose metabolism and loss of cerebrovascular homeostasis. Although these changes have been associated with increased A beta pathology and increased expression of glial activation markers in APPswe/PS1dE9 (APP/PS1) mice, there has been limited characterization, to date, of the neuroinflammatory changes associated with diabetic conditions. Methods To more fully elucidate neuroinflammatory changes associated with diabetes that may drive AD pathology, we combined the APP/PS1 mouse model with either high-fat diet (HFD, a model of pre-diabetes), the genetic db/db model of type 2 diabetes, or the streptozotocin (STZ) model of type 1 diabetes. We then used a multiplexed immunoassay to quantify cortical changes in cytokine proteins. Results Our analysis revealed that pathology associated with either db/db, HFD, or STZ models yielded upregulation of a broad profile of cytokines, including chemokines (e.g., MIP-1 alpha, MIP-1 beta, and MCP-1) and pro-inflammatory cytokines, including IL-1 alpha, IFN-gamma, and IL-3. Moreover, multivariate partial least squares regression analysis showed that combined diabetic-APP/PS1 models yielded cooperatively enhanced expression of the cytokine profile associated with each diabetic model alone. Finally, in APP/PS1xdb/db mice, we found that circulating levels of A beta 1-40, A beta 1-42, glucose, and insulin all correlated with cytokine expression in the brain, suggesting a strong relationship between peripheral changes and brain pathology. Conclusions Altogether, our multiplexed analysis of cytokines shows that Alzheimer's and diabetic pathologies cooperate to enhance profiles of cytokines reported to be involved in both diseases. Moreover, since many of the identified cytokines promote neuronal injury, A beta and tau pathology, and breakdown of the blood-brain barrier, our data suggest that neuroinflammation may mediate the effects of diabetes on AD pathogenesis. Therefore, strategies targeting neuroinflammatory signaling, as well as metabolic control, may provide a promising strategy for intervening in the development of diabetes-associated AD