131 research outputs found

    Digital competence and the use of technological resources by teachers in music conservatories and schools of music

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    At present, digital technology provides innumerable new possibilities in the field of musical education. Its tools are, a valuable mediator in teaching-learning processes at the levels of elementary and university education, and specialisation. This study examines the knowledge and use of technological resources in the specific sphere of teaching in elementary, intermediate and superior stages in music conservatories and schools of music. By means of an online questionnaire administered to 82 teachers in this field, significant data was obtained regarding said knowledge and use of technological tools. These results provide evidence that those tools are scarcely applied, whether in preparing classes or in learning processes in the classroom. The only positive data appears in connection with the use of sound and sheet music editors

    A numerical study of the effect of nozzle diameter on diesel combustion ignition and flame stabilization

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    This is the author's version of a work that was accepted for publication in International Journal of Engine Research. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published as https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087419864203.[EN] The role of nozzle diameter on diesel combustion is studied by performing computational fluid dynamics calculations of Spray A and Spray D from the Engine Combustion Network. These are well-characterized single-hole sprays in a quiescent environment chamber with thermodynamic conditions representative of modern diesel engines. First, the inert spray evolution is described with the inclusion of the concept of mixing trajectories and local residence time into the analysis. Such concepts enable the quantification of the mixing rate, showing that it decreases with the increase in nozzle diameter. In a second step, the reacting spray evolution is studied focusing on the local heat release rate distribution during the auto-ignition sequence and the quasi-steady state. The capability of a well-mixed-based and a flamelet-based combustion model to predict diesel combustion is also assessed. On one hand, results show that turbulence-chemistry interaction has a profound effect on the description of the reacting spray evolution. On the other hand, the mixing rate, characterized in terms of the local residence time, drives the main changes introduced by the increase of the nozzle diameter when comparing Spray A and Spray D.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article: The work was partially funded by the Government of Spain through the CHEST Project (TRA2017-89139-C2-1-R) and by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia through the Programa de Ayudas de Investigaciony Desarrollo (PAID-01-16).Desantes Fernández, JM.; García-Oliver, JM.; Novella Rosa, R.; Pachano-Prieto, LM. (2020). A numerical study of the effect of nozzle diameter on diesel combustion ignition and flame stabilization. International Journal of Engine Research. 21(1):101-121. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087419864203S101121211Pickett, L. M., & Siebers, D. L. (2002). An investigation of diesel soot formation processes using micro-orifices. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 29(1), 655-662. doi:10.1016/s1540-7489(02)80084-0Pickett, L. M., & Siebers, D. L. (2005). Orifice Diameter Effects on Diesel Fuel Jet Flame Structure. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 127(1), 187-196. doi:10.1115/1.1760525Du, C., Andersson, S., & Andersson, M. (2018). Two-dimensional measurements of soot in a turbulent diffusion diesel flame: the effects of injection pressure, nozzle orifice diameter, and gas density. Combustion Science and Technology, 190(9), 1659-1688. doi:10.1080/00102202.2018.1461850Ishibashi, R., & Tsuru, D. (2016). An optical investigation of combustion process of a direct high-pressure injection of natural gas. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 22(3), 447-458. doi:10.1007/s00773-016-0422-xPang, K. M., Jangi, M., Bai, X.-S., Schramm, J., & Walther, J. H. (2017). Effects of Nozzle Diameter on Diesel Spray Flames: A numerical study using an Eulerian Stochastic Field Method. Energy Procedia, 142, 1028-1033. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.350Pickett, L. M., Manin, J., Genzale, C. L., Siebers, D. L., Musculus, M. P. B., & Idicheria, C. A. (2011). Relationship Between Diesel Fuel Spray Vapor Penetration/Dispersion and Local Fuel Mixture Fraction. SAE International Journal of Engines, 4(1), 764-799. doi:10.4271/2011-01-0686García-Oliver, J. M., Malbec, L.-M., Toda, H. B., & Bruneaux, G. (2017). A study on the interaction between local flow and flame structure for mixing-controlled Diesel sprays. Combustion and Flame, 179, 157-171. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2017.01.023Dahms, R. N., Paczko, G. A., Skeen, S. A., & Pickett, L. M. (2017). Understanding the ignition mechanism of high-pressure spray flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36(2), 2615-2623. doi:10.1016/j.proci.2016.08.023Gimeno, J., Martí-Aldaraví, P., Carreres, M., & Peraza, J. E. (2018). Effect of the nozzle holder on injected fuel temperature for experimental test rigs and its influence on diesel sprays. International Journal of Engine Research, 19(3), 374-389. doi:10.1177/1468087417751531Matusik, K. E., Duke, D. J., Kastengren, A. L., Sovis, N., Swantek, A. B., & Powell, C. F. (2017). High-resolution X-ray tomography of Engine Combustion Network diesel injectors. International Journal of Engine Research, 19(9), 963-976. doi:10.1177/1468087417736985Pandurangi, S. S., Bolla, M., Wright, Y. M., Boulouchos, K., Skeen, S. A., Manin, J., & Pickett, L. M. (2016). Onset and progression of soot in high-pressure n-dodecane sprays under diesel engine conditions. International Journal of Engine Research, 18(5-6), 436-452. doi:10.1177/1468087416661041Aubagnac-Karkar, D., Michel, J.-B., Colin, O., & Darabiha, N. (2017). Combustion and soot modelling of a high-pressure and high-temperature Dodecane spray. International Journal of Engine Research, 19(4), 434-448. doi:10.1177/1468087417714351Ihme, M., Ma, P. C., & Bravo, L. (2018). Large eddy simulations of diesel-fuel injection and auto-ignition at transcritical conditions. International Journal of Engine Research, 20(1), 58-68. doi:10.1177/1468087418819546Yue, Z., & Reitz, R. D. (2017). An equilibrium phase spray model for high-pressure fuel injection and engine combustion simulations. International Journal of Engine Research, 20(2), 203-215. doi:10.1177/1468087417744144Bhattacharjee, S., & Haworth, D. C. (2013). Simulations of transient n-heptane and n-dodecane spray flames under engine-relevant conditions using a transported PDF method. Combustion and Flame, 160(10), 2083-2102. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2013.05.003Pei, Y., Hawkes, E. R., & Kook, S. (2013). Transported probability density function modelling of the vapour phase of an n-heptane jet at diesel engine conditions. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34(2), 3039-3047. doi:10.1016/j.proci.2012.07.033Pang, K. M., Jangi, M., Bai, X.-S., Schramm, J., & Walther, J. H. (2018). Modelling of diesel spray flames under engine-like conditions using an accelerated Eulerian Stochastic Field method. Combustion and Flame, 193, 363-383. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.03.030D’Errico, G., Lucchini, T., Contino, F., Jangi, M., & Bai, X.-S. (2014). Comparison of well-mixed and multiple representative interactive flamelet approaches for diesel spray combustion modelling. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 18(1), 65-88. doi:10.1080/13647830.2013.860238Kösters, A., Karlsson, A., Oevermann, M., D’Errico, G., & Lucchini, T. (2015). RANS predictions of turbulent diffusion flames: comparison of a reactor and a flamelet combustion model to the well stirred approach. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 19(1), 81-106. doi:10.1080/13647830.2014.982342Lucchini, T., D’Errico, G., Onorati, A., Frassoldati, A., Stagni, A., & Hardy, G. (2017). Modeling Non-Premixed Combustion Using Tabulated Kinetics and Different Fame Structure Assumptions. SAE International Journal of Engines, 10(2), 593-607. doi:10.4271/2017-01-0556Pal, P., Keum, S., & Im, H. G. (2015). Assessment of flamelet versus multi-zone combustion modeling approaches for stratified-charge compression ignition engines. International Journal of Engine Research, 17(3), 280-290. doi:10.1177/1468087415571006Pope, S. B. (1978). An explanation of the turbulent round-jet/plane-jet anomaly. AIAA Journal, 16(3), 279-281. doi:10.2514/3.7521Novella, R., García, A., Pastor, J. M., & Domenech, V. (2011). The role of detailed chemical kinetics on CFD diesel spray ignition and combustion modelling. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54(7-8), 1706-1719. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2010.12.048CONVERGE manual. Madison, WI: Convergent Science, 2016.Yao, T., Pei, Y., Zhong, B.-J., Som, S., Lu, T., & Luo, K. H. (2017). A compact skeletal mechanism for n-dodecane with optimized semi-global low-temperature chemistry for diesel engine simulations. Fuel, 191, 339-349. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2016.11.083Perez E. Application of a flamelet-based combustion model to diesel-like reacting sprays. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, 2019.Peters, N. (2000). Turbulent Combustion. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511612701Naud, B., Novella, R., Pastor, J. M., & Winklinger, J. F. (2015). RANS modelling of a lifted H2/N2 flame using an unsteady flamelet progress variable approach with presumed PDF. Combustion and Flame, 162(4), 893-906. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2014.09.014Payri, R., García-Oliver, J. M., Xuan, T., & Bardi, M. (2015). A study on diesel spray tip penetration and radial expansion under reacting conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 90, 619-629. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2015.07.042Narayanaswamy, K., Pepiot, P., & Pitsch, H. (2014). A chemical mechanism for low to high temperature oxidation of n-dodecane as a component of transportation fuel surrogates. Combustion and Flame, 161(4), 866-884. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2013.10.012Kahila, H., Wehrfritz, A., Kaario, O., Ghaderi Masouleh, M., Maes, N., Somers, B., & Vuorinen, V. (2018). Large-eddy simulation on the influence of injection pressure in reacting Spray A. Combustion and Flame, 191, 142-159. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.01.004Pang, K. M., Jangi, M., Bai, X.-S., Schramm, J., Walther, J. H., & Glarborg, P. (2019). Effects of ambient pressure on ignition and flame characteristics in diesel spray combustion. Fuel, 237, 676-685. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2018.10.020Tagliante, F., Poinsot, T., Pickett, L. M., Pepiot, P., Malbec, L.-M., Bruneaux, G., & Angelberger, C. (2019). A conceptual model of the flame stabilization mechanisms for a lifted Diesel-type flame based on direct numerical simulation and experiments. Combustion and Flame, 201, 65-77. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.12.00

    Clients'Experiences With Internet-Based Psychological Treatments for Mental Disorders: Protocol for a Metasynthesis of Qualitative Studies

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    Background Given the rise of internet-based treatments as an effective therapeutic tool for psychological disorders, it is necessary to carry out research that examines clients’ experiences with this type of intervention. The qualitative methodology has been found to be useful for analyzing clients’ perceptions in terms of facilitators and barriers, acceptability, and negative effects of internet-based treatments. However, a lack of integration of these primary studies has prevented their findings from being applied to new research and in clinical practice. Objective The objective of this paper is to describe the protocol for a metasynthesis of qualitative studies exploring the experiences of clients who underwent an internet-based treatment. Methods Elliot and Timulak’s metasynthesis approach will be used to review and synthesize qualitative studies related to client experiences in terms of the barriers and facilitators they perceived when undergoing internet-based treatment. For each search string, the features in the Sample, Phenomenon of Interest, Design, Evaluation, Research type (SPIDER) tool will be considered. Electronic databases (PubMed, PsycINFO, and Web of Science) will be searched. Two independent reviewers will analyze the material in order to determine whether the eligibility criteria are fulfilled. Findings will make it possible to create a hierarchy of domains in terms of their relevance across all the primary studies. The data obtained from primary studies will be cross-analyzed using descriptive and interpretative procedures. Results The search strategy is currently being conducted. First results are expected to be submitted for publication in 2019. Conclusions We will develop conceptual framework of the barriers and facilitators perceived by clients and propose their implications and recommendations for clinical practice, research, and training

    Microbiología del agua mineromedicinal del Balneario de Villavieja

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    The autochthonous and alocthonous microbiota of the natural mineral water of Villavieja Spahave been studied. The total number of microorganisms in the water was of 4.7 x104/mL and the number of heterotrophic and oligotrophic viable bacteria was 103 cfu/mL. Neither faecal indicators nor pathogenic microorganisms were found in 250 mL of water. The autochthonous microbiota mostly belongsto Gram‐negative bacilli, fromthe PhylumProteobacteria (64.4%) and in smaller percentageto theGram‐positive bacilli (24.4%) and cocci (6.7%). The most frequently found species were Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes (15.5%) and Leifsonia aquatica (13.3%). Moreoverammonifying, proteolytic, amylolytic and sulphato‐reducted bacteria have been detected in 100 mL of water, all of them involved in self‐purification process of water.  Se ha estudiado la microbiota autóctona y alóctona del agua mineromedicinal del Balneario de Villavieja (Castellón). El número total de microorganismos en el agua ha sido de 4,7 x104/mL y el número de bacterias viables heterótrofas y oligotrofas de 103 ufc/mL. No se han encontrado indicadores fecales ni microorganismos patógenos en 250 mL de agua. La microbiota autóctona está constituida, principalmente, por bacilos Gram negativos no fermentadores del Phylum Proteobacteria (64,4%) y, en menor proporción, por bacilos Gram positivos (24,4 %) y cocos Gram positivos (6,7 %). Las especies más frecuentes han sido Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes (15,5 %) y Leifsonia aquatica (13,3 %). Se han detectado bacterias con actividades amonificantes, proteolíticas, amilolíticas y sulfato‐reductoras en 100 mL de agua que contribuyen a la autodepuración del agua

    Análisis del efecto y grado de fidelización de los pacientes mediante los servicios de educación sanitaria y de seguimiento farmacoterapéutico ofertados desde la farmacia comunitaria (Proyecto Fisftes)

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    El estudio pretende analizar y comparar el grado de fidelización entre pacientes con uno o más factores de riesgo cardiovascular a los que se les realizarán únicamente educación sanitaria y pacientes con uno o más factores de riesgo cardiovascular a los que se les realizará seguimiento farmacoterapéutico. Cada farmacia participante en el proyecto instaurará un "servicio de control de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular" en el que se determinará de forma gratuita a cada paciente los niveles de presión arterial, colesterol total, triglicéridos, glucosa basal, peso, índice de masa corporal y riesgo cardiovascular. Todos estos parámetros se medirán a los cero, tres y seis meses. A los pacientes del grupo control se les realizará educación sanitaria y a los pacientes del grupo intervención se les realizará seguimiento farmacoterapéutico. Además, el estudio incluirá una "campaña antitabaco" para pacientes fumadores. En cada paciente se medirán y tratarán de forma individualizada todos los factores de riesgo cardiovascular con el objetivo de disminuir el riesgo cardiovascular de cada paciente. Para medir el grado de fidelización de los pacientes se realizará un registro mensual de todos los medicamentos y productos sanitarios que el paciente adquiera cada vez que visite la farmacia. En la visita cero y en la visita de los seis meses, se pasará a los pacientes un cuestionario anónimo para poder analizar el grado de satisfacción de los pacientes con la farmacia y con el servicio de seguimiento farmacoterapéutico, tras seis meses de educación sanitaria o seguimiento fármaco terapéutico

    La diversidad sexual y de género en las organizaciones. Aproximándonos a organizaciones más habitables

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    Se realiza una aproximación a la diversidad sexual y de género desde un punto común para adentrarse en los conceptos y su construcción social mediante un análisis reflexivo sobre los esquemas de interactuación, tantas veces limitantes de las realidades no normativas, cuando no excluyentes de las mismas también en los ámbitos organizacionales.Altamira Basterrechea, JF.; Canarias Fernández-Cavada, E. (2021). La diversidad sexual y de género en las organizaciones. Aproximándonos a organizaciones más habitables. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/16599

    Quid-Innova 2005-2006. Scientific impact of a nursing research formation and promotion program

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    Fundamento: El quid INNOVA es un programa de formación para la promoción del conocimiento y la innovación en cuidados entre las enfermeras andaluzas. El propósito de este estudio es conocer y analizar la producción científica emergente del programa quid-INNOVA en su primer periodo de ejecución, que abarcó los años 2005 y 2006. Metodología: Estudio de carácter evaluativo, exploró indicadores de tipo académico (cobertura, cumplimiento y nivel de adecuación) e indicadores de impacto científico (productividad potencial, productividad directa, productividad general y productividad de acción investigadora). Se llevó a cabo un análisis estadístico descriptivo para cada variable. Resultados: Los resultados más llamativos constatan que se han obtenido 6 publicaciones directas de cada 10 alumnos que han participado en alguna actividad formativa de carácter científico, o que más del 70% de los proyectos de investigación generados en el programa y presentados en la convocatoria de investigación de la Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía han conseguido financiación. Conclusiones: El programa quid-INNOVA ha repercutido significativamente en la producción científica, lo que lo convierte en un claro ejemplo de transferencia de la formación a la práctica, puesto que se ha logrado incrementar el conocimiento científico en términos de artículos publicados y de proyectos de investigación financiados. Promoción del conocimiento.Base: The quid-INNOVA is a program of training for the promotion of knowledge and innovation between the nurses of Andalucía. The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the emerging scientific production of quid-INNOVA in its first period of implementation that covered the years 2005 and 2006. Methodology: It studied character assessment that took a unit of analysis from each of the integrated courses of the quid-INNOVA. The variables studied corresponded to indicators of academic type (cover, performance and level of adaptation) and indicators of scientific impact (potential productivity, direct productivity, general productivity and research action productivity). Results: The eyecatching results show that there have been 6 direct publications from each of the 10 students who have participated in some formation activity of scientific character or that more than 70% of the research projects generated in the program and presented in the investigation assembly of the Department of Health of the Government of Andalucía have obtained financing. The quid-INNOVA program has significantly helped in the scientific production and has made a clear example of the transition from training to practice, given that it has increased the scientific knowledge in terms of published articles and financed research projects. Conclusions: The quid- INNOVA program has helped so significantly in the scientific production that it has made of it a clear example of the transfer from formation to the practice because it has increased the scientific knowledge in terms of published articles and of financed research projects

    Oral lesions in patients with primary Sjögren?s syndrome. A case-control cross-sectional study

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    To evaluate the presence of oral lesions in a group of patients with primary Sjögren?s syndrome (pSS) and compare these results with a matched control group (CG). An observational cross-sectional study was conducted. 61 pSS patients (60 women, 1 man, mean age 57.64±13.52) diagnosed according to the American European Criteria (2002), and 122 matched control patients (120 women, 2 men, mean age 60.02±13.13) were included. Demographic and medical data, oral lesions and salivary flow rate were collected. Compared with the controls, pSS patients were 3.95 more likely to have oral lesions (OR 3.95; 95% CI 2.06-7.58; p=0.0001). 57.4% pSS patients presented oral lesions compared to 25.4% in CG. The most common were candidiasis (13.1% vs 2.5%), traumatic lesions (13.1% vs 4.1%), apthae (8.2% vs 0), and fissuration of the tongue (8.2% vs 0.8%). pSS patients with oral lesions had lower salivary flow levels (stimulated and unstimulated), although these differences were not significant. Significant associations were found between the presence of oral lesions and systemic manifestations and history of parotid gland enlargement in pSS patients. pSS patients suffer more oral lesions than general population and these lesions may aggravate the pSS disease

    Beneficial effects of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) in ocular pathologies, particularly neurodegenerative retinal diseases

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    Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) has been traditionally used in food preparation and as a medicinal plant. It currently has numerous therapeutic properties attributed to it, such as protection against ischemia, as well as anticonvulsant, antidepressant, anxiolytic, hypolipidemic, anti-atherogenic, anti-hypertensive, antidiabetic, and anti-cancer properties. In addition, saffron has remarkable beneficial properties, such as anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, due to its main metabolites, among which crocin and crocetin stand out. Furthermore, increasing evidence underwrites the possible neuroprotective role of the main bioactive saffron constituents in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, both in experimental models and in clinical studies in patients. Currently, saffron supplementation is being tested for ocular neurodegenerative pathologies, such as diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma, among others, and shows beneficial effects. The present article provides a comprehensive and up to date report of the investigations on the beneficial effects of saffron extracts on the main neurodegenerative ocular pathologies and other ocular diseases. This review showed that saffron extracts could be considered promising therapeutic agents to help in the treatment of ocular neurodegenerative diseases

    La ciudad que habito. Miradas desde la diversidad étnico-cultural

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    La interculturalidad, como elemento transformador de nuestras sociedades, aporta una dimensión clave en el análisis de un mundo cada vez más complejo y en el que la ciudad global refleja la cultura y su diversidad como elementos centrales de las relaciones humanas en el actual contexto de crecimiento acelerado y dinamismo migratorio de la población.Fernández Del Moral Mestre, B.; Mascarell Correcher, E.; Vecino Puente, E.; Puchades Pla, R(.; Cerdá Hernández, MR(.; Bosch Vila, A(.; García, LM(. (2021). La ciudad que habito. Miradas desde la diversidad étnico-cultural. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/16623