412 research outputs found

    El retorno social de la investigación científica

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    Dossier Científico.El impacto efectivo de la investigación de las universidades y otros centros de investigación sobre la capacidad innovadora del entorno socioeconómico próximo está lejos de ser lineal y automático.Peer Reviewe

    Do biosphere reserves bolster community resilience in coupled human and natural systems? Evidence from 5 case studies in Spain

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    16 p.Our research provides evidence that critical junctures in coupled human and natural systems may stimulate the undertaking of sustainability transition actions in biosphere reserves (BRs). Specifcally, we explored whether BRs bolster community resilience, defned according to eight parameters identifed in disaster management theory. We found that, based on evidence from fve case studies in Spain, BR initiatives enhanced community resilience though governmental obstacles to local community initiatives and increasing telecoupling mediated by the institutional legacy efect of corporatism continues to constrain the ability of BR managers to develop what they perceive as more social-ecologically sustainable landscape management and commodity productionMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidade

    Music preferences as an instrument of emotional self-regulation along the business cycle.

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    This paper studies the influence of macroeconomic conditions on subjective wellbeing and music preferences. The macroeconomic cycle exerts an effect on happiness and well-being that consumers counterbalance by modifying music consumption. We use machine learning techniques to make a weekly classification of the top 100 songs of Billboard Hot 100 into positive and negative lyrics over the period 1958?2019. When unemployment is high, society generally prefers more positive songs. Other macroeconomic indicators such as high inflation, high interest rates or low stock market prices also affect musical preferences. These results provide initial evidence regarding the use of cultural consumption to offset business cycle oscillations

    Drafting 'better regulation": The economic cost of regulatory complexity

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    Different public agencies are seeking to draft ?better regulation?. Complex or poorly drafted norms are more difficult for economic agents to implement, tending to erode economic efficiency. The literature has so far concentrated on the analysis of regulatory complexity as a phenomenon related to the ?quantity? of norms. This article guides the process of adopting new regulations, taking into account that norms can also be complex due to new ?qualitative? reasons such as linguistic ambiguity or relational structure (references between legal documents). To perform the analysis, we develop new indicators for legibility and regulatory interconnectedness. Specifically, we construct a new database (RECOS ? REgulation COmplexity in Spain) by extracting information from 8171 norms (61 million words) which comprise the regulations of all the Spanish Autonomous regions. Our analysis reveals the relationship between measures of ?qualitative? complexity and relevant economic (productivity) and institutional (judicial efficacy) variables. This researc

    Vinculación con el entorno: una reflexión sobre su enfoque actual

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    Trabajo presentado al Seminario Iberoamericano: "Ciencia, Tecnología, Universidad y Sociedad" celebrado en Buenos Aires (Argentina) del 26 al 27 de mayo de 2014.Peer Reviewe

    Relaciones U-E: una reflexión sobre su enfoque actual

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    Trabajo presentado a la VIII Reunión Anual de Red OTRI (Oficinas de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación de la Universidades Andaluzas): "La Transferencia del Conocimiento en las Universidades: Presente y Futuro" celebrada en Málaga (España) del 24 al 25 de septiembre de 2014.Peer Reviewe

    Chapter 4 Innovation in Early Music Festivals

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    book fairs, creative industries, cultural effects, digital age, food events, management, music festivals, organization, publishing, strategy, UNESCO heritage, Venice Biennal

    La evolución tecnológica del distrito cerámico de Castellón: la contribución de la industria de fritas, colores y esmaltes

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    El distrito industrial de Castellón se caracteriza por un gran dinamismo fundamentado en la innovación tecnológica, tanto de proceso como de producto, cuyo origen está básicamente en sus proveedores (1), la industria de equipamiento mecánico y la industria de fritas, esmaltes y colores cerámicos. En este artículo se analiza la situación actual de la industria de fritas, esmaltes y colores cerámicos española, atendiendo además a la situación de su mayor competidor europeo, Italia. Se describe también la formación y desarrollo de la industria en el entorno del distrito cerámico de Castellón y de su sistema de innovación, se analizan, asimismo la actividad en I+D e innovación así como los hitos tecnológicos que le han llevado a ocupar un liderazgo mundial. El análisis realizado identifica los retos frente a los que el subsector y, en general, el sistema de innovación cerámico necesitan reaccionar, cooperando, con el fin de mantener el liderazgo del distrito cerámico. La globalización implica nuevos comportamientos y uno de los más importantes es el aumento de la cooperación entre los actores del sistema de innovación

    Características de la demanda de I+D de las universidades de la Comunidad Valenciana

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    9 pages, 7 tables, 1 figurePeer reviewe

    Patterns and barriers for innovation and R&D cooperation between Argentine and Spanish firms

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    10 tables, 4 figures, 27 pagesThis paper examines co-operative innovation and research and development (R&D) behaviour between Argentine and Spanish firms. Based on theoretical perspectives from the literature, we surveyed a sample of 540 Argentine and Spanish firms believed to have cooperated for technological innovation. We present empirical evidence based on 104 firms of patterns of cooperation in several processes and out-puts, highlighting firm characteristics, the motives of the collaborating parties, types of partners and R&D and innovation activities, leadership, and obstacles to cooperation. Our results reveal that the determinants of success differ considerably among countries depending on the sector, the firm specific characteristics and funding. These differences have important implications for public policy and instruments to support R&D and innovation activities
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