65 research outputs found

    Changes in Nursing Professional Values during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the professional values. The aim of the study was to describe the changes in the professional values of hospital nurses during the first months of the pandemic in Asturias (Spain). A sample of 55 critical care, emergency, hospitalization units and management nurses were selected. The validated Professional Nursing Values Scale (26 items) was used, which consists of 3 dimensions: ethics (9 items), professional commitment (8 items) and professional mastery (9 items). For each value, it was asked to indicate whether there were changes (positive or negative) or not. Overall, positive changes in values of professional commitment and mastery were detected during the first wave of the pandemic. The values that showed the most positive changes were "Find additional training to update one's knowledge and skills", "Protect the health and safety of the population" and "Accept responsibility for one's practice". The nurses ethical values remained more steady.La crisis sanitaria provocada por la pandemia por la COVID-19 ha puesto en juego los valores profesionales. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir los cambios en los valores profesionales de enfermeros/as de atención especializada durante los primeros meses de la pandemia en Asturias (España). Se seleccionó una muestra de 55 profesionales de enfermería de cuidados críticos, urgencias, plantas de hospitalización y gestión. Se administró el cuestionario validado de Escala de Valores Profesionales de Enfermería (26 ítems), que consta de 3 dimensiones: ética (9 ítems), compromiso (8 ítems) y dominio profesional (9 ítems). Para cada valor, se solicitó que indicaran si hubo o no cambios (negativos o positivos). En general, se detectaron cambios positivos en los valores profesionales de compromiso y de dominio profesional durante la primera ola de la pandemia. Los valores que acumularon más cambios positivos fueron "buscar formación para actualización", "proteger la salud y seguridad de la población" y "aceptar responsabilidad de la práctica". Los valores éticos de los enfermeros/as permanecieron más estables

    Electroencephalography in consumer behaviour and marketing: a science mapping approach

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    [EN] Since its inception, the field of consumer neuroscience and neuromarketing has undergone significant development. The principal objective of this work is to identify current research and to define emerging topics in both consumer neuroscience and neuromarketing using electroencephalography (EEG) since no studies have thus far examined this issue. To this end, a bibliometric analysis was conducted with the Science Mapping Software tool SciMAT. In total, 497 articles published between 2002 and 2022 were examined. The analysis encompassed all research from brain regions, technologies, and marketing which can be applied for a better understanding of consumer behaviour. The main contribution of this work is the comprehensive and objective review of the topic, which highlights the potential interest in applying EEG to emerging technologies (e.g., augmented reality, mixed reality, or virtual reality), tourism marketing communications, healthy food products, consumer willingness-topay, service marketing, dynamic stimuli, and consumers’ emotions.S

    Women’s reactions upon reading a leaflet on Breast Cancer Screening Program

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    [ES] FUNDAMENTOS // El folleto del Programa de Detección Precoz del Cáncer de Mama (PDPCM) es una importante herramienta de difusión de ese programa. Conocer la percepción de las mujeres sobre ese material informativo es relevante para entender mejor su actitud hacia el PDPCM. El objetivo del estudio fue explorar las reacciones de las mujeres respecto al folleto del PDPCM. MÉTODOS // Se realizó un estudio cualitativo descriptivo en mujeres de entre cuarenta y sesenta años en Asturias (España). Se realizaron veintiséis entrevistas semiestructuradas a mujeres de diferentes perfiles socioeconómicos en 2018. Se realizó un análisis de contenido para identificar inductivamente las categorías emergentes. RESULTADOS // La lectura del folleto despertó emociones positivas como tranquilidad, bienestar o gratitud, pero también miedo o inquietud. Las mujeres expresaron diversas creencias sobre el CM (enfermedad muy prevalente y de elevada supervivencia), sobre el PDPCM (programa dirigido a la prevención y que suponía una actividad normalizada en su entorno) y sobre el relevante papel de los servicios de salud y los medios de comunicación. Se detectaron actitudes ambivalentes hacia el PDPCM y estas actitudes estaban relacionadas con las emociones. CONCLUSIONES // La respuesta emocional al leer el folleto es ambivalente, aunque la mayoría de las mujeres expresan emociones positivas. Las mujeres comparan la información con sus creencias previas, especialmente respecto al CM y al PDPCM. Es importante entender cómo ciertas emociones (especialmente las negativas) están estrechamente relacionadas con la actitud hacia este programa.[EN] BACKGROUND // Breast cancer screening (BCS) leaflets are important for outreach and dissemination of BCS programs. Knowing how women perceive these leaflets is relevant to better understand their attitude towards BCS. The objective of this paper was to explore women’s reactions regarding BCS leaflet. METHODS // A simple descriptive qualitative design was performed involving women aged between forty and sixty years of age in Asturias (Spain). Twenty-six semi-structured interviews were conducted with women of different socioeconomic profiles in 2018. Thematic analysis was carried out. RESULTS // Reading the leaflet elicited positive emotions such as peace of mind, well-being or gratitude, in addition to fear or anxiety. The women expressed various beliefs about breast cancer (highly prevalent and high survival rates), about BCS (a program aimed at prevention, a normative activity among their peers) and about the relevant role of health services and the media. Ambivalent attitudes towards BCS were detected, related to emotions. CONCLUSIONS // The emotional response after reading the brochure is ambivalent, although most of the women express positive emotions. Women compare the information with previous beliefs, especially regarding breast cancer (BC) and BCS. It is important to understand how certain emotions (especially negative ones) are closely related to the attitude towards BCS.S

    Más allá de lo obvio. La comunicación no verbal en la interacción internacional: España y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos

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    This article reflects on the cultural differences existing between Spain and the United Arab Emirates regarding social interaction. By using specific public relation instruments –as the organization of acts or the planning of international meetings– for communicative strategies, we carried out an analysis of the aspects that, from tradition and habit, should be taken into account when planning and implementing this type of actions as well as other valid in social interaction (at business, institutional, or personal level.) This way, we propose to gather information related to chronemics, proxemics, kinesics, and paralinguistics that can help when planning communicative actions and avoid commotion. For this reason, we visited Spanish embassies and consulates in the United Arab Emirates and talked to Spanish entrepreneurs who reside there. Through them, we gathered information that can be used as reference in order to decrease communicative problems that go beyond language.Este artículo recoge una reflexión sobre las diferencias culturales existentes entre España y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos en lo que se refiere a la interacción social. Partiendo del uso de determinados instrumentos de relaciones públicas (como la organización de actos o la planificación de reuniones internacionales) al servicio de estrategias comunicativas, se realiza un análisis de aquellos aspectos que —desde el punto de vista de la tradición y la costumbre— se han de tener en cuenta a la hora de planificar y ejecutar este tipo de acciones, así como aquellos otros vigentes en la interacción social, ya sea en el ámbito empresarial, institucional o personal. De esta forma, se propone recopilar datos referentes a la cronémica, la proxemia, la kinesia y la paralingüística que puedan servir de ayuda a la hora planificar acciones comunicativas y evitar ruidos. Para ello, se acude a embajadas y consulados españoles en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, así como a empresarios españoles residentes allí. A través de ellos, se recopilan los datos que puedan servir de referencia a los interlocutores y que les ayuden a disminuir los ruidos comunicativos que surjan más allá del problema idiomátic

    Journalistic texts on public health and health management in the newspaper El País, 2001-2016

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    Introducción: la prensa ha adquirido un papel relevante en la formación, conocimiento y expectativas de salud en la sociedad. Objetivo: analizar los temas relacionados con salud pública y gestión sanitaria publicados en el diario El País durante 2001-2016. Métodos: se realizó un estudio documental, con enfoque cuantitativo, seleccionando documentos de los años indicados relacionados con salud pública y gestión sanitaria, contenidos en el cuerpo de los textos periodísticos sobre Medicina y Salud de la colección CONPRE-Oviedo. Resultados: se identificaron 265 artículos sobre salud pública y 326 sobre gestión sanitaria. Los de salud pública se relacionaron con la prevención de la enfermedad y promoción de la salud (30,9%), epidemiología (25,3%), drogas ilegales, alcohol y tabaco (25,3%). En gestión sanitaria fueron macrogestión (61,3%), mesogestión (27,9%) y microgestión (10,7%). Los artículos fueron preferentemente informativos, de fuente institucional, e incluidos mayoritariamente en la sección de Sociedad. Los textos sobre prevención de la enfermedad y promoción de la salud se basaron en publicaciones científicas. Conclusión: el diario El País incluyó frecuentemente temas relacionados con salud pública y gestión sanitaria, por lo que los textos periodísticos podrían contribuir a la formación de la población y a generar una actitud crítica en salud.Introduction: the press has acquired a relevant role in health education, knowledge and expectations in society. Objective: to carry out a descriptive analysis of the issues related to public health and health management published in the newspaper El País during 2001-2016. Methods: A documentary study was carried out, with a quantitative approach, selecting documents related to public health and health management, contained in the body of journalistic texts on Medicine and Health of the CONPRE-Oviedo collection. Results: 265 journalistic texts on public health and 365 on health management were identified. Public health was linked to disease prevention and health promotion (30.9%), epidemiology (25.3%), illicit drugs, alcohol and tobacco (25.3%). The texts on health management focused on macro-management (61.3%), meso-management (27.9%) and micromanagement (10.7%). The articles were preferably informative, from an institutional source, and mostly included in the Society section. Texts on disease prevention and health promotion were based on scientific publications. Society is the section where they are most frequently published. Conclusion: the newspaper El País has frequently covered topics related to public health and health management, so journalistic texts could contribute to population education and to the generation of a critical attitude towards health

    Long-Term Care Facilities and Nursing Homes during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review of the Perspectives of Professionals, Families and Residents

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant repercussions for nursing home residents, their families, and professionals. The objective was to describe the perspectives of residents, their families, and nursing home employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. A scoping review was carried out using the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews. The inclusion criteria were: qualitative and/or mixed methods studies in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. The review covers studies published from 11 March 2020 to 15 February 2021. CINAHL, PubMed, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Scopus, British Nursing Index, Proquest, PsycInfo, and Google Scholar databases were used. We conducted a systematic narrative synthesis, presenting the results narratively and showing descriptive statistics on the studies reviewed. Sixteen documents were obtained from 175 results. Two studies focused on residents and one on their families. The remaining studies looked at professionals. Nursing homes had great difficulty managing resources, which was exacerbated by emotional exhaustion among residents, employees, and family members. In nursing homes, creative initiatives and new forms of leadership appeared to meet emerging needs during the pandemic. The results of the study show the impact of the pandemic on nursing homes and the response capacity present among residents, family members, and professionals

    Factors Associated with Bed-Blocking at a University Hospital (Cantabria, Spain) between 2007 and 2015: A Retrospective Observational Study

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    ABSTRACT: Current studies on bed-blocking or delayed discharge for non-medical reasons report important variations depending on the country or setting under study. Research on this subject is clearly important as the current system reveals major inefficiencies. Although there is some agreement on the patient-related factors that contribute to the phenomenon, such as older age or a lack of functional ability, there is greater variability regarding environmental or organizational factors. This study sought to quantify the number of cases and days inappropriately spent in hospital and identify patient characteristics and healthcare service use associated with the total length of stay. All cases of delayed discharge were studied at the hospitalization units of a general university hospital in Northern Spain between 2007 and 2015. According to regression estimates, the following characteristics were related to a longer stay: higher complexity through (Diagnosis-Related Group) DRG weight, a diagnosis that implied a lack of functional ability, surgical treatment, having to wait for a destination upon final discharge or return home. After an initial increase, a reduction in delayed discharge was observed, which was maintained for the duration of the study period. Multi-component interventions related with discharge planning can favor a reduced inefficiency with fewer unnecessary stays.Funding: This research has been subsidised by the Valdecilla Health Research Institute (IDIVAL). Project awarded as the best project to be developed in Cantabria in the 18th call for research projects "Enfermería Valdecilla". The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip

    Differential characteristics of cases of patients diagnosed with pneumonia and delayed discharge for non-clinical reasons in Northern Spain

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    Background: Delayed discharge for non-clinical reasons is related to a failure to plan for discharge and a lack of availability of intermediate care resources as an alternative to acute hospitalisation. The literature concerning the relationship with pneumonia is scarce. At present, the coronavirus pandemic is a new cause of complicated pneumonias that can further affect the functionality of the most fragile patients. Objective: The aim of this study was to understand what characteristics are typical of patients affected by pneumonia, compared with other cases of delayed discharge. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. All cases of delayed discharge were studied at the hospitalisation units of a general university hospital in Northern Spain from 2007 to 2015. In order to compare the differential characteristics of the groups of patients with pneumonia with the total Student's T-test and Pearson's chi-square test (?²) were used. Results: 170 patients were identified with a diagnosis of pneumonia and delayed discharge for non-clinical reasons during the study period. These cases accumulated a total of 4790 days of total stay, of which 1294 days corresponded to the prolonged stay. The mean age of the patients was 80.23 years. The mean DRG weight was 2.28 [SD 0.579], and 14.12% of patients with pneumonia and delayed discharge died. So, patients with pneumonia were older (P = .001), less complex (P = .001) and suffered greater deaths compared with the remaining patients (P = .001). Conclusions: The sum of these factors has to do with comorbidities and complications associated with ageing and the characteristics of conditions such as aspiration pneumonia

    Delayed Discharge for Non-Clinical Reasons in Hip Procedures: Differential Characteristics and Opportunity Cost

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    Delayed discharge for non-clinical reasons shares common characteristics with hip procedures. We sought to quantify the length of stay and related costs of hip procedures and compare these with other cases of delayed discharge. A cross-sectional study was conducted at a public hospital in Spain (2007?2015) including 306 patients with 6945 days of total stay and 2178 days of prolonged stay. The mean appropriate stay was 15.58 days, and the mean prolonged stay was 7.12 days. The cost of a prolonged stay was €641,002.09. The opportunity cost according to the value of the hospital complexity unit was €922,997.82. The mean diagnostic-related groups? weight was 3.40. Up to 85.29% of patients resided in an urban area near the hospital (p = 0.001), and 83.33% were referred to a long-stay facility for functional recovery (p = 0.001). The proportion of patients with hip procedures and delayed discharge was lower than previous reports; however, their length of stay was longer. The cost of prolonged stay could account for 21.17% of the total. Compared with the remaining cases of delayed discharge, the appropriate stay was shorter in hip procedures, with a profile of older women living in an urban area close to the hospital and referred to a long-stay center for functional recover