1,344 research outputs found

    Presentation: What you have to change so that (almost) everything changes.

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    Tras repasar muy brevemente algunos de los numerosos estudios sobre el estado de la cultura española en las cuatro últimas décadas, señalando la inexistencia de investigaciones globales de análisis del impacto de las políticas culturales de proximidad, el artículo prologa y comenta el contenido del monográfico sobre las políticas culturales locales, al tiempo que propone prioridades para un futuro deseable de las mismas: defensa del capital cultural frente al capitalismo cultural, modestia en su enunciación y defensa, incorporación del género y la otredad como valores centrales de las estrategias, vínculos entre cultura y desarrollo, recuperación del control tecnológico y derechos eficaces de acceso.After reviewing very briefly some of the numerous studies on the history of Spanish culture in the last four decades, noting the absence of global research to analyze the impact of proximity cultural policies, the article extends and previews the content of the monograph on Local Cultural Policies, while proposing priorities for a desirable future: defense of cultural capital against cultural capitalism, modesty in its enunciation and defense, incorporation of gender and otherness as core values of the strategies, links between culture and development, recovery of technological control and effective access rights

    Culture and rural space. Something more than saving tourism.

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    Los catastróficos efectos derivados del COVID-19 para la supervivencia del sector de la cultura en el mundo, han vuelto a hacer que el espacio rural, los entornos periurbanos y las áreas menos pobladas, se conviertan en motivo de interés para millones de personas. La seguridad personal y familiar, las condiciones ambientales y económicas de vida y la mejora de los equipamientos y servicios son factores que han generado ya movimientos perceptibles de vuelta al campo de profesionales y familias. Sabiendo que las dotaciones y propuestas culturales y los costes de instalación son ventajas competitivas que aumentan ese atractivo, nos acercamos a las políticas culturales para el campo, a sus condiciones y límites, a través de algunas de sus iniciativas más relevantes en el período democrático en España, con especial atención a un programa pionero en la materia: CulturalcampoThe catastrophic effects derived from COVID-19 for the survival of the cultural sphere in the world have once again made rural areas, peri-urban environments and less populated areas a source of interest for millions of people. Personal and family security, environmental and economic living conditions and the improvement of equipment and services are factors that have already generated perceptible movements back to the field of professionals and families. Knowing that cultural endowments and initiatives and installation costs are competitive advantages that increase this attractiveness, we approach cultural policies for the countryside, its conditions and constraints, through some of its most relevant initiatives in the democratic period in Spain with a special mention to a pioneering program: Culturalcampo

    Cultural democracy and promises of money. Cultural policies and arm’s length in the English-speaking world today (II)

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    En esta segunda parte del texto iniciado en el anterior número de Periférica (nº 18: https://revistas.uca.es/index. php/periferica/article/view/4182), recordando algunos de los extremos señalados en aquél, vamos destacar algunos factores singulares de la situación de las políticas culturales en Gran Bretaña., desde el final de la II Guerra Mundial hasta hoy. Para ello repasaremos las dos grandes tendencias del pensamiento político respecto al papel de la cultura en el bienestar de la ciudadanía: Democracia cultural o democratización de la cultura en sus diversas variables. Abordaremos el papel crucial de los Estudios Culturales en la configuración de este debate y la actualidad de algunas de sus ideas motoras. Resumiremos la función de algunas de las organizaciones encargadas de la gestión de la cultura y mencionaremos la singularidad de su articulación. Haremos mención, además, al papel central en la continuidad de ciertas políticas de acceso y en la definición de los nuevos discursos hegemónicos del siglo XXI de las grandes Corporaciones metropolitanas. Trataremos de llamar la atención sobre el papel de algunos actores (si, generalmente en masculino, con dos notables excepciones), de los cambios en la política cultural en los gobiernos laboristas de Wilson/ Blair y en el conservador de Thatcher, recordando la llegada ‒para quedarse‒ del discurso de las industrias creativas y describiendo el panorama ahora mismo del debate cultural en el país. Una tarea que, como en el primer trabajo, excluye numerosos asuntos de complejidad imposible de tratar en este espacio (las políticas territoriales diferenciadas de Escocia, Gales o Irlanda del Norte, por ejemplo).In this second instalment of the text (for part one, see Periférica nº 18: https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/periferica/ article/view/4182), I return to some of the extremes indicated in the first part in order to highlight some of the unique factors associated with cultural policies in Great Britain from the end of World War II until the present day. To this end, I will review the two main trends in political thought with respect to the role of culture in public well-being: cultural democracy or the democratisation of culture in its diverse aspects. I will address the crucial role of Cultural Studies in shaping the debate and will explore some of its principal ideas today. I will also summarise the function of some of the organisations responsible for cultural management and comment on the singular nature of their organisation. In addition, I will examine the central role played by the large metropolitan corporations in ensuring the continuity of access policies and in defining the new hegemonic discourses of the 21st century. Special attention will be paid to particular actors (generally male, with two notable exceptions) and to changes in cultural policies under the Wilson/Blair Labour governments and Thatcher’s Conservative government, noting the arrival ‒to stay‒ of the discourse of the creative industries and describing the current panorama of cultural debate in the country. As with the first part, the present article excludes numerous matters that are too complex to address in the limited space available (for example, the different policies of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)

    Why ‘arm’s length’? Examining the origins of Anglosaxon cultural policies.

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    Este artículo intenta profundizar en el concepto de arm´s lenght o principio de independencia de las instituciones artísticas frente a los Gobiernos que rige las políticas culturales en el mundo anglosajón. Para ello, se insiste en el estudio del origen reciente de su historia, muy especialmente ligada al nacimiento del capitalismo financiero de comienzos del siglo XX en los Estados Unidos.This article aims to develop the concept of arm´s length or the principle of independence of artistic institutions from governments who govern cultural policies in the Anglo-Saxon world. To do this, emphasis is placed on the study of the recent birth of its history, and its particular link to the birth of financial capitalism at the start of the 20th century in the United States

    Influence of non-occupational physical activity on burnout syndrome, job satisfaction, stress and recovery in fitness professionals

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    Background: This study aimed (1) to analyse the effect of non-occupational physical activity (NOPA) on the stress levels of fitness professionals, and (2) to apply a questionnaire to workers measuring burnout syndrome, working conditions and job satisfaction, and to compare the results with physiological stress and recovery measured objectively through heart rate variability (HRV). Methods: The HRV of 26 fitness instructors was recorded during 2–5 workdays using Firstbeat Bodyguard 2. Participants also completed a questionnaire (CESQT) measuring working conditions and job satisfaction variables and occupational burnout syndrome. Results: NOPA showed a negative association with both the percentage of stress (p < 0.05) and stress–recovery ratio (p < 0.01), and a positive association with the percentage of recovery (p < 0.05). Better work conditions (working hours, salary satisfaction and length of service) were associated with lower stress in fitness professionals. Conclusion: NOPA appears to improve the stress levels of fitness instructors in this study cohort. Self-reported burnout levels measured through the CESQT questionnaire do not coincide with the physiological stress responses measured through HRV. Better working conditions appear to reduce the stress response in fitness professionals

    Rethinking local cultural policies.

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    En mayo de 2019 se celebraba en Valladolid el Seminario “Repensar políticas culturales locales. Las políticas locales como creadoras de capital cultural”. En él se presentaron y debatieron asuntos de las agendas culturales locales del presente y el futuro, con motivo del cuarenta aniversario de las primeras elecciones municipales democráticas en España en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Reforzar el capital cultural local, recuperar para la cultura liderazgo político, luchar contra la brecha cultural y de género en la cultura y hacer convivir los derechos culturales con las industrias culturales y creativas fueron algunos de los temas tratados en la sesión.In May 2019, the Seminar “Rethinking local cultural policies- Local policies as creators of cultural capital,” was held in Valladolid (Spain). Issues regarding actual and future local cultural agendas were presented and discussed, on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the first democratic municipal elections in Spain in the second half of the twentieth century. Strengthening local cultural capital, recovering political leadership for culture, fighting the cultural and gender gap in culture and bringing cultural rights together with cultural and creative industries were some of the topics discussed in the session

    Improved visualization of large temporal series for the evaluation of good environmental status

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    [EN] Passive acoustic monitoring of underwater sounds is an emerging discipline that can be used to guarantee that anthropogenic noise meets acceptable limits, to detect the presence of cetacean species, and to ensure sustainable exploitation of our oceans and seas. In this scenario, graphical representation techniques play a key role in helping to reveal seasonal structures of human made noises. Nevertheless, for very long temporal series, it might be challenging to find a graphic visualization technique that allows representing a time range that is long enough to capture these seasonal events, while at the same time preserving short isolated events. We propose a framework for the creation of such visualization techniques and analyze the different stages involved: data reduction, color encoding, and signal processing on graphs. All of this is applied to data from deployments in two marine protected areas in order to provide an acoustic panorama and identify seasonal events.This work was supported partially by the Fundacion Biodiversidad (various Spanish government ministries involved in nature conservation) and partially by the European Commission -DG ENV (grant agreement 11.0661/2016/748066/SUB/ENV.C2). We would like to thank all of the researchers from FGUA (UAH) and the Oceanografic (Valencia) who participated in the deployment and recovery of the acoustic recording devices. We also thank the authorities in charge of the Cabrera Archipelago Maritime-Terrestrial National Park as well as the Cabo de San Antonio Natural Marine Reserve for providing the corresponding permits to carry out the scientific work.Miralles Ricós, R.; Lara Martínez, G.; Gosálbez Castillo, J.; Bosch Roig, I.; León Fernández, A. (2019). Improved visualization of large temporal series for the evaluation of good environmental status. Applied Acoustics. 148:55-61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2018.12.009S556114

    Examination of WRF-ARW experiments using different planetary boundary layer parameterizations to study the rapid intensification and trajectory of Hurricane Otto 2016

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    Hurricane Otto (2016) was characterised by remarkable meteorological features of relevance for the scientific community and society. Scientifically, among the most important attributes of Otto is that it underwent a rapid intensification (RI) process. For society, this cyclone severely impacted Costa Rica and Nicaragua, leaving enormous economic losses and many fatalities. In this study, a set of three numerical simulations are performed to examine the skill of model estimations in reproducing RI and trajectory of Hurricane Otto by comparing the results of a global model to a regional model using three different planetary boundary layer parameterizations (PBL). The objective is to set the basis for future studies that analyse the physical reasons why a particular simulation (associated with a certain model setup) performs better than others in terms of reproducing RI and trajectory. We use the regional model Weather Research and Forecasting—Advanced Research WRF (WRF-ARW) with boundary and initial conditions provided by the Global Forecast System (GFS) analysis (horizontal resolution of 0.5 degrees). The PBL used are the Medium Range Forecast, the Mellor-Yamada-Janjic (MYJ), and the Yonsei University (YSU) parameterizations. The regional model is run in three static domains with horizontal grid spacing of 27, 9 and 3 km, the latter covering the spacial extent of Otto during the simulation period. WRF-ARW results improve the GFS forecast, in almost every aspect evaluated in this study, particularly, the simulated trajectories in WRF-ARW show a better representation of the cyclone path and movement compared to GFS. Even though the MYJ experiment was the only one that exhibited an abrupt 24-h change in the storm’s surface wind, close to the 25-knot threshold, the YSU scheme presented the fastest intensification, closest to reality. View Full-TextUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigaciones Geofísicas (CIGEFI)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Físic

    Contributions on Transmitarrays for Far-Field Applications

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    XI Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional-IIEC, 8-11 de noviembre de 2016, Asturias (España)Different contributions made to the development of Transmitarrays (TA) for Far-Filed applications are presented in this contribution. Firstly, a unit cell, based on four patches coupled by a slot or a symmetric cross, is introduced, and then, an arraybased model used to analyze a system formed by a TA and a planar lens in a time-efficient manner without using a full-wave method. Thus, both features are used to design and analyze the different prototypes reviewed in this contribution. That is, an ultra-thin planar lenses based on a 2-bit unit cell and a dualpolarized TA that has been designed in order to be used in polarized agile antenna. Thus, by rotating the feed of the system, a linear polarized antenna, it is possible to obtain any kind of polarization, form linear to circular. Finally, this TA has been used in a multibeam application fed with a network of quasi-yagi antenna