173 research outputs found

    Learning Effect in a Multilingual Web-Based Argumentative Writing Instruction Model, Called ECM, on Metacognition, Rhetorical Moves, and Self-Efficacy for Scientific Purposes

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    This research was developed within the framework of ED.INVEST (HUM356) Research Groups financed by the Junta de Andalucia (Spain), with the project "Multilingual Communication and Citizenship Technologies" and the project "Accessible scientific writing course in Moodle to be taught in Spanish, German, English, Italian, and Catalan", financed by the Department of Planning Quality and Evaluation at the University of Granada. Reference PID14-05/Code 14-05.The purpose of this study is to assess the learning effect of a multilingual web-based argumentative writing instruction model called the Ensayo Científico Multilingüe (ECM, Multilingual Scientific Essay) adapting the didactic model called Genre-based Writing Instruction (GBWI) in an experiment conducted over three months. For this purpose, a quasi-experimental research model was applied to 150 students in the experimental group and 150 in the control group, with two measurements, pre and post-test, for three dependent variables: (a) writing metacognition and its dimensions; (b) written argumentative self-efficacy; and (c) rhetorical moves and steps of an argumentative essay. The latter variable was measured by the content analysis method. Variables (a) and (b) were both measured with instruments validated in a population of 518 university students using structural equations. The findings demonstrate the positive effect of the ECM, which combines WBWI and GBWI in argumentative written learning in the students’ mother tongue in all variables measured, applying statistics such as the Shapiro–Wilk statistic, parametric contrast, and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. In relation to the findings, with respect to the evaluated variables, it was discovered, specifically, that the rhetorical steps in which the students showed a significant improvement were innovations, quotes/research, definitions of concepts, refutations, definitive reasons, and bibliographical references. Likewise, the rhetorical steps that did not present significant differences following the application of the ECM were discovered, and they were: reason summary, formulation of premise, and reasons for. Furthermore, it can be stated that for the ECM there was an increase, above all, in awareness of the following metacognitive dimensions: (a) writing selfregulation; (b) writing planning; and (c) writing revision, as well as argumentative self-efficacy. The novelties of this research with respect to the precedents reside in that it offers valid and concrete results on the effect of a multilingual web design integrated into a well-defined didactic model of argumentative writing on writing metacognition and its dimensions, argumentative structuring and its rhetorical steps, and argumentative self-efficacy. The related studies consider only some of these variables, but not all of them together or their complexity. These results have allowed us to establish specific didactic–technological proposals for improving the ECM that are transferable to didactic designs to guide written argumentation at higher academic levels using multilingual web technologies and integrating the metacognitive, behavioral, and motivational dimensions of writing.Junta de Andalucia European Commission HUM356Department of Planning Quality and Evaluation at the University of Granada PID14-05/Code 14-0

    Interaction with universities and firm's innovative performance: evidence from the Spanish innovation survey

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    3 tables, 29 pagesThis paper analyses the effect of interaction with universities on firms’ innovation output, measured as the degree of novelty of product innovation. The analysis is based on a sample of 3,257 manufacturing firms, active in innovation, and located in Spain. We distinguish between two types of interaction mechanisms: cooperation in innovation activities and outsourcing of research and development (R&D) services. Using data from two waves of the Spanish innovation survey (2004 and 2007), we examine the effect of interaction in 2004 on subsequent product innovation in 2005-2007. The results show that neither cooperation with universities nor outsourcing of R&D services to these agents has a significant effect on product innovation. In other words, for Spanish manufacturing firms the acquisition of knowledge from universities does not represent an important strategy to introduce new products into the market. In contrast, cooperation with customers and acquisition of external R&D from other firms seem to be important for innovation, especially for firms pursuing more radical innovation.Peer reviewe

    Posibilidades de mando, control y comunicaciones en el VCI Pizarro

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    En los últimos años el Batallón "Badajoz" I/62 ha sufrido una profunda transformación orgánica, dejando de ser una unidad de montaña para pasar a ser una unidad mecanizada sobre la base de los Vehículos de Combate de Infantería (VCI) Pizarro. Este tipo de unidades requieren unos medios de Mando y Control mucho más complejos que los usados por una unidad de montaña debido a la naturaleza de su maniobra y a su modo de empleo. Actualmente, y con motivo del próximo despliegue de una de las Compañías en Letonia, 2a Compañía, en el Batallón se está empezando a trabajar con el sistema Battlefield Management System (BMS). Este trabajo, en su mayoría teórico, pretende explicar este sistema BMS, analizando su funcionamiento y exponiendo sus posibilidades de mejora futuras. Se debe tener en cuenta la complejidad de dicho sistema, ya que es capaz de mostrar la posición de la unidades propias como de transmitir la información que se desee en tiempo real, siempre con una limitación de tamaño de datos.<br /

    Estrategias de adquisición de conocimiento en los procesos de innovación empresarial

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    The recognition of external agents as an important knowledge source to innovation processes means that the firms must face a key decision: generate in-house or acquire externally the required technological knowledge. Owing to its implications, this decision has become a very important topic between academics and practitioners of innovation, promoting the development of a body of theoretical and empirical literature about the factors and motivations which influence it. This paper provides a review of this literature via the analysis of three innovation strategies (make, buy, and cooperate) and considers the contributions coming from transaction cost theory and the firms’ capabilities viewpoint.El reconocimiento de los agentes externos como una fuente importante de conocimiento para el desarrollo de los procesos de innovación ha hecho que las empresas tengan que hacer frente a una decisión importante: generar o adquirir externamente el conocimiento tecnológico que precisan. Debido a sus implicaciones, esta decisión se ha convertido en un tema de creciente interés entre los académicos y estudiosos de la innovación, propiciando el desarrollo de toda una literatura, teórica y empírica, sobre los factores y motivaciones que inciden en la misma. En este artículo se presenta una revisión de esta literatura, a partir del análisis de tres estrategias de innovación (hacer, comprar y cooperar) y considerando las aportaciones derivadas de la teoría económica de los costes de transacción y de los enfoques basados en las capacidades de la empresa

    Surveillance of Influenza Viruses in Waterfowl Used As Decoys in Andalusia, Spain

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    A longitudinal study was carried out to determine the seroprevalence of avian influenza viruses (AIVs) in waterfowl used as decoys in Andalusia, southern Spain. A total of 2319 aquatic birds from 193 flocks were analyzed before and after the hunting season 2011–2012. In the first sampling, 403 out of 2319 (18.0%, CI95%: 15.8–19.0) decoys showed antibodies against AIVs by ELISA. The AI seroprevalence was significantly higher in geese (21.0%) than in ducks (11.7%) (P,0.001). Besides, the spatial distribution of AIVs was not homogeneous as significant differences among regions were observed. The prevalence of antibodies against AIVs subtypes H5 and H7 were 1.1% and 0.3%, respectively, using hemagglutination inhibition test (HI). The overall and H5 seroprevalences slightly increased after the hunting period (to 19.2% and 1.4%, respectively), while the H7 seroprevalence remained at the same level (0.3%). The proportion of flocks infected by AIVs was 65.3%, while 11.2% and 4.9% of flocks were positive for H5 and H7, respectively. Viral shedding was not detected in any of the 47 samples positive by both ELISA and HI, tested by RRT-PCR. The individual incidence after the hunting season was 3.4%. The fact that 57 animals seroconverted, 15 of which were confirmed by HI (12 H5 and 3 H7), was indication of contact with AIVs during the hunting period. The results indicate that waterfowl used as decoys are frequently exposed to AIVs and may be potentially useful as sentinels for AIVs monitoring. The seroprevalence detected and the seropositivity against AIVs H5 and H7, suggest that decoys can act as reservoirs of AIVs, which may be of animal and public health concer

    Nutrition-Related Adverse Outcomes in Endurance Sports Competitions: A Review of Incidence and Practical Recommendations

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    During the last few years, the numbers of competitors in endurance and ultra-endurance sports modalities have increased significantly. This type of competition is an extreme challenge for athletes. Therefore, they have an increased the risk of developing medical and nutritional problems. The aim of the work is to estimate the incidence of nutrition-related adverse outcomes in endurance and ultra-endurance sports, considering the variables that influence them. A critical review was carried out based on the PubMed database, by means of a search strategy based on keywords separated by Boolean connectors. For all the results obtained in a period from 2008 to 2019, a series of inclusion/exclusion criteria was applied to select only the studies that fitted the objective of the present study. Results and discussion: Of the 871 publications identified, 33 met the inclusion criteria. The adverse outcomes found included exercise-associated hyponatremia (EAH), heat stroke by exertion (EHS), gastrointestinal (GI) problems, dehydration, and hypothermia; the provision of misinformation to athletes about nutrient intake and hydration during competition was identified as the main cause. Conclusions: The main adverse outcomes in endurance and ultra-endurance sports modalities are EAH, GI inconveniences, and EHS. These problems can affect the performance and health status of the athlete during and post-competition. Several nutritional guidelines have been suggested that can prevent these adverse outcomes, and it is essential to individualize and adjust the nutritional intake and hydration status according to the characteristics of each competition

    Cross-sectional study of height and weight in the population of Andalusia from age 3 to adulthood

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background and objectives</p> <p>In Andalusia there were no studies including a representative sample of children and adolescent population assessing growth and weight increase. Our objectives were to develop reference standards for weight, height and BMI for the Andalusian pediatric population, from 3 to 18 years of age for both genders, and to identify the final adult height in Andalusia.</p> <p>Subjects and methods</p> <p>Two samples were collected. The first included individuals from 3 to 18 years of age (3592 girls and 3605 boys). They were stratified according type of study center, size of population of origin, age (32 categories of 0.5 years) and gender, using cluster sampling. Subjects from >18 to 23 years of age (947 women and 921 men) were sampled in 6 non-university educational centers and several university centers in Granada. Exclusion criteria included sons of non-Spanish mother or father, and individuals with chronic conditions and/or therapies affecting growth. Two trained fellows collected the data through February to December 2004, for the first sample, and through January to May 2005, for the second.</p> <p>Reference curves were adjusted using Cole's LMS method, and the quality of the adjustment was assessed using the tests proposed by Royston. In addition, a sensitivity analysis was applied to the final models obtained.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Data for 9065 cases (4539 women and 4526 men) were obtained; 79.39% (n = 7197) in the up to 18 years of age group. In the first sampling only 0.07% (3 girls and 2 boys) refused to participate in the study. In addition, 327 students (4.5%) were absent when sampling was done. We present mean and standard deviation fort height, weight and BMI at 0.5 years intervals, from 3 to 23 years of age, for both genders. After adjustment with the different models, percentiles for height, weight (percentiles 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, and 97) and BMI (percentiles 3, 5, 50, 85, 95, and 97) are presented for both genders.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is the first study in Andalusia with a representative sample from the child-juvenile population to investigate weight, height and BMI in subjects from 3 to 23 years of age. The great variability observed in the values from sample of 18 to 23 years of age individuals, ensures the inclusion of extreme values, although random sampling was not used. There still is a lack of standard reference values for the Andalusian population younger done 3 years of age.</p

    Relación entre los factores de personalidad y el control de la ingesta hídrica en los pacientes en hemodiálisis

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    Introducción: La relación entre los aspectos emocionales y físicos, ha sido motivo de estudio de forma recurrente, en los pacientes en hemodiálisis. Objetivo: Analizar la personalidad de los pacientes en hemodiálisis y ver la relación existente entre esta y las variables sexo e ingesta hídrica. Material y Método: Se estudiaron 54 pacientes en hemodiálisis periódicas. Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio descriptivo correlacional de corte transversal. Se administró el inventario de personalidad NEO-FFI. Se recogieron los datos sobre la ganancia hídrica interdiálisis. Se cuantificaron los valores de frecuencia de las puntuaciones obtenidas en el test y se realizó comparación con la población de referencia no ERC, y correlación con las variables sexo y ganancia hídrica interdiálisis. Resultados: Entre los factores de personalidad existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas con respecto a la población de referencia no ERC; por un lado, en el factor de neuroticismo con tendencia a la superioridad (p=0,000), más en mujeres que en hombres; y por otro, en los factores de extroversión (p=0,000) y apertura a la experiencia (p=0,000) con tendencia a la inferioridad. Por otro lado, no se han encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los factores analizados, en relación a la ganancia hídrica interdiálisis. Conclusiones: Los pacientes en hemodiálisis tienden a ser inestables emocionalmente, más las mujeres que los hombres, con tendencia a ser introvertidos, con ideas rígidas e intereses reducidos. El control de la ingesta de líquidos no depende de ninguno de los factores estudiados

    Nursing and Telemental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Measures taken to reduce the rate of contagion during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain led to the interruption of nursing interventions for many patients with serious mental illness (SMI), while others stayed in touch with their nurses telematically. However, published research into the impact of mental telehealth and the outcome of the changes that took place in the pandemic is very limited. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the changes in nursing interventions received by severe mental illness (SMI) patients and to test whether telemental health (TH) has been effective in reducing relapses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: Information was gathered retrospectively from about 270 patients under treatment at 15 mental health day hospitals (MHDHs) in Spain during the year 2020. Results: Face-to-face nursing interventions were found to have decreased and TH interventions were found to have increased in the first few months of the pandemic. In the following months, TH interventions—especially those conducted by video call—helped reduce the number of relapses. Conclusions: TH helps provide news forms of effective telematic nursing interventions that reduce the number of relapses and admissions in patients with serious mental health disorders
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