447 research outputs found

    Valoración de la eficacia de Askina® Calgitrol® paste en pie diabético

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    Treball Final de Grau de Podologia, Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut, Universitat de Barcelona, curs: 2016-2017, Tutor: Carolina Padrós SánchezResumen: Uno de los aspectos más importantes a tener en cuenta en el tratamiento de úlceras en el pie diabético es el control de la infección, para ello se han desarrollado numerosos productos antimicrobianos, donde destacan los agentes tópicos que incluyen plata dado su amplio espectro antimicrobiano. Askina® Calgitrol® paste es un apósito antimicrobiano compuesto por una matriz de alginato y plata iónica en forma de pasta, y es actualmente uno de los productos más utilizados. Objetivos: Conocer los productos antimicrobianos utilizados en la cura de heridas y la eficacia de Askina® Calgitrol® paste en el tratamiento de úlceras de pie diabético. Metodología: Se realiza una búsqueda bibliográfica, y se elabora un estudio experimental basado en la recolección de información de pacientes con úlceras del pie Diabético que fueron atendidos en la UFPD, durante el período de noviembre de 2016 a abril de 2017.Resultados: En la búsqueda bibliográfica encontramos información sobre 10 productos antimicrobianos más utilizados como tratamiento de heridas en pacientes con DM. Se incluyeron 20 pacientes procedentes de la UFPD, 16 pacientes fueron tratados con Askina® Calgitrol® paste y 4 pacientes con Cutimed® Sorbact®. Las úlceras de pie diabético se presentaron en mayor medida en el grupo de pacientes con DMII. La localización más frecuente fue la zona MTT con 55%, seguido de la región amputada con un 30%. El 70% de cicatrización total tuvo lugar en el, período de tiempo de 20-30 días con ambos tratamientos. En cuanto a las ventajas y desventajas de ambos productos encontramos que la gran diferencia es la presentación del producto. Conclusiones: En la actualidad existen numerosos productos antimicrobianos destinados al tratamiento de heridas. Askina® Calgitrol® paste y Cutimed® Sorbact® demuestran tener una gran eficacia como tratamiento antimicrobiano en úlceras de pie diabético, siendo su forma de presentación lo que marca una gran diferencia entre ambos productos

    Estudio para el desarrollo de una metodología para el diagnóstico de rodamientos ferroviarios usando técnicas de inteligencia artificial

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    En un entorno ferroviario, el fallo de un rodamiento durante el servicio provoca un funcionamiento anormal de la maquinaria pudiendo causar, además de grandes pérdidas económicas, el descarrilamiento. Por tanto, se consideran componentes críticos de seguridad y la monitorización de la condición y la diagnosis de fallos es indispensable [1], [2]. Con el fin de afinar el diagnóstico del estado, este estudio desarrolla diferentes metodologías para clasificar las señales de vibración de dichos elementos usando técnicas de inteligencia artificial, principalmente los dos enfoques dados a los mapas autoorganizados o SOM (self-organizing maps). El primer enfoque evalúa el SOM como clasificador comparándolo con un perceptrón multicapa (MLP). El segundo enfoque determina los efectos de reducir la dimensionalidad con el SOM en la entrada de un MLP, usado como clasificador. Además, también se estudia los efectos de otra técnica de reducción de dimensionalidad basada en la decorrelación de características. Respecto al primer enfoque, se concluye que el SOM funciona mejor como clasificador que el MLP, independientemente de la dimensionalidad de la entrada. En relación al segundo enfoque, se concluye que los efectos de la reducción de dimensionalidad por decorrelación son mayores que los del SOM, obteniendo mejores resultados con la combinación de ambas técnicas. En conclusión, la mejor metodología se compone de la extracción de 11 características, reducción de dimensionalidad con la técnica de decorrelación y clasificación con el SO

    Visualizing childhood in Upper Palaeolithic societies: Experimental and archaeological approach to artists? age estimation through cave art hand stencils

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    This paper presents rock art as a collective action in which different strata of society took part, including children and subadults. Until recent decades archaeology of childhood has not been in the main focus of the archaeological research, much less the participation of those children in the artistic activity. The present study approaches the palaeodemography of artists in the decorated caves through the paleolithic rock art itself. The approximate age of these individuals has been calculated through the biometric analysis of hand stencils in the caves of Fuente del Salín, Castillo, La Garma, Maltravieso and Fuente del Trucho, using 3D photogrammetric models as reference. The results have been compared with a modern reference population in order to assign the Palaeolithic hands to certain age groups. It has been demonstrated the presence of hand stencil motifs belongs to infants, children and juveniles, revealing this stratum?s importance in the artistic activity.The present study has been conducted as part of the research project “Before art: social investment in symbolic expressions during the Upper Palaeolithic (B-Art)” (PID 2019-107262 GB-I00), funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033), PI: Diego Garate. This study is also a part of the research project “From the Mind to the Wall: Tracing Sign Language in Palæolithic Hand Stencils (MIND2WALL)” (ANR-21-CE27-0005), funded by the French Ministry of Culture, PI: Aritz Irurtzun

    Can We Treat Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's Disease?

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD), considered the most common type of dementia, is characterized by a progressive loss of memory, visuospatial, language and complex cognitive abilities. In addition, patients often show comorbid depression and aggressiveness. Aging is the major factor contributing to AD; however, the initial cause that triggers the disease is yet unknown. Scientific evidence demonstrates that AD, especially the late onset of AD, is not the result of a single event, but rather it appears because of a combination of risk elements with the lack of protective ones. A major risk factor underlying the disease is neuroinflammation, which can be activated by different situations, including chronic pathogenic infections, prolonged stress and metabolic syndrome. Consequently, many therapeutic strategies against AD have been designed to reduce neuro-inflammation, with very promising results improving cognitive function in preclinical models of the disease. The literature is massive; thus, in this review we will revise the translational evidence of these early strategies focusing in anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory molecules and discuss their therapeutic application in humans. Furthermore, we review the preclinical and clinical data of nutraceutical application against AD symptoms. Finally, we introduce new players underlying neuroinflammation in AD: the activity of the endocannabinoid system and the intestinal microbiota as neuroprotectors. This review highlights the importance of a broad multimodal approach to treat successfully the neuroinflammation underlying AD

    Explicit oral narrative intervention for students with Williams syndrome

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    Narrative skills play a crucial role in organizing experience, facilitating social interaction and building academic discourse and literacy. They are at the interface of cognitive, social, and linguistic abilities related to school engagement. Despite their relative strengths in social and grammatical skills, students with Williams syndrome (WS) do not show parallel cognitive and pragmatic performance in narrative generation tasks. The aim of the present study was to assess retelling of a TV cartoon tale and the effect of an individualized explicit instruction of the narrative structure. Participants included eight students with WS who attended different special education levels. Narratives were elicited in two sessions (pre and post intervention), and were transcribed, coded and analyzed using the tools of the CHILDES Project. Narratives were coded for productivity and complexity at the microstructure and macrostructure levels. Microstructure productivity (i.e., length of narratives) included number of utterances, clauses, and tokens. Microstructure complexity included mean length of utterances, lexical diversity and use of discourse markers as cohesive devices. Narrative macrostructure was assessed for textual coherence through the Pragmatic Evaluation Protocol for Speech Corpora (PREP-CORP). Macrostructure productivity and complexity included, respectively, the recall and sequential order of scenarios, episodes, events and characters. A total of four intervention sessions, lasting approximately 20 min, were delivered individually once a week. This brief intervention addressed explicit instruction about the narrative structure and the use of specific discourse markers to improve cohesion of story retellings. Intervention strategies included verbal scaffolding and modeling, conversational context for retelling the story and visual support with pictures printed from the cartoon. Results showed significant changes in WS students’ retelling of the story, both at macro- and microstructure levels, when assessed following a 2-week interval. Outcomes were better in microstructure than in macrostructure, where sequential order (i.e., complexity) did not show significant improvement. These findings are consistent with previous research supporting the use of explicit oral narrative intervention with participants who are at risk of school failure due to communication impairments. Discussion focuses on how assessment and explicit instruction of narrative skills might contribute to effective intervention programs enhancing school engagement in WS students

    Breaking seams. IKE: the insubordination -one more- of the textile working women

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    [ES] Analizamos el conflicto de la empresa textil Confecciones Gijón (IKE) cuyo desarrollo, tanto por la duración como por las formas de lucha, supuso un hito en la lucha obrera de mujeres y cuyo recuerdo la lógica patriarcal quiso sepultar en el olvido. Lo hemos puesto en contexto, por una parte, con la histórica asignación a las mujeres de la actividad textil —en un principio como tarea digna y valorada y progresivamente devaluada e infravalorada— y, por otra parte, con la trayectoria de lucha de las mujeres del textil, muy reivindicativa y combativa desde los inicios de la industrialización, pero acallada y voluntariamente olvidada por ser mujeres sus protagonistas. El propósito es no dejar que la lucha de IKE caiga en el olvido que impone la (des)memoria patriarcal y engarzarla con las luchas anteriores y posteriores para dar testimonio de la histórica insumisión de las mujeres del textil.[EN] This study analyzes the conflict of the textile company Confecciones Gijón (IKE), whose development was a milestone in the women's workers' struggle both for the duration and the forms of struggle and whose memory the patriarchal logic wanted to bury in oblivion. The context is, on the one hand, with the new assignment to women of the textile activity, at first, as a worthy and valued task and progressively devalued and undervalued; on the other hand, with the trajectory of the struggle of the women of the textile, very claiming and combative since the beginning of industrialization, but silenced and voluntarily forgotten for being women its protagonists. The aim is not to allow the IKE struggle to fall into oblivion imposed by the patriarchal forgetfulness and linking it with the previous and subsequent struggles to bear witness to the historical insubordination of the women of the textile

    RECLAMO: virtual and collaborative honeynets based on trust management and autonomous systems applied to intrusion management

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    Security intrusions in large systems is a problem due to its lack of scalability with the current IDS-based approaches. This paper describes the RECLAMO project, where an architecture for an Automated Intrusion Response System (AIRS) is being proposed. This system will infer the most appropriate response for a given attack, taking into account the attack type, context information, and the trust and reputation of the reporting IDSs. RECLAMO is proposing a novel approach: diverting the attack to a specific honeynet that has been dynamically built based on the attack information. Among all components forming the RECLAMO's architecture, this paper is mainly focused on defining a trust and reputation management model, essential to recognize if IDSs are exposing an honest behavior in order to accept their alerts as true. Experimental results confirm that our model helps to encourage or discourage the launch of the automatic reaction process

    The begomovirus Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus is not seed-transmitted in melon

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    Transmission of plant viruses through seed can be one of the major factors contributing to long- distance dispersal through global trade of seeds and can have important ecological consequences for virus dissemination. Begomoviruses (genus Begomovirus, family Geminiviridae), and among them isolates of the species Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV), cause significant yield losses in economically important crops worldwide. These viruses are horizontally transmitted in nature in a circulative and persistent manner by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci but in recent years several reports have raised the possibility of vertical transmission through seeds for some members of this genus. We have investigated the possible transmission by melon (Cucumis melo L.) seeds of a ToLCNDV isolate of the “Spain” strain, in three different melon cultivars (all susceptible to ToLCNDV). The presence of ToLCNDV in floral tissues and the detection of viral DNA in seeds reveals the seed-borne nature of this virus. However, grow-out studies conducted with the progeny of melon plants germinated from seeds collected from ToLCNDV-infected plants and evaluated at early (1 leaf) or at late (20 leaves) growth stages did not support the vertical transmission of ToLCNDV from seeds to the offspring.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    The begomovirus tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus is not seed-transmitted in melon

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    Transmission of plant viruses through seed can be one of the major factors contributing to longdistance dispersal through global trade of seeds and can have important ecological consequences for virus dissemination. Begomoviruses (genus Begomovirus, family Geminiviridae), and among them isolates of the species Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV), cause significant yield losses in economically important crops worldwide. These viruses are horizontally transmitted in nature in a circulative and persistent manner by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci but in recent years several reports have raised the possibility of vertical transmission through seeds for some members of this genus. We have investigated the possible transmission by melon (Cucumis melo L.) seeds of a ToLCNDV isolate of the “Spain” strain, in three different melon cultivars (all susceptible to ToLCNDV). The presence of ToLCNDV in floral tissues and the detection of viral DNA in seeds reveals the seed-borne nature of this virus. However, grow-out studies conducted with the progeny of melon plants germinated from seeds collected from ToLCNDV-infected plants and evaluated at early (1 leaf) or at late (20 leaves) growth stages did not support the vertical transmission of ToLCNDV from seeds to the offspring.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech