40 research outputs found

    La radio escolar como recurso para el desarrollo de la competencia mediática

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    En las últimas décadas, diferentes organismos nacionales e internacionales han reflejado, mediante documentos y recomendaciones, la importancia de la formación relacionada con los medios de la comunicación en el desarrollo integral del alumnado, refiriéndose a ella con diversas conceptualizaciones. No obstante, a pesar de la importancia que tiene la competencia mediática en la educación, y de haber sido avalada por la teoría, su aprendizaje por parte del alumnado debe continuar progresando de la mano de medios de comunicación como la radio escolar que han mostrado sus grandes posibilidades en la adquisición de conocimientos y desarrollo de competencias de los estudiantes. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación es valorar los efectos de la radio escolar en el desarrollo de la competencia mediática en el alumnado, a través de 18 indicadores relacionados con las cuatro competencias clave recogidas en el marco jurídico educativo actual: la competencia lingüística, la competencia digital, la competencia social y cívica y la competencia del sentido de la iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor. Para ello, se ha desarrollado una investigación cualitativa basada en la contestación a un cuestionario de respuesta abierta por parte de docentes responsables de proyectos de radio escolar en centros educativos de primaria y secundaria. Los resultados de esta investigación muestran los efectos positivos que tiene sobre las distintas competencias el trabajo con la radio escolar en estos centros educativos, pues los efectos son positivos en todos los indicadores, excepto en la utilización de la biblioteca escolar, en el cual el efecto producido es de carácter neutro. Estos resultados ratifican la importancia de la radio escolar para desarrollar las cuatro competencias relacionadas con la competencia mediática, lo que tiene que servir para el avance de este medio en el futuro y aumentar su presencia en el aprendizaje del alumnado.2021-2

    Resonance energy transfer in self-organized organic/inorganic dendrite structures

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    Hybrid materials formed by semiconductor quantum dots and J-aggregates of cyanine dyes provide a unique combination of enhanced absorption in inorganic constituents with large oscillator strength and extremely narrow exciton bands of the organic component. The optical properties of dendrite structures with fractal dimension 1.7–1.8, formed from J-aggregates integrated with CdTe quantum dots (QDs), have been investigated by photoluminescence spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. Our results demonstrate that (i)J-aggregates are coupled to QDs by F¨orster-type resonant energy transfer and (ii) there are energy fluxes from the periphery to the centre of the structure, where the QD density is higher than in the periphery of the dendrite. Such an anisotropic energy transport can be only observed when dendrites are formed from QDs integrated with J-aggregates. These QD/ J-aggregate hybrid systems can have applications in light harvesting systems and optical sensors with extended absorption spectra.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Distortion of the QRS in elderly patients with myocardial infarction

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    Background: Distortion of the terminal portion of the QRS in the initial electrocardiogram (ECG) is a strong predictor of adverse outcome in myocardial infarction. Our purpose is to assess the relationship of distortion of QRS and other ECG characteristics with older age. Methods and results: We analysed 634 consecutive patients (age 62.6 &#177; 13.7, 77% male) admitted in the first 12 hours of ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Two groups of age were defined: < 75 years-old and &#8805; 75 years-old. Additionally, we defined two ECG groups according to the presence of ST segment elevation with distortion of the terminal portion of the QRS in two or more adjacent leads (QRS+) or the absence of this pattern (QRS&#8211;). Older people had more often QRS+ (30% vs. 20%, p = 0.023). The older group with QRS+ had an in-hospital mortality of 18%, vs. 7% with QRS&#8211; (p = 0.04), and an incidence of major adverse events of 40% vs. 14% (p = 0.002). In the multivariate analysis, age &#8805; 75 years was an independent predictor of distortion of the QRS (odds ratio 2.1, 1.2&#8211;4.9, p = 0.016). Conclusions: The distortion of the terminal portion of the QRS in myocardial infarction is more frequent in elderly people, and is significantly related to adverse prognosis. This ECG finding can be helpful to promptly stratify the risk in elderly patient

    Psicopatología y complejidad: de la linealidad a la autoorganización

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    The objective of this article is to carry out an analysis on the concept of complexity in psychopathology. Two theses are discussed. One approaches complexity as organization and maintains the sole use of traditional statistic techniques. The second, postulates the non-linearity of psychopathological processes and the need to take them on from the point of view of chaos, particularity and catastrophes. An alternative thesis upholds: psychopathological breakdown (which is constantly dynamic), if it is certain that it is not linear, is susceptible to being approached from regularities on the part of group studies, as they are also woven from relationships depending on a context, which is constantly dynamic, within the framework of interactions with major structures (like identity) which require systemic research with the aim of understanding its nature.El objetivo de este artículo es realizar un análisis en torno al concepto de complejidad en psicopatología. Se discuten dos tesis: una aborda la complejidad como organización y mantiene el empleo único de las técnicas estadísticas tradicionales; la segunda postula la no linealidad de los procesos psicopatológicos y la necesidad de asumirlos desde el caos, la particularidad y las catástrofes. Se defiende una tesis alternativa: los trastornos psicopatológicos, si bien es cierto no son lineales, son susceptibles de ser abordados desde regularidades a partir de estudios grupales, como también son tejidos de relaciones dependientes de un contexto, en constante dinámica, dentro del marco de interacciones con estructuras mayores (como la identidad) que requieren de investigaciones sistémicas a fin de comprender su naturaleza

    Tratamiento quirúrgico de Insuficiencia Tricuspídea severa con hipertensión portal e hiperesplenismo. A propósito de un caso.

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    La Insuficiencia Tricuspídea,  afección cardiaca frecuentemente asociada a enfermedades del lado izquierdo del corazón, obedece también a diversas causas primarias, entre ellas, la endocarditis infecciosa. Generalmente bien tolerada, el paciente puede llegar a la  cirugía cardiaca  en etapas avanzadas de la enfermedad, con  hipertensión del sistema venoso porta y  congestión hepática y esplénica crónica.Se presenta el caso de un paciente con Insuficiencia Tricuspídea severa post endocarditis infecciosa,  con hipertensión portal severa  e hiperesplenismo secundario, pancitopenia y déficit de los factores V y VII de la coagulación;     intervenido quirúrgicamente con sustitución valvular de la válvula tricúspide sin paro inducido, bajo circulación extracorpórea.El tratamiento interdisciplinario del paciente, y el seguimiento por el equipo de asistencia tanto en la etapa preparatoria prequirúrgica como durante el acto quirúrgico y el postoperatorio inmediato fueron fundamentales en la evolución satisfactoria.

    Surgical management of severe tricuspid regurgitation with portal hypertension and hypersplenism. Report of a case.

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    The tricuspid regurgitation is a heart affection that frequently is associated to diseases of theleft side of the heart. It also obeys to different primary causes, among them, the infectiousendocarditis. Generally is well tolerated, the patient can arrive to cardiac surgery in an advancedstage of the illness, with portal vein hypertension, hepatic and splenic cronic congestion. We present the case of a patient —with severe tricuspid regurgitation, post infectious endocarditis,with severe portal vein hypertension and secondary hypersplenism, pancytopeniaand deficit of the clotting factors V and VII—; that was surgically intervened of a tricuspidvalve substitution with extracorporeal circulation without the induction of cardiac arrest

    Epidemiological and clinical features of Kawasaki disease in Spain over 5 years and risk factors for aneurysm development. (2011-2016): KAWA-RACE study group

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    Background: Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute self-limited systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology affecting mainly children less than 5 years of age. Risk factors for cardiac involvement and resistance to treatment are insufficiently studied in non-Japanese children. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the epidemiology, clinical features and risk factors for resistance to treatment and coronary artery lesions (CAL) in KD in Spain. Methods: Retrospective study (May 2011-June 2016) of all patients less than 16 years of age diagnosed with KD included in KAWA-RACE network (84 Spanish hospitals). Results: A total of 625 cases were analyzed, 63% were males, 79% under 5 year-olds and 16.8% younger than 12 months. On echocardiographic examination CAL were the most frequent findings (23%) being ectasia the most common (12%). Coronary aneurysms were diagnosed in 9.6%, reaching 20% in infants under 12 months (p 900,000 cells/mm3, maximum temperature 10 days and fever before treatment ≥ 8 days as independent risk factors for developing coronary aneurysms. Conclusions: In our population, children under 12 months develop coronary aneurysms more frequently and children with KD with anemia and leukocytosis have high risk of cardiac involvement. Adding steroids early should be considered in those patients, especially if the treatment is not started before 8 days of fever. A score applicable to non-Japanese children able to predict the risk of aneurysm development and IVIG resistance is necessary

    Port-Hamiltonian model of a fluid-shell interaction problem

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    The port-Hamiltonian approach is an innovative way of modelling multi-physics systems developed in the past recent years which allows to find better control strategies. This thesis aimed to apply the port-Hamiltonian approach to a fluid-structure interaction problem consisting on a fluid enclosed by a shell. As the port-Hamiltonian approach is modular first a shell model was derived, then a fluid model and finally the global system was obtained by the use of a proper interconnection of the two models. Due to the complexity of the problem the port-Hamiltonian approach was studied first with a simple example, a discrete system composed by a simple oscillator. After, the extension from discrete systems such as this simple example, to distributed parameter systems, such as the shell or the fluid, was studied and the different types of interactions which can arise among them analysed to prepare the theoretical background required. For the shell a literature review of different shell models was performed and the different assumptions studied. Later based on a recently derived plate and beam port-Hamiltonian models the first shell port-Hamiltonian model was derived. Regarding the fluid an acoustic fluid model was used. In order to address its applicability the dimensionless numbers which characterize the problem were obtained and the conditions of applicability defined in terms of them. Later, following an unidimensional acoustic port-Hamiltonian representation recently published, a more generic 3-D acoustic port-Hamiltonian model was obtained, model which is also unprecedented. Finally, by defining appropriate coupling simplifications, the interconnection was performed obtaining a fluid-structure port-Hamiltonian formulation, problem which had not been solved yet for a deformable interface as the case considered here. The model derived can be used for controller design of a wide variety of applications such as inflatable space structures, launcher tanks vibrations damping, payload vibration protection with smart materials and many other spin-off applications

    Análisis bibliométrico, evolución y tendencias de la gestión de la felicidad en la literatura científica

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    This study aims to analyse the concept of “Happiness management” in the scientific literature due to the growing interest in aspects related to happiness management in social and professional spheres, which has resulted in recent research. A systematic review of publications is carried out in order to examine the current situation in terms of scientific production and to analyse the evolution and trends in the study. In addition, using the Scopus database and the VOS viewer software, records were obtained from which a bibliometric analysis was carried out. Among the results achieved, the positioning of Spain as a benchmark country in the international literature on “Happiness management” and the influence of COVID-19 on the spread and citation of publications stands out. The scientific contributions on this subject and its influence on future research is a growing field of study and of interest for the improvement of quality of life and organizational well-beingEste estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el concepto de “Gestión de la felicidad” en la literatura científica debido al creciente interés por los aspectos relacionados con la gestión de la felicidad en los ámbitos social y profesional, que se ha traducido en investigaciones recientes. Se realiza una revisión sistemática de las publicaciones con el fin de examinar la situación actual en términos de producción científica y analizar la evolución y tendencias en el estudio. Además, utilizan-do la base de datos Scopus y el software VOS viewer, se obtuvieron registros a partir de los cuales se realizó un análisis bibliométrico. Entre los resultados obtenidos destaca el posicionamiento de España como país de referencia en la literatura internacional sobre “Gestión de la felicidad” y la influencia de COVID-19 en la difusión y citación de las publicaciones. Las aportaciones científicas sobre este tema y su influencia en futuras investigaciones es un campo de estudio creciente y de interés para la mejora de la calidad de vida y el bienestar organizacional.Junta de Andalucía PY20_0040