912 research outputs found

    Propuesta de intervención didáctica para la realización de un plan de fomento de la lectura en el CRA “El Mirador” de la provincia de Zaragoza

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    El fomento de la lectura se ha convertido en un tema que concierne a toda la sociedad a nivel mundial. El declive del número de lectores puede llegar a afectar al desarrollo del niño, por ende, en su educación. En el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se estudia la evolución del aprendizaje de la lectura conforme al crecimiento del niño, la adquisición del hábito lector y los posibles intereses que busca el lector en la actualidad. Además, se investiga la relación que se establece entre el centro y el contexto familiar del niño para el fomento de la lectura y su posterior uso de esta. Todo ello, regido por un marco legislativo en el que la lectura se ha considerado como un objetivo siempre presente. Finalmente, se crea una propuesta de intervención en el aula contextualizada en un Colegio Rural Agrupado donde se pretende prevenir de una falta de hábito lector y fomentar la lectura de una manera significativa.Grado en Educación Primari

    The practice of using evidence in kindergarten: The role of purposeful observation

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Monteira, S.F., & Jiménez-Aleixandre, M.P. (2016), The practice of using evidence in kindergarten: The role of purposeful observation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 53, 1232-1258, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/tea.21259. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited.This article examines kindergarten children’s (5–6 years old) engagement in scientific practices, with a focus on generating and using evidence to support claims, during a 5-month project about snails. The research questions are as follows: (1) what meanings do kindergarteners construct for what constitutes evidence? How are those meanings reflected in the development of data into evidence? (2) Which ways of gathering empirical evidence are jointly constructed by children and teacher during the project? (3) How do children use evidence to revise their understandings? The participants are one class of Early Childhood Education children (N ¼ 25) and their teacher. They were engaged in a project about snails, involving pursuing their own questions, carrying out experiments and purposeful observations, collecting data and drawing conclusions, under the guidance of the teacher. The results show that children developed meanings of a certain level of sophistication about evidence, that they distinguished between empirical evidence from planned experiments and from prolonged observation, which we call purposeful, and that they combined different types of evidence in the revision of their ideas about snails. We identified two levels in the development of data into evidence—closer to descriptive statements and evaluative judgments. We suggest that purposeful observation, which has a clear focus, is guided by the teacher and explicitly discussed, has affordances in early childhood science. For instance, 30 out of 57 evidence statements relate to purposeful observation. Promoting purposeful observation as a source of evidence at this age may allow studying processes both for children (biology processes) and for researchers (learning processes). The results would support Metz’s (2011) contention about the relevance of instructional opportunities over developmental constraints.Examínase a participación do alumnado de educación infantil (5–6 anos) nas prácticas científicas, en concreto en xerar e usar probas para sustentar conclusións, durante un proxecto de cinco meses sobre caracois. As preguntas de investigación son: (1) Que significados constrúen os nenos e nenas para o que constitúen probas? Como se reflicten estes significados no desenvolvemento de datos en probas? (2) Que formas de obter probas empíricas son construídas conxuntamente por nenos e mestra durante o proxecto? E (3) Como usan os nenos e nenas as probas para revisar o seu coñecemento? Os participantes son unha clase de terceiro curso de Educación Infantil (N= 25) e a súa mestra. Levaron a cabo un proxecto sobre caracois, procurando respostas ás súas propias preguntas, realizando experimentos e observacións cun propósito, recollendo datos e extraendo conclusións, guiados pola mestra. Os resultados mostran que desenvolveron significados de certa sofisticación sobre as probas, distinguindo entre probas procedentes de experimentos planificados e da observación prolongada, que denominamos cun propósito; e que combinaron diferentes tipos de probas na revisión das súas ideas sobre os caracois. Identificamos dous niveis na transformación de datos en probas, enunciados cercanos a descricións e xuízos avaliativos. Suxerimos que a observación cun propósito, caracterizada por ter un obxectivo definido, estar guiada pola mestra e ser discutida explicitamente, ten potencial no ensino das ciencias en educación infantil e primaria. Por exemplo, 30 dos 57 enunciados sobre probas relaciónanse coa observación cun propósito. Promover a observación cun propósito como fonte de probas nestas idades pode permitir estudar procesos, tanto polos nenos (procesos biolóxicos) como polas investigadoras (procesos de aprendizaxe). Os resultados sutentan a perspectiva de Metz (2011), respecto da relevancia da instrución sobre limitacións debidas ao desenvolvemento.This study was supported by Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) (EDU2012-38022-C02-01). To the teacher Dolores Vázquez and her students. Sabela F. Monteira's work is supported by a BES-2013-062873 scholarship from the Spanish MINECO. The authors thank Ibrahim Delen, and JRST Editors, Associate Editor and anonymous reviewers for their suggestions to the first draft.S

    Visualisation of Perception of Experiential Activities in Business and Administration and Economy

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    This paper explores how to incorporate information visualization tools into qualitative studies to represent the underlying structure of knowledge. Information visualization plays a key role in many areas such as decision-making, data mining, market studies, or knowledge management. A case of experiential learning was developed for Quantitative Techniques in Business and Administration and Economy Degrees at the University of Granada, Spain. The goal is to analyze the opinion of students (n = 227) on the development of the activity through information visualization techniques. The gathered information was subjected to a categorization process to unify and homogenize the responses. After a term-clumping process, a co-word analysis using the VosViewer software is used to analyze the relationships among terms and provide the network maps. Results display the main associations and clusters of terms used when assessing the experiential activity, using qualitative techniques. In conclusion, the strengths of data visualization enabling a better understanding of data for qualitative studies are established

    Intervención de terapia ocupacional en la sexualidad de las personas con discapacidad intelectual

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    Con este trabajo lo que se pretende es conseguir un mayor conocimiento de la propia sexualidad y trabajarla como el resto de actividades diarias en las que intervienen los profesionales de la terapia ocupacional.El planteamiento consiste en llevar a cabo un número de sesiones determinadas explicando desde los aspectos más anatómicos hasta los sentimientos que surgen con las relaciones afectivas y sexuales y como poder gestionarlos; además, trabajando esta ocupación de las personas se abordan otras muchas, como la higiene personal, ducharse, vestirse o el cuidado de los dispositivos de atención personal pudiendo trabajar otra de las actividades de la vida diaria.El objetivo de este taller es acabar con los prejuicios sobre las personas con discapacidades intelectuales y proporcionales confianza y los métodos adecuados para que se cuiden a ellos mismos y con las personas que mantienen relaciones sexuales y afectivas, como es el uso de los diferentes anticonceptivos.<br /

    Analysis of the tensile fracture properties of ultra-high-strength fiber-reinforced concrete with different types of steel fibers by X-ray tomography

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    This study is concerned with the analysis of the tensile properties of an ultra-high-strength fiber-reinforced concrete manufactured with short and long steel fibers. The analysis involve using different techniques - from mechanical tests to X-ray computed tomography - to relate the observed variation of the mechanical properties of the mixes with their porosity. A comprehensive study of the porosity distribution was conducted on the basis of the analysis of X-ray computed tomography images and porosimetry. The study shows the influence of the type of fiber used in the reinforcement on the pore size and distribution of the concrete matrix and consequently on its tensile properties. The tensile properties are obtained with an inverse analysis method available in the literature that yielded the first-cracking tensile strength (f t ) and the ultimate tensile strength (f tu ) and related with the inner structure of the concrete matrix. Our results prove that the tensile properties, especially the first-cracking strength, vary depending on the fibers used. These findings help mix designers make a decision about the type of fibers that should be used when a high first-cracking tensile strength is needed and make it possible to quantify the effect of the fiber.Ministerio de Economía y competitividad BIA2016-75431-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2015-66534-RAcademia de Ciencias de la República Checa 16-18702

    Genetic diversity, origin and conservation of the sclerophyllous species of genus Quercus in the Balearic Islands

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    The study of the distribution of evergreen Quercus species (Q. ilex L. -holm oak-, Q. coccifera L. -kermes oak- and Q. suber L. -cork oak-) from the Balearic Islands and the using of chloroplast DNA molecular markers have allow the discussion about the origin of their populations and their affinities with those from other surrounding regions. The singularity of some haplotipos has favoured the identification of the areas and populations of greater interest for the application of strategies of conservation of the forest resources. The Balearic Islands are a reservoir of genetic diversity, containing Tyrrhenian and Iberian elements. Priorities for conservation should be focused on the maintenance of the peculiar populations that are fragmented or that show a low effective population size

    Selective Clock-Gating for Low Power/Low Noise Synchronous Counters

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    The objective of this paper is to explore the applicability of clock gating techniques to binary counters in order to reduce the power consumption as well as the switching noise generation. A measurement methodology to establish right comparisons between different implementations of gateclocked counters is presented. Basically two ways of applying clock gating are considered: clock gating on independent bits and clock gating on groups of bits. The right selection of bits where clock gating must be applied and the suited composition of groups of bits is essential when applying this technique. We have found groupment of bits is the best option when applying clock gating to reduce power consumption and specially to reduce noise generation.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2000-1350Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2001- 228

    Assessment of Social Self-perceptions of Acceptance and Enmity in Children with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder

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    This study analyzes the self-perceptions of social competence in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It compares two groups of participants, children with ADHD (N=20) and children without ADHD (N=20) ages between 8 and 12 years old. Sociometric questionnaires were completed by two groups of participants and 707 peers, as well as a questionnaire that evaluates children’s behavior from parents’ and teachers’ perspectives. Results indicate that children with ADHD correctly perceive enmity, but incorrectly perceive friendship. Children with ADHD have low rates of positive reciprocity and qualities that indicate friendship differs considerably from the children without ADHD. The children with ADHD have a different profile of social self-perception than children without ADHD, especially regarding recognizing friendship. The results contribute to the understanding of perceptions of elements of peer relationship and friendships with strong ecological validity. This small scale study provides a proof of concept for improving ecological validity in the methods of evaluating social skills and social emotion learning programming for children with ADHD

    Creating helping posters for electronic labs

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    A Project is presented whose aim was to develop a set of posters that, as small tutorials, shows in a very visual way what are the basic task to do in a laboratory of electronic. These posters are directed to students of several subjects and degrees. Poster has been selected as didactic material because it is a low cost, friendly and easy method to recall information and to present the contents with explanations. Eight posters have been made with topics like the use of electronic instruments, circuit assembly, circuit verification, measurement and troubleshooting