1,349 research outputs found

    Analysis of internal flexibility and collective bargaining from the perspective of international scientific management

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    No se ha publicado anteriormenteIn this paper we present the results obtained through Web of Science from the perspective of Scientific Management for the topics of Internal Flexibility and Collective Bargaining Agreement, both individually and jointly. The works on Internal Flexibility belong mostly to the category of Management, followed by Business and Industrial Engineering, this topic being the most studied in the last decade. USA with 157 Papers represents the favoured country for researchers. Regarding the Collective Bargaining Agreement, most of the papers belong to the category of Industrial Relations Labor, with Marginson, a prolific author in this area. The University of London with 54 Papers shows a strong impact in this thematic. The international documentation of Web of Science for the joint search of the thematic Internal Flexibility and Collective Bargaining Agreement yields a result of 16 papers highlighting the one by Marginson and Galetto (2016) on flexicurity. We can affirm the strength and validity of the topics, in addition to being areas of knowledge in continuous evolution and with great dynamism in the academic world

    The hotel industry in Spain during the first half of the twentieth century, 1900–1959

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    The objective of this article is to analyse the evolution of the hotel sector in Spain in the first half of the twentieth century. More specifically, it seeks to study the tourist hotel industry within the Spanish tourism system which began to take shape during these years, marked by different political and economic contexts. Therefore, this tourist hotel industry is studied within the development of the tourism sector during these years in Spain. By the beginning of the twentieth century, tourism was understood as a social practice and it was an industry that was gaining importance within the Spanish economy.This work was supported by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Spanish Government project HAR2017-82679-C2-1-P (Ministry of Science and Innovation)

    Productivity in religious orders: a management by values applied approach.

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    Purpose: In this theoretical-empirical study, we analyse work methodologies of Spanish Religious Orders, and their relationship with productivity, efficacy and efficiency. Design/methodology/approach: In the literature review we have compiled all the applicable theories. Amongst them, Management by Values stands out and has served as the framework for the hypotheses. To test the latter, we have obtained data from face-to-face surveys, obtaining 112 valid answers. Ordinary Least Squares and Logit Model have been proposed. Findings: A greater compromise of the individual with the organization generated greater values of productivity, and its higher value in the case of the female Orders when compared to the male Orders. Research limitations: The conclusions presented here only refer to the data of religious organizations of M alaga (Spain) that have been analysed. Future research should consider the changes brought about by the possible merger of the different Orders and the analysis of the social work of the Church through its non-profit organizations (C aritas or Manos Unidas). Practical implications: This study can be translatable to profit-seeking organizations. If work methodology and coordinating tasks are appropriate for religious organizations, then they should also be beneficial for-profit companies. Originality/value: Management by Values occupies an essential place in the direction and coordination of daily tasks and the life of religious communities. Their levels of productivity, efficacy and efficiency are a result of the strong link that joins the members to the aim of the organization.This research received funding from Junta de Andalucía (Spain) through Research Group SEJ-603 “Organizational Performance”

    Descripción del puesto de Responsable de Calidad en el Servicio de Transfusión Hospitalaria

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    En este trabajo se da a conocer la formación necesaria para desarrollar el puesto de Facultativo responsable del sistema de calidad en el servicio de transfusión hospitalaria así como las funciones encomendadas al mism

    Percepción del paciente ambulatorio en terapia de hemodialisis sobre el cuidado humanizado de la enfermera en una institución de salud 2014

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    El cuidado humanizado de la enfermera debe basarse en atender a la persona como un ser único, observándolo en su integridad , ser recíproco en la calidad humana, aumentando su armonía en cuerpo mente y alma. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron: Determinar la percepción del paciente ambulatorio en terapia de hemodiálisis sobre las características del cuidado humanizado de la enfermera en una Institución de Salud en el año 2014. Y a su vez los específicos fueron: Identificar la percepción del paciente ambulatorio en terapia de hemodiálisis sobre el cuidado humanizado de la enfermera en la dimensión actitud empática Identificar la percepción del paciente ambulatorio en terapia de hemodiálisis sobre el cuidado humanizado de la enfermera en la dimensión cordialidad en el trato. Identificar la percepción del paciente ambulatorio en terapia de hemodiálisis sobre el cuidado humanizado en la dimensión autenticidad. Este fue un trabajo de tipo cuantitativo, nivel aplicativo y método descriptivo de corte transversal, pues lo datos obtenidos se obtuvieron en un tiempo y espacio determinado Los resultados fueron: El nivel de percepción del paciente ambulatorio en terapia de hemodiálisis sobre el cuidado humanizado de la enfermera dio como resultado en las encuestas realizadas como medianamente favorable 55.9% (19), favorable 38.2% (13) y como medianamente desfavorable 5.9% (2) y como desfavorable 0% (0) . En la dimensión de actitud empática, en la encuestas dio el resultado como medianamente favorable 50% (17) , como favorable un 47% (16), medianamente desfavorable 1% (1) y como desfavorable 0% (0). En la dimensión de cordialidad en el trato arrojó como resultado favorable 50% (17), como medianamente favorable 41.2% (14), como medianamente desfavorable 8.8% (3) y desfavorable 0% (0). En la dimensión autenticidad arrojó como resultado favorable 52.9% (18), como medianamente favorable 44.1% (15), como medianamente desfavorable 3% (1) y desfavorable 0% (0).Tesi

    Gas companies in the electricity sector in Spain and France, between late 19th Century and early 20th Century

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    Since late-19th Century, gas companies faced the competition of electricity produced at an industrial scale. It was then necessary to think of different strategies. State governments and municipal administrations were against monopolistic property by gas companies. The latter started lawsuits to avoid the entrance of electricity companies into the energy market. They started technological innovations to improve the quality of the gas produced and to low its cost down. Moreover, advertising campaigns were designed in order to attract new clients and increase gas consume, above all in lighting. At the same time, they carried out a company concentration process, and most of them decided to participate in the electricity sector, too. That is, they tried to stop new electric companies from entering the energy market by devoting themselves to electricity production, a strategy that deserves all the attention of the historiography about the gas industry. In this paper, we aim at studying the issue for the first time in Spain and France, since the 1890s till the 1920s.II Plan Propio de Investigación, Transferencia y Divulgación Científica de la Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Stereochemical aspects and the synthetic scope of the SHi at the sulfur atom. Preparation of enantiopure 3-substituted 2,3-dihydro-1,2- benzoisothiazole 1-oxides and 1,1-dioxides

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    Intramolecular homolytic substitution (SHi) on the sulfur atom at acyclic N-(o-bromobenzyl)sulfinamides takes place with a complete inversion of the configuration and provides an excellent tool to connect N-tert-butanesulfinylimines with enantiopure 3-substituted benzo-fused sulfinamides (1,2-benzoisothiazoline 1-oxides) and the related pharmacologically relevant sulfonamidesThe Spanish Government (grant CTQ2012-35957) and Comunidad de Madrid (CCG08-UAM/PPQ-4151; S2009/PPQ1634

    Subtraction: More than an Algorithm?

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    [EN] One of the aims of compulsory education is for students to adequately handle basic maths, owing to its importance in their future professional and personal lives. However, mechanical knowledge of an algorithm may not be sufficient to train future citizens with critical and creative thinking if it is not accompanied by a comprehensive understanding of the concept. In this regard, existing research shows that a high percentage of students in primary education commit errors when they attempt subtraction. However, little is known about whether adults perform the same calculations correctly. In this context, 535 university students completed a questionnaire composed of 20 subtractions. The results showed that only one quarter of respondents performed the subtractions correctly. Analysis of error type showed that the most frequent mistakes corresponded to the systematic errors made by primary-level students. This may indicate that the types of errors committed during early learning persist over time, implying that subtraction may not have been adequately taught. New educational approaches and initiatives are required to encourage the teaching and learning of subtraction in a more reasoned and critical manner during early learning

    El movimiento obrero y el sector de la energía en España antes de la Guerra Civil: análisis de la Revista La Turbina (1927-1933)

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    Esta comunicación analiza la cabecera de prensa sindical, la revista La Turbina. Revista de la Federación Nacional de Obreros de la Industria del Gas, Electricidad y Similares de España. Esta publicación, de orientación socialista, apareció entre los años 1927 y 1933. En concreto, analiza su órgano de expresión, la revista La Turbina. A través del examen exhaustivo de todos los números editados se estudian tanto sus características formales como su contenido.II Plan Propio de Investigación, Transferencia y Divulgación Científica de la Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Historia de la Federación de Obreros de la Industria del Gas, Electricidad y Similares de España y de su órgano de expresión, La Turbina

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    e gas sector has received muchattention by economic Spanish historians, particularly the role of employers and businessmen. However, there has been a lack of attention on workers of this sector. This paper aims to fill this historiographic gap, by examining the contents of an example of labour press, La Turbina, a socialist newsletter published between 1927 and 1933. Specifically, the paper examines the main characteristics of La Turbina alongside the information provided about the Spanish Federation of the Gas, Electricity and Similar Industries Workers and its concerns. Conclusions point, firstly how weakness this socialist Federation was despite the high number of workers employed in the energy sector in Spain at that time. Secondly, its support to the Comités Paritarios and the Jurados Mixtos, and finally, the crisis suffered by the organization as a result of ith anarchists that eventually led to the end of the newsletter.El sector del gas ha sido objeto de atención preferente dentro de la Historia económica, con especial énfasis en los empresarios, no así en los trabajadores. Con este trabajo pretendemos contribuir a subsanar este vacío historiográfico a través del análisis del contenido de la revista La Turbina, una publicación sindical y de orientación socialista publicada entre 1927 y 1933. En concreto, hemos estudiado sus características y la información que con los anarquistas, que provocó el fin de la revista