164 research outputs found

    Sourdough technology as a tool for the development of healthier grain-based products: An update

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    There has been growing demand by consumers for grain-based products with well-balanced nutritional profiles and health-promoting properties. The components of the flours obtained from different grains can be modified or improved at a nutritional level by using sourdough technology, which has gained increasing interest in recent years. Sourdough hydrolyse dietary fibre, reduces fat rancidity, and enables an increase in starch and protein digestibility, as well as vitamin levels and mineral bioavailability. In addition, bioactive compounds are synthesized during fermentation, while components that interfere with the digestion of grain-based products or digestion-linked pathologies, such as gluten sensitivity or gastrointestinal syndromes, are reduced. Finally, it has been observed that sourdough fermented products can play a role in gut microbiota regulation. Thanks to this health-promoting potential, sourdough can stand out among other fermentation processes and opens up a new range of healthier commercial products to be developed. The current review discusses the extensive research carried out in the last 15 years and aims at updating and deepening understanding on how sourdough can enhance the nutritional and health-related characteristics of the different components present in the grains.Fil: Fernández Peláez, Juan. Universidad de Valladolid; EspañaFil: Paesani, Candela. Universidad de Valladolid; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Gómez, Manuel. Universidad de Valladolid; Españ

    A SA-CASSCF and MS-CASPT2 study on the electronic structure of nitrosobenzene and its relation to its dissociation dynamics.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/9875The photodissociation channels of nitrosobenzene (PhNO) induced by a 255 nm photolytic wavelength have been studied with the complete active space self-consistent (CASSCF) method and the multistate second-order multiconfigurational perturbation theory (MS-CASPT2). It is found that there exists a triplet route for photodissociation of the molecule. The reaction mechanism consists on a complex cascade of nonadiabatic electronic transitions involving triple and double conical intersections as well as intersystem crossing. Several of the relevant states (S2, S4, and S5 states) correspond to double excitations. It is worthy to note that the last step of the photodissociation implies an internal conversion process. The experimentally observed velocity pattern of the NO fragment is a signature of such a conical intersection

    Effects of particle size in wasted bread flour properties

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    Producción CientíficaBread is wasted at different stages in the food value chain, mainly in industry and retail markets. Wastedbread can be milled into flour to be used in the elaboration of other food products. Milling can generateflours with different particle sizes that influence their properties. This study analysed the effect of particlesize (200, 500 and 1000lm) on the hydration, pasting and gel properties of flours elaborated with fourdifferent stale breads. Bread flours show a higher cold water absorption capacity and a lower oil absorp-tion capacity than wheat flour. No differences in water absorption properties after heating were observed.The viscosity curves of bread flours presented lower values than wheat flour curves, and the gels obtainedwere weaker. Bread flour properties were not influenced by different particle sizes. Therefore, a lessaggressive milling, with a lower energy cost, can generates flours with properties similar to finer flours.Junta de Castilla y León (project VA177P20)TRANSCOLAB FEDER-Interreg España-Portugal project (project 0612_TRANS_CO_LAB_2_P

    Physical properties of flours obtained from wasted bread crusts and crumbs

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    Producción CientíficaOne third of the food produced in the world is wasted. Bread is one of the most wasted foods both during the distribution process and in households. To use these breads, it is necessary to get to know the properties of the flours that can be obtained from them. The purpose of this work is to know how the type of bread and its zone (crumb or crust) influence the characteristics of the flours obtained from the wasted bread. For this, flours made from the crumbs and crusts of eight different breads have been analysed. Their hydration properties, cold and post-heating rheology and gelling properties as well as the colour of flours and gels have been studied. Bread flours present higher water-holding capacity (WHC) and water-binding capacity (WBC) values and higher elastic modulus (G’) and viscous modulus (G”) values, both in cold conditions and after heating, than wheat flours. However, they generate weaker gels. Crust flours, and the gels obtained from them, are darker than those from crumbs and their gels. In terms of hydration and rheology, pan and wholemeal bread flours are generally lower than other bread flours. These flours also generate softer gels, possibly caused by the dilution of starch with other components. It can be concluded that the properties shown by wasted bread flours allow them to be reintroduced in the food chain as an ingredient in different products.Junta de Castilla y León - (VA177P20)TRANSCOLAB FEDER-Interreg España-Portugal - (project 0612_TRANS_CO_LAB_2_P

    β-Alanine Supplementation in Combat Sports: Evaluation of Sports Performance, Perception, and Anthropometric Parameters and Biochemical Markers—A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials

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    [EN] β-alanine does not have an ergogenic effect by itself, but it does as a precursor for the synthesis of carnosine in human skeletal muscle. β-alanine and carnosine together help improve the muscles’ functionality, especially in high-intensity exercises such as combat sports. Therefore, β-alanine could be considered a nutritional ergogenic aid to improve sports performance in combat athletes. We aimed to critically review clinical trial evidence on the impact of β-alanine supplementation on sports performance, perception, and anthropometric parameters, as well as circulating biochemical markers in combat athletes. This systematic review was conducted following the specific methodological guidelines of the Preferred Report Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines (PRISMA), the PICOS question model, the Critical Review Form of McMaster, and the PEDro scale. Furthermore, the Cochrane risk-of-bias assessment tool was used. The search was carried out in the SCOPUS, Web of Science (WOS), and Medline (PubMed) databases for studies published from the beginning of the database until July 31, 2023. Of the 41 registers identified, only 7 met the established criteria and were included in this systematic review. Overall, performance parameters related to strength, power, total exercise work capacity, and combat-specific parameters were significantly improved (p 0.05). Regarding biochemical parameters, carnosine increased significantly (p 0.05), and the results for blood bicarbonate and blood lactate were heterogeneous. Finally, there was a non-significant (p > 0.05) improvement in the anthropometric parameters of lean mass and fat mass. β-alanine supplementation appears to be safe and could be a suitable nutritional ergogenic aid for combat athletes.S

    Luxación periastragalina : Protocolo de movilidad precoz

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    Las luxaciones periastragalinas representan el 1% del total de las luxaciones. Se definen como la luxación de las articulaciones subastragalina y astragaloescafoidea, sin fractura de astrágalo asociada e indemnidad de las articulaciones calcaneocuboidea y tibioastragalina. Se asocian a traumatismos de alta energía y afectan a hombres adultos jóvenes preponderantemente. Según Broca se clasifican en anteriores, posteriores, laterales (15%) y mediales (85%) en base a la relación entre la cabeza del astrágalo y el antepié. El 70% de las mismas son cerradas. Revisten gravedad debido a sus complicaciones: artrosis de las articulaciones afectadas, dolor crónico, dificultad para subir escaleras y caminar en terrenos irregulares; que tienen una incidencia de 5-15%. Los tres factores que se han identificado que influyen en su aparición son: el tiempo transcurrido hasta la reducción, la magnitud del trauma inicial y el tiempo de inmovilización sin carga. No existe un consenso en cuanto a su tratamiento, ya que el período de inmovilización posterior al trauma varía desde dos semanas hasta tres meses en distintos estudios, con resultados no concluyentes. El objetivo del trabajo es describir los resultados clínicos, funcionales, radiológicos y las complicaciones de nuestros casos basados en el protocolo de tratamiento utilizado y compararlos con aquellos observados en la bibliografía.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Luxación periastragalina : Protocolo de movilidad precoz

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    Las luxaciones periastragalinas representan el 1% del total de las luxaciones. Se definen como la luxación de las articulaciones subastragalina y astragaloescafoidea, sin fractura de astrágalo asociada e indemnidad de las articulaciones calcaneocuboidea y tibioastragalina. Se asocian a traumatismos de alta energía y afectan a hombres adultos jóvenes preponderantemente. Según Broca se clasifican en anteriores, posteriores, laterales (15%) y mediales (85%) en base a la relación entre la cabeza del astrágalo y el antepié. El 70% de las mismas son cerradas. Revisten gravedad debido a sus complicaciones: artrosis de las articulaciones afectadas, dolor crónico, dificultad para subir escaleras y caminar en terrenos irregulares; que tienen una incidencia de 5-15%. Los tres factores que se han identificado que influyen en su aparición son: el tiempo transcurrido hasta la reducción, la magnitud del trauma inicial y el tiempo de inmovilización sin carga. No existe un consenso en cuanto a su tratamiento, ya que el período de inmovilización posterior al trauma varía desde dos semanas hasta tres meses en distintos estudios, con resultados no concluyentes. El objetivo del trabajo es describir los resultados clínicos, funcionales, radiológicos y las complicaciones de nuestros casos basados en el protocolo de tratamiento utilizado y compararlos con aquellos observados en la bibliografía.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Luxación periastragalina : Protocolo de movilidad precoz

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    Las luxaciones periastragalinas representan el 1% del total de las luxaciones. Se definen como la luxación de las articulaciones subastragalina y astragaloescafoidea, sin fractura de astrágalo asociada e indemnidad de las articulaciones calcaneocuboidea y tibioastragalina. Se asocian a traumatismos de alta energía y afectan a hombres adultos jóvenes preponderantemente. Según Broca se clasifican en anteriores, posteriores, laterales (15%) y mediales (85%) en base a la relación entre la cabeza del astrágalo y el antepié. El 70% de las mismas son cerradas. Revisten gravedad debido a sus complicaciones: artrosis de las articulaciones afectadas, dolor crónico, dificultad para subir escaleras y caminar en terrenos irregulares; que tienen una incidencia de 5-15%. Los tres factores que se han identificado que influyen en su aparición son: el tiempo transcurrido hasta la reducción, la magnitud del trauma inicial y el tiempo de inmovilización sin carga. No existe un consenso en cuanto a su tratamiento, ya que el período de inmovilización posterior al trauma varía desde dos semanas hasta tres meses en distintos estudios, con resultados no concluyentes. El objetivo del trabajo es describir los resultados clínicos, funcionales, radiológicos y las complicaciones de nuestros casos basados en el protocolo de tratamiento utilizado y compararlos con aquellos observados en la bibliografía.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Mechanical and microstructural behavior evolution of non-ferrous metals by ECASD

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    En este estudio, se usó la técnica de extrusión de láminas de una aleación de aluminio AA-1100-O y unaaleación de magnesio AZ31-O por medio de un dado de cizalladura con un ángulo de 135 ° (ECASD, por sussiglas en inglés) para producir la deformación plástica en las aleaciones, que permita obtener microestructurascon tamaños de grano pequeños para aumentar su plasticidad en situaciones específicas de trabajo. Eneste estudio, se evaluó el cambio en las propiedades microestructurales y mecánicas por medio de microscopíaóptica y ensayos mecánicos como microdureza y ensayos de tensión. La técnica de deformación plásticasevera ECASD produce cambios en las propiedades mecánicas, sin cambios significativos en la masa de lasmuestras con pequeños cambios en las características micro-estructurales en el núcleo del material. Sin embargo,el proceso ECASD produce importantes cambios microestructurales cerca de la superficie de los materialesinvestigados, por tanto, la dureza está fuertemente modificada en esta región. Esto es debido a las altastensiones de contacto y fricción desarrolladas con la matriz durante el proceso de ECASD

    Effect of bovine ABCG2 polymorphism Y581S SNP on secretion into milk of enterolactone, riboflavin and uric acid

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    P. 238-247The ATP-binding cassette transporter G2/breast cancer resistance protein (ABCG2/BCRP) is an efflux protein involved in the bioavailability and milk secretion of endogenous and exogenous compounds, actively affecting milk composition. A limited number of physiological substrates have been identified. However, no studies have reported the specific effect of this polymorphism on the secretion into milk of compounds implicated in milk quality such as vitamins or endogenous compounds. The bovine ABCG2 Y581S polymorphism is described as a gain-of-function polymorphism that increases milk secretion and decreases plasma levels of its substrates. This work aims to study the impact of Y581S polymorphism on plasma disposition and milk secretion of compounds such as riboflavin (vitamin B2), enterolactone, a microbiota-derived metabolite from the dietary lignan secoisolariciresinol and uric acid. In vitro transport of these compounds was assessed in MDCK-II cells overexpressing the bovine ABCG2 (WT-bABCG2) and its Y581S variant (Y581S-bABCG2). Plasma and milk levels were obtained from Y/Y homozygous and Y/S heterozygous cows. The results show that riboflavin was more efficiently transported in vitro by the Y581S variant, although no differences were noted in vivo. Both uric acid and enterolactone were substrates in vitro of the bovine ABCG2 variants and were actively secreted into milk with a two-fold increase in the milk/plasma ratio for Y/S with respect to Y/Y cows. The in vitro ABCG2-mediated transport of the drug mitoxantrone, as a model substrate, was inhibited by enterolactone in both variants, suggesting the possible in vivo use of this enterolignan to reduce ABCG2-mediated milk drug transfer in cows. The Y581S variant was inhibited to a lesser extent probably due to its higher transport capacity. All these findings point to a significant role of the ABCG2 Y581S polymorphism in the milk disposition of enterolactone and the endogenous molecules riboflavin and uric acid, which could affect both milk quality and functionality.S