328 research outputs found
House in a “rice paddy”. An ideogram of interaction in the contemporary japanese habitat
La disposición en “campo de arroz”, o división del espacio de la vivienda en cuatro partes siguiendo el ideograma kanji de origen chino “TA”, fue el modelo tipológico de la casa tradicional popular en Japón, cuya disposición generaba fuertes vínculos en el grupo familiar. La reciente aparición de una nueva generación de arquitectos que, a partir de SANAA, busca recuperar la interacción familiar en las pequeñas viviendas urbanas de la trama de ciudades como Tokio, coincide con una recurrente reaparición de la disposición de la vivienda en forma de “TA”. Una forma trasladada, ahora, a un modelo espacial que se libera de las estrictas servidumbres que caracterizaban a la vivienda tradicional. En los últimos años, estas pequeñas viviendas tienden a abrirse a la trama urbana, frente a la opacidad que había caracterizado a las obras de la generación de arquitectos anterior, expresando el interés por la interacción con la comunidad más allá de la vida familiar. Y en este sentido, la utilización del ideograma en forma de “campo de arroz” persiste como un referente dispositivo en el hábitat japonés contemporáneo.The “rice paddy” arrangement, or division of the space of the house into four parts, following the kanji ideogram “TA” of Chinese origin, was the typological model of the popular traditional house in Japan, whose arrangement generated strong bonds within the family group. The recent appearance of a new generation of architects which, after SANAA, seeks to recover the family interaction in the small urban houses of the fabric of cities, such as Tokyo, coincides with a recurrent reappearance of the arrangement of the home in the form of a “TA”. A form transferred, now, to a spatial model that is free of the strict codes that characterized the traditional house. In recent years, these small houses have tended to open themselves up to the urban fabric, expressing the interest for interaction with the community beyond family life, as opposed to the opacity that had characterized the works of the previous generation of architects. Therefore, the use of the ideogram in the form of a “rice paddy” persists as a benchmark device in the contemporary Japanese habitat
Bernard Rudofsky’s epicurean eye: drawings from his journeys
[EN] Almost three decades have passed since the death of the multifaceted architect and prominent contemporary design theorist Bernard Rudofsky, and this article pays homage to his life and career. It focuses on the drawings and travels that that had the greatest influence on his life and critical thinking, and in particular his stay on the Greek island of Santorini in 1929.[ES] Este artículo rinde homenaje a la figura y trayectoria del polifacético arquitecto Bernard Rudofsky, destacado teórico del diseño contemporáneo, cuando están a punto de cumplirse tres décadas de su fallecimiento, incidiendo en aquellos aspectos relacionados con sus dibujos y viajes que más han influido en su vida y su pensamiento crítico; en particular, su estancia en la isla griega de Santorini en 1929.Linares García, F.; Gallego Fernández, PL. (2018). La mirada epicúrea de Bernard Rudofsky: los dibujos de sus viajes. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 23(33):228-239. doi:10.4995/ega.2018.10388SWORD2282392333BERGUERA, Iñaki. 2016. "Spain, photographs with¬out photographer: la mirada analítica de Bernard Rudofsky"; en A.A.V.V., Fotografía y arquitectura moderna en España; Madrid, pp. 238-259.BOCCO, Andrea. 2003. A humane designer; Springer-Verlag, Wien.NOEVER, Peter. 1986. Entrevista a Bernard Rudofsky; Umriss 5, nº 1.ROSSI, Hugo. 2015. Bernard Rudofsky, architetto; Clean Edizioni, Napoli.RUDOFSKY, Bernard. 1964. Architecture Without Architects; Academy Editions, London.A.A.V.V. 2007. Lessons from Bernard Rudofsky. Life as a Voyage; Birkhäuser, Basel.A.A.V.V. 2014. Bernard Rudofsky. Desobediencia crítica a la modernidad; Centro José Guerrero, Granada
On the effect of the maximal proper acceleration in the inertia
The effect of an hypothetical maximal proper acceleration on the inertial
mass of charged particles is investigated in the context of particle
accelerators. In particular, it is shown that maximal acceleration implies a
reduction of the luminosity of the bunches relative with respect to the
expected luminosity in the relativistic models of the bunches. This relative
loss in luminosity is of the order for the LHC and of order
for current laser plasma accelerators facilities. Although this effect is
small, it increases with the square of the number of particles in the bunch.Comment: 10 page
Evaluation of the neo-glottal closure based on the source description in esophageal voice
The characteristics of esophageal voice render its study by traditional acoustic means to be limited and complicate. These limitations are even stronger when working with patients lacking minimal skills to control the required technique. Nevertheless the speech therapist needs to know the performance and mechanics developed by the patient in producing esophageal voice, as the specific techniques required in this case are not as universal and well-known as the ones for normal voicing. Each patient develops different strategies for producing esophageal voice due to the anatomical changes affecting the crico-pharyngeal sphincter (CPS) and the functional losses resulting from surgery. Therefore it is of fundamental relevance that practitioners could count on new instruments to evaluate esophageal voice quality, which on its turn could help in the enhancement of the CPS dynamics. The present work carries out a description of the voice of four patients after undergoing laryngectomy on data obtained from the study of the neo-glottal wave profile. Results obtained after analyzing the open-close phases and the tension of the muscular body on the CPS are shown
Paralelización en CUDA de varios modos de ataque a algoritmos de hashing
Los algoritmos de hashing se utilizan habitualmente en el ámbito de la ciberseguridad
para encriptar información secreta, por ejemplo, se usan para la encriptación de todo tipo
de contraseñas. Por este motivo, los atacantes de sistemas informáticos suelen idear y poner
en práctica medios para desencriptar códigos hash. En todos ellos es necesario utilizar
recursos computacionales de altas prestaciones, pues una forma habitual de ataque consiste
en encriptar varias contraseñas candidatas obteniendo su código hash correspondiente, para
compararlo con el código hash objeto del ataque. Hashcat es una herramienta de código
abierto que implementa una gran variedad de estos ataques. Para hacer un uso eficiente de los
recursos computacionales disponibles en una plataforma dada, Hashcat utiliza principalmente
la plataforma de paralelización OpenCL. Esta plataforma es un estándar que permite explotar
las capacidades paralelas de todo tipo de procesadores multinúcleo y de tarjetas gráficas. Sin
embargo, el soporte de OpenCL por parte de muchos candidatos ha decaído en los últimos
años, siendo en algunos casos inexistente y en otros deficiente.
Esta falta de soporte de OpenCL es especialmente relevante en las tarjetas gráficas Nvidia,
donde el propio fabricante ofrece una alternativa propietaria llamada CUDA. En este trabajo
exploraremos las posibilidades de reemplazar el uso de OpenCL por el uso de CUDA en
hashcat. Estudiaremos hasta qué punto podemos mejorar el rendimiento de la herramienta
utilizando CUDA. Para ello deberemos realizar tres tareas fundamentales: (1) Una tarea de
ingeniería inversa para entender cómo funciona Hashcat internamente y el grado de soporte
que existe para la tecnología CUDA. Esta tarea es necesaria debido a la escasa documentación
que la aplicación aporta para sus desarrolladores. (2) Una tarea de análisis de rendimiento de
la herramienta Hashcat, y (3) efectuar una propuesta de mejora del soporte de CUDA dentro
de la aplicación, estudiando el efecto que esta mejora puede tener en el rendimiento.[Abstract]
Hashing algorithms are commonly used in the field of cybersecurity to encrypt secret
information, for example, they are used to encrypt all kinds of passwords. For this reason,
computer system attackers often devise and implement means to decrypt hash codes. In all of
them it is necessary to use high-performance computing resources, since a common form of
attack is to encrypt several candidate passwords obtaining their corresponding hash code, to
compare it with the hash code that is the object of the attack. Hashcat is an open source tool
that implements a wide variety of these attacks. To make efficient use of the computational
resources available on a given platform, Hashcat primarily uses the OpenCL parallelization
platform. This platform is a standard that allows you to exploit the parallel capabilities of all
types of multi-core processors and graphics cards. However, the support of OpenCL by many
candidates has declined in recent years, being in some cases non-existent and in others poor.
This lack of OpenCL support is especially relevant on Nvidia graphics cards, where the
manufacturer itself offers a proprietary alternative called CUDA. In this work we will explore
the possibilities of replacing the use of OpenCL with the use of CUDA in hashcat. We will
study how we can improve the performance of the tool using CUDA. For this we will have to
carry out three fundamental tasks: (1) A reverse engineering task to understand how Hashcat
works internally and the degree of support that exists for CUDA technology. This task is
necessary due to the scarce documentation that the application provides for its developers.
(2) A performance analysis task of the Hashcat tool, and (3) make a proposal to improve
CUDA support within the application, studying the effect that this improvement may have
on performance.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FIC). Enxeñaría informática. Curso 2019/202
The ruin as a proyect. Strategies in the work of Sou Fujimoto
En el Romanticismo, la representación de la ruina en el paisaje sirvió
para abrir el sentimiento de la Naturaleza y la necesidad de
encontrar la belleza natural de la Arquitectura desde un retorno a
los orígenes. En la obra del arquitecto japonés Sou Fujimoto, surge de nuevo
una búsqueda de lo primitivo u originario en el que el concepto de “ruina”
adquiere un potencial de acción para el futuro, que se descubre mediante el
sentimiento de la Naturaleza y su interacción con el hombre para recuperar
el verdadero sentido de habitar.In the Romanticism, the representation of the ruin in the landscape served to
open the feeling of nature and the need to find the natural beauty of the
architecture since the return to origins. In the work of Japanese architect Sou
Fujimoto, arises again a search of the primitive or as originating in which the
concept of "ruin" takes an action potential for the future, which is discovered
by the feeling of nature and its interaction with the man to recover the true
meaning of inhabiting.Cuenc
Yield evaluation of enzyme hydrolysis and dark fermentation of the brown seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae hydrothermally pretreated by microwave irradiation
Microwave irradiation has been applied to solubilise the organic matter from the invasive seaweed Rugulopterix okamurae as pretreatment for two conventional biological processes: enzyme hydrolysis (EH) for obtaining reducing sugars (RS) and dark fermentation (DF) for obtaining volatile fatty acids (VFAs). As operational conditions for the microwave pretreatment, temperature and time has been tested between 120 and 220 °C and 5–20 min respectively. The maximum solubilisation yield in terms of DOC (26%) through the microwave pretreatment was registered at 220 °C at 20 min. However, the maximum concentration for RS (1.8 g/L) was obtained at 200 °C at 20 min due to the decomposition of monomeric sugars at high temperature and the total polyphenols (TP) were above 0.25 g/L (where inhibition in dark fermentation begins to be noticiable) at 180 °C. When the pretreated biomass was used for the EH the maximum accumulated RS production was 160 mg-RS/g-biomass, at 220 °C which was a 35% better than the RS production for non-pretreated biomass. In the case of the DF tests, the maximum yield of VFAs obtained with the pretreated biomass was 46.3 mg/g-biomass at 220 °C while the maximum hydrogen yield was obtained at 200 °C (6.6 mL-H2/g-biomass) due to the high level of TP (1.1 g/L) of pretreated biomass at 220 °C. Despite of this toxic effect, the VFAs production at 220 °C was 93% higher than in the non-pretreated biomass
Low Cost Automated Security Audit System
Presented at the 4th XoveTIC Conference, A Coruña, Spain, 7–8 October 2021.[Abstract] In recent years, a quick transition towards digitization has been observed in most organizations. Along with it, certain inherent problems have appeared, such as the increase in cyber threats. Large organizations are able to adapt easily, but this does not happen with small and medium-sized companies. Currently, there are very few solutions aimed at fulfilling the needs of these small enterprises, so we have worked on a tool for them. Our tool is capable of displaying key, easy-to-interpret information related to each organization’s network assets. To achieve this, we used passive and active analysis techniques and successfully evaluated the viability of using machine learning techniques to get more meaningful information. All of the information obtained is displayed in a simple web application, which is designed to be used by managers in organizations without them needing to handle complex concepts and vocabulary.CITIC, as a Research Center accredited by the Galician University System, is funded by “Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade from Xunta de Galicia”, supported in an 80% through ERDF, ERDF Operational Programme Galicia 2014–2020, and the remaining 20% by “Secretaría Xeral de Universidades (Grant ED431G 2019/01). This work was also funded by the research consolidation grant ED431B 2021/36, Art.83 collaboration F19/17, the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, and the FEDER funds of the European Union (Project PID2019-111388GB-I00)Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431B 2021/3
Glottal-Source Spectral Biometry for Voice Characterization
The biometric signature derived from the estimation of the power spectral density singularities of a speaker’s glottal source is described in the present work. This consists in the collection of peak-trough profiles found in the spectral density, as related to the biomechanics of the vocal folds. Samples of parameter estimations from a set of 100 normophonic (pathology-free) speakers are produced. Mapping the set of speaker’s samples to a manifold defined by Principal Component Analysis and clustering them by k-means in terms of the most relevant principal components shows the separation of speakers by gender. This means that the proposed signature conveys relevant speaker’s metainformation, which may be useful in security and forensic applications for which contextual side information is considered relevant
Yacimientos de empleo vinculados a la mejora de los niveles dotacionales
Producción CientíficaEstudio de los yacimientos de empleo ligados a la distribución comercial y el abastecimiento en general en el mundo rural, el transporte colectivo y a la demanda, el turismo cultural y la puesta en valor del patrimonio y las telecomunicaciones como elemento dinamizador de la economía regional. Incluye un análisis sobre la formación de la mano de obra.Geografí
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