342 research outputs found

    Improvement of the critical speed in high-speed ballasted railway tracks with stone columns: A numerical study on critical length

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    ABSTRACT: The pressure to achieve a higher speed of train operation has increased in the last few years due to the development of high-speed railway lines. In the presence of soft soils, this speed increase is not possible without undertaking soil improvement measures, since the critical speed is lower than the desired speed of train operation. One of the most widely used soil improvement techniques is that of stone columns. In relation to these is the concept of critical length which, up to now, has only been studied for static cases. This research focuses, for the first time, on the enhancement of the critical speed in high-speed railways with stone columns and with special reference to critical length. Moreover, others parameters such as: maximum rail displacement and Dynamic Amplification Factor (DAF) are also studied. Analysing three profiles of ground representative of soft soils, it can be observed how the effect of the stone columns on critical speed is relevant, showing that critical length is different with respect to the three parameters above, the most restrictive one being that which corresponds to the critical speed. The influence of other parameters on the critical length and on the effectiveness of stone columns, such as the area replacement ratio, the dynamic pressure bulb and the existing soil stiffness is analysed and discussed

    Guilt, Psychological Well-Being and Religiosity in Contemporary Cinema

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    This study explains the change in meaning that psychology has given to the relationship between religiosity and psychological well-being since the beginning of the 20th century, dating it back to the deep change introduced by post-modernity. Guilt is interpreted as a paradigm of this change in meaning, and the reflection that the different ways of understanding guilt have had on the screen is analyzed. The Content Analysis of a sample of 94 films showed 5 modes of expression of guilt that can be placed on a continuum from the traditional Judeo-Christian model that serves as a benchmark—harm-repentance-penitence-forgiveness—to the removal of guilt as a requirement for self-realization. The other three models emerge between these two poles: the absence of guilt as a psychiatric pathology; the resignification of the guilty act for the reduction in dissonance; and idealized regret at no cost. Studying guilt-coping models of the films allows us to infer the hypothesis that a large part of the current positive view of religiosity in psychological well-being is related to a culture that does not demand psychological suffering as a requirement for a full experience of spirituality

    Microswimmers with heat delivery capacity for 3D cell spheroid penetration

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    Micro- and nanoswimmers are a fast emerging concept that changes how colloidal and biological systems interact. They can support drug delivery vehicles, assist in crossing biological barriers, or improve diagnostics. We report microswimmers that employ collagen, a major extracellular matrix (ECM) constituent, as fuel and that have the ability to deliver heat via incorporated magnetic nanoparticles when exposed to an alternating magnetic field (AMF). Their assembly and heating properties are outlined followed by the assessment of their calcium-triggered mobility in aqueous solution and collagen gels. It is illustrated that the swimmers in collagen gel in the presence of a steep calcium gradient exhibit fast and directed mobility. The experimental data are supported with theoretical considerations. Finally, the successful penetration of the swimmers into 3D cell spheroids is shown, and upon exposure to an AMF, the cell viability is impaired due to the locally delivered heat. This report illustrates an opportunity to employ swimmers to enhance tissue penetration for cargo delivery via controlled interaction with the ECM.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2016-034Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. CTM2014-58481-RXunta de Galicia | Ref. 2017 ED481AUniversidade de Vig

    El niño con trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad

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    Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre el trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad por constituir una entidad clínica frecuente en niños de edad escolar que interfieren significativamente en el aprendizaje, así como en su inserción educacional y social. Los daños que acarrea durante el proceso docente educativo, así como su difícil abordabilidad por el médico de atención primaria y educadores hacen del trastorno un tema de interés para su estudio; por lo que nos decidimos a realizar esta investigación con el objetivo de proponer un material de consulta docente dirigido a estudiantes de medicina, psicopedagogos y profesionales de la salud para elevar sus conocimientos sobre aspectos fundamentales del síndrome patológico, en la búsqueda de estrategias que garanticen una mejor comprensión, diagnóstico y tratamiento adecuado de estos niños, utilizando para la búsqueda de información las bases de datos disponibles en Infomed, así como la literatura presente en la biblioteca del Policlinico Docente Universitario “Marta Martínez Figuera.

    Diatomeas fósiles (Formación Zapallal, Cuenca Sechura) y sus aplicaciones como elementos de correlación regional

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    Se presentan los resultados del estudio de diatomeas fósiles registradas en la quebrada Nacupio, en la provincia de Sechura, al sureste de Bayóvar, departamento de Piura (Fig. 1) correspondiente al cuadrángulo de Sechura (12-b). Se trata de una secuencia de diatomitas pertenecientes a la Formación Zapallal cuyos niveles son asignados a tiempos miocénicos. La localidad tipo está en Salina, Zapallal, desierto de Sechura-Piura y está compuesta además por lutitas diatomáceas y fosfáticas friables de color gris a gris verdoso con intercalaciones de areniscas tobáceas y limolitas con menores cantidades de bentonitas, calizas fosfatadas con pirita diseminada y areniscas cuarzosas, con un espesor de unos 700 a 970 m (Mac Donald, 1956). Su amplia distribución, que comprende áreas desde Sullana por el norte hasta Pampa Namuc por el sur (Olsson, 1932; Caldas, 1980) y carácter homogéneo en su extensión, permite destacar el valor de su contenido diatomáceo para distinguir algunos elementos de aplicación regional para las comparaciones estratigráficas. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo definir algunas diatomeas en sus rangos verticales de tiempo y establecer su comparación biozonal para establecer precisiones geocronológicas, como elemento de correlación regional con el sur del país, específicamente la cuenca Pisco

    Depresión y deterioro cognitivo. Estudio basado en la población mayor de 65 años.

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    Durante el Estudio 10/66 "Prevalencia y factores de riesgo del Síndrome Demencial y la Enfermedad de Alzheimer "en el Policlínico Ana Betancourt del Municipio Playa en Ciudad de La Habana, se realizó una investigación basada en la población que incluyó una muestra comunitaria de 307 adultos, mayores de 65 años, seleccionados por muestreo intencional, con el objetivo de estimar la prevalencia del deterioro cognitivo y de depresión. Se aplicaron los criterios del DSM IV, del NINCDS y de la ADRDA mediante el algoritmo diagnostico 10/66, y se obtuvo como resultado una prevalencia baja de Trastorno Cognitivo Mínimo y de depresión Mayor y alta del Síndrome Demencial en la población estudiada.  Palabras Clave: Prevalencia, Demencia, Trastornos cognitivos, Depresión

    Variabilidad climática a partir de proxies bióticos y mineralógicos del núcleo HC2B (Laguna Huacarpay-Cusco)

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    Se presentan los resultados de la determinación de anomalías climáticas a partir de un núcleo de perforación del fondo de la laguna Huacarpay. Para tal efecto, se utilizaron proxies de diatomeas, polen, esporas y minerales que indican estadios de sequía y ambientes reductores

    Responding to the need of postgraduate education for Planetary Health : Development of an online Master's Degree

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MAltres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaPlanetary Health has emerged as a new approach to respond to the existential risks that the clime and global environmental crises pose to human societies. As stated by various stakeholders, the challenges involved in Planetary Health are of such magnitude that education must be at the forefront to obtain a meaningful response. Universities and higher education institutions have been specifically called to embed the concept of planetary stewardship in all curricula and train the next generation of researchers and change makers as a matter of urgency. As a response to this call, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), and the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) developed the first online and asynchronous Master in Science (MSc) in Planetary Health. The aim of the programme is to train a new generation of academics and professionals who understand the challenges of Planetary Health and have tools to tackle them. This article describes the development of the curriculum of this MSc, presents the main characteristics of the programme and discusses some of the challenges encountered in the development of the programme and its implementation. The design of this MSc was based on: the alignment of the programme with the principles for Planetary Health education with a focus on human health; a multi-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary approach; the urgency to respond to the Anthropocene challenges; and the commitment to the 2030 Agenda. The MSc was recognized as an official degree by the Agency for Quality of the Catalan University System, included in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education, and the Spanish National Academic Coordination body in April 2021 and launched in October 2021. There are currently more than 50 students enrolled in the program coming from a broad range of disciplines and geographic locations. The information presented in this article and the discussion on challenges encountered in developing and implementing the programme can be useful for those working in the development of similar programs