568 research outputs found

    Optimization of the anaerobic co-digestion of pasteurized slaughterhouse waste, pig slurry and glycerine

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    The feasibility of co-digestion of blends of two different animal by-products (pig manure and pasteurized slaughterhouse waste) and recovered glycerine was studied in mesophilic conditions. Experiments were performed in a lab-scale CSTR along 490 days, with a hydraulic retention time of 21–33 days and with a step-wise increased organic loading rate, by adding and/or changing the wastes ratio, from 0.8 to 3.2 kgCOD m-3 d-1. The best methane production rate (0.64 Nm3CH4 m-3 d-1) represented an increment of 2.9-fold the initial one (0.22 Nm3CH4 m-3 d-1 with pig manure solely). It was attained with a ternary mixture composed, in terms of inlet volatile solids, by 35% pig slurry, 47% pasteurized slaughterhouse waste and 18% glycerine. This blend was obtained through a stepwise C/N adjustment: this strategy led to a more balanced biodegradation due to unstressed bacterial populations through the performance, showed by the VFA-related indicators. Besides this, an improved methane yield (+153%) and an organic matter removal efficiency (+83%), regarding the digestion of solely pig slurry, were attained when the C/N ratio was adjusted to 10.3.Postprint (author's final draft

    Iniciación a la biología y la geología a través de las prácticas de laboratorio en 1º de la E.S.O.

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    Durante la etapa de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO), la impartición de la materia de Biología y Geología tiene una gran importancia, ya que, se relaciona con la incorporación de conceptos y habilidades nuevos en relación a la materia, de forma simultánea a la fijación de destrezas y conocimientos ya adquiridos por el alumno en etapas escolares previas. Además, el notorio carácter práctico de la materia llevará a la necesidad de incluir en su impartición aspectos prácticos y procedimentales, como prácticas en el laboratorio. Debido a que dichas experiencias en el laboratorio constituyen una herramienta esencial en la enseñanza de la Biología y Geología, porque son muy motivadoras para el alumnado y mejoran el aprendizaje, ya que permiten relacionar los contenidos con su aplicación inmediata para explicar la realidad. Asimismo, las actividades prácticas facilitan la adquisición de habilidades, contribuyendo a que el alumno mejore sus cualidades en relación a la organización del trabajo, el respeto por las normas de seguridad y limpieza, el trabajo en equipo, el análisis de información y la deducción de conclusiones, representando todas ellas competencias esenciales para la vida en sociedad.Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular y FisiologíaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    Resumen gráfico y lingüístico de la calidad de la enseñanza en una discusión en gran grupo

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    Con el objetivo de conseguir un resumen visual y lingüístico de la percepción de la calidad de la enseñanza en una discusión en gran grupo a través de un conjunto borroso, durante el curso académico 2014-2015 realizamos un estudio de campo con 49 estudiantes del grado de Maestro en Educación Infantil. Para ello nos apoyamos en un conjunto de diez rúbricas, el Instructional Quality Assessment (IQA), que permiten valorar diversos aspectos del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje a través de una escala fija y discreta: 0, 1, 2, 3 ó 4 (Boston, 2012)

    Methodology for the study of the indoor environment, energy consumption and resilience of heritage buildings

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    Historic Heritage buildings play an important role in modern societies, as they are a way of keeping your identity safe for future generations. Its conservation challenges the cultural diversity ensurance in a constantly changing world. However, it is an area characterized by the level of energy inefficiency that contributes to a large amount of pollutant emissions. In addition, global warming and the current epidemic crisis make the indoors environmental quality become a very critical point regarding to today's future. It is necessary to understand the adaptation processes and the historic city evolution, to design strategies that make the conservation of heritage compatible with improvements in the inhabitants' quality of life, allowing a sustainable conservation of the historic city. Our main objective is to establish a methodology that identifies the fundamental aspects that affect the environmental conditions and energy conditions of heritage buildings, taking into account their ability to adapt to climate change and their safety of use, within a context of energy efficiency and sustainability. This sample paper describes the formatting requirements for Conference Proceedings, and this sample file offers recommendations on writing for the worldwide readership. Please review this document because some format details have changed related to previous years

    Differentiation of Trichuris species using a morphometric approach

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    Trichuris trichiura is a nematode considered as the whipworm present in humans and primates. The systematics of the genus Trichuris is complex. Morphological studies of Trichuris isolated from primates and humans conclude that the species infecting these hosts is the same. Furthermore, numerous molecular studies have been carried out so far to discriminate parasite species from humans and Non-Human Primates using molecular techniques, but these studies were not performed in combination with a parallel morphological study. The hypothesised existence of more species of Trichuris in primates opens the possibility to revise the zoonotic potential and host specificity of T. trichiura and other putative new species of whipworms. In the present work, a study of Trichuris Roederer, 1761 (Nematoda:Trichuridae) parasitizing C. g. kikuyensis, P. ursinus, Macaca sylvanus, Pan troglodytes, and Sus scrofa domestica has been carried out using modern morphometric techniques in order to differentiate populations of Trichuris isolated from four species of captive NHP from different geographical regions, and swine, respectively. The results obtained revealed strong support for geometrical morphometrics as a useful tool to differentiate male Trichuris populations. Therefore, morphometrics in combination with other techniques, such as molecular biology analyses, ought to be applied to further the differentiation of male populations. On the other hand, morphometrics applied to female Trichuris species does not seem to contribute new information as all the measurements combinations of obtained from females always showed similar resultsMinistry of Economy,Industry and Competitiveness(CGL2017-83057)FEDER funds, the Junta de Andalucía (BIO-338)V Plan Propio de Investigación of the University of Sevill

    Perceptions for social intervention from professionals' intercultural competence

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    En este trabajo mostramos un análisis de las respuestas dadas por profesionales de los servicios sociales comunitarios a supuestos prácticos relacionados con la intervención profesional en contextos de diversidad cultural. Se pretende conocer si las respuestas a estos supuestos se relacionan con características de la intervención profesional, rasgos personales y con variables como la Competencia Intercultural y la Sensibilidad Intercultural. Han participado 253 profesionales (psicólogos, trabajadores sociales y educadores sociales). Se han realizado análisis de varianza, asociaciones con contingencia, correlaciones y Análisis Factorial de Correspondencias. Los resultados muestran que la profesión no influye en dar una respuesta adecuada a los supuestos. En cambio, tener formación en diversidad y contacto con personas de origen extranjero presentan asociaciones significativas con responder adecuadamente a ciertos supuestos. Hemos obtenido una tipología de cuatro clases diferenciadas según las respuestas, dos positivas respecto a la resolución de los supuestos y su vinculación con la competencia intercultural y dos con carácter negativo.This work analysizes the responses of professionals to community social services practical cases related to professional intervention in contexts of cultural diversity. We want to know if these responses relate to the characteristics of professional intervention, personal traits and variables such as Intercultural Competence and Intercultural Sensitivity. 253 professionals have participated (psychologists, social workers and community workers). We have conducted variance analysis, measures of associations for contingency tables, correlations and Factorial Correspondence Analysis. The results show that the profession is not related to an appropriate response to the cases. Instead, training on diversity and contact with people of foreign origin has significant associations with appropriately response to certain assumptions. We have obtained a typology of four distinct classes according to responses; two positive classes regarding case resolution and their connection with intercultural competence, and two negative classes.La difusión de los resultados del presente estudio ha contado con el apoyo del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de España a través del Programa Nacional de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU15/03909) de la tercera autora

    Architecture of the scape: thermal assessment of refugee shelter design in the extremes climates of Jordan, Afghanistan and South Sudan

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    In the face of the largest human displacement ever recorded in modern history more than 79.5 million persons around the world have been forced to flee their homes worldwide at the end of 2019, from which 30 million are refugees. However, most shelters lack actual capacity to provide adequate thermal control for much of the year time; whereas many are located in regions with hard weather conditions, most fail to maintain temperature and humidity within accepted human comfort levels. This fact triggers ad hoc users' responses that compromise their sense of security, privacy, and belonging, and in some cases, challenge their cultural traditions. This study evaluates the thermal performance of the three most common UNHCR's shelters design for refugees assigned to the three extreme climatic regions facing this crisis worldwide: Jordan, Afghanistan, and South Sudan and links with the regional particularities. Seasonal analyses are carried out through computer simulations contrasted with data collected in-situ. The study also tests variations of the thermal performance of each shelter type under the other climate locations seeking for potential matches. Findings show that UNHCR's shelter type A has the best regulation of humidity levels and potential for exportation, and that type C has the best performance for thermal stability although greater difficulties and application for rapid deployment. The study concludes with a detailed assessment of current designs' strengths and weaknesses that could inform future shelter designs or alterations of existing units to improve refugees' living conditions

    El Neolítico antiguo cardial y la Cova de la Sarsa (Bocairent, València). Nuevas perspectivas a partir de su registro funerario.

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    Con la finalidad de confirmar la presencia de inhumaciones en contextos cardiales del País Valenciano se han realizado diferentes dataciones AMS sobre huesos humanos aparecidos en contextos neolíticos. Los resultados permiten afirmar que en la Cova de la Sarsa se practicó el ritual de inhumación durante el Neolítico antiguo, aunque también demuestran su uso como espacio funerario en momentos posteriores. Los restos humanos de la cueva quedan relacionados con un uso funerario puntual de la misma. La comparación de los datos obtenidos con el registro valenciano y peninsular proporciona una imagen heterogénea del ritual funerario cardial. Éste se relaciona con grupos formados por un número reducido de miembros, organizados en diferentes comunidades. In order to confirm the presence of grave burials (or inhumations) in cardial contexts of the Valencian territory AMS dating of several human bones recovered from neolithic contexts has been conducted. The results confirm that inhumation rituals were practiced during the Early Neolithic in Cova de la Sarsa, although the use of the cave as a funerary space later on in the sequence has also been demonstrated. Human remains are related to a funerary use of the cave at a specific point in time. When comparing the data of this study with the valencian and peninsular record a heterogeneous picture of the cardial funerary rites is achieved. These rituals are related to human groups with a limited number of members, settled in a specific territory that we name community. Valentziako Herrialdeko testuinguru kardialetan ehorzketen presentzia berresteko xedez, hainbat AMS datazio egin dira testuinguru neolitikoetan agertutako giza hezurren gainean. Emaitzak ikusita egiazta daiteke La Sarsa Koban ehorzketa-erritua egin zela Neolito zaharrean, eta era berean ikus daiteke hilobi-gune gisa erabili zela ondorengo garaitan. Kobako giza gorpuzkiak kobaren hilobi-erabilera puntualarekin erlazionatuta geratzen dira. Lortutako datuen eta Valentziako eta penintsulako erregistroaren arteko konparazioak ehorzketaerritu kardialaren irudi heterogeneoa ematen du. Kide kopuru txiki batez osatutako taldeekin erlazionatzen da, talde horiek komunitate desberdinetan antolatuta egonik

    Testing the Functional Profiles of School Refusal Behavior and Clarifying Their Relationship With School Anxiety

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    Students with school attendance problems are a diverse and heterogeneous group whose patterns of symptomatology can change over time. This study aims to identify different school refusal behavior profiles and to determine whether these profiles differ from each other based on four situational factors and three response systems of school anxiety across gender. The participants were 1,685 Spanish students (49% female) aged 15–18 years (M = 16.28; SD =0.97). The School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised (SRAS-R) and the School Anxiety Inventory (SAI) were administered. Latent profile analysis revealed five school refusal behavior profiles: Non-School Refusal Behavior, Mixed School Refusal Behavior, School Refusal Behavior by Positive Reinforcement, Low School Refusal Behavior, and High School Refusal Behavior. The results indicated that High School Refusal Behavior and Mixed School Refusal Behavior groups were the most maladaptive profiles since it obtained the highest mean scores on school anxiety. In contrast, Non-School Refusal and School Refusal Behavior by Positive Reinforcement groups revealed the lowest scores in school anxiety. Non-significant gender-based differences were found, only girls were more represented in the mixed school refusal behavior profile in comparison with boys but with a small effect size. Findings are discussed in relation to the importance of promoting good mental health to prevent school attendance problems in adolescents and younger ages.This research was funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and Fondos FEDER with the grant number RTI2018-098197-B-I00 awarded to JG-F and the project GV/2019/075 awarded to CG