495 research outputs found

    Decreasing Sleep-Time Blood Pressure Determined by Ambulatory Monitoring Reduces Cardiovascular Risk

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    ObjectivesWe investigated whether reduced cardiovascular risk is more related to the progressive decrease of asleep or awake blood pressure.BackgroundIndependent studies have concluded that elevated sleep-time blood pressure is a better predictor of cardiovascular risk than awake or 24-h blood pressure means. However, the impact on cardiovascular risk of changes in these ambulatory blood pressure characteristics has not been properly investigated.MethodsWe prospectively studied 3,344 subjects (1,718 men and 1,626 women), 52.6 ± 14.5 years of age, during a median follow-up of 5.6 years. Those with hypertension at baseline were randomized to ingest all their prescribed hypertension medications upon awakening or ≥1 of them at bedtime. Blood pressure was measured for 48 h at baseline and again annually or more frequently (quarterly) if treatment adjustment was required.ResultsWith data collected at baseline, when asleep blood pressure was adjusted by awake mean, only the former was a significant predictor of outcome in a Cox proportional hazards model also adjusted for sex, age, and diabetes. Analyses of changes in ambulatory blood pressure during follow-up revealed a 17% reduction in cardiovascular risk for each 5-mm Hg decrease in asleep systolic blood pressure mean (p < 0.001), independently of changes in any other ambulatory blood pressure parameter.ConclusionsThe sleep-time blood pressure mean is the most significant prognostic marker of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Most importantly, the progressive decrease in asleep blood pressure, a novel therapeutic target that requires proper patient evaluation by ambulatory monitoring, was the most significant predictor of event-free survival. (Prognostic Value of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in the Prediction of Cardiovascular Events and Effects of Chronotherapy in Relation to Risk [the MAPEC Study]; NCT00295542

    Asteroid trace fossils from Lower Cretaceous shallow- to marginal-marine deposits in Patagonia

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    Most stellate trace fossils of the ichnogenus Asteriacites are attributed to asterozoan producers in general and the majority is the result of the work of ophiuroids. The fossil record of asterozoans is scarce in South America, particularly for the Mesozoic. Asteriacites specimens found in shallow- to marginal-marine Lower Cretaceous (upper Hauterivian-lower Barremian) deposits in the Neuquen Basin (Patagonia, Argentina) exhibit sculpture and morphometry typical of asteroid producers. This is the second record of asteroids from the Lower Cretaceous of South America. The close association between these Asteriacites possibly produced by astropectinids and traces assignable to Siphonichnidae are suggestive of a predator-prey interaction, adding palaeoecological information for community-structure reconstruction of these deposits. For ichnotaxonomic evaluation, morphometric parameters of Asteriacites were elaborated using simple photogrammetric procedures applied on negative epirelief specimens and undertraces to define edges of the stellate trace fossils

    Results for Greenland halibut, American plaice and Atlantic cod of the Spanish survey in NAFO Div. 3NO for the period 1997-2018

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    Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) indices from the bottom trawl survey that Spain carries out in Spring since 1995 in Div. 3NO of the NAFO Regulatory Area are presented. Biomass, stratified mean catches and mean number per tow for the three species are presented since 1997, year in which the survey extended the depth strata. Mean catch per tow, length distribution and age distribution are presented for the last five years (2014-2018). Greenland halibut biomass and abundance estimates presented a decreasing trend since 1999, cut in 2007-2009 with a high increase. In 2011 the biomass drops under the 2008 value, being stable since then until 2014 with a slight increase in 2015-2018 comprising a big increase in 2017, reaching the maximum of the series. In last years it can be seen a presence of juveniles, mainly in 2004, but the greatest lengths have failed, although in 2009 there is a quite good presence of individuals of ages 6-7 and in 2010 between 5-7. In 2011-2018 the presence of all ages is poor, although in 2015-2016 an increase in the range of the length can be seen with regards to last years. For American plaice we can see a stable trend from 1999 to 2015, reaching a maximum of mean catch and number in 2006, and a severe decline since 2016. The greatest recruitment in the presented series occurred in 2004 and we can follow their mode along the years. No good recruitments were seen since then. The 2016 ALK for American plaice was not sexed. The 2017 and 2018 ALKs for American plaice are not available yet, so the 2016 ALK was used. In last years the level of all the ages is low. For Atlantic cod, it can be seen a low biomass until 2008, being higher and variable since then, reaching a historical maximum in 2014. From 2015, biomass decreased reaching in 2018 poor values at the level of the 2006 biomass. In 2007-2008 the youngest length classes were much over the rest of the length classes. With the 2006 cohort the series reaches the maximum number of its historical values at five years in 2011. There have been no good recruitments since 2009, although in 2015 and 2016 a discrete presence of individuals of age 1 can be seen

    Results for Greenland halibut, American plaice and Atlantic cod of the Spanish survey in NAFO Div. 3NO for the period 1997-2015

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    Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) indices from the bottom trawl survey that Spain carries out in Spring since 1995 in Div. 3NO of the NAFO Regulatory Area are presented. Biomass, stratified mean catches and mean number per tow for the three species are presented since 1997, year in which the survey extended the depth strata. Mean catch per town, length distribution and age distribution are presented for the last five years (2011-2015). Greenland halibut biomass and abundance estimates presented a decreasing trend since 1999, cut in year 2007 with an increase, reaching in 2009 the highest value in the series. In 2011 the biomass drops under the 2008 value, being stable since then with a slight increase in 2015. In last years it can be seen a presence of juveniles, mainly in 2004, but the greatest lengths have failed, although in 2009 there is a quite good presence of individuals of ages 6-7 and in 2010 between 5-7. In 2011-2015 the presence of all ages is poor, although in 2015 an increase in the range of the length can be seen with regards to last years. For American plaice we can see an increasing trend along the whole period, reaching a maximum of mean catch and number in 2006. The greatest recruitment in the presented series occurred in 2004 and we can follow their mode along the years. No good recruitments were seen since then, but a discrete occurrence of individuals of 12-20 cm appears in 2015. For Atlantic cod it can be seen a general decreasing in the biomass between 2002 and 2005 and an increasing since then, especially in 2006 and, higher, in 2009-2011, decreasing again in 2012-2013 but reaching the maximum in the series in 2014. In 2015 the biomass is in the level of the 2012 biomass but the mean number is almost the same as in 2014. In 2007-2008 the youngest length classes were much over the rest of the length classes. With the 2006 cohort the series reaches the maximum number of its historical values at five years in 2011. There have been no good recruitments since 2009, although in 2015 a discrete presence of individuals of age 1 can be seen. MaterialPostprint0,000

    Results for Greenland halibut, American plaice and Atlantic cod of the Spanish survey in NAFO Div. 3NO for the period 1997-2010.

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    Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) indices from the bottom trawl survey that Spain carries out in Spring since 1995 in Div. 3NO of the NAFO Regulatory Area are presented. Mean catch per town, biomass, length and age distributions for the three species are presented since 1997, year in which the survey extended the depth strata. In 2001, the R/V Vizconde de Eza replaced the C/V Playa de Menduíña in the execution of the survey. We present the transformed to the R/V Vizconde de Eza series for the period 1997-2000, and the original obtained data for the period 2002-2009. In 2001, there are data from the two vessels. Greenland halibut biomass and abundance estimates present a decreasing trend since 1999, cut in year 2007 with a slight increase and a high increase since 2008, reaching in 2009 the highest value in the series. In last years it can be seen a presence of juveniles, mainly in 2004, but the greatest lengths have failed, altough in 2009 there is a quite good presence of individuals of ages 6-7 and in 2010 between 5-7. For American plaice we can see an increasing trend along the whole period, reaching a maximum of biomass and number in 2006, following by the 2008 indices, cut in 2009 with a decrease in the indices, remains in a lower value than in the year 2003 following with a sligth increase in 2010. The greatest recruitment in the presented series occurred in 2004 and we can follow their mode along the years, reaching its maximum in 2008. For Atlantic cod we can see a general decreasing in the biomass between 2002 and 2005, and an increasing since then, especially in 2006 and, higher, in 2009 and 2010, although this values is mainly due to a few hauls with high catches. In 2007 the biomass decreased, but the level is over the value in the period 2002-2005. For this species, an increase in the recruitment can be seen in 2004 and 2005, and from 2007 the youngest length classes are much over the rest of the length classes. With the 2006 cohort the series reaches the masimum number of its historical values at four years in 2010

    Results for Greenland halibut, American plaice and Atlantic cod of the Spanish survey in NAFO Div. 3NO for the period 1997-2019

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    Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) indices from the bottom trawl survey that Spain carries out in Spring since 1995 in Div. 3NO of the NAFO Regulatory Area are presented. Biomass, stratified mean catches and mean number per tow for the three species are presented since 1997, year in which the survey extended the depth strata. Mean catch per tow, length distribution and age distribution (this last except for American plaice) are presented for the last five years (2015-2019). Greenland halibut biomass and abundance estimates presented a decreasing trend since 1999, cut in 2007- 2009 with a high increase. In 2011 the biomass drops under the 2008 value, being stable since then until 2014 with a slight increase in 2015-2019 comprising a big increase in 2017, reaching the maximum of the series. In last years it can be seen a presence of juveniles, mainly in 2004, but the greatest lengths have failed, although in 2009 there is a quite good presence of individuals of ages 6-7 and in 2010 between 5-7. In 2011-2019 the presence of all ages is poor. In 2018 the mode was at 1-2 years, and 2-3 years in 2019, suggesting a fairly strong 2017 cohort. For American plaice we can see a slightly increasing trend from 1999 to 2015, reaching a maximum of mean catch and number in 2006, and a severe decline since 2016, being the 2019 the lowest value of the entire series. The greatest recruitment in the presented series occurred in 2004 and we can follow their mode along the years. No good recruitments were seen since then. In last years the level of all the ages is low. No 2019 age indices are available at this moment. For Atlantic cod, it can be seen a low biomass until 2008, being higher and variable since then, reaching a historical maximum in 2014. From 2015, biomass decreased reaching in 2019 poor values at the level of the 2005 biomass. In 2007-2008 the youngest length classes were much over the rest of the length classes. With the 2006 cohort the series reaches the maximum number of its historical values at five years in 2011. There have been no good recruitments since 2009, although in 2015 and 2016 a discrete presence of individuals of age 1 can be seen

    Primeros Abordajes Cualitativos respecto de las Concepciones de Docentes Contables sobre Evaluación de los Aprendizajes

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    Nowadays, teachers in high education seem to be demanded not only to know how to transmit specialized knowledge, but also to develop specific pedagogical knowledge and skills to meet the new roles as facilitators, communicators, guiders and servers of the future professional development of students.Faced with this reality, in an institution of higher education with a primarily professionalist training (Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of La Plata, FCE-UNLP), it is necessary to promote teaching practices and skills to improve the quality and performance of their work. This involves encouraging discussion and reflection of our own teachers with the aim of promoting in them a shared vision of what, how and when to incorporate knowledge that is related to the teaching-learning process, beyond the specific knowledge that has trained them as economic professionals.Teaching in higher education has often been nurtured by general frameworks from teaching, pedagogy and educational psychology without taking account of the development of conceptual tools to understand the peculiarity of teaching a specific discipline.This work proposes to describe a research into the educational concepts in teaching Economics Sciences. It seeks to contribute to conceptualize a key stage to improve teaching in this particular field and in higher education in general terms: the evaluation of learning.This research is framed in an interdisciplinary project developed by members of the Pedagogical Unit and the Institute of Research and Accounting Studies, accredited and funded by the National University of La Plata2, which focuses on the evaluation, thinking that it is part of the teaching-learning process and is the feedback of the teaching and the learning.In this paper the first approaches of an essentially qualitative research are discussed. It aims to identify the assessment of learning, and the concept that teaching and learning are deeply intertwined. Its purpose is to identify the main teachers´ concepts in the accounting area.In this research the theoretical and conceptual framework is defined because researchers training, their knowledge and experiences guide the work and influence the results. Therefore they should be made explicit.One method to rescue how teachers think and in what knowledge their actions are based that not distort that information is through the narrative of their own experiences. The purpose of including this type of survey is to allow them to make the exercise of discovering the forms of action and their own beliefs underlying in their own story, as well as the discovering for themselves the achievements and accomplishments that often they carry on without recognizing them. Keep in mind that most of the teachers do not have specific pedagogical training.The conceptions of teachers regarding to evaluation, are studied through evidence that is collected by semi-structured interviews, which are then supplemented by surveys, discussion groups that promote reflection on the practices, and the analysis of specific assessment tools used by the accounting chairs.Professors and heads of teaching assistants of the accounting area were selected as key informants because within the organizational structure of the faculty, they are who share their culture, and especially those who define in each accounting chair, the form, content and timing of theoretical an practical evaluations, within the framework of regulations.Interviews allow not only gather information, but simultaneously and in dialogue with the other, joint best practices assessment by an interactive mode between the gathered information and the reflection among the various actors involved in the research. In this paper, the results of the analysis of a sample of 12 interviews with key informants are shared.In the analysis of qualitative data it is not always possible to define an overall strategy or procedure, but it starts during the fieldwork (Rodríguez Gómez, Gil Flores and García Jiménez, 1996). In this case the process was performed with a degree of systematization. It covered the following tasks defined by the aforementioned authors: data reduction, disposal and processing them in a matrix of double entry, and getting results. Thus, their common features and trends are selected in order to identify some core concepts and relevant issues conceptions of evaluation. These results certainly will provide some evidence as a basis for designing surveys.We expect that this research will promote the definition of concepts and new practices that improve the quality of evaluation in accounting subjects, especially make teachers more sensitive to this subject area, allowing them to become aware of the implicit knowledge they have and assess themselves in the practices they use, recognizing whether they are relevant or need to be revised based on that they do focus on real student learning and not just in the accreditation of knowledge taught. Thus teachers will redefine their role and practices in terms of more autonomous form, reflective, creative, etc., that will prepare students to meet and deal with the constant change and complexity and uncertainty of their professional future.--------------------------------------------------2 Evaluation in Economic Sciences: Teacher´s Concepts and Practices. A Model for Best Practices. Accredited to and funded by the National University of La Plata for the period 01.01.2014 to 31.12.2015. &nbsp; &nbsp;El contexto actual parece demandar a las instituciones educativas que los docentes no sólo sepan transmitir conocimiento especializado, sino que también desarrollen conocimientos pedagógicos y habilidades específicas que les permitan cumplir los nuevos roles de facilitadores, comunicadores, guías y servidores del futuro desarrollo profesional de los alumnos.Frente a esta realidad, y situados en una institución de educación superior con una formación fundamentalmente profesionalista (Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, FCE-UNLP), resulta necesario promover entre los docentes prácticas pedagógicas y habilidades que mejoren la calidad y desempeño de su labor. Esto implica fomentar el debate y reflexión de nuestros propios docentes con el objetivo de promover en ellos una visión compartida de qué, cómo y cuándo incorporar saberes que tienen relación con el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, más allá del conocimiento específico que los formó como profesionales de las ciencias económicas.La enseñanza en la educación superior frecuentemente se ha nutrido de marcos generales provenientes de la didáctica, la pedagogía y la psicología educacional dejando pendiente el desarrollo de herramientas conceptuales que permitan entender la particularidad de la enseñanza de una disciplina específica.Este trabajo se propone describir una investigación sobre las concepciones docentes en la enseñanza de las ciencias económicas. El mismo busca contribuir a lograr una conceptualización de una faceta clave para la mejora de la enseñanza de este campo en particular y en la educación superior, en general: la evaluación de los aprendizajes.Esta investigación está enmarcada en un proyecto interdisciplinario desarrollado por integrantes de la Unidad Pedagógica y del Instituto de Investigaciones y Estudios Contables, acreditado y financiado por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata1, que se centra en la evaluación, pensando que la misma forma parte del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y es la retroalimentación del enseñar y aprender.En el presente trabajo se comentan los primeros abordajes de una investigación cualitativa cuya finalidad es identificar los principales rasgos y concepciones de los docentes del área contable respecto de la evaluación del aprendizaje, con la concepción que el enseñar y el aprender están profundamente interrelacionados.En ella se define el marco teórico-conceptual desde el que se parte, pues la formación de los investigadores, sus conocimientos y experiencias, orientan y guían el trabajo e influyen en sus resultados. Por ello deben explicitarse. Una&nbsp; de&nbsp; las&nbsp; modalidades&nbsp; para&nbsp; rescatar&nbsp; cómo&nbsp; piensan&nbsp; los&nbsp; docentes&nbsp; y&nbsp; qué conocimientos fundamentan sus actuaciones que no distorsione esa información, es a través de la narrativa de las propias experiencias. El propósito de incluir este tipo de relevamiento es que permite además, realizar con los docentes el ejercicio de descubrir en su propio relato las formas de acción y las propias creencias que subyacen, a la vez que descubran por sí mismos los logros y las realizaciones que muchas veces llevan adelante sin reconocerlo. Hay que tener en cuenta que gran parte de los docentes no cuentan con formación pedagógica específica.Las concepciones de los docentes referidas a la evaluación, se estudian a través de evidencias, que son recolectadas a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas, las que luego se complementarán con encuestas, grupos de discusión que promuevan la reflexión sobre las prácticas, así como el análisis de instrumentos concretos de evaluación empleados por las cátedras.Se seleccionaron a profesores titulares y jefes de auxiliares docentes del área contable como informantes claves, porque dentro de la estructura organizativa de la facultad, son las personas que participan de su cultura, y sobre todo las definen en cada cátedra y dentro del marco de la reglamentación vigente, la forma, contenido y momento de las evaluaciones a nivel teórico como a nivel de ejercitación práctica.Las entrevistas permiten no sólo recoger información, sino simultáneamente y en diálogo con el otro, la construcción conjunta de mejores prácticas de evaluación, a partir de una modalidad interactiva entre la información relevada y la reflexión entre los diversos actores participantes de la investigación. En el presente trabajo se comparten los primeros resultados obtenidos del análisis de 12 entrevistas realizadas a informantes claves, sobre un total previsto de 20.En el análisis de datos cualitativos, no siempre es posible definir una estrategia o procedimiento general, pero éste se inicia durante el trabajo de campo (Rodríguez Gómez, Gil Flores &amp; García Jiménez, 1996). En este caso el proceso se realizó con cierto grado de sistematización. Abarcó las siguientes tareas definidas por los autores antes citados: reducción de datos, disposición y transformación de los mismos en una matriz de doble entrada, y obtención de resultados. Así, se seleccionan sus elementos comunes y las tendencias que presentan, con el fin de identificar algunos núcleos y cuestiones relevantes sobre concepciones de la evaluación. Se presentan estos resultados preliminares que seguramente brindarán ciertos indicios que servirán de base para el diseño de las encuestas.Pretendemos que esta investigación promueva la definición de concepciones y de nuevas prácticas que mejoren la calidad de la evaluación en las asignaturas contables, y especialmente sensibilice a los docentes del área con el tema, permitiéndoles tomar conciencia de los saberes implícitos con que cuentan y autoevaluarse en las prácticas que utilizan, reconociendo si son pertinentes o si necesitan ser revisadas en función de que las mismas hagan foco en el real aprendizaje del alumno y no sólo en la acreditación de los conocimientos enseñados. De esta manera los docentes redefinirán su rol y sus prácticas en función de formar alumnos más autónomos, reflexivos, creativos, etc., es decir alumnos preparados para resolver y enfrentar el cambio constante y la complejidad e incertidumbre de su futuro ámbito profesional. --------------------------------------------------1Evaluación en Ciencias Económicas: Prácticas y Concepciones de los Docentes. Un Modelo para las Buenas Prácticas. Acreditado ante y financiado por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata para el período 1-1-2014 al 31-12-2015

    La tecnología en la prestación de los servicios básicos municipales: estacionamiento medido y gestión de la configuración

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    Los temas vinculados con la organización del tránsito vehicular dentro del casco urbano se han convertido en una problemática que afecta la mayoría de los municipios. Especialmente, el estacionamiento en el radio céntrico no es gestionado adecuadamente, generándose serios problemas de accesibilidad a los ciudadanos. Este trabajo está vinculado al desarrollo de una aplicación para plataformas móviles que gestione un servicio de estacionamiento, ofreciendo una forma fácil y rápida de locación de la plaza de estacionamiento y su vez, un control eficiente de la recaudación y detección de los automovilistas en infracción, para liberar rápidamente la plaza. Incluye adoptar recomendaciones a partir de actividades entre el Municipio e investigadores del proyecto de investigación “Gestión de la Configuración: Evaluación de la Aplicabilidad en Pequeñas y Medianas Áreas de Informática de la Administración Pública de Entre Ríos” -Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos-, a fin de asegurar la continuidad del negocio.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    La tecnología en la prestación de los servicios básicos municipales: estacionamiento medido y gestión de la configuración

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    Los temas vinculados con la organización del tránsito vehicular dentro del casco urbano se han convertido en una problemática que afecta la mayoría de los municipios. Especialmente, el estacionamiento en el radio céntrico no es gestionado adecuadamente, generándose serios problemas de accesibilidad a los ciudadanos. Este trabajo está vinculado al desarrollo de una aplicación para plataformas móviles que gestione un servicio de estacionamiento, ofreciendo una forma fácil y rápida de locación de la plaza de estacionamiento y su vez, un control eficiente de la recaudación y detección de los automovilistas en infracción, para liberar rápidamente la plaza. Incluye adoptar recomendaciones a partir de actividades entre el Municipio e investigadores del proyecto de investigación “Gestión de la Configuración: Evaluación de la Aplicabilidad en Pequeñas y Medianas Áreas de Informática de la Administración Pública de Entre Ríos” -Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos-, a fin de asegurar la continuidad del negocio.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Understanding Parents\u27 Views toward the Newly Enacted HPV Vaccine School Entry Policy in Puerto Rico: A Qualitative Study

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    BACKGROUND: The Human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) is an essential tool for the prevention of HPV-related cancers. In Puerto Rico, the Secretary of Health established a school entry requirement of at least one dose of HPV vaccination in girls and boys aged 11 and 12 years, taking effect in August 2018. Our study aimed to examine parents\u27 and guardians\u27 views of unvaccinated children about the process of implementation of the new HPV vaccination school entry policy in Puerto Rico and identify potential barriers and facilitators related to the implementation of this requirement. METHODS: During April through November 2019, we conducted three focus groups (n = 12) and eight in-depth semi-structured interviews with parents of children aged 11 and 12 who had not yet initiated the HPV vaccine series. The interview topics addressed were: perception of vaccination, HPV vaccine and it is inclusion as new school entry requirement practice, procedure of the sources of information, influencers, and willingness to change. The interviews were recorded and transcribed by our staff members. We identified emergent themes through thematic analysis. RESULTS: The participants\u27 perspective on the HPV vaccine school requirement was mixed. Lack of information of the HPV vaccines and lack of communication about the school-entry requirement were the themes most mentioned in the interviews. Moreover, previous negative experiences from friends or family members and adverse effects deterred some participants from vaccinating their kids. We discussed barriers in the process of soliciting an exemption. CONCLUSION: Most barriers mentioned by study participants are modifiable. Information about the HPV vaccine mandate\u27s implementation and educational materials regarding HPV vaccine safety need to be provided to address parents\u27 concerns related to the vaccine\u27s side effects. Schools (teachers, principal directors, and administrative staff), the government, and parent organizations need to be part of these efforts. This multilevel approach will help to improve disseminating information about HPV vaccination to clarify doubts and misinformation among parents