535 research outputs found

    Development and evaluation of a mechanistic model of post-absorptive nitrogen partitioning in lactating goats

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    [EN] Context. Goats contribute to global warming through emission of nitrous oxide from urine and faeces. To reduce nitrogen (N) excretion, improvements of N efficiency of goats is necessary. Aims. The aim of the present study was to develop and evaluate a dynamic mechanistic research-oriented model that explicitly represents N partition into faeces, urine and milk in dairy goats fed total mixed rations. Methods. Data from five N-balance dairy-goat experiments were used to develop a mechanistic dynamic model of post-absorptive N partition. Various representations considering either mass action or Michaelis-Menten kinetics of N usage for milk were proposed. Key results. The data for faecal and urine N responses were best fit by a straight line; whereas, data for milk N responses were best fit by curvilinear saturating curve. The model with curvilinear saturating curve had more precise parameter estimates, with the predicted N excretion in faeces (15.6 g/day), urine (15.4 g/day) and milk N output (11.7 g/day) being very close to the observed values, namely, 15.31 g N/day in faeces, 18.78 g N/day in urine and 12.24 g N/day in milk. Independent datasets with 12 studies were used to evaluate the model. The model tended to under-predict faecal N outflow at a lower N intake level and urinary N outflow at a higher N intake level, with the lowest mean bias for milk N outflow. Conclusions. The final chosen model was adequate to represent faecal, urinary and milk N outflows in dairy goats. Implications. The model has provided a mechanistic description of N usage, which is useful to frame and test hypotheses of physiological regulation of N use by goats, and focus on a more efficient transfer of dietary N into milk, reducing the N excretion in faeces and urine.This work is supported by a Climate Change Mitigation Project LIFE16/CCM/ES/000088. The authors thank Dr Ranga Appuhamy, Professor Ermias Kebreab and Professor Mark Hanigan for the many helpful recommendations in model definition, building and computer simulation-language implementation.Fernández Martínez, CJ.; Castro, J. (2020). Development and evaluation of a mechanistic model of post-absorptive nitrogen partitioning in lactating goats. Animal Production Science. 60(4):510-523. https://doi.org/10.1071/AN19132510523604Aguilera, J. F., Prieto, C., & FonollÁ, J. (1990). Protein and energy metabolism of lactating Granadina goats. 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    Resultados a medio plazo de la exéresis de la cabeza radial en mujeres adultas

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    Presentamos los resultados del tratamiento mediante exéresis de la cabeza radial en fracturas conminutas tipos III y IV de Mason, en 11 casos, todos ellos mujeres. Los resultados, evaluados entre 1 y 8 años después del tratamiento mediante un cuestionario estándar y un estudio clínico y radiológico de codo y la muñeca, fueron excelentes en 7 pacientes y buenos en 4, no obteniéndose resultados regulares o malos. Se observó el desplazamiento proximal del radio en 9 casos, pero los pacientes no mostraron limitaciones de la movilidad, inestabilidad del codo o dolor. Consideramos que en este tipo de pacientes, la escisión de la cabeza radial es un método satisfactorio de tratamiento, siendo de elección en casos en los que no es posible obtener una osteosíntesis estable.We present the results of radial head resection in comminuted Mason's types III and IV head fractures in 11 women. Outcome was evaluated between 1 and 8 years after the treatment by means of a standard questionnaire, clinical and radiological study of the elbow and the wrist. Excellent result was observed in 7 patients and good in 4. proximal displacement of the radius was documented in 9 cases, without motion limitation, instability of the elbow or pain. We consider that resection of the radial head is satisfactory method of treatment in cases in which stable internal fixation cannot be achieved

    Lipoma Intraóseo

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    Se comunica un caso clínico de Lipoma Intraóseo de tibia con diagnóstico anatomopatológico confirmado, que constituye en la revisión bibliográfica el número 35. Se realiza, a propósito de este caso clínico, el estudio de otras lesiones con las que es obligado establecer el diagnóstico diferencial.The authors describe a medical case of Intrabone Tibial Lypoma with anatomical-patology confirmed that constitutes in the bibliografical revision numbe r 35. They realize, abolit this clinic case the review of other lesions with which they must establish the differential diagnosis

    Aportación de la densitometría ósea en las artroplastias de rodilla

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    El presente trabajo consiste en una revisión clínica y radiológica de 84 artroplastias modulares de rodilla de las cuales, en 19 se ha estudiado la masa ósea periprotésica (7 cementadas y 12 sin cementar) antes, al mes y a los seis meses de la intervención mediante un densitómetro de doble fotón. Aparte, se ha probado la correlación directa entre la indicación peroperatoria de no cementar y una mayor masa ósea en todas las zonas periprotésicas; por otro lado, se ha observado una diferente distribución de la densidad mineral ósea en la tibia tras la intervención, según se haya utilizado o no cemento. Estos hallazgos confirman el estudio densitométrico previo a la intervención como un método complementario útil en la indicación de la cementación de la artroplastia total de rodilla.A clinical and radiological revision of 84 modular knee arthroplasties is presented. Periprosthesis bone mineral content was studied in 19 prostheses (7 cemented and 12 uncemented) before, surgery one and 6 months after the intervention using a densitometer of double energy. A direct correlation between the implantation of a non-cemented prosthesis and the growth of the bone mass in all the periprosthesis areas was found, existing a different distribution of the mineral bone density of the tibia after the intervention depending on the use of cement. These findings show that the densitometric study previous to an intervention as a useful complementary method in the indication of cemented total knee arthroplasty

    Methyl donor supply to heat stress-challenged polymorphonuclear leukocytes from lactating Holstein cows enhances 1-carbon metabolism, immune response, and cytoprotective gene network abundance

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    [EN] Mechanisms controlling immune function of dairy cows are dysregulated during heat stress (HS). Methyl donor supply-methionine (Met) and choline (Chop-positively modulates innate immune function, particularly antioxidant systems of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of Met and Chol supply in vitro on mRNA abundance of genes related to 1-carbon metabolism, inflammation, and immune function in short-term cultures of PMN isolated from mid-lactating Holstein cows in response to heat challenge. Blood PMN were isolated from 5 Holstein cows (153 +/- 5 d postpartum, 34.63 +/- 2.73 kg/d of milk production; mean +/- SD). The PMN were incubated for 2 h at thermal-neutral (37 degrees C; TN) or heat stress (42 degrees C; HS) temperatures with 3 levels of Chol (0, 400, or 800 mu g/mL) or 3 ratios of Lys:Met (Met; 3.6:1, 2.9:1, or 2.4:1). Supernatant concentrations of IL-1 beta, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha were measured via bovine-specific ELISA. Fold-changes in mRNA abundance were calculated separately for Chol and Met treatments to obtain the fold-change response at 42 degrees C (HS) relative to 37 degrees C (TN). Data were subjected to ANOVA using PROC MIXED in SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Orthogonal contrasts were used to determine the linear or quadratic effect of Met and Chol for mRNA fold-change and supernatant cytokine concentrations. Compared with PMN receiving 0 mu g of Chol/mL, heat-stressed PMN supplemented with Chol at 400 or 800 mu g/mL had greater fold-change in abundance of CBS, CSAD, GSS, GSR, and GPX1. Among genes associated with inflammation and immune function, fold-change in abundance of TLR2, TLR4, IRAK1, IL1B, and IL10 increased with 400 and 800 mu g of Chol/mL compared with PMN receiving 0 mu g of Chol/mL. Fold-change in abundance of SAHH decreased linearly at increasing levels of Met supply. A linear effect was detected for MPO, NFKB1, and SOD1 due to greater fold-change in abundance when Met was increased to reach Lys: Met ratios of 2.9:1 and 2.4:1. Although increasing Chol supply upregulated BAX, BCL2, and HSP70, increased Met supply only upregulated BAX. Under HS conditions, enhancing PMN supply of Chol to 400 mu g/mL effectively increased fold-change in abundance of genes involved in antioxidant production (conferring cellular processes protection from free radicals and reactive oxygen species), inflammatory signaling, and innate immunity. Although similar outcomes were obtained with Met supply at Lys:Met ratios of 2.9:1 and 2.4:1, the response was less pronounced. Both Chol and Met supply enhanced the cytoprotective characteristics of PMN through upregulation of heat shock proteins. Overall, the modulatory effects detected in the present experiment highlight an opportunity to use Met and particularly Chol supplementation during thermal stress.M. Vailati-Riboni was supported in part by Hatch funds under project ILLU-538-914, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Washington, DC). The authors declare no conflict of interest.Lopreiato, V.; Vailati-Riboni, M.; Parys, C.; Fernández Martínez, CJ.; Minuti, A.; Loor, J. (2020). Methyl donor supply to heat stress-challenged polymorphonuclear leukocytes from lactating Holstein cows enhances 1-carbon metabolism, immune response, and cytoprotective gene network abundance. Journal of Dairy Science. 103(11):10477-10493. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2020-18638S104771049310311Abdelmegeid, M. K., Vailati-Riboni, M., Alharthi, A., Batistel, F., & Loor, J. J. (2017). Supplemental methionine, choline, or taurine alter in vitro gene network expression of polymorphonuclear leukocytes from neonatal Holstein calves. 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    Osteomielitis tuberculosa tibial aislada: a propósito de un caso

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    Se presenta un caso infrecuent e de osteomielitis tuberculosa aislada tibial sin evidencia de focos tuberculosos en otras localizaciones óseas o extraóseas. Con éste motivo, se revisa la bibliografía y se destaca el valor diagnóstico de la biopsia así como la importancia de asociar el curetaje al tratamiento tuberculostátic o y el bue n pronóstico a distancia de estas lesiones.An infrequent cas e of tuberculous isolated tibial osteomyelitis, without any evidenc e of tuberculous focus in eithe r bone or extrabone locations is presented. With this motive the bibliography is reviewed and the diagnostic value of the biopsy is enhance d as well as the importanc e of associating the curettage to he specific treatment and the good prediction in the long run of these lesions

    Influencia de la marcha en la biomecánica del clavo de Grosse-Kempf

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    El objetivo de este estudio ha sido conocer la influencia que tiene la deambulación en carga en la posibilidad de rotura del clavo centromedular encerrojado de fémur tipo Grosse- Kempf. El estudio ha consistido en 2 partes: en primer lugar se realiza un estudio estático-lineal del clavo mediante un programa de elementos finitos aplicándole las diferentes fuerzas que el clavo debe de soportar durante la marcha para conocer qué tipo de fuerzas son las que más afectan a su estructura; en segundo lugar hemos llevado a cabo un estudio cinemático-tridimensional de la marcha observando en qué fases de la misma se producen este tipo de fuerzas. Las fuerzas que más afectan al clavo son las de torsión, y el momento en que mayor fuerzas de este tipo se transmiten al clavo durante la marcha es al realizar el apoyo de la extremidad fracturada mientras la extremidad sana se encuentra en el aire. Como conclusión, no debe permitirse la deambulación total en carga en pacientes con el clavo colocado en estático ya que se corre un riesgo innecesario de rotura de material.This study was aimed at knowing the influence of gait with total weight bearing on the possibility of breakage of the Grosse-Kempf's locked femoral nail. The study consisted of two parts: firstly, we carry out a static linear study of the nail by means of a finite element method applying the different forces that the nail support during gait in order to know what type of forces affect more the structure.; secondly a kinematic-tridimensional study of gait was performed showing the phases in which the implant was more affected for different forces. Torsion forces specially at the single lines support phase during gait are the forces inducing the major stress at the implant. As conclusion, total weight bearing showed not be permited in patients with insufficient cortical support or static locking since there is an increase in the risk of breakage of the nail

    Caracterización química del aceite de girasol oxidado mediante UV y ozono con diferentes grados de oxidación y estudio de su acción antimicrobiana

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    Oxidation by the action of ozone takes place at high rates and involves the reaction of ozone molecules with fatty acid double bonds followed by the formation of stable oxidation products with biological activity. In the present work, a comparative study on sunflower oil oxidized by ultraviolet (UV) light and ozone was carried out. This study involved the chemical characterization of sunflower oil oxidized by UV irradiation and ozonation, in addition to assessing the germicidal activity of oxidized oils obtained under various conditions. The results indicated that under the conditions studied, the increase in the dose of UV irradiation did not produce significant changes in the level of oxidation of the oil. Ozonation promoted the formation of oxygenated compounds at higher rates, increasing in concentration as the applied dosage of ozone increased. The germicidal activity of the oils behaved similarly, with considerably higher activity found in the ozonized oils.La oxidación por acción del ozono tiene lugar a tasas muy altas e implica la reacción de las moléculas de ozono con los dobles enlaces de los ácidos grasos, seguida de la formación de productos de oxidación estables con actividad biológica. En el presente trabajo se realizó un estudio comparativo del aceite de girasol oxidado por luz UV y por ozono. Este estudio consistió en la caracterización química del aceite de girasol oxidado por irradiación UV y por ozonización. En segundo lugar, se evaluó la influencia en la actividad germicida potencial del producto final obtenido en varias condiciones de ozonización. Los resultados indicaron que, en las condiciones estudiadas, el aumento de la dosis de irradiación UV no produjo cambios significativos en el nivel de oxidación del aceite. La ozonización promovió la formación de compuestos oxigenados en mayor proporción, aumentando su concentración a medida que aumentaba la dosis de ozono aplicada. La actividad germicida de los aceites se comportó de forma similar, encontrándose una actividad considerablemente mayor en los aceites ozonizados

    Valoración de los beneficios de la movilización continua pasiva tras artroplastia total de rodilla

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    Se realiza un estudio restrospetivo y randomizado en 43 pacientes (43 rodillas), afectados de gonartrosis grado III de Ahlbäck intervenidos mediante artroplastia total de rodilla (ATR) tipo Press-fit Condylar (PFC) para la valoración de los posibles beneficios de la Movilización Continua Pasiva (MPC) en el proceso de rehabilitación tras la ATR. Se crearon aleatoriamente tres grupos de pacientes: Grupo I (no MPC), Grupo II (MPC 0º- 40º) y Grupo III (MPC 0º-70º). Se cuantificaron las siguientes variables: días de hospitalización, rango de movimiento (ROM) a los 7 días y a los 6 meses postoperatorios, sangrado a través del drenaje tipo redón y requerimientos analgésicos. Únicamente hallamos diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el sangrado a través del drenaje, siendo este mayor en los pacientes sometidos a MPC. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto al ROM en ninguno de los momentos estudiados, entre los tres grupos..A prospective and randomize study was performed in 43 patients (43 knee joints) with gonarthrosis grade III of Ahlbäck who underwent a total knee arthroplasty (TKA) type Press-fit Condylar (PFC), in order to evaluate the possible advantages of the continuous passive motion (CPM) in the process of rehabilitation after TKA. Patients were randomly assigned to three groups: Group I (no CPM), group II (CPM 0-40º) and group III (CPM 0-70º). The following variable parameters were quantified: hospitalisation days, range of motion (ROM) after 7 days and 6 months postoperation, bleeding through the aspirative significant differences in the bleeding through the drainage, being larger in patients who received CPM. There were statistically differences in the ROM in any of the studied moments and in neither of the groups

    Experiencia a medio plazo con prótesis total de rodilla semiconstreñida

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    Revisamos 25 prótesis totales de rodilla semiconstreñidas tipo Endo-Model Waldemar- Link implantadas en 23 pacientes con una edad media de 69,5 años y un seguimiento medio de 32 meses. Para la evaluación de los resultados clínicos hemos utilizado el protocolo de la Academia Americana en el que se incluyen los parámetros de: dolor, capacidad para la marcha, facilidad para subir y bajar escaleras, necesidad o no de bastones y flexoextensión de la articulación, tanto antes como después de la intervención. Asimismo hemos realizado un estudio radiológico de las prótesis en el que se ha valorado el centraje de los componentes protésicos en dos planos AP y L y las imágenes líticas periprotésicas. Los resultados obtenidos han sido satisfactorios observando en la totalidad de los pacientes una disminución del dolor y un aumento de su capacidad funcional. En ningún caso se han observado infecciones profundas de la prótesis. Se ha comprobado un aumento en el arco de flexión en las prótesis en que la punta del vástago femoral estaba desviada hacia la cortical anterior, sin que esto se acompañase de un déficit en la extensión.We have reviewed 25 total knee prosthesis (Endo-Model type, Waldemar-Link) performed in 23 patients with an age average of 69,5 years-old and a average follow-up of 32 months. The clinical assessment applied was the AAOS protocol including the parameters of: pain, ability to go up and down the stairs, to need of sticks, flexion and extension of the joint, before and after the operation. In the radiological study we have evaluated the correct alignment of the components in two planes A-P and L, and the periprosthetic lucencies. The results obtained have been satisfying in all the patients with a diminution of the pain and better function of the joint. No deep infection was observed and the flexion was better in prosthesis with anterior deviation of the femoral rod in the lateral plane